Kindergarten is one of the most important places in which the child is. It is in the garden that the foundations of socialization, artistic, psychological and physical development of children are laid. Unfortunately for the parents, it is in this educational institution that the baby spends most of his time and what skills he receives in it will largely depend on his future fate. Let's find out how not to make a mistake when choosing a kindergarten and learn about the best kindergartens in Novosibirsk.
All gardens can be divided into 2 large groups - municipal and private.
Regardless of whether it is a private or municipal garden, when choosing it, you should pay attention to the following points.
Taking into account the above points, we will rank the best kindergartens in Novosibirsk, dividing them into 3 groups according to the direction of work: correctional, Waldorf and general education.
These are preschool institutions in which there are children with health problems. Together with educators in this kind of kindergartens, there are doctors who draw up a treatment program, and educators strictly monitor its implementation by children. The main directions of correctional institutions can be distinguished:
It is worth noting that correctional kindergartens can be either separate, only for children with problems, or have general educational groups and correctional ones on the basis of one institution.
Let's make a rating of the best correctional gardens in Novosibirsk for various problems in 2025.
Address: st. Uritskogo, 7, contact phone ☎ 8-383-223-36-56, work schedule: Monday-Friday from 07.00 to 19.00.
One of the oldest preschool educational institutions in Novosibirsk, it consists of 4 groups of 20 children, two of which are for general development, and the other two are for children with severe speech disorders.
Address: st. Shakespeare, d. 10 A, contact phone ☎ 8-383-278-19-44, working hours: weekdays from 07.00 to 19.00.
The institution has 3 groups of general development (junior, middle, senior), as well as a specialized group for children with tuberculosis.
Address: st. Boris Bogatkov, 194, building 9 07.00 to 19.00.
This institution combines both general education groups and groups for children with hearing, speech and mental retardation (it is possible to be in these groups from Monday to Friday around the clock).
Address: st. Pechatnikov, 9 A, phone ☎ 8 (383) 326-00-86, working hours: Monday-Friday from 07.00 to 19.00.
A feature of Polyanka is the fact that in addition to general education groups, it has a group for children with visual impairments. Educators carry out eye exercises with children during the day, monitor the fulfillment of all the requirements of doctors (for example, when correcting strabismus, they make sure that children do not take off special glasses).
In addition, the garden has a salt cave, an oxygen cocktail, inhalers and other devices for improving children's health. Much attention is also paid to the aesthetic development of children. It has art and theater studios, a puppet theater and a sports dance section.
Let's create a pivot table.
Rating | Name | Peculiarities |
1 | "Development Center - nursery school No. 487 "Polyanka" | there is a special group for children with visual impairments, a large selection of devices for the improvement of children, as well as developing programs |
2 | Development Center - Kindergarten No. 501 "Bear" | groups for children with hearing, speech and mental retardation (it is possible to be in these groups from Monday to Friday around the clock). |
3 | Kindergarten No. 123 | specialized group for children with tuberculosis disease |
4 | Kindergarten №1 "Chamomile" | in addition to general education groups, there are groups for children with severe speech disorders |
Waldorf Kindergarten is truly a heavenly place for any child. Warm, welcoming atmosphere, individual approach.
Pupils of such an institution live in a special rhythm: they have their own traditions, holidays, which, according to the theorists of this system, maintain harmony with nature in the soul of children. Much attention is paid to the physical and harmonious development of babies, they interact only with toys made from natural materials (stone, wood). From an early age, during the game, children are taught to interact with food (for example, they bake cookies together with educators), and they receive information about the world order through fairy tales told by the teacher.
The Waldorf system also has several disadvantages:
Firstly, education here is conducted very gently and without "violence", children receive knowledge only when they are ready for it. That's just because of this approach, some children are not ready for school. Just as they are not ready for the fact that no one will adapt to their desires, in connection with which school adaptation can be more difficult than after a kindergarten with a standard education system. At the same time, it should be noted that the price for visiting this institution will be much higher than usual (on average, about 15,000 - 20,000 rubles per month).
Let's make a rating of the 3 best gardens in Novosibirsk in 2025, working according to the Waldorf system.
Address: st. Bogdana Khmelnitsky, 31/1, contact phone ☎ 8 (383) 271-23-60, working hours: Monday-Friday from 07.30 to 20.00.
This is a full time private garden. It is a separate, fenced building, on the territory of which there is a large playground. Educators offer children a whole range of educational programs: children's theater studio, choreography, music, English, painting.If necessary, a speech therapist and a teacher-psychologist will work with children.
Address: st. B. Bogatkova, 67, working hours: from 07.30 to 19.30.
A private garden where everyone will have their own individual approach. Educators guarantee parents that their children will receive a comprehensive harmonious development.
Address: st. Family Shamshin, 4, contact phone ☎ 8 (838) 310-03-61.
A feature of this educational institution is the combination of a kindergarten and an elementary school.
Parents are offered the following services:
This is an institution in which the personality of the child, his inclinations and personality type come to the fore.
Let's create a pivot table.
Rating | Name | Peculiarities |
1 | "Waldorf private pedagogy of the city of Novosibirsk - family school and kindergarten" | combination of kindergarten and elementary school |
2 | "Living Way" | healthy food, the diet of which is compiled by nutritionists so that the baby receives the necessary norm of nutrients (it is possible to create an individual menu, for example, vegetarian, gluten-free, etc.) |
3 | "Stanislava" | a large selection of developing programs, an individual approach to each |
These are institutions in which children who do not need special care study. They differ only in the number of children, the quality of education they receive and the number of developmental programs.
Consider the 3 best preschool educational institutions in Novosibirsk in 2025.
Address: st. Alexandra Nevsky, 22/1, contact phone ☎ 271-25-85
A feature of this institution is that, in addition to basic knowledge and skills, children are taught patriotism and faith in God. The history of religion, the basic divine principles and commandments are explained to children in an accessible form. Before church holidays, children are taken to church for communion.
Address: st. Russian, d. 16, contact phone ☎ 8 (383) -306-64-93, working hours: from 07.00 to 19.00 from Monday to Friday.
The peculiarities of this institution are the presence of a nursery group, as well as its specialization in the physical development of children. There is a private swimming pool, an instructor is a professional trainer, in winter children learn skiing and skating. It is worth noting that this institution is a winner and participant in the competition for the best method of education and there is practically no staff turnover.
Address: st. A. Lezhena, d.7/2, phones: ☎ 267-32-74, 267-88-77.
This institution is a unique municipal educational institution for Novosibirsk, which includes both a kindergarten and an elementary school.
The gymnasium is specific for its intimacy and cordial attitude towards children. It implements a large number of developmental programs, while the quality of education in them is at a very high level. This includes a visual arts studio, a theater studio, a section of author's children's songs, ballroom dancing, orienteering, and English. Respectful attitude to each pupil, support in the development of precisely his unique qualities.
Let's create a pivot table.
Rating | Name | Peculiarities |
1 | "Progymnasium "Kingfisher" | combination of kindergarten and elementary school in one place |
2 | Kindergarten №258 "Dolphin" | the peculiarities of this institution are the presence of a nursery group, as well as its specialization in the physical development of children |
3 | D / s PEI "Orthodox gymnasium in the name of the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Cyril and Methodius" | The peculiarity of this institution is that in addition to basic knowledge and skills, children are taught patriotism and faith in God. |
Novosibirsk is distinguished by a large selection of high-quality kindergartens, where children can get a good educational base, physical and artistic development.