
  1. Aircraft building district
  2. Kirovsky district
  3. Moskovsky district
  4. Novo-Savinovsky district
  5. Privolzhsky district
  6. Sovietsky district
  7. Vakhitovsky district
  8. Waldorf Kindergartens of Kazan

Rating of the best kindergartens in Kazan in 2025

Rating of the best kindergartens in Kazan in 2025

Kazan is a city with a population of over 1.2 million people. The city is characterized by a tendency towards the rejuvenation of the population, an increase in the birth rate. With the increase in the number of children in the population, the demand for preschool institutions is growing, of which there are more than 160 in Kazan.

It is difficult to evaluate kindergartens from any one side. The modern material and technical base does not guarantee a high level of educational process in the absence of high-quality teaching staff. And, on the contrary, even a specialist of the highest category will not be able to do anything without the necessary equipment and inventory. Often, the same kindergarten can have opposite reviews, which is associated with different perceptions of the educational process by parents, with a biased assessment of educators. Considering all this, we have identified the best kindergartens in each district of Kazan.

Aircraft building district

MADOU "Kindergarten No. 404"

Address: st. Simonova, 37a

Phone: ☎ +7 843 571-74-84

Opening hours: weekdays: 6:30-18:30; Sat, Sun - day off.

The material and technical base of the kindergarten allows organizing work with 12 age groups. Of these, 2 are speech therapy, 1 - with instruction in the Tatar language, 9 - with instruction in Russian. Currently, more than 300 children study here.

In addition to educational and educational work, speech development is corrected here under the guidance of a speech therapist. Also, teachers strive to develop the musical abilities of children: musical ear, sense of rhythm, singing skills, etc. Concerts are organized with the participation of pupils. Particular attention is paid to the physical development of children. For this purpose, the kindergarten is equipped with a sports hall and a sports ground. There is a swimming pool.

  • a supervision group is organized from 6:30 to 7:30 and from 18:00 to 18:30;
  • the presence of a swimming pool;
  • the opportunity to study in the Tatar language;
  • educational process open to parents.
  • not found.

MADOU "Kindergarten No. 296"

Address: st. Central Mariupol, 92

Phone: ☎ +7 843 571-62-08

Opening hours: weekdays: 6:30-18:30; Sat, Sun - day off.

The kindergarten of the combined type accepts children from 1.5 years old. In total, the educational process is organized for 6 groups, one of which is for children from 1.5 to 3 years old. Specialists in the process of educational work strive for the comprehensive development of the personality of pupils. Educational and educational processes are conducted in Russian and Tatar languages. A speech therapist works with children who have an underdevelopment of the phonetic structure of speech.

The kindergarten is equipped with a joint sports and music hall. Physical education classes are held in it for the purpose of physical development of children. Under the guidance of the music director, not only music lessons are held, but also concerts with the participation of children from this garden.

  • convenient working hours;
  • accept children from 1.5 years old;
  • education in two languages.
  • few groups.

Kirovsky district

MADOU "Kindergarten No. 313"

Address: st. Lushnikova, 11a

Phone: ☎ +7 843 562-61-86

Opening hours: weekdays: 6:30-18:30; Sat, Sun - day off.

Kindergarten of a combined type for 8 groups: 2 junior, 2 middle, 1 senior, 2 speech therapy and 1 mixed age. Education is conducted in the Tatar and Russian languages. The main areas of work with children: cognitive-speech and correctional. Two teachers-speech therapists work with children with speech disorders, thereby contributing to the full mental and physical development of children.

The kindergarten is equipped with a sports and music hall, offices of a speech therapist, psychologist, Tatar language and fine arts.In addition, a museum, a theatrical studio, and an ecological living room are available for children. Each group is provided with a walking area. There is a platform for familiarization with traffic rules.

  • often there are events with the participation of children and guest artists;
  • strong speech therapist;
  • attentive and responsive teachers;
  • well-groomed territory with flower beds and trees.
  • not found.

MADOU "Kindergarten No. 228"

Address: st. Minusinskaya, 1a; st. Privokzalnaya, 44

Phone: ☎ +7 843 526-87-50

Opening hours: weekdays: 6:30-18:30; Sat, Sun - day off.

13 groups are organized here, of which one group is from 2 to 3 years old, 2 are speech therapy. Each group is equipped with sleeping rooms, changing rooms, toilets.

The process of raising and educating children is based on the close interaction of teachers, children and their parents. All conditions for the comprehensive development of children have been created. The material and technical base includes the necessary sports and game equipment, musical instruments, interactive teaching aids. Separately allocated offices of specialists of a speech therapist, teacher of the Tatar language. There is also an office for developing games and additional services (circles).

  • close interaction with parents, involving them in the educational process;
  • availability of remedial classes for children with OHP;
  • conducting remedial trainings for children with communication difficulties;
  • identification of gifted children during additional classes and their further development.
  • not identified.

Moskovsky district

MADOU "Kindergarten No. 314"

Address: st. Sh. Usmanova, 27a

Phone: ☎ +7 843 555-12-52

Opening hours: weekdays: 6:30-18:30; Sat, Sun - day off.

The kindergarten is designed for 10 age groups: 3 junior, 3 middle, 2 senior speech therapy and 2 preparatory speech therapy.The material and technical base is sufficient for conducting classes at the proper level. Separately equipped gym and music room with the necessary equipment. There is also an office for fine arts, traffic rules, the Tatar language, a psychologist, a speech therapist. Psychologists and speech therapists carry out the necessary correctional work with children.

The main areas of work: correctional (speech therapy groups are identified) and maintenance of physical health. Despite the identified two main areas, work with children is carried out in a complex manner, affecting the intellectual, creative and aesthetic development of pupils.

  • the kindergarten closely cooperates with the music school, the gymnasium, which conduct joint activities, preparatory classes;
  • active pedagogical education of parents in the form of individual consultations or collective conversations;
  • high level of preparation of children for school;
  • attentive teachers.
  • not found.

MADOU "Kindergarten No. 295"

Address: st. Furmanova, 50a

Phone: ☎ +7 843 564-43-78

Opening hours: weekdays: 6:30-18:30; Sat, Sun - day off.

There are 6 groups functioning here, of which 1 is from the age of 2, 1 is with the Tatar language of education, 1 is speech therapy. The main focus of the kindergarten is the development of each individual pupil, taking into account his personal characteristics, the priority is also to maintain the physical health of children. In addition, correctional work is being carried out with children with speech disorders in a specially equipped speech therapy room.

The material and technical equipment meets all requirements. It is equipped with a sports and music hall with the necessary equipment, a separate room for studying the Tatar language, a speech therapist's office.

  • a separate group with the Tatar language of instruction;
  • interesting and diverse creative work with children is organized;
  • interesting and bright morning performances and events;
  • preparation for school at a high level;
  • qualified and professional teachers.
  • not found.

Novo-Savinovsky district

MADOU "Kindergarten No. 170"

Address: st. Adoratsky, 35

Phone: ☎ +7 843 521-76-79

Opening hours: weekdays: 7:30-18:00; Sat, Sun - day off.

Currently, the kindergarten accommodates 13 age groups: 3 younger, 4 middle, 2 older (1 speech therapy) and 4 preparatory to school (one of them speech therapy). Children are accepted from 3 years old. Upbringing and education is conducted in two languages: Russian and Tatar.

The main areas of work are the physical development of each pupil, as well as correctional work with children with disabilities in mental and physical development.

  • the garden has a large fenced area for walks and outdoor games;
  • new modern building;
  • entrance to the garden with a magnetic chip;
  • well-coordinated work of the entire kindergarten team;
  • good preparation for school.
  • no supervision group.

MADOU "Kindergarten No. 388"

Address: st. Marshal Chuikov, 33a

Phone: ☎ +7 843 522-18-86

Opening hours: weekdays: 7:30-18:00; Sat, Sun - day off.

Work is organized in the kindergarten with 13 age groups, of which 4 are junior (one Tatar), 3 are middle (one is Tatar), 3 are senior (she is Tatar and one is speech therapy), 3 is preparatory (one is speech therapy and one is speech therapy Tatar).

Particular attention is paid to corrective work with children with impaired speech development.2 speech therapists work with them according to the approved program. The second area of ​​work of the kindergarten is the artistic development of children, instilling in them aesthetic tastes and concepts.

  • much attention is paid to preparing for matinees, in which each pupil participates;
  • polite and balanced teachers.
  • the building needs renovation.

Privolzhsky district

MADOU "Center for Child Development - Kindergarten No. 396"

Address: st. Dubravnaya, 15

Phone: ☎ +7 843 268-34-15

Opening hours: weekdays: 6:30-18:30; Sat, Sun - day off.

There are 13 groups in the CRR: 2 junior, 4 middle (one with the Tatar language of the educational process), 3 senior (2 speech therapy), 4 preparatory (2 speech therapy).

The kindergarten, at the heart of its work with children, uses an individual approach to each individual child. It is worth noting the involvement of parents in the educational and educational process. The teachers of the institution strive to develop children's cognitive interest, creativity and aesthetic perception of the world around them. Do not bypass the physical development of pupils. Intensive work is underway to correct deviations in the development of speech in children.

  • a large number of various additional activities;
  • homely cozy atmosphere;
  • attentive attitude of the methodologist and psychologist during the period of adaptation.
  • not found.

MADOU "Kindergarten No. 194"

Address: st. Garifyanova, 30

Phone: ☎ +7 843 229-73-93

Opening hours: weekdays: 6:30-18:30; Sat, Sun - day off.

The kindergarten of the combined type carries out the educational process in 12 groups, 3 groups for each age period.Of these, 2 groups are in the Tatar language of instruction and 2 are speech therapy.

Kindergarten teachers aim at the all-round development of children. Particular attention is paid to the socialization of children among peers, preparation for school.

A good material and technical base of the garden contributes to the most effective passage of educational and educational processes. The garden is equipped with a music and sports hall, rooms for the Tatar language, speech therapists, and a psychologist. There is a swimming pool.

  • the presence of a swimming pool;
  • well-coordinated friendly team;
  • a large number of circles of various directions;
  • strong preparation for school.
  • not found.

Sovietsky district

MADOU "Kindergarten No. 261"

Address: st. Academician Sakharova, 31a

Phone: ☎ +7 843 275-30-90

Opening hours: weekdays: 6:30-18:30; Sat, Sun - day off.

There are 14 age groups in the kindergarten: 4 junior, 3 middle, 3 senior, 1 senior speech therapy, 1 preparatory school with a speech therapy bias, 2 preparatory to school. Currently, more than 350 children are being brought up in the kindergarten, which is almost 100 children more than the design capacity of the kindergarten.

A good material and technical base allows for a high level of educational work. The kindergarten has a sports and music hall, separate offices for a psychologist, speech therapist, and the Tatar language. All groups are provided with separate walking areas, which allows taking children for a walk at the same time.

Educators are fully provided with interactive teaching aids (laptops, interactive whiteboards, etc.), which make the educational and educational process more interesting and modern.

  • an additional supervision group was organized from 6:30 and from 17:30;
  • beautiful and well-groomed adjacent territory;
  • full staffing with qualified teaching staff;
  • a large selection of additional circles of interest;
  • high level of logistics.
  • not found.

MADOU "Kindergarten No. 402"

Address: st. Y. Fuchik, 139

Phone: ☎ +7 843 262-11-18

Opening hours: weekdays: 6:30-18:30; Sat, Sun - day off.

The kindergarten is equipped with a music hall, which hosts not only music lessons, but also concerts with the participation of pupils, a sports hall equipped with all necessary equipment. In addition, the psychologist's office and the Tatar language office are fully functioning.

  • about 30 additional educational services;
  • education in the Tatar language is possible;
  • supervision group from 6:30.
  • no speech therapist
  • incomplete information on the site.

MADOU "Kindergarten No. 153"

Address: pos. Nagorny, st. Vysokogorskaya, 9a

Phone: ☎ +7 843 230-05-71

Opening hours: weekdays: 6:30-18:30; Sat, Sun - day off.

Small but cozy kindergarten for 6 groups. Located far from the road and surrounded by a park, which creates a quiet and peaceful environment. Teachers find an approach to every kid, even the most capricious. There is a nursery group in which children from 1.5 years old are accepted. Nursery teachers do not only do their job in relation to children. They try to pay attention to each kid so that he does not miss home and feels loved and protected.

  • homely cozy atmosphere;
  • attentive educator;
  • many developing activities (sculpting, drawing, etc.);
  • individual approach to each student.
  • few groups;
  • outdated material and technical base.

MADOU "Kindergarten No. 211"

Address: st. Topolevaya, 1a

Phone: ☎ +7 843 234-19-73

Opening hours: weekdays: 7:00-17:30; Sat, Sun - day off.

The kindergarten accepts children from 3 years old. There are 6 groups. The main directions in working with children are artistic and aesthetic and social and personal. Young teachers, guided by new methods, approach the upbringing of children, taking into account their individual characteristics. Conditions are created for the emotional well-being of children, the preservation of their mental and physical health. Particular attention is paid to the development of children's creative abilities, their speech development. The upbringing and educational process is conducted both in Russian and in Tatar.

  • the use of new methods of education that help to educate the baby as an independent person;
  • Lots of educational toys and books.
  • no speech therapist
  • small garden space.

Vakhitovsky district

In this area, according to the reviews of parents whose children attend the gardens of this area, gardens No. 136 and No. 190 received the highest rating. Unfortunately, only contact information was available.

MADOU "Kindergarten No. 136"

Address: st. Volkova, 69

Phone: ☎ +7 843 236-40-22

Opening hours: weekdays: 7:30-18:00; Sat, Sun - day off.

MADOU "Kindergarten No. 190"

Address: st. Portovaya, 13

Phone: ☎ +7 843 231-06-70

Opening hours: weekdays: 7:30-18:00; Sat, Sun - day off.

Waldorf Kindergartens of Kazan

Speaking of preschools, Waldorf kindergartens are definitely worth mentioning. Waldorf pedagogy is an alternative to the established traditional upbringing and education.Its main essence can be expressed in the following theses:

  • in the first place - spiritual development;
  • surrounding pupils with sincere love;
  • upbringing on the principle of a large family - the younger ones, following the example of the elders, learn any work;
  • the use of natural materials in both furniture and toys;
  • the rhythm of the educational process - the educational and educational process is built in accordance with the rhythmic cycles of day and night, seasons, etc.;
  • absolute equality of children regardless of social, religious, material and other differences;
  • lack of marks;
  • close cooperation between kindergarten and parents.

The following institutions are currently working in Kazan in this direction:

  • MADOU "Kindergarten No. 397" on the street. Gavrilova, 54a - 3 groups;
  • MADOU "Kindergarten No. 165" on the street. Collective, 25a - 3 groups;
  • MADOU "Kindergarten No. 356" on the street. Engels, 59a - 1 group;
  • child development center "Fairytale Childhood" (private) on the street. Commissioner Gabishev, 10;
  • kindergarten "Klubochek" (private) on the street. Saliha Batyeva, 5;
  • family club "Joyful parenthood" (private) on the street. Dezhnev, 1.

The Waldorf education system, despite the fact that its foundations were laid about 100 years ago, is in demand even now, and has many advantages.

  • sincere good-natured atmosphere;
  • small mixed age groups;
  • development of creative thinking and abilities of children;
  • children in a relaxed atmosphere are accustomed to household chores (cleaning, washing dishes, etc.);
  • children spend a lot of time actively outdoors;
  • a large number of holidays for which children prepare together with their parents.

Despite the large number of positive aspects, the Waldorf system has a number of disadvantages.

  • early learning in writing, reading, mathematics is not welcome, which may affect further schooling;
  • the absence of prohibitions, which can adversely affect the further adaptation of the child in society after kindergarten, and also make him uncontrollable;
  • a limited list of works of literature with which pupils are introduced;
  • not suitable for all children and parents.

When choosing a kindergarten for your child, do not hesitate to clarify the teaching experience of the teachers, be interested in the logistics, the composition of the food and its multiplicity. Specify in advance the possibility of attending additional classes and circles. If possible, talk to parents whose children are already attending the facility. After all, the more responsibly you approach the choice, the more comfortable it will be for your baby in the future.

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