
  1. Types of coloring pages
  2. How to choose the right coloring
  3. The best coloring pages by age

Rating of the best children's coloring for 2025

Rating of the best children's coloring for 2025

Coloring is a pastime familiar from childhood, to which all parents involve their kids. But even behind such a seemingly simple activity, there is a huge amount of benefit: fine motor skills of the hands, attention, memory, creativity develop, perseverance and work for the result are developed.

Types of coloring pages

In a huge variety of coloring pages for children, several main groups can be distinguished. The most common of them:

  • finger;

Designed for the little ones. The bottom line is that, dipping his fingers in the paint, the kid paints the necessary details.

  • water (magic);

All you need to color them is a brush and water. The color appears when you draw over the drawing with a wet brush. Also designed for the little ones.

  • floor;

Most often they are made of polyethylene or plastic and are reusable. Color them with felt-tip pens, markers or crayons. Suitable depending on the complexity of the image for children aged 3 years and older.

  • contour;

Familiar to all books in which you need to paint over a drawing presented in the form of contours. The older the child, the more complex the image should be. They may be accompanied by the text of a fairy tale or rhymes describing the characters depicted.

  • developing;

An extensive group that combines many species. The common feature in them is the presence of a developing and learning moment: the development of memory, attentiveness, work with numbers, etc. These include coloring pages:

  1. according to the sample, in which you need to repeat the color scheme exactly;
  2. by numbers - in them, each fragment is signed with a certain number, which corresponds to the desired color;
  3. by dots - in them, before coloring, you need to circle the outline of the drawing by dots.

In addition to the above, there are also coloring pages with stickers, puzzles, mazes, riddles, etc. Trainers are close in their goals to developing ones. They contain elements of mathematics, grammar and other school subjects.

How to choose the right coloring

Coloring is not only a pleasant and interesting pastime, but at the same time a developing and educational process. That is why, choosing such leisure for your baby, you should not thoughtlessly buy the first magazine with a bright cover that comes across. When purchasing it, you need to take into account its age-appropriateness: the older the child, the more difficult the drawing will be.

  • 1-3 years

At this age, the baby only learns to hold a pencil (or brush). His movements are inaccurate. With this in mind, the drawing should be large with a minimum number of details. The image should be familiar to the young artist, he should know what color the given object (animal, plant, etc.) is.

Another important detail is the outline. The thicker it is (0.5-1 cm), the more likely it is that even a one and a half year old baby will be able to more or less accurately color the drawing. In addition, the contour should be smooth, without corners and sharp turns. It will be a plus if the edging is the same color as the part to be painted should be. This will help the kid in choosing a pencil of the right color. Also at this age, water and finger are suitable.

  • 3-5 years

During this period of childhood, almost all children already hold a pencil quite firmly and know how to paint over the necessary areas. Therefore, drawings for coloring should become more complex: more details, including small ones, a thinner outline (up to 0.5 cm), more colors that should be used.

Complex shapes and angles should not be avoided - children at this age will quite cope with painting over polygons and curlicues. At the same time, the depicted object should also be familiar to the baby. It can be cars, houses, plants, animals, but, of course, in a simplified image. You can buy coloring pages dedicated to the heroes of your favorite cartoons and fairy tales.A great addition would be the ability to finish the individual parts or complement the image with your own details. In addition to contour books, you can begin to offer your child educational and educational coloring books.

  • 5 years and older

At this age, children with the same skill manage with pencils, paints, felt-tip pens, crayons. Even the most complex drawing with many small details is not difficult. At this time, children are interested in coloring with unfamiliar objects that they can color according to their color preferences. More and more interest is shown in any specific topics: boys are more interested in cars, robots, girls - princesses or flowers. At primary school age and older, you can buy all the types of coloring described above. The main thing is that they arouse interest.

So, when buying a coloring book for your baby, consider 4 main points:

  • age and level of ability to use a pencil (paints, etc.);
  • the interests of the child;
  • the quality of the paper (it should be white and thick so that it does not pierce with a pencil when pressed);
  • the presence of training and development components.

Having figured out how to choose the right book for coloring your little one, we will consider the best ones for different age groups.

The best coloring pages by age

1 to 3 years

"Karapuz" series "One color"

The “One Color” series includes coloring books in which kids are offered to work with yellow, light green, red, blue, pink, orange and other colors. The essence of the idea is that in each individual book, the little one draws with only one color. This option is perfect for the smallest, because. it is still difficult for them to work with several colors, and the coloring process itself is of interest.All drawings are familiar objects, among them fruits, vegetables, animals, flowers. Images are large with a thick outline of the corresponding color. In addition, 2 drawing options are presented: coloring a contour object and painting over, which is also interesting for kids who are just starting to get acquainted with paints.

Book size: 20x20 cm, number of pages 10.

The cost of 1 book: from 50 rubles.

coloring page "Karapuz" series "One color
  • ideal for starting drawing and getting to know colors;
  • thick white paper;
  • understandable and familiar to kids images;
  • 2 options for work: coloring and painting.
  • disposable.

"Dragonfly" water coloring

"Dragonfly" offers a large selection of water coloring for the little ones. They are rectangular sheets of plastic, on which a colored background with white areas is applied, which needs to be painted, or rather, brushed over them with a wet brush. After contact with water, white spots come to life, and color begins to appear, from which every little one will be delighted. Water colorings are reusable - just wait 5 minutes for the drawing to dry and you can start coloring again.

Sheet size: 20.5x15 cm.

The cost of 1 sheet: from 120 rubles.

"Dragonfly" water coloring
  • reusable;
  • nothing gets dirty, because paints and other coloring materials are not used;
  • kids are delighted with the process of manifestation of colors;
  • a large selection of subjects (cars, fruits, fairy tale characters, etc.);
  • suitable for children from 1 year;
  • can be trusted for self coloring.
  • the brush that comes with the kit is hard and scratches the developing surface;
  • scratches easily.

"Mosaic-Synthesis" finger coloring series "Kids"

A series of "Kids" is a finger coloring based on the cartoon of the same name. Suitable for young artists from 2 years old who are already familiar with paints, and whose movements are already more precise and restrained. The plots of the books are provided with captions, which helps parents understand what needs to be drawn.

Size: 21x21 cm, 12 pages.

Cost: from 100 rubles.

"Mosaic-Synthesis" finger coloring series "Kids"
  • unusual way of coloring;
  • very cute characters
  • each drawing is provided with a small text that indicates what needs to be done;
  • you need not only to color, but also to finish drawing individual moments on your own;
  • develops imagination.
  • only for drawing under the supervision of parents;
  • Requires paint skills.

"Umka" coloring "Poems by A. Barto"

Contour coloring based on A. Barto's poems. Each image is accompanied by a corresponding poem. The proposed drawings are heroes of poems familiar to every kid.

Size: 21x14.5 cm, 16 pages.

Cost: from 14 rubles.

"Umka" coloring "Poems by A. Barto"
  • coloring, the child will gradually memorize verses, which will develop his memory;
  • familiar figures and images.
  • small format;
  • thin paper;
  • does not quite meet the age recommendation (despite the fact that the book is recommended from 1 year old, it is more suitable for 2-3 years old, because there are many small details).

3 to 5 years

"Mosaic-synthesis" series "Name, color, paste!"

Entertaining coloring books from Mosaic-Synthesis. The series is represented by thematic coloring books: pets, fruits, vegetables, toys, vehicles, etc.Each drawing is accompanied by a simple poem about the depicted subject. In addition, in the corner of each page there is a place where the corresponding sticker is pasted, which can be taken as a sample for coloring. At the end of each book there is an interesting mini-task with stickers.

Size: 24x17 cm, 8 pages.

Cost: from 40 rubles.

"Mosaic-synthesis" series "Name, color, paste!"
  • the book has a developing and educational function: expands vocabulary, develops memory, imagination, logic;
  • images are large with clear borders;
  • game format;
  • thick paper, on which you can even draw with a felt-tip pen.
  • few pages.

Swallowtail Coloring by Pattern

Books for coloring according to samples for children from 3 years. In this coloring book, bright and clearly traced pictures-samples attract attention. Each drawing has a brief caption about the picture or a question that the kid must answer. On 48 pages, a large number of animals are depicted, including exotic ones, with which the child will be able to get acquainted in the process of coloring.

Size: 26.5x19.5 cm, 48 pages.

Cost: from 120 rubles.

Swallowtail Coloring by Pattern
  • a large number of pages;
  • thick white paper;
  • a simplified image that will be easy to color;
  • attractive and interesting sample pictures;
  • The book gives children new information, develops their memory.
  • not found.

"Wako" educational coloring "Orange Kitten"

A series of educational coloring pages with a cute and very kind main character - Orange Kitten.The series is represented by several thematic books: "Kitten on the pond", "Learning to give gifts", "Meet the forest dwellers", etc. Each book has a plot that develops on its pages and tells about the adventures of the protagonist. Each page is accompanied by a brief story about what is happening. This series not only promotes the development of fine motor skills in children, but also forms certain knowledge about the world around them.

Size: 26x20.5 cm, 16 pages.

Cost: from 45 rubles.

"Wako" educational coloring "Orange Kitten"
  • each book has its own plot, but they are all united by one hero;
  • not only drawing, but also interesting stories;
  • books help to learn about the world and learn a lot of new things;
  • there is a continuation of the series for children from 5 years old;
  • thick paper.
  • not found.

"Bumbaram" coloring pages "Numbers" and "Alphabet"

An indispensable assistant to parents in the study of numbers and letters by their children. A reusable craft mat featuring the Russian alphabet and numbers from 1 to 10. The images of letters and numbers are accompanied by interesting and cute designs. It is recommended to paint with water-based felt-tip pens, which are easily washed off with water, or with paints. At the same time, a creative rug can be used not only for coloring. You can, for example, offer to mold letters from plasticine along the contour of the drawn ones.

Size: 44.5x34.5 cm.

Cost: from 180 rubles.

"Bumbaram" coloring pages "Numbers" and "Alphabet"
  • a fascinating guide for learning the alphabet and numbers;
  • the ability to use in different ways;
  • reusability;
  • the rug will not deteriorate if food or drink is spilled on it.
  • not found.

5 to 7 years

Hatber "The Right Jobs"

Coloring book with learning direction. In it, you need not only to color the proposed contours, but first circle them along the dotted line. Thus, the motor skills of the hand develop, the skill of writing is honed. In addition, each drawing is accompanied by a task in which you need to calculate or finish something. This book will be a great addition to the school curriculum or will help you not to forget the knowledge gained in the summer. Recommended from 6 years old.

Size: 20.5x16 cm, 16 pages.

Cost: from 16 rubles.

Hatber "Correct Tasks" coloring page
  • the book will serve not only as an interesting leisure activity, but will also be an excellent addition to school classes in writing and counting;
  • diverse tasks;
  • There are books in this series for younger children.
  • not found.

EXMO coloring-simulator

EKSMO publishing house offers educational coloring-simulators for 3 age groups: 4-5 years old, 5-6 years old and 6-7 years old. Consider the example of 5 to 6 years. The book is a small collection of tasks, in which the child must apply his knowledge of numbers, logic, use memory and attentiveness. In addition, there are tasks for reading and developing creative abilities. It is noteworthy that the kid is given the opportunity to evaluate his own work by putting the appropriate emoticon next to the task.

Size: 25.5x19.7 cm, 16 pages.

Cost: from 100 rubles.

EXMO coloring-simulator
  • the coloring process involves knowledge from various fields;
  • tasks require logical thinking, attentiveness;
  • there are answers to tasks;
  • for parents there is an insert with anti-stress coloring
  • There are books for all ages.
  • not found.

"Phoenix+" coloring poster

Coloring poster from Phoenix + is represented by two themes: "World of Transport" and "Fairytale World". Both posters are painted by numbers (15 colors are used). The size of the sheet (A1 format) allows several children to color it at the same time. A large number of details, many types of transport or fairy-tale characters attract the attention of kids.


Size: 59.4x84.1 cm (A1 format).

Cost: from 50 rubles.

Phoenix+ Coloring Page
  • 2 poster options: for boys and girls;
  • captivates the child, because he wants to see the final result;
  • thick paper;
  • big size;
  • Finally, you can hang it on the wall like a poster.
  • Not all children have the patience to finish drawing to the end.

From 7 years and older

"Dragonfly" book "Non Boring Holidays"

The book "Boring Holidays" has 4 editions, which contain a huge number of different tasks: puzzles, mazes, coloring books, creative tasks, etc. Thus, this is not so much a coloring book, but a complete guide for the development of the child. The book is aimed at elementary school age. It will be interesting for both boys and girls.

Size: 29x22 cm, 64 pages.

Cost: from 135 rubles.

Dragonfly coloring book Boring Holidays
  • a large number of pages;
  • diverse tasks;
  • suitable for different ages;
  • not found.

Prof-Press "Mysterious space"

Coloring in the form of a poster, which is interesting to color not only for children, but also for adults. An exciting story about space, a lot of characters, each with their own story - all this will attract the attention of any child, whether it's a 3-year-old kid or a teenager.

Size: 100x43 cm.

Cost: from 80 rubles.

Prof-Press Mysterious Space coloring page
  • big size;
  • laminated base that is not pierced with a pencil;
  • can be painted on the carpet;
  • rolls up without damage;
  • a large number of characters and details;
  • interesting story;
  • suitable for kids of all ages.
  • not found.

As you can see, coloring is not only a fascinating, but also a very useful process in terms of development. A huge selection of creative aids will allow even the most demanding young artist to find what they need. We hope our rating will help you choose the best for your child.

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