Childhood is the most wonderful time of life, which most people remember with pleasure. Outdoor games, building sand castles, fun on all your favorite swings and carousels, downhill rides are an indispensable attribute of this happy time. Therefore, it is normal for many parents to strive to make the life of their children more interesting and richer.
The times when a lonely rusty iron slide was the only one for several blocks and served as the center of attraction for all the surrounding children are gone. Now much attention is paid to the development of infrastructure, including for children. Modern playgrounds have appeared in many parks and yards, where any kid can frolic for free.
But it is not uncommon for people to want to purchase their own site instead of using a public one. There can be many reasons for this.This is the desire to make their own territory more interesting for the baby, and the desire to protect him from insults from other children, especially if the child is naturally shy and unable to stand up for himself, and simply the intention to please the little man.

The benefits of playgrounds
Not all toys and games are equally useful, probably every parent knows about it. Therefore, from the generalized “Playground is good,” we move on to a specific analysis of how this benefit manifests itself.
- Sand games. Playing in the sandbox helps the baby develop such qualities as patience, perseverance. The use of various sand molds and accessories develops imagination, and painstaking work on the details of a sand building develops fine motor skills.It can be played alone or in the company of other children.
- Swing. Despite its simplicity, riding on a swing can bring considerable benefits. This and strengthening the work of the vestibular apparatus, so that the baby will be less motion sick in transport. This is overcoming the fear of heights. This is the strengthening of a number of muscles, including the press and arms. And not so long ago, scientists have proven the relationship between swinging on a swing and improving the blood supply to the areas of the brain responsible for reading and writing.
- Slide. In addition to the physical development that follows dozens of times climbing the hill, it also serves as an excellent simulator for the development of communication. It is extremely rare to see a situation where a child rides down a hill in splendid isolation. As a rule, a flock of children immediately gathers, they communicate, agree on who will roll after whom, etc.
- Ladders. These devices, usually made according to the Swedish wall type, can often be seen in children's play complexes. Children love to climb on them, arranging a competition who will climb faster and higher. Such ladders train strength and endurance, help to overcome the fear of heights if the ladder is large, and train the vestibular apparatus.
- Houses. These facilities provide an opportunity for a huge number of games. They are used with pleasure by closed, shy children who are not too attracted by the prospect of crowding around a slide or a swing. They can wait out the rain, in case the weather deteriorated sharply. In such an environment, children more easily trust each other, share secrets, communicate actively and with pleasure.

Materials used
When choosing a sandbox or a playground, you need to pay attention to the materials from which it is made.
- Plastic. The most popular modern material.Practical and durable, provided good original quality does not fade for a long time and remains visually attractive. It is easy to wash and disinfect if necessary. Plastic structures are small in weight, they can be disassembled and stored indoors. Among the shortcomings, one can note instability to low temperatures and the release of toxic substances when strongly heated in the sun. This is especially true for cheap plastics.
- Wood. A classic of the genre, familiar from ancient times, when sandboxes were made exclusively from wooden boards. Now you can find entire gaming cities built from painted or varnished wood. It is beautiful and environmentally friendly, but wooden structures have a number of disadvantages. First of all, it is that the tree under the influence of external weather factors can be deformed, the paintwork begins to peel off, and this can lead to splinters and injuries. In order to keep it in an attractive and safe condition for children, it is necessary to monitor it regularly, and, if necessary, process and repaint.
- Metal. It is also a very common material, which is more often used in the arrangement of playgrounds and sports grounds for older children. All sorts of crossbars, ladders and horizontal bars provide great opportunities for a variety of exercises and physical development of children and adolescents. Metal slides and swings have increased strength, are not afraid of vandals, are little damaged by natural influences, but they have a serious drawback. Metal surfaces get very hot under the sun, in the absence of a shadow on such a swing or slide, you can get burned. In cool weather, they, on the contrary, become very cold.Riding them is uncomfortable and unsafe, as it can provoke the occurrence of an inflammatory process.
- inflatable structures. One of the most economical options, but not very durable. Inflatable platforms are issued, as a rule, from PVC. They need a special pump, since it is extremely difficult to manually inflate it. Bright colors, various shapes - all this attracts kids. A trampoline is often found in the configuration of inflatable devices. The advantages include compactness and ease of storage. The disadvantages are a short service life and a high probability of damage.
When choosing a material, it is necessary first of all to pay attention to the conditions in which this device will be operated.
How to choose
When looking for a play complex, it is better to focus on the wishes of the child, but you need to give him the right to choose after the adults determine the appropriate type, taking into account all factors.
- The form. In this parameter, the diversity is impressive. Sandboxes are leading in this matter, which are round, square, rectangular, in the shape of a flower, animal or insect, can be additionally supplied with benches, toy boxes, a lid, etc. The rest of the items that make up the playground often have a more traditional look, but you can find unusual and interesting options from various manufacturers.
- Type of. Playgrounds can be both open and closed. Closed ones are well suited for outdoor placement, since the cover will protect the sand from rain or from the intervention of animals that can leave traces of their life there.Open ones are convenient in that you can start the game at any time without resorting to the help of adults in order to remove the lid.
- Ability to disassemble. This parameter must be taken into account if it is planned to install it not capitally, but temporarily. Demountable structures are easier to store, but care must be taken to ensure that all parts remain securely screwed when in use.
- Equipment. Playgrounds can be completed with additional elements that can be purchased immediately or later. These can be benches, toy boxes, awnings and awnings, covers, etc.
- Amount of children. This directly affects the size. For one child, a play space of 1.2 x 1.2 m is enough; in a larger area, he may feel lonely and lost. The more children, the larger and more varied the play area should be.
- Reviews. It will not be superfluous to study reviews about a particular model you like on the Internet. It is possible that some very important advantages will come to light, based on real experience of practical application, or, on the contrary, disadvantages not mentioned by the manufacturer.
You can also assemble it yourself by purchasing a ready-made kit or by selecting the necessary materials and tools yourself. As a rule, detailed step-by-step instructions are attached to ready-made kits, which facilitates the process. Often, the kit may contain all the necessary fasteners. Doing everything completely on your own, you can focus on any information posted in books or the Internet, as well as on your own skills and experience.

Top Producers
Children's play complexes, playgrounds and sandboxes are produced by many domestic and foreign companies. The following are among the best.
- bestway. Chinese manufacturer, in the assortment of which, along with those listed, you can find inflatable pools and mattresses, trampolines, inflatable boats and many other goods for leisure and outdoor activities.
- gamegrad. A very popular domestic manufacturer specializing in the production of sandboxes and playhouses, mainly made of wood. Provides turnkey assembly services.
- Vertical. Another domestic manufacturer whose main products are prefabricated sports and play complexes designed for children of any age and adolescents. Quality construction and reliable assembly, durability and versatility, ergonomics and safety are just some of the many advantages of this company.
- happy hop. A Chinese company specializing in the production of inflatable complexes that can be used both indoors and outdoors.
- jumpo. A Chinese manufacturer that is a direct competitor to the Happy Hop company mentioned above, since it works in a similar direction. The most widely represented inflatable trampolines of this company.
- K.H.W. A German company specializing in the production of plastic goods for outdoor activities. These are all kinds of sleds, ice skates, ski-boards. For kids, closed-type plastic sandboxes are offered.
- Tuba-Duba. A Russian manufacturer that produces educational products for children made of plastic. Specializes in the production of lightweight collapsible structures that are easy to store and can be quickly assembled.
- Polissya.The enterprise, located in Belarus, produces a wide range of plastic toys for children, including sandboxes of various types, for which materials are used that are resistant to fading and temperature effects.
- Slavushka. A domestic company offering a wide range of complexes that can be used both outdoors and indoors. Offers products for children of all ages.
- KETER SAND & WATER. A Hungarian company that manufactures plastic slides, tables and other items for development and games. It features atypical, multifunctional models that provide room for imagination when using them.
In addition to those listed, there are still a large number of enterprises that produce such complexes for children.
Rating of the best children's sandboxes and playgrounds
The list of the best includes popular models presented both in the largest online shopping stores Yandex Market, Ozon and Wildberries, as well as on the websites of some manufacturers.
Rating of the best children's sandboxes and playgrounds worth up to 10 thousand rubles
This category includes small budget complexes that can be used both outdoors and indoors.
Sandbox Rainbow
The average price is 2922 rubles.

Convenient collapsible design due to bright colors will appeal to kids. The size allows two or three children to play at the same time. Size 144 x 144 cm, height - 18.5 cm.
Sandbox Rainbow
- easy to disassemble and assemble;
- stable;
- spacious enough;
- bright and colorful.
- Not strong enough plastic.
Keter Creative Sand and Water table for playing with water and sand
The average price is 3449 rubles.

This device compares favorably with the traditional sandbox and allows you to make the most of your imagination when playing. Due to the fact that the sand is in the recesses of the table, children get dirty less. The tabletop is located on stable legs expanding towards the bottom and, if necessary, folds and closes with a lid, after which it can be used as a regular table.
Keter Creative Sand and Water table for playing with water and sand
- bright and colorful;
- convenience and stability;
- multifunctionality;
- easy to assemble;
- can be used both at home and on the street;
- compact when folded.
Sandbox Polissya Wader Ring
The average price is 3599 rubles.

Collapsible portable bright design will appeal to both children and adults. The side is made in the form of an impromptu river with water mills, into which you can pour water and thus make the games more diverse. In the central part, you can fill up not only sand, but also balls for a dry pool. Size 136 x 136 cm, side height - 22 cm.
Sandbox Polissya Wader Ring
- strong reliable design;
- perfectly develops imagination and creative inclinations;
- complete with toys
- comes with self-adhesive tape for sealing the side;
- manufacturer's warranty - 1 year.
- can only be used outdoors;
- requires installation on a perfectly leveled horizontal surface.
The average price is 7900 rb.

The classic wooden sandbox is easy to assemble and of high quality. Size - 125 x 125 cm, side height - 30 cm.
- equipped with seats
- seats are laid out in the form of a cover;
- simple assembly;
- manufacturer's warranty - 1 year.
- must be protected from high humidity.
Sandbox pool KHW Bee with lid
The average price is 8410 rubles.

Large capacity made of durable plastic, which can be used not only as a sandbox, but also as a small pool, suitable for both outdoor and indoor use. It is easy to carry from place to place, convenient to wash and disinfect, and an interesting design will not leave children indifferent. Size - 110 x 110 cm, side height - 22 cm.
Sandbox pool KHW Bee with lid
- can be transferred to any place;
- convenient to use;
- available in two colors: red and blue;
- holds up to 20 kg of sand;
- weight 4.2 kg.
Rating of the best children's sandboxes and playgrounds costing from 10 to 50 thousand rubles
This category contains complexes that are available to most buyers, which are distinguished by reliability and versatility.
Vertical Cheerful kid
The average price is 12,000 rubles.

This compact and durable design, made mainly of metal, is suitable not only for games, but also for performing sports exercises. The kit includes gymnastic rings, a horizontal bar, a ladder, a trapezoid, a climbing net, a rope ladder, a hand walker, a bungee, a swing. Occupied space - only 1.4 square meters. m. Size - 117 x 131 cm, height - 107 cm. Withstands loads up to 30 kg.
Vertical Cheerful kid
- can be placed both indoors and outdoors;
- a lot of attachments that can be hung all at once or changed from time to time;
- reliable assembly.
- incomprehensible assembly instructions;
- insufficiently high quality plastic parts.
Red Star Slavushka
The average price is 14599 rubles.

The compact wooden sandbox is equipped with benches that easily fold out and turn into a lid. The bright colors in which it is painted will not leave the kids indifferent. Size - 150 x 150 cm, side height - 40 cm.
Red Star Slavushka
- bright and colorful;
- equipped with benches.
- boards of insufficient quality;
- uneven paint.
Haenim Toy HN-709 "Little Castle"
The average price is 24699 rubles.

A miniature playground, consisting of a house, a slide and a swing, is made of strong, reliable and bright plastic. Size - 101 x 170 cm, height - 100 cm. It occupies 1.7 square meters. m. It has no sharp corners and protrusions and is as safe as possible even for very young children.
Haenim Toy HN-709 Little Castle
- bright color;
- the swing is equipped with safety belts;
- the steps have an anti-slip coating;
- simple assembly;
- ergonomic shape.
- plastic burns out on the street, so it is better to use only indoors;
- takes up quite a lot of space.
Step 2 site
The average price is 35630 rubles.

This is a compact but very thoughtfully organized space for games. The sandbox is complemented by a table and a bench, and so that the child does not burn under the sun, an umbrella serves as protection. Closes with a lid to keep the inside clean. Four people can play at the same time. Dimensions 177 x 144 cm, height (to the top of the umbrella) - 176 cm.
Step 2 site
- withstands loads up to 136 kg;
- equipped with a device for draining water, which allows it to be used as a pool;
- the materials used are weather resistant;
- equipped with a lid.
KidKraft Pirate boat
The average price is 37730 rubles.

The uncommon design will appeal not only to boys, but also to girls. An awning will protect from the sun, benches will give you the opportunity to rest, and the main play space can be covered with sand or balls for a dry pool, or used for games. Size - 200 x 113 cm, height - 151 cm.
KidKraft Pirate boat
- interesting design;
- made of high quality wood;
- Suitable for several children to play at once.
Rating of the best children's sandboxes and playgrounds worth from 50 thousand rubles
This category presents large full-fledged play complexes suitable for use by several children at the same time, which provide ample opportunities for all kinds of entertainment and development.
Happy Hop Dragon
The average price is 58,000 rubles.
The 350 x 350 x 245 cm inflatable playground includes a trampoline, a slide, a play area and a safety fence. The size of the slide is 112 x 86 cm. Suitable for three children at the same time. Bright colorful design will not leave kids indifferent, and adults will like the simplicity and ease of installation.
Happy Hop Dragon
- bright colorful design;
- withstands weight up to 136 kg;
- relatively small weight - 22 kg;
- can be used at temperatures from -10 to + 40 °C;
- equipped with a pump.
- the pump must be running at all times when the structure is used for its intended purpose.
Savushka Master 4
The average price is 69,900 rubles.

A full-fledged play set made of high quality polished wood with dimensions of 460 x 395 cm and a height of 290 cm is equipped with many useful elements. The composition includes a swing, rings, ladders, a slide, a rope, a climbing net, a house. Corresponds to GOST 52169-2012.
Savushka Master 4
- rich equipment;
- suitable for children of different ages;
- develops physical abilities, dexterity and mobility;
- high quality;
- eco-friendly materials;
- manufacturer's warranty - 1 year.
- over time, the tree may begin to dry out and deform.
Savushka Baby play 13
The average price is 76,900 rubles.

The kit includes a ladder, a slide, a sandbox, a climbing net, a basketball hoop, and a house. Made of high quality wood in strict accordance with GOST. Size 350 x 320 cm, height - 245 cm.
Savushka Baby play 13
- interesting equipment;
- eco-friendly materials;
- quality assembly;
- manufacturer's warranty - 1 year.
- high price;
- it is necessary to ensure that the paintwork does not lose its original appearance, and to restore it in a timely manner.
MoyDvor Panorama
The average price is 139,000 rubles.

This complex, made mainly of wood, is richly equipped, it includes gymnastic rings, a canopy, a sandbox, a ladder, a trapeze, a climbing wall, a rope and a swing. Size 470 x 470 cm, height 330 cm. The length of the slide is 290 cm.
MoyDvor Panorama
- eco-friendly materials;
- rich equipment;
- comfortable and reliable design.
- over time, the tree can become deformed.
Red Star R955-3
The average price is 172,699 rubles.

The complex, which includes a canopy, a wavy slide, a sandbox, a ladder, a climbing wall and a swing, will be of interest to children from 3 to 11 years old. Size: 410 x 480 cm, height: 330 cm. Occupies 19.68 square meters. m.
Red Star R955-3
- made of environmentally friendly materials;
- interesting equipment;
- weather resistant.
Where to choose
You can buy a playground or a sandbox both in a real store and in a virtual one, or directly on the manufacturer's website. With a real purchase, you can reliably assess the size and quality of the elements, check the convenience of using them. When ordering online, you can save time and money, as the price is often lower than regular retail, but you can miss the mark on size and comfort.
When ordering directly from the manufacturer, in some cases it is possible to discuss individual wishes - color, equipment, etc.
A thoughtful and competent approach to choosing a playground will allow you to give your child true joy and make his life even more interesting and happier.