
  1. Description of the action of motion sensors to turn on the light
  2. Classification of motion sensors to turn on the light
  3. How to accurately select a motion sensor to turn on the light
  4. The best motion sensors for turning on lights in 2025
Rating of the best motion sensors for turning on the light of 2025

Rating of the best motion sensors for turning on the light of 2025

As is known from open sources, the saving of electrical energy using motion sensors to turn on the light is very significant, from 30 to 60%. So, mounting devices with motion sensors into the system of lighting equipment is beneficial and expedient. Next, we will consider what sensors are, what knowledge you need to have in order to choose the most optimal and reliable, and which models are the most popular and purchased.

Description of the action of motion sensors to turn on the light

Automatic control systems for indoor and/or outdoor lighting are a concrete solution to many complex and urgent problems. For example, the lowest consumption of electrical energy, a significant reduction in the cost of electric charge of batteries of autonomous presence detectors, reducing the operating time of lighting equipment, thereby extending their service life, and many other important tasks.

The sensor equipment is directly mounted in the general lighting system, and when an object appears that moves, the motion recorder sends a signal to the lighting equipment. Turning off the light occurs after a while, in most models it is adjusted after the movement has completely stopped. Based on a wide range of equipment characteristics, it is easy to choose the right presence recorder that will meet all the requirements and desires of the buyer.

Classification of motion sensors to turn on the light

Before purchasing a motion detection device, you should understand and understand what functions it will perform. Therefore, there is a vast variety of different types and types of sensory equipment.

The very first and most important difference between motion detectors is what wave spectrum it uses:

  • Infrared.Such models of devices designed to detect movement register heat radiation from an object. The disadvantage is a false alarm for the movement of animals and hot air flows, for example, from an air conditioner. The infrared wave spectrum is absolutely safe for human health.
  • Ultrasonic. The presence detector operates in the range of 20-60 kHz. The device generates a sound wave that is reflected from the object, registered and analyzed by the device. The disadvantages of such models are the possibility of the detector not working due to the fact that the object is moving too slowly, the use of a small radius of action, and the possibility of scaring away pets with ultrasound is not excluded.
  • Microwave. The principle of operation of such a detector is to use an electromagnetic wave of high frequency, 1 GHz. The device is produced in significantly small overall dimensions, which allows it to be discreetly installed. The radius and range of operation of such devices depends on the power of the microwave transmitter and the sensitivity of the receiving module of the detector. Environmental conditions and the presence of small obstacles and partitions do not have a special effect on the operation of the motion detector. But such microwave devices are quite expensive.
  • Combined. The detectors combine infrared and ultrasonic wave spectra.

The second division of presence detectors is where the device will be installed:

  • Outside the building. The radius of operation of such equipment is in the range from 100 to 500 m. Basically, they are mounted on large areas of industrial enterprises or simply in the yard of a private, country house.
  • Inside the building. Installation is carried out in any room, room of the house, apartment and others.The use of such a registrar is carried out using a short range, the value of which depends on the area of ​​the room.

The third division of motion detection devices occurs according to the methods of installation and installation of equipment:

  • Wall or corner. From the name it is clear that such a sensor is mounted on the wall or in the corner of the walls and ceiling. Such a device is equipped with a small viewing angle, which also avoids false positives of the sensor.
  • Ceiling. Mounted on the ceiling, uses a 360 degree detection angle. It is very convenient to use such presence recorders to turn on lighting devices in rooms where there are several doors.

And the fourth division of sensor equipment - according to the method of supplying the detector with electrical energy:

  • Wired. It is a very reliable source of power supply, which ensures uninterrupted and trouble-free operation of the motion recorder. The disadvantage of this method of power supply is that it is necessary to stretch meters of wire and look for a free outlet.
  • Autonomous. The motion sensor is powered by one or more batteries, which are generally inserted into the body of the device. There are also models of motion detection equipment on the market that are powered by solar batteries. The disadvantage of such models is the constant monitoring of the consumed current, which can change its magnitude and value over time.

And these are only the main separation groups of this type of equipment, since it is very diverse.

How to accurately select a motion sensor to turn on the light

There are a number of specific criteria for selecting movement recording equipment:

  1. Place of installation.If the sensor is installed outside the room, then the degree of protection of the device's IP should be from 55, the best option is IP 65. But if there is a canopy that protects against rainfall above the equipment, then IP 44 can be used. such as a house, a summer residence, a garage and the like is possible with lower protection ratings.
  2. Impossibility of signal passage. Due to the different kinds and types of sensors, there are different possibilities for interfering with the sensor signal. For example, when operating infrared recorders, there should be no obstacles in front of them, when using acoustic ones, there should be no extraneous sounds and noises. But when using microwave and combined types of sensor-converting equipment, practically no external factors affect the signal quality. Therefore, I install them in large warehouses, in garages, emergency warning and alarm systems.
  3. Viewing angle. If the room has several doorways, then it is better to use a motion sensor with a detection angle of 360 degrees. If the room is equipped with one entrance or is a walk-through, then, for example, a detector with a 180-degree view can be used, which will be directed towards the possible appearance of a person.
  4. The power of the lighting system. The power of a motion detection device directly depends on how much power the lights consume. The power value should be slightly larger than the power value of the lighting system.
  5. Radius of action.The efficiency of the motion detection device to activate the lighting system is directly proportional to the distance of its action. Basically, the sensor response radius ranges from 6-50 m. This parameter undoubtedly depends on where it is used. If in a cramped room, then you can use a sensor with a minimum range. But in order to turn on the lighting equipment outside the building or structure, you need a larger area of ​​motion detection.
  6. Photorelay. This is an optional module that is supplied with some models of sensors. The photorelay is a light detector. The principle of operation is that if the illumination parameter is lower than the photo relay settings, then the light turns on, and if it is higher, then the light remains off. The presence of this element can significantly save electricity.
  7. Lack of ability to detect animals. A parameter of motion sensors, which also needs to be paid attention to. This function of the device allows you to avoid provoking the sensor to operate due to the movement of various animals, which will save money on light.

The above selection criteria should help you choose the best and most appropriate motion recorders for activating lighting equipment.

The best motion sensors for turning on lights in 2025

The following is a rating of the best and most popular representatives of sensor equipment.

10 - Navigator 71 967 NS-IRM05-WH

In tenth place in the ranking is the infrared detector of turning on the light by registering the presence of a person Navigator 71 967 NS-IRM05-WH. This device detects, registers and analyzes the heat flow that occurs when an object moves.The device is used with any type of lighting equipment. It has the option to adjust the light threshold to turn the lighting system on and off. It is also possible to adjust the response time of the sensor to turn off from 10 seconds to 7 minutes. The range of the detector is 12 m, which is provided by the sensor head with a viewing radius of 180 degrees. The registrar is recommended to be installed at a height of 1.8-2.5 m.

Navigator 71 967 NS-IRM05-WH
  • A large number of sensors in a box - 50 pcs.;
  • Good value for money;
  • Wide temperature range for operation - from -25 to +45 degrees.
  • Not found.

9 - Camelion LX-39/Wh

In ninth place is a wall-mounted light switch sensor when a person is detected outside the house or apartment Camelion LX-39 / Wh, an important function of which is to save electrical energy, which saves money. The device is built into the system of lighting equipment, turns on this system by registering and analyzing the movement of the heat flow. Buyers recommend using this model of a touch device in the adjacent territories, in entrances and elevators. It is possible to set a delay for turning off the lighting system from 5 seconds to 9 minutes. The 180 degree viewing angle of the sensor head allows you to detect an object at a distance of 12 m.

Camelion LX-39/WH
  • The maximum connected load with a power of 1200 W;
  • Easy to attach to any wall surface;
  • Illumination of the sensor is 2000 lux.
  • The installation height of the detector is not more than 3.5 m.

8 - REV Ritter DD-4 Control Luchs 180

In eighth place is a motion sensor for controlling the lighting system REV Ritter DD-4 Control Luchs 180.This device is very thin, which allows it to be conveniently mounted on the wall of the corridor or wall. The motion detection and registration angle is optimal, 180 degrees, which provides a sensor head action distance of 12 m. The maximum power of the connected devices should not exceed 1200 W. Degree of equipment protection against moisture and dust IP 20. The recorder is powered by a common network of 220 V, 50 Hz. The electronics is equipped with an automatic shutdown system that can be set in the time range from 10 seconds to 7 minutes.

REV Ritter DD-4 Control Luchs 180
  • It is very convenient for illumination of long corridors;
  • The package includes presence recorders in the amount of 10 pieces;
  • Modern design.
  • Not found.

7 - Bradex "Mighty Light" TD 0355

In seventh place in the list of the best sensors for turning on the light is Bradex "Mighty Light" TD 0355. It is a worthy device for providing light to a house or apartment, without using meters of wire. There is no on/off button on the device. It turns on automatically when the presence of an object is detected and turns off after 25-30 seconds if there is no movement. During daylight hours, the device is turned off, but when it gets dark, it automatically turns on. The equipment is powered by one 9 V battery type 6F22. Two LED bulbs are already inserted into the body of the lamp, which illuminate the room.

Bradex "Mighty Light" TD 0355
  • Autonomous power supply;
  • Mounted on the wall with both screws and adhesive tape;
  • Excellent energy savings.
  • Not strong enough lighting.

6 – Eglo Detect Me 1 96452

In sixth place is an Austrian sensor device equipped with a presence detection detector, Eglo Detect Me 1 96452, designed to illuminate the area outside buildings and structures. It is a lighting device with an incandescent bulb, which is supplied with the device. The device has a degree of protection against dust and moisture IP 44. It has overall dimensions: length 55 mm, height 70 mm. The weight of the sensor equipment itself is quite small, about 0.13 kg. The device is powered by the European standard 220 V. Produced and manufactured from high quality white plastic.

Eglo Detect Me 1 96452
  • Goods of European quality;
  • Easy installation on the wall of a building, structure, structure;
  • Perfectly illuminates the area at the entrance to the house.
  • Great cost.

5 - Camelion LX-451

In fifth place in the ranking is the Chinese infrared motion detector Camelion LX-451. Such a device is designed to automatically activate and deactivate the lighting system, having contacts in the form of a standard base, which can be screwed into a conventional light bulb socket. The bulb itself is inserted into the body of the night lamp, which provides lighting in a dark room. The device has the ability to program it to automatically turn off at certain intervals, from 5 seconds to 8 minutes. The installation height recommended and declared by the manufacturer is 3 m. The color of the device case is white.

Camelion LX-451
  • Good working radius indoors;
  • Long service life of the sensor in the form of a cartridge;
  • Excellent energy savings.
  • Poor quality plastic case.

4 – Navigator 61 653 NS-IRM09-WH

In fourth place is the infrared intelligent motion sensor Navigator 61 653 NS-IRM09-WH, which is used to automatically turn on and off lighting fixtures in a room or room. The sensor device is equipped with an additional function in the form of lighting control, setting the sensitivity of the sensor head to the infrared spectrum of the object's radiation, and the time delay for automatic light deactivation. Due to the fact that the device is connected and powered by a common 220 V electrical network, the motion detection device will last quite a long time.

Navigator 61 653 NS-IRM09-WH
  • Fairly easy and convenient installation and configuration of the registrar;
  • There is a possibility of hidden installation (under plaster);
  • Large operating temperature range - from -25 to +45 degrees.
  • Small range.

3 - Camelion LX-20B

In third place in terms of popularity and the number of purchases is a ceiling fixture with a Camelion LX-20B motion sensor, designed to provide light to an apartment or house. The luminaire is controlled by the presence factor and the level of natural light. The sensor built into the spotlight has a viewing angle of 360 degrees and a range of 6 m. The sensor equipment is powered by a common 220 V network. It has an automatic shutdown system for the light system, which can be configured and set different time values, from 5 seconds to 8 minutes . It has a modern design and comes in white.

Camelion LX-20B
  • Maximum load power 1200 W;
  • Installation and mounting height 2.6 m;
  • Setting the lighting fixture off time.
  • Short working distance.

2 – Navigator 71 963 NS-IRM02-WH

In second place is an infrared device with a motion detection sensor Navigator 71 963 NS-IRM02-WH, equipped with a photorelay that periodically analyzes the level of illumination in the room. Mainly used in rooms, basements and stairs. Inexpensive and small device is easily and naturally mounted on the ceiling. It is powered directly from a common 220 V network. The detector is triggered if the illumination level is less than a certain threshold, turns off if it is more than a threshold. The device is equipped with systems for setting the time for automatic switching off the light, the sensitivity of the sensor, the level of the threshold of illumination.

Navigator 71 963 NS-IRM02-WH
  • Quantity of copies in a set of 50 pieces;
  • 360 degree detection angle;
  • Ease and convenience of installation.
  • Small presence detection radius.

1 - REV Ritter "ACTION" 110

In the first place is the lighting controller for the REV Ritter "AKTION" 110 movement. This model of sensor equipment is easily mounted on a wall or ceiling, like a regular light on/off switch. Entering the entrance or on the territory of private houses, the sensor will instantly detect movement, thereby activating the lighting devices. Such a device will perfectly save electrical energy, which means your money. There is a system to automatically turn off the light in the absence of movement. So you can safely leave the house or territory without fear of leaving the light on. The detector is supplied in white color.

REV Ritter «ACTION» 110
  • Made according to German standards;
  • Very light weight;
  • Timer programming from 3 sec to 12 min.
  • Small range in the local area.

Motion detection sensors for activating lighting equipment provide a financial benefit to the owner at low purchase and installation costs. And this once again speaks of the expediency and pragmatism of choosing and acquiring such sensor equipment, which will significantly save a lot of money and volumes of electrical energy. A huge and extensive number of types and types of presence registration devices make it possible to provide light to any areas outside buildings and structures and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises of houses and apartments.

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