Ranking of the best anti-skid chains and bracelets for 2025

Ranking of the best anti-skid chains and bracelets for 2025

In the life of any car owner, there are situations when it is necessary to overcome snow drifts or severe impassability. Naturally, there will be no problems if the “iron horse” is an SUV, and it is equipped with studded tires. What should a driver do in a regular car? Any attempts to break through the snow and mud in winter will fail. Here bracelets and snow chains can come to the rescue. This is the name of special accessories for the car, thanks to which it is possible to overcome not only snow and mud, but also sand and viscous muddy soil. It is desirable that this tool is constantly in the trunk of the car owner.It is worth noting that even professionals find it difficult to say which is better: bracelets or chains? However, it is worth considering each of these devices in more detail.

Purpose, pros and cons of snow chains

In order to improve the patency of the car, drivers use anti-slip chains, also called traction control chains. The main task of this tool is to make a real SUV out of a classic car, to put it in simple words. And if you rely on technical terminology, then they play the role of universal lugs. By installing them you can get:

  • Excellent cross-country performance on a snowy track;
  • The ability to successfully overcome descents / ascents without the risk of losing control;
  • Improved vehicle handling on the ice surface;
  • Increased rowing properties when moving through mud barriers.

IMPORTANT! With the help of anti-axle chains installed on the wheels, the car will be able to drive on serious off-road. However, much will still depend on the clearance.

Significant disadvantages include:

  • Increased load on the transmission and the steering mechanism in general;
  • Losses in high-speed mode (with chains on, it is hardly possible to move faster than 40 km / h);
  • Tire wear will increase significantly;
  • There will be a strong noise effect.

Existing varieties

Between themselves, these aids may differ in the geometry of the pattern and the material of manufacture, which will affect the overall off-road properties and the very behavior of the car on the track.

production material

Chains can be made from hard or soft material. At the dawn of the automotive industry, cross-country vehicles were made only from metal - a hard material. The basis was steel and aluminum, a little later - titanium. With all that, the strength of the product will also be affected by the size and thickness of the flail links. Thus, the larger the link size, the greater the throughput coefficient.

The undoubted advantage of a rigid base is increased cross-country ability and enhanced anti-icing / anti-skid properties when driving on ice. Such a design, in simple terms, simply “rakes out” better from under the wheels. Nevertheless, the noise will be sufficient at the same time and such equipment has a strict speed limit - no more than 40 km / h. A tool with larger links will have significant weight, and besides, it is not possible to install it on all types of machines - on some, the arch simply will not allow this.Structurally rigid chains are a conventional chain with links on which transverse elements are fixed.

Soft products are characterized by the fact that non-metallic bases are used in their production:

  • Polyurethane;
  • Plastic;
  • Rubber.

In order to increase the strength of such structures, reinforcement is used. Thus, the soft base also adheres well to the surface, but tire wear occurs to a lesser extent. The speed limit for such vehicles is already higher - up to 80 km / h, and in addition, the noise effect in motion is much less audible. However, when driving on an icy surface, the performance decreases and slippage is possible.

If we talk about the practical application of hard and soft options, then the former are more suitable for country trips (more likely to meet an icy road) in the winter, and the latter will perfectly help in winter when driving in the city, where the percentage of need to overcome the dirt is clearly greater.

Drawing and its geometry

Drawing in its structure is divided into three types and may resemble:

  • "Ladder";
  • "Honeycombs";
  • "Rhombus".

The basis of the "ladder" consists of two longitudinal branches and it is placed around the entire circumference of the wheel on each side. To fix it on the chassis on the "ladder" basis, special locks are mounted. Next, the working parts are attached to the base. When such a chain is in a straightened position, it completely resembles a rope ladder, hence its name.

The "ladder" type is the most uncomplicated type of means to increase patency, so it is very inexpensive. But this device has a number of significant disadvantages:

  • In its design, the working parts are parallel to each other, which is why the contact with the track is variable, which will allow the car to “burrow” in deep snow or on loose earth;
  • Due to the peculiarity of the placement of working parts on the "ladder", it is more effective only with longitudinal driving, while the transverse driving of these lugs is ineffective;
  • Due to the contact with the surface alternately, there is an additional load on the transmission.

Most professional drivers prefer "diamond" models, considering them to be more reliable in terms of operation. Their design is quite similar to a "ladder", only longitudinal branches are used there, from which a pattern in the form of a "rhombus" is formed.

The "honeycomb" pattern is also formed by transverse branches of several "diamonds", which are periodically placed along the entire length, despite the fact that they are connected to each other by a special connection in the form of a line.

In "honeycomb" and "rhombus", in contrast to the "ladder", the working branches are in contact with the surface on a permanent basis, which means less negative impact on tires and transmission. From this it can be seen that the "honeycombs" and "rhombus" better resist lateral effects and the car will be much less diverted to the sides.

Some aspects of a wise choice

When selecting anti-axle chains, you should pay close attention to the material from which they are made, the geometry of the pattern used and the size of the tool itself. The product must fit snugly around the wheel. Therefore, before purchasing, you need to find out the width and diameter of the wheel. It is also necessary to carefully consider the links themselves. A large link will more easily cope with large dirt, but for ice or high snow, it is preferable to use small links.

Installing chains on wheels

Products are mounted on wheels in advance, before the expected arrival at the problem area. If the car is already bogged down in a snowdrift or a pile of dirt, then putting the chain on the chassis will be very difficult.

The process itself consists of six steps:

  1. In front of the driving wheels, chains are placed on the ground, longitudinally to the direction of travel, and then straightened out. Fastening parts (carbines, locks, hooks) must be directed in the direction of movement;
  2. Next, you need to run into the tool in such a way that another 20-30 centimeters of the product remain from the wheel in front;
  3. After that, the part behind it is thrown onto the wheel;
  4. With the help of a fastener, the internal longitudinal branch is fixed first, then the external one;
  5. If there is a tension mechanism, it should be used;
  6. The final step will be a short forward ride (20-30 meters) to ensure that the vehicle is properly secured to the chassis and fully expanded.

Only by completing the above simple steps, you can begin to deal with off-road. Separately, it should be noted that the “fight” should be carried out in low gear so that the wheels can normally “scoop out”. In the conditions of the city, on the chains, you can move in the nominal mode, however, it is better to make a test run first, in order to feel the behavior of the car in advance. It is preferable to carry out a test trip on different surfaces - both on snow and on ice.

IMPORTANT! It is always worth remembering that exceeding the speed limit is fraught with a loss of control and a break in the circuit itself!

Self-manufacturing of anti-skid agent

Although the modern market provides car owners with a wide range of the described products, it is not necessary to buy them without fail, they are not so difficult to manufacture at home. However, it is worth mentioning that without factory equipment, it is only possible to manufacture a rigid type of device. The easiest to assemble will be the "ladder" version, a little more difficult - "rhombus", and "honeycombs", although not difficult to manufacture, will take a lot of time.

From production materials you will need:

  • A metal chain, in which the links are connected by welding (at the same time, it is necessary to determine the dimensions of the link);
  • fasteners;
  • Tension device.

Of the tools you should definitely stock up:

  • Angle grinder with a cutting disc (the so-called "Bulgarian");
  • Welding apparatus;
  • measuring tool;
  • Vise.

The step-by-step process of the whole work is as follows:

  1. First you need to make measurements - measure both longitudinal branches along the wheel, they should be the same in length;
  2. Cut off the intended sections with the help of a grinder;
  3. Measure the transverse parts along the length and cut them in a certain amount (the more there are, the better);
  4. At the end of the transverse branches on the links at the location of the welding seam, you need to make a cut and slightly unbend it. This operation must be repeated for each prepared part;
  5. Then you need to lay longitudinal branches on the surface and, with the help of cuts in the links in the transverse ones, hook on to them. Here it is required to clearly monitor that the perpendicular arrangement of the crossbars is observed at an equal distance along the length from each other;
  6. Using a welding machine, it is necessary to weld the slots made;
  7. Hooks and carbines are fixed in a similar way - at the front ends of the longitudinal branches;
  8. If necessary, a tensioner is installed on the branch that is located on the inside;
  9. The resulting product is mounted on the wheel and tested for proper fit (if necessary, it will be possible to increase / shorten the longitudinal branches).

NOTE: during the assembly process, it is also possible to use the connection of longitudinal branches with transverse ones using bolts, however, the welding seam is considered more reliable.

Bracelets and chains - the main differences in installation

There is a popular belief that it is imperative to use a jack to mount chains. This statement is partly true if half of the wheel is already in the ground. And in a normal situation, the whole procedure will not take even five minutes, and it will not require special tools. But still, bracelets are easier to put on, so most professional drivers prefer them. However, installing 5 bracelets per wheel will take longer than installing chains.

IMPORTANT! Bracelets are not recommended to be mounted on thin disks, because their walls can gradually cut them.

The flail anti-skid agent is installed only on the drive axle, but this rule does not apply to driving in mountainous areas, then it is required to equip all four wheels in order to avoid skidding. This circumstance is especially true for front-wheel drive cars, during the exit from a steep mountain.

Bracelets and their purpose

Bracelet-type anti-skid devices are structurally an interconnected combination of several elements:

  • Self-tightening lock;
  • Belt;
  • Chain.

Unlike chains, bracelets can be installed at any time and not in advance. They can even be secured when the machine is already stuck or in difficult terrain.

Such devices will allow you to easily drive along snowy roads, avoiding slipping along the way, and also reliably provide additional safety due to tighter grip on the surface. Often, bracelets are purchased by those drivers who are preparing to drive in mountainous areas where severe frosts or heavy snowfalls are expected. The main advantage of using bracelets is that everyone can mount them on a wheel - no special knowledge and experience is needed in this matter.

Design features of bracelets

In fact, they are a universal solution, regardless of the size of the wheels to be equipped with them. It can be sizes from the 13th to the 16th and even more. Thus, both large and small tires are equally suitable for their use. Moreover, it is not necessary to understand in detail the tire markings with the right choice of bracelets.

These devices themselves relatively recently appeared on the territory of Russia, but today they are most often used in the middle and northern strip of Russia. But infrequently they are found only in the southern regions of the country, where winters are particularly moderate, and, accordingly, there is no need for them, as such.

By themselves, they consist of segments of the chain, which are fixed with a synthetic belt. Such a mount allows you to securely hold the anti-slip elements on the chassis. The bracelet is placed over the wheel, and the end of the belt is passed through the hole in the disk. On the opposite side, the belt is tightened and firmly fixed.In this way, the belt/bracelet fits snugly onto the tire and creates increased traction. Their height becomes sufficient to come into contact with a solid area, while the proper friction is formed, which gives the car the necessary push.

NOTE: Even if proper traction cannot be achieved, the bands will begin to rake the dirt/snow with their paddles until they reach a stable surface.

Specifics of use

As mentioned above, the exclusivity of the bracelet device lies in the ease of use and speed of installation. Therefore, their integration with the wheel is possible even when the machine is already in a difficult situation, and this distinguishes them from chain devices.

The main advantages of the bracelet hitch are:

  • The relevance of the application in already occurring adverse situations;
  • They can be removed / put on in a very short time and without the use of special tools - a jack;
  • No outside help is required for their installation;
  • They are compact in size, easily placed in the trunk of a car;
  • Characterized by versatility (suitable for different types and tires and cars);
  • Available at their price range;
  • They have a fairly long service life.

In turn, bracelets, as well as chain devices, are conventionally divided into hard and soft. The former include metal variations, and the latter include devices made on a polyurethane, plastic or rubber base.

Plastic samples have a fairly simple production process, however, in terms of basic technical characteristics, they can even outperform their metal counterparts. They are perfect for cars, crossovers, and SUVs.

IMPORTANT! At the same time, it is preferable to install metal samples on trucks or special equipment, due to the increased weight of the mentioned transport.

General rules for the operation of bracelets

For all bracelet samples without exception, it is still necessary to follow the general rules:

  • The speed limit on a car equipped with bracelet devices should be within 50-80 km / h;
  • Using bracelet devices, you need to minimize the time of movement on dry and paved areas of the track, such a ride will create not only an extra risk of breakage of devices, but also negatively affect the condition of the car suspension and wheel tires;
  • When using bracelets, it is necessary to monitor the smoothness of acceleration / deceleration in order to avoid hard clutch operation and unjustified jerks;
  • It is preferable to mount anti-skid bracelets on the drive axle (otherwise, mounting on a non-drive chassis does not make sense and this method can even create unnecessary difficulties in movement);
  • It is necessary to carefully and with particular care mount the described devices on cars with an increased diameter of disks. In this case, it is imperative to make sure that there is a reliable gap between the brake caliper and the bracelet retainer;
  • In most difficult situations, it makes sense to turn off the automatic braking system, as well as the course stability control system and other electronic support systems, because they are hardly designed for using cars with such canopies and, rather, will interfere more than help.


Separately, it is worth mentioning the fixing elements of the bracelets.They can be different in their constructive nature and are divided into:

  • A nylon belt is an extremely unreliable means of fixation, because there is a risk of breaking it when rubbing against a disk, this problem is especially relevant for stamped disks, which have sharp edges;
  • A chain segment is a more reliable type of fastening, in terms of mechanical strength, however, it can be dangerous for the wheels themselves - a segment can easily damage exclusive alloy wheels.

Ranking of the best anti-skid chains and bracelets for 2025

Anti-slip chains

3rd place: Promstrop Bear 76

An extremely durable option for its segment. Excellent increase in chassis grip, designed for driving in difficult conditions. Safety is clearly increased by reducing the braking distance, which improves the vehicle's handling. The variation is segmental and is divided into two groups of chains, forming the shape of a "ladder". Has a metal base.

Producing countryRF
Permissible diameter, cmR15-R19
Price, rubles7000
Promstrop "Bear 76
  • Strong metal shaft;
  • Strong clamp nuts;
  • Double group of chains.
  • Not detected.

2nd place: Ladder LT

This sample is designed for passenger cars with an incomplete drive type. It will allow you to overcome the icy ground and asphalt with frost. It is convenient to use both in autumn and winter. Particularly good for wetlands. The base is made of metal, the minimum service life is 10 years.

Producing countryRussia
Permissible diameter, cm16
Price, rubles5050
Ladder LT
  • Excellent anti-skid;
  • Excellent work on muddy terrain;
  • Variable link width;
  • Not found.

1st place: "Sorokin"

Probably the best set of anti-skid chains for cars. Production is based on alloy steel, convenient fastening does not allow skidding, in conditions of limited space. The total weight of the structure does not exceed 4 kilograms, which means a certain increase in maneuverability.

Producing countryRussia
Permissible diameter, cm16
Price, rubles6199
Sorokin snow chains
  • Excellent case for transportation;
  • The use of alloy steel;
  • Good hitch.
  • Doesn't perform well in corners.

Anti-skid bracelets

3rd place: "DorNabor"

Perfect for wheels with a radius of 16 to 18. The kit is specially designed for Western and Asian car brands: Toyota Corolla, Nissan Almera, Kia Ceed, Chevrolet Cruze, Ford Focus, Mitsubishi Lancer. The protector will work to its fullest.

Producing countryRF
Permissible diameter, cmVaries
Price, rublesDepending on order and quantity, min. 3000
Dorset anti-skid bracelet
  • Included is a special bag for storage;
  • The link varies;
  • There is a wide band.
  • It is difficult to find in retail sales in the territory of the Russian Federation.

2nd place: "PRO-4×4 Medium"

This device will give ease and convenience to the passage on the road. The design uses the PRO-Medium technology, which means the small dimensions of the bracelets and their weight, in comparison with the chains. By default, gloves are supplied in the kit for easy installation.

Producing countryRF
Permissible diameter, cmR15-R19
Price, rubles7000
PRO-4x4 Medium
  • Excellent default kit;
  • Excellent off-road performance;
  • Adequate price.
  • No.


The set is oriented specifically for large cars, minivans and minibuses. Similarly, it can be used for small passenger transport. It can easily get out of a deep rut, climb uphill, overcoming an icy area. Perfectly is suitable for fishing, hunting, travel in extreme conditions. The set itself is very compact, does not take up much space in the trunk.

Producing countryRF
Permissible diameter, cmR18-R19
Price, rublesDepending on the order and quantity, min 3000-4000
  • Compactness in size;
  • Versatility.
  • Not detected.

Instead of an epilogue

The reality is that most drivers have long preferred to make their own traction control products. However, more and more special chains and bracelets are now appearing on the market, which can greatly simplify the life of a car enthusiast. At the same time, bracelets are more comfortable.

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