
  1. Overview of Stroke Rehabilitation Centers – Selection Criteria
  2. Ranking of quality rehabilitation centers after a stroke for 2025 of the state purpose
  3. Ranking of the best rehabilitation centers after a stroke for 2025 of a private nature
  4. Conclusion

Rating of the best rehabilitation centers after a stroke in Moscow for 2025

Rating of the best rehabilitation centers after a stroke in Moscow for 2025

In recent years, the number of people who have had a stroke has increased. However, only a few can recover from it. Such patients need close care, which is not always possible to provide at home. Specialized centers help to solve the problem. There are a huge number of them in Moscow, which complicates the task when choosing an institution. In this regard, the best rehabilitation centers for 2025 in Moscow were selected in the prepared review with a brief description of the activities, their pros and cons.

Overview of Stroke Rehabilitation Centers – Selection Criteria

Unfortunately, this disease can overtake a person at any age. Whereas the chances of returning to a normal life are most among young people. As for the representatives of the "old age", the main task of the medical staff (relatives) is to ensure a comfortable stay for the patient. All people after a stroke should:

  • ensure proper room conditions;
  • massage parts of the body;
  • drug treatment;
  • special diet;
  • organize walks in the fresh air;
  • observe regular hygiene;
  • perform physical and breathing exercises.

Even if all the points of the requirement are met, the likelihood that the patient will be able to fully recover from the disease is small. Therefore, medical examination/treatment in specialized institutions is very important and useful. Hospitalization is needed, first of all, in order to undergo a full examination and identify problems that should be focused on.Medicine never stands still, it is constantly developing and improving thanks to many years of practical experience, therefore effective medications are being developed and unique devices are appearing. The main question is how much it costs to get proper help and care.

Classification of rehabilitation centers after a stroke

Rehabilitation centers can be classified in several ways. Types of rehabilitation facilities after a stroke:

  • by affiliation: private, state and international level;
  • by location: metropolitan institutions, regional, district;
  • by appointment: for the elderly, adults;
  • scale: clinic, polyclinic, center;
  • what are the medical institutions providing services: budgetary, on a paid basis.

Note! If it is not possible to independently care for an elderly patient at home, then you can send him to a special boarding house for recovery after a stroke.

Clinics/polyclinics are medical institutions with a narrow focus, in which the restoration of functions is partially provided. The rehabilitation center is a multifunctional institution that has its own laboratory, various treatment rooms, rooms for physical exercises, a hospital and psychological assistance for patients.

Useful recommendations for choosing a rehabilitation institution after a stroke

If you clearly formulate your wishes, then you can find effective institutions that will help you quickly put the patient on his feet and make life easier for his loved ones.

Tips for choosing centers:

  1. Study customer reviews: the more positive comments, the better.
  2. Clarify the profile of the center, what age category the specialists are engaged in.
  3. Location: if possible, it is better to find a center near your home or work, so that it is easier to visit the patient.

Note! Support and care of relatives (friends) plays an important role on the path to recovery of the patient.

  1. Enumeration of the given services.
  2. Type of center: procedures are paid or free of charge.

Recommendations! If the rehabilitation center is a paid destination, you should pay attention to the rating (what place it occupies among institutions like it), the availability of promotions and payment methods.

Picture - Handy walking simulator in action

What to look for when choosing a rehabilitation center after a stroke Reception is an important factor. It can be by appointment or without it (reception around the clock). The first option is good in that it provides an opportunity to mentally prepare the patient for a change of scenery, save money for treatment, however, if hospitalization is needed urgently, then there is a possibility that the patient may not be accepted. In this case, it is better to have several options in stock. How to choose a 24-hour rehabilitation center after a stroke? Main criteria: location, list of services and price segment. However, in an emergency, the emphasis is on the first point: how to get there faster.

Criteria for selecting a successful institution after a stroke

A good rehabilitation center always has a website. On it, you can study the description of activities, track practical experience in this area, view the degree of specialists and the level of quality of service. The patient and his family will always be aware of innovations. They will be able to track promotions and set discounts on services.

Note! The standards of the centers on a fee basis differ from the budget options.Therefore, the effectiveness of treatment is achieved faster in the first way.

Popular options for medical institutions of this kind among the population are those located in the green zone (their own park, in the suburbs). The combination of scientific treatment in contact with nature, as practice shows, gives the best results.

Ranking of quality rehabilitation centers after a stroke for 2025 of the state purpose

The advantage of such centers is that they provide assistance on a preferential basis. However, a complete cure may not be expected. There are many who wish, therefore the treatment is carried out at the first stages of recovery. Most of the burden falls on the shoulders of the patient's relatives. Experts give only recommendations and advice on care. Scheduled examinations, which are carried out by appointment, allow you to track the dynamics of recovery.

Note! Almost all government agencies can provide additional services for a fee. If the attending physician gives additional recommendations of this kind, then the choice to do or not to do them is yours alone.

Rehabilitation should be painless, especially after physical exertion. Although there is an opinion that if the muscles hurt, then the treatment is effective. However, this is not the case in this case.

"Center of the Ministry of Health of Russia"

Addresses: Ivankovskoe shosse, 3, Moscow

Hotline: ☎ 8 (495) 730-98-89

Working hours: 09:00-21:00, daily


Moscow Center for Restorative Medicine and Rehabilitation using European Technologies. Detects problems at an early stage. Modern equipment and methods are used. Highly qualified specialists who undergo annual retraining work, exchange experience with foreign colleagues.Each patient is selected an individual course of treatment associated with his physical and mental state.

Note! The institution includes a polyclinic, the clients who are served in it can take some tests there free of charge in the direction of a doctor.

The peculiarity of the institution: a variety of rooms, a lot of space, the use of traditional Russian medicine in conjunction with foreign developments.

Simulators for the restoration of motor functions in the center "Ministry of Health of Russia"

The main characteristics of the center:

Age limit:18+
☎:8 (499) 190-08-81
Hospitalization:around the clock
Near the subway:"Falcon" - a green branch; Tushinskaya, Schukinskaya - red line
Specialization:restoration of muscles, internal organs, mandrel after various diseases and oncology
Service:for a fee
For the price, daily stay in the ward:from 2000 rubles
  • functional;
  • spacious offices and halls;
  • absence of a hospital smell;
  • therapy without pain;
  • one of the leading centers of Russia.
  • not identified.

Center for Speech Pathology and Neurorehabilitation

Address: st. Nikoloyamskaya, 20 building 1, Moscow

Reference information: ☎ +7 (495) 637-83-63

Working hours: 09:00-20:00 - consulting; around the clock - hospital, daily


The main areas of scientific activity of the center include: the development of criteria for the prognosis and effectiveness of neurorehabilitation, the introduction of a system of neurolinguistic and neuropsychological diagnostics using neuroimaging methods, the study of the effectiveness of medications and devices for restoring motor functions.

A team of professionals will restore cognitive functions in the aftermath of a stroke, severe injuries and operations.Various specialists work with the patient, according to the conclusion of their research activities, individual programs are developed taking into account the recovery potential of the client.

Assistance can be provided on an outpatient basis, at home, a day or round-the-clock hospital - it all depends on the form of the disease.

Note! Only those patients who have permanent registration in the capital are served free of charge. Residents from other cities are accepted under a contract on a paid basis.

The main characteristics of the center:

Start of activity:1995
The foundation:is free
Age limit:0+
Activities in the comprehensive program:10 pieces.
  • highly qualified personnel;
  • free assistance;
  • personalized approach to the patient;
  • comfortable stay;
  • various assistance options.
  • Not everyone is free.


Address: Rublevo-Uspenskoe highway, 187, Moscow

☎: +7 (499) 490-93-90

Working hours: around the clock, seven days a week


The European Medical Center in the capital, at different points, has several branches, all of them are located within the Moscow Ring Road. The facility is equipped with the latest state of the art equipment. For each patient, an individual treatment complex is selected with access to world medical technologies from the first minutes of admission. The center deals with people who are in the acute period of a stroke, with a recurrent attack, and the prevention of complications is also carried out.

The emblem of the rehabilitation center "EMC"

All wards are maximally equipped for the patient's usual conditions - an imitation of an apartment. The patient is taught to live in an environment familiar to him at the moment, the lost functions are returned to life.The ReoAmbulator system, which the center is proud of, is the most effective for developing walking and restoring balance.

The main characteristics of the center:

Work experience:over 30 years
Directions of treatment:57 pcs.
Institution type:private
The foundation:for a fee
Rating:4.7 points
Number of branches:5 pieces.
Daily lesson duration:5-6 hours
Recovery period after moderate illness:4 weeks
  • multifunctional;
  • services of any complexity;
  • high quality service;
  • fame;
  • performance.
  • not identified.

Ranking of the best rehabilitation centers after a stroke for 2025 of a private nature

Such organizations are an expensive pleasure, not everyone can afford it. However, the result justifies itself. The review includes the most effective rehabilitation centers with more or less adequate prices for services.

"Three sisters"

Address: st. Chekhovskaya, 1, Raiki, Losino-Petrovsky urban district in MO

Phone number: ☎ +7 499 490-92-81

Working hours: every day, around the clock

Official site:

The rehabilitation center works with any age category. Specializes in several areas. It is taken for any cases: early, frequent, mild and long-standing stroke. For treatment, specialist doctors resort to international rehabilitation standards and follow the principles of evidence-based medicine.

It is interesting! Anton Pavlovich Chekhov became the inspiration for the creation of the center. Even all the chambers in the institution bear the names of various stories of the writer or their heroes. For example, "Gooseberry", "Kashtanka", "Anton Pavlovich" - a hall for large-scale meetings.

Physical exercise with one of the patients of the Three Sisters Center, restoration of some motor functions after a while (the result of successful treatment)

The main task of the center is to teach the patient to use his usual environment, this is facilitated by special simulators that imitate a street with traffic lights, a post office, a shop, a taxi service, etc., as well as other care procedures.

Note! The smallest patient of the clinic was a 2-year-old child, and the oldest was a 96-year-old pensioner.

The main characteristics of the center:

Number of patients per year:one thousand
The foundation:paid
Work experience:10 years
Amount of workers:250 pcs.
Total area:6 thousand square meters
Age limit:0+
Specialization:rehabilitation of children and adults after severe injuries, strokes, operations, assistance to patients with Parkinson's disease and cerebral palsy
Average price per night:21000 rubles
  • wide profile;
  • for all ages;
  • modern equipment;
  • in an ecologically clean place;
  • performance center.
  • not identified.

"Stroke rehabilitation"

Address: st. Belomorskaya, 11, building 1, Moscow

☎: +7 (499) 398-41-09

Working hours: 09:00-21:00, daily


Rehabilitation center in the capital of a narrow profile, consults on the issues of restorative medicine, selects and teaches the use of technical means of rehabilitation. In addition, it provides services for training (inclusion) of disturbed activities in everyday life, helping to adapt the living space with assistive devices and organizing professional home care.

The reception is conducted by a private person - one of the leading specialists of a wide profile, who is ready to answer any questions in this area and competently approaches the treatment of each patient.

Development of the hand after a stroke at the Stroke Rehabilitation Center

The main characteristics of the center:

Specialization:recovery after a stroke of movements in the hand and fine motor skills
Nearest metro stations:"Belomorskaya", "River Station", "Khovrino"
Number of services provided:6 items
Duration of the post-stroke stage:3-4 weeks - acute period, 6 months - early, 6-12 months - late
  • the opportunity to apply for all social and medical issues;
  • effective methods;
  • individual approach to each patient;
  • narrow specialization.
  • a sought-after specialist, you won’t always get it.


Address: st. Starobitsevskaya, 23, building 2, Moscow

☎: +7 (495) 191-22-94

Work schedule: from 09:00 to 21:00, seven days a week


The capital's interdisciplinary rehabilitation center works with patients of any degree of complexity. The cost of treatment depends on this indicator (as in most clinics). After passing the examination, the doctor prescribes a treatment that can change almost daily. Depending on the mental and physical state of the patient, he is given the maximum list of loads for each day, and then it only gets more difficult. The result on the face in a short time + saving money.

Hall of the ICR Center, reception

The main types of assistance include categories of rehabilitation: motor, psychotherapeutic, classes on specialized simulators, massage, mechanotherapy, speech therapy and physiotherapy.

Note! Changing the treatment program and increasing the load is carried out with the consent of the patient.

The main characteristics of the institution:

Age limit:18+
Technique:more than 100 pcs.
Types of rehabilitation:7 pcs.
Free consultations included in the course of treatment:neurologist (1), rehabilitation specialist (1), clinical psychologist (2), nutritionist (1)
The cost of the program per day for a light degree of intensity:12500 rubles
  • full recovery in a short time;
  • excellent professionals;
  • some services are free;
  • democratic prices;
  • the latest equipment.
  • not identified.

Center for Social Services and Medical Assistance


  1. COMPLEX "GLUKHOVO", MO, Krasnogorsk district, village Glukhovo, st. Central, d. 51, 83a
  2. COMPLEX "NIKOLINA GORA", MO, Odintsovo district, Dubtsy, 7
  3. COMPLEX "ARKHANGELSKOE", Moscow region, Krasnogorsk district, Arkhangelskoye village, 5
  4. COMPLEX "ZAKHARKOVO", MO, Krasnogorsk district, Zakharkovo village, 303.
  5. Round-the-clock medical hospital “SOSNY”, MO, Odintsovo district, Sosny village, 31

☎: +7 (495) 776-80-29

Working hours: around the clock

The Center for Social Services and Medical Assistance was established in 2012 and uses modern treatment methods and high-tech innovative equipment. The center was based on the experience of similar centers for social and medical rehabilitation in Israel and the United States and adapted to the Russian healthcare system.

 Now the center includes several divisions: a center for socio-medical rehabilitation, a psycho-neurological boarding school, a psycho-correction center for addicts and a hospice. Also, for specific complex cases, an additional council of the best doctors in the country gathers.

The specialists of the center work in the following areas:

  1. Treatment of mental disorders;
  2. Rehabilitation after strokes, injuries, falls, fractures, road accidents, as well as after hip and knee arthroplasty, spinal surgery.
  3. Rehabilitation of persons with disabilities using certain techniques (PNF, Balance, etc.).
  4. Medical palliative care aimed at relieving pain and severe manifestations of illness, to improve the vitality of patients with incurable diseases.
  5. Elderly care.
  6. Psychological rehabilitation of people with addiction problems.

Short information:

The foundation: for a fee
Daily stay: on request
Medical license: LO-50-01-012814
  • modern equipment;
  • legal support of wards and patients;
  • high quality service;
  • multidisciplinary center;
  • democratic prices.
  • Not marked.

"Rejuvenating Apple"

Address: 6th Luchevoi prosek, 19, building 1, Moscow

☎: +7-495-227‑84-36

Working hours: 24/7


The sanatorium center accepts patients with impaired motor, speech and cognitive abilities in the early recovery period. Provides home care services. The program for the client is compiled individually, taking into account age, gender, diagnosis, history of chronic diseases, general emotional state and physical tone.

The resort takes preventive measures to reduce the risk of recurrent stroke. To restore the motor apparatus, a special simulator is used, which normalizes the functions of the lower extremities. The rehabilitation course is a combination of modern and classical methods.

Rehabilitation of the elderly after a stroke at the Rejuvenating Apple Center, physical training room

The main characteristics of the center:

Start of activity:year 2013
Age limit:missing
Specialization:assistance in restoring health after a stroke, injuries and operations
Nearest metro:Sokolniki, Belokamennaya, Preobrazhenskaya Square
The foundation:paid/free
Daily cost of stay:6500 rubles
  • not too high prices for services;
  • location;
  • for all;
  • medical support after the course of treatment and departure from the sanatorium;
  • daily psychological assistance to relatives and patients.
  • not identified.


Address: st. Zabelina, 3, building 1, Moscow

☎: +7 (495) 125-88-51

Working hours: 10:00-18:00, daily


The activities of the center are aimed at restoring lost functions after a stroke, as well as advising relatives and friends on how to properly care for a patient at home. The program is aimed at a smooth return and consolidation of affected functions.

Manual therapy helps to normalize fine motor skills of the hands, develop and strengthen muscles. In parallel with physical activity, activities are carried out aimed at developing and strengthening the social and everyday skills of the patient.

Feature of the center: drawing up a treatment program immediately after the client's request; adjustment of classes on the spot, based on the well-being of the patient; the doctor is in direct contact with the patient during classes; creation of a positive psycho-emotional background.

Image - A man in a wheelchair moves around the city

The main characteristics of the center:

Doctor visits per year:500 thousand
Specialization:preservation of health, ways of its recovery after diseases and operations
Duration of treatment according to the program:6-16 months
Age limit:adults, seniors
Assistance in other areas:Mytishchi, Pushkino, Korolevo, Ivanteevka, Krasnogorsk, Nakhabino, Dedovsk
  • a large number of positive reviews about the center;
  • effective treatment without pain;
  • individual approach to the patient;
  • good specialists;
  • actionable tips for caring for the sick at home.
  • not identified.

"Center for Integrated Medicine"

Address: st. Avtozovodskaya, 16/2, Moscow

☎: +7 (495) 181-02-38

Working hours: around the clock, seven days a week


This center cooperates with many clinics in Moscow, Russia and abroad. The vast experience in work is confirmed by the patients who were assisted. For people after a stroke, they offer the services of a nurse at home or hospitalization for inpatient treatment, where the patient will be constantly under the supervision of medical professionals. In addition, counseling is provided to the patient's relatives.

Picture - Medical supplies

The main characteristics of the center:

Specialists:over 30
The foundation:for a fee
Nurse at home:from 1500 rubles
Daily stay:from 3500 rubles
Calling a doctor at home:10000 rubles
  • high quality service;
  • multidisciplinary center;
  • various forms of treatment: outpatient, at home, in a hospital;
  • performance.
  • not identified.


Address: Volokolamsk highway, 1, Moscow

☎:+7 495 150‑06-45, +7 495 545‑45-85

Working hours: 09:30-18:30, Mon-Fri.


The center works in three areas: medical, social and psychological, an interdisciplinary approach is also practiced, related areas are connected for recovery.

Locations of the rehabilitation center "Prosperity" on the map

To create an environment close to the primary environment, treatment zones imitate a separate location: a kitchen, a shop, an apartment, and the like. The clinic regularly holds master classes.Robotic technology helps to restore lost functions. All rooms are equipped with handrails, ramps, anti-slip coating, equipped beds and an alarm system.

The principle of working with the client: as soon as the patient enters the center, he is examined by a team of various specialists. Then, based on the findings, an individual treatment plan is drawn up.

The main characteristics of the center:

Rating:4.2 points
Type of ownership:private
Metro nearby:"Falcon", "Streshnevo", "Panfilovskaya"
Branches of the organization:2 pcs.
  • cozy atmosphere;
  • polite staff;
  • the ability to call a specialist at home;
  • current treatment.
  • not identified.


Stroke is a common disease among the population. Cases of this disease in young people (up to 40 years) have become more frequent. If it is difficult for elderly patients to recover, then for physically strong people after a stroke, every minute counts. The sooner you turn to specialists, the sooner there is a chance to return to your usual life.

On a note! In the first three months after a stroke, with active rehabilitation, it is possible to restore 1/2 of the main functions. After the same time, another 20-30%. A long-standing stroke can also be cured, but it will take a little longer.

In the capital and in the Moscow region, there are a huge number of centers that provide assistance to patients after a stroke. All institutions use personal developments, constantly improve and try to keep up with the times.

In order not to make mistakes when choosing a medical institution, you need to pay attention to the following indicators:

  • specialization;
  • form of ownership;
  • type of rehabilitation;
  • basis (paid/free).

Centers can be based on the restoration of a specific area of ​​function, or they can cover all the necessary rehabilitation activities.

State organizations can work both on a paid basis and on a preferential basis, but private ones can only work on a paid basis.

Medical centers can offer one of the types of rehabilitation: at home, stay in a hospital (permanently, temporarily) and outpatient treatment. It all depends on the degree of damage to the disease of the human body.

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