
  1. How to choose the right recuperator
  2. Top Producers
  3. Rating of the best domestic recuperators for 2025
  4. Conclusion

Rating of the best domestic recuperators for 2025

Rating of the best domestic recuperators for 2025

Large cities, saturated with technology, overloaded with cars and suffering from oxygen burning by enterprises, need clean air. Dust, fine emissions have become constant enemies of housewives and human bronchi. The recuperator has become a savior and supplier of clean air.

The unit, built according to the system of inflow and exhaust of air flows, having a built-in heat exchange function, provides:

  • supply of fresh air;
  • decrease in humidity;
  • getting rid of the fungus;
  • filtration.

How to choose the right recuperator

The device, made on the basis of an innovative technical solution, is gaining popularity among the part of the population that cares about the quality of the air in their home, office or commercial premises.

What recuperators are

One of the main differences in the design of the units is the direction of the air flow.

  • Countercurrent

The directions of air flows move towards each other.

  • cross

Air masses have a perpendicular-directed movement.

  • Direct-flow

Both streams follow in parallel, in the same direction.

Rotary and plate type recuperators are more popular for domestic conditions.

Criterias of choice

Since recuperation means maximum air flow, the original fundamental characteristics of the unit are also related to this characteristic.

  • Type of heat exchanger

The copper type is distinguished by high heat transfer, it is characterized by a long service life, a healthy microclimate in the house, office, and an antibacterial effect.

The ceramic type is anti-corrosion and has high heat transfer performance.

Enthalpy made of paper, cellulose base serves as the best moisture and heat regulator.

  • Selectivity of functions

We are talking about the selective inclusion of inflow or exhaust, speed control.

  • Number of sensors

Available control of many functions of the unit ensures the setting of the optimal operating mode and obtaining the desired microclimate in the room.

Types of sensors:

  1. the condition of the filter according to the level of contamination;
  2. humidity parameters inside and outside the room;
  3. indicators of temperatures internal and external;
  4. the level of carbon dioxide in the air;
  5. saturation of the air with volatile organic compounds VOC, the coefficient depends on the density of tobacco smoke, processed kitchen products of frying, fumes of harmful substances;
  6. pressure indicator.
  • Anti draft barrier

In hot climates and stuffy atmospheres during the summer seasons, the moment of high-quality ventilation without drafts is especially important. The check valve plays a key role in the design.

  • Automatic settings

Possibility of drawing up and installation on the set program of an operating mode of installation.
The function frees up a lot of time due to the release from manual settings.

  • heating efficiency

At low external temperatures, the incoming air flow is heated, with such a function, heat loss is excluded.

  • noise effect

The operating time during the day of recuperators is very long, therefore, when playing strong noise components, it will spoil the mood of any user. The function of setting the night mode is important.

  • Remote control

The number of household appliances controlled from a distance is growing. It's convenient and saves time. The presence of a remote control or an application in a smartphone is an additional important selection criterion.

  • Installation and dimensions

Depending on the interior and internal features of the premises, horizontal or vertical installation, as well as the dimensions of the device, may become a priority. You should specify this parameter when buying. The likelihood of attracting skyscrapers for outdoor installation should be agreed in advance.

In places with a large temperature difference between the premises and the external environment, it may be a problem to add a structure to remove condensate.

  • Performance

The air flow rate in the exhaust or supply mode is measured in cubic meters / hour.

The minimum parameter can be 30 m³/h. An important point is the predominance of the volume of the supplied air flow over the exhaust mass.

  • EU fan

The commutated fan is manufactured using intelligent technology, which is controlled by an integrated electronic system. The task is to track the load and maintain its performance at the optimal level. The result is maximum energy efficiency.

The main advantage of EC systems is low power consumption, affordable and easy control.

  • Price

The difference in prices for recuperators is significant. The cost depends on the presence or absence of almost all of the above characteristics. The country of manufacture must also be added to this list.

Top Producers

Among the leaders in the production and sale of recuperators, the following brands can be distinguished:

  1. Tion;
  2. Marley;
  3. Prana - suitable for domestic and industrial use;
  4. VENTS;
  5. Blauberg;
  6. Maico;
  7. freshbox.

Errors when choosing

If the room consists of several rooms, then the presence of gaps under the interior doors should be taken into account, otherwise, fresh air flows will not flow throughout the entire volume.

When looking for a recuperator with the function of cleaning from viruses and allergens, it is necessary to emphasize these functions when choosing, since not all recuperators are endowed with such capabilities.

Rating of the best domestic recuperators for 2025

There are several types of recuperators, depending on the design, additional elements, and the principle of operation.

Rotary heat exchangers

The heat exchange design operates on the principle of thermal regeneration.During the rotation of the drum, made of thin aluminum foil or mesh, there is an accumulation of thermal energy of the air flow, which is removed from the building. The mass of the warm volume gradually moves to the supply air flow sector and releases thermal energy. Heated fresh air enters the room.

Systemair SAVE VSR 300

The unit for air supply and exhaust, equipped with a rotary type heat exchanger, occupies a leading position among ventilation systems.

Systemair SAVE VSR 300 
Air exchange parameters m³/h367
Fan, power, kW0.08
Heater, power, kW1.67
Current, frequency, Hz50
Operating voltage, V220
Duct parameters, mm160
type of instalationhorizontal
Mounting typehanging
Supply/exhaust filtersF7/G3
Temperature, humidity sensor+
Noise, level, dB42
Weight, kg6.5
Warranty period, years1

HSystemair SAVE VSR 300
  • area coverage up to 240 m²;
  • full automation of the unit;
  • high performance of the rotary heat exchanger;
  • the body is made of sandwich panel;
  • the ability to use multiple remote controls;
  • the ability to regulate the parameters of the flow of exhaust and supply air;
  • the presence of a timer with switching to night and day mode;
  • external cooling device and air water heater control function;
  • Swedish quality;
  • the presence of protection against freezing;
  • settings of exhaust flows and supply flows are carried out separately;
  • energy-saving ventilation system on the EC engine.
  • not identified.

Heat exchanger with intermediate insulation

The transfer of heat from the air extracted from the room to the inlet flow is carried out with the help of an intermediate heat carrier. Such a unit has glycol or water circuits in its design.
The main problem with such heat transfer is the exclusion of air entering countercurrent flows, the use of only energy.

Glycol or water circuits are installed at the "inlet" and "outlet" of air masses, they are interconnected. The warm, exhaust air heats up the intermediate heat exchanger and transfers this heat to the cold incoming air.

The movement of the coolant is carried out using a built-in pump.

Thus, if the incoming flow had an indicator of -26°C, then if there is a circuit, it will heat up to +5°C, and the built-in heater will require a minimum of costs to obtain +18°C at the outlet, that is, by 13°C. Without the intermediate circuit, the heater would use energy to change the temperature by 44°C. The difference is more than 3 times.

The design efficiency is 60-65%.

The advantage of a heat exchanger with an intermediate circuit is the independence of the supply and exhaust units, they can be installed in different parts of the building.

As a rule, such ventilation systems are assembled individually; it is almost impossible to find a ready-made unit with a glycol recuperator.

Plate heat exchanger

The main element of the device is a block cassette, which is a package of plates. The plates are arranged in a special way, separating the exhaust and supply flows, isolating them and preventing them from mixing. In such schemes, condensate forms and a discharge drainage system is provided.

There are several types of plate materials:

  1. metal with moderate efficiency due to freezing at low temperatures;
  2. plastic partitions with increased efficiency, increased cost, recommended for use with high humidity;
  3. polymerized paper with high efficiency, non-condensing and desiccating air currents, but not suitable for use in a room with high humidity.

The plate type of models is more common than others, especially in domestic conditions.

Advantages of the plate unit:

  • long service life;
  • compact dimensions;
  • easy and fast installation;
  • moderate cost;
  • increased process efficiency 80%;
  • saving energy costs for heating air flows.

Shuft Uni MAX-P 2200 EC

The air handling unit is equipped with an electric heater and has a plate system.

Shuft Uni MAX-P 2200 EC 
Air exchange parameters m³/h2200
Maximum power, kW12
Food, V400
Operating current, maximum, A24.32
Duct parameters, mm250
Mounting typehanging
Noise, level, dB62
Weight, kg272
Heater type electro

Shuft Uni MAX-P 2200 EC
  • ergonomic design;
  • copper heat exchanger with antibacterial properties;
  • the presence of an inner layer with a soundproof coating made of mineralized wool;
  • suitable for administrative, residential and commercial premises of small and medium size;
  • simplified installation system;
  • for the supply of fresh air in the required volume;
  • frost protection.
  • high noise level.

Mitsubishi Electric Lossnay VL 100 EU5 E

The unit for ventilation of the supply and exhaust type, equipped with a heat exchanger, is connected through a round air duct. The plate heat exchanger is built into the housing.

Mitsubishi Electric Lossnay VL 100 EU5 E 
Air exchange parameters m³/h65:105
Fan, power, kW0.02
Operating voltage, V220
Duct parameters, mm125:75
type of instalationhorizontal
Mounting typehanging
temperature sensor+
Noise, level, dB30
Weight, kg6.5
Warranty period, years3

Mitsubishi Electric Lossnay VL 100 EU5 E
  • designed for a room area from 21 to 35 m²;
  • the heat exchanger is made of cellulose;
  • equipped with a work indicator;
  • the possibility of switching speeds;
  • has a cross airflow pattern;
  • the presence of an air filter in the kit;
  • from a Japanese manufacturer;
  • an effective system that does not reduce the temperature in the room when cold air enters from the outside in the winter;
  • in summer, the load on the air conditioner is significantly reduced;
  • innovative technologies allow air flows not to mix; when passing through the heat exchanger chamber, temperature, component and humidity are exchanged;
  • gives freshness to the air in the room and saturates with oxygen;
  • quick dismantling of the filter and heat exchanger is available, running water will effectively clean the filter, a vacuum cleaner is quite suitable for the heat exchanger;
  • the design of the fan is made like a centrifuge, which provides a quick exhaust of the used air;
  • the front panel is equipped with a retractable panel, which serves to direct the air flow manually in a horizontal or vertical direction;
  • the presence of a damper opening regulator that prevents the occurrence of a draft.
  • when working at full power, a strong noise effect.

Roof heat exchanger

The supply and exhaust ventilation system is installed on the roof. Mostly this type of recuperators is used by large industrial facilities, supermarkets, large stores. The design is focused on a fairly large volume of the interior.

Among the series, units are distinguished according to the principle of operation:

  1. rotary;
  2. combined;
  3. lamellar.

Royal Clima Soffio RCS 1500 2.0

The supply and exhaust heat exchanger is designed for a load of 1500 m³/h. The brand is the leader in sales in the Russian market.

Royal Clima Soffio RCS 1500 2.0 
Air exchange parameters m³/h1500
Fan, power, kW0.36
Static pressure, Pafrom 170 to 250
Operating voltage, V220
Duct parameters, mm250
Mounting typehanging
temperature sensor+
Noise, level, dB38
Weight, kg79
Warranty period, years1

Royal Clima Soffio RCS 1500 2.0
  • the presence of a protective function against freezing;
  • work in low temperature conditions is allowed;
  • touch screen remote control;
  • included in the rating of high-quality household appliances;
  • additional connection of a carbon dioxide sensor is allowed.
  • AC fan.

heat pipe

The heat exchanger consists of vertically installed copper tubes, sealed at both ends. Refrigerants are used to fill the pipes. Aluminum guide plates are used as plates.

Recovery works on the principle of condensation and evaporation of the refrigerant.
The lower zone is an exhaust part, where heat is released from the air flow, and the agent liquid evaporates there. The upper part is the sector of heat transfer to the supply flows due to the condensation process.

The area of ​​application of heat pipes is premises with high humidity, for example, water parks, as well as places with the unacceptable use of rotary units during construction, where there are prohibitions on mixing flows.

Vortice VORT HRW 20 MONO (11634 VRT)

The monoblock unit with heat recovery from the Italian brand is automatic, decentralized.

Vortice VORT HRW 20 MONO (11634 VRT) 
Air exchange parameters m³/h31
Maximum power, kW23
Power, V / Hz220/50
Operating current, maximum, A0,015:0,053
The energy efficiency of the recuperator is thermal. %90
Type of controlmanual
Noise, level, dB44
Weight, kg2.55

Vortice VORT HRW 20 MONO (11634 VRT)
  • change of the extract-supply mode is carried out automatically;
  • the possibility of 5 operating modes with speeds of 10:38 m³/hour;
  • stable balance of noise level, power consumption, consumed volume;
  • the first speed has a minimum noise of 16 dB;
  • affordable, easy installation;
  • without the need for a condensate drainage system;
  • economical energy consumption;
  • availability of filters status indicators;
  • auto mode;
  • mosquito net included.
  • not identified.

Chamber heat exchanger

The design consists of a chamber and a damper, which divides the main volume into 2 parts.
The principle of operation is based on a moving damper. The outgoing air heats the separated part of the chamber, where the incoming flow is then directed by a damper.

The energy of warm air heats the chamber walls to a certain temperature, then it switches to the incoming flow, which is heated due to the energy given off by the frame walls of the chamber.

Vakio Base

The energy-saving and compact heat recovery unit ensures clean air. The type of ventilation has a supply and exhaust principle.

Vakio Base(11634 VRT) 
Air exchange parameters m³/h40:120
Food, V 220
Duct type/diameter, mmcircle/125
Fine cleaning, filter F6
Type of controlDU
Noise, level, dB39.5
Weight, kg6.8

Vakio Base
  • compactness;
  • equipped with a high class of filtration;
  • winter mode available;
  • no noise during operation;
  • economical consumption of electricity;
  • to get rid of drafts;
  • for fresh air without ventilation and dust from the street.
  • not detected.


A variety of models and designs of recuperators is large. The cost of the units differs tenfold. It is important to decide on external factors, how open the windows are, ventilation causes inconvenience. In many houses under construction, the equipment of ventilation systems complete with recuperators and air conditioners has become the norm. The availability of consultation and purchase of a recuperator in an online store will make the solution of the problem pleasant and fast in time. The ability to breathe deeply, without fear, is one of the main characteristics of the quality of life.

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