
  1. What are ropes made of?
  2. Other criteria
  3. Tape cables
  4. Tow ropes
  5. Conclusion

Ranking of the best towing cables for 2025

Ranking of the best towing cables for 2025

Every vehicle must have a towing cable. When purchasing it, the motorist must remember that the success of transporting a broken car depends on how well the rope is made. You need to know exactly the weight of the machine and the conditions in which it can come in handy. After reviewing the reviews of motorists, the experts determined which towing ropes are in demand.

What are ropes made of?

Cables for moving cars are made in accordance with GOSTs.However, there are many manufacturers who manufacture products according to their specifications. Therefore, you need a competent approach that will help you buy a good towing tape. Careful familiarization with the standards for its material and the range available for sale will help you choose the most suitable option.

Aviation capron is one of the most durable materials. Products from it are able to withstand the heaviest loads. They are not afraid of frost and a humid environment. From frequent use, they do not change their length, since the material does not stretch.

Another excellent material is ship rope. Devices from it are insensitive to moisture and frost. Products are used all year round regardless of the weather and stored in any place. At high humidity, they do not rot, retain their performance characteristics. Reliability, strength and long service life are the main qualities of ship rope tapes. The material has a special weave that provides shock absorption when jerking.

The third variety is fabric cables, they are woven in the form of bundles. Their traction characteristics are high, but the strength is not very good. Products fold compactly, take up little space in the trunk.

Polypropylene tape cables are highly elastic, they slightly spring when loaded. This is a significant plus when towing. The device does not sag and dampens jerks, providing a flexible hitch.

The most durable are metal products. However, they have the following disadvantage: a huge load in the event of a rupture can cause damage to the car body if a piece of iron gets on the surface of the car.

The choice of cable is carried out according to more than one criterion.It is necessary, first of all, to take into account the length to ensure a safe distance between machines when towing. Traffic rules say that it should be from 4 to 6 meters. This is enough to pull the car out of swampy areas or deep ruts. In addition, there are dynamic ropes, which are much shorter in length (about 1-2 meters), but when a load is applied, they are able to stretch. This allows you to gradually increase the traction force when towing. As a result, it is possible to get rid of jerks when pulling out stuck equipment. Other rope lengths may cause the following problems:

  1. Due to the small length (less than 4 meters), there is a risk of losing control of the car, which is in tow. There is also the possibility of a collision during sudden braking of the front car.
  2. With a length of more than 6 meters, the rope becomes tangled. Untying emerging knots is a tedious task that wastes precious time. If they are not untangled, towing will not work properly.

Four- and six-meter cables are designed for passenger cars, towing large vehicles can be carried out with 10-meter devices.

Other criteria

You should also pay attention to the color. The brightly colored towing rope allows other road users to see it. Also, the driver can monitor the process while the car is moving. Previously, they hung red rags or flags, but now that there is a choice of colors, such a need has disappeared. Ribbons of yellow, orange, blue tones help to navigate even in conditions of poor visibility. Sometimes manufacturers use reflective threads, thereby making it easier to work with cables at night.

Often disputes arise between drivers about whether hooks are needed when towing.Some believe that it is enough to make a knot at the end. But when the cable is attached with a hook, the reliability of the connection increases several times, since it will not untie, unlike the knot. Another problem may arise here: with a sharp jerk, nothing will happen to the hook, but in this case there is a possibility of a break in the tape. This happens if it is of poor quality or rotten.

It is necessary to focus on the hook fasteners when buying. Special requirements are imposed on the stitching so that it can withstand jerky loads. There should be a reliable stitching at the junction: the seams form a rectangle. If the stitching is additionally cross-stitched, this adds strength.

There are 3 ways to secure when towing:

  • with hooks;
  • using shackles;
  • hinge fastening;
  • nodal.

The hooks and loops hook into the eyelets on the machine, both at the rear and at the front. The material of the hooks is steel alloys, which provide a strong grip, but they can accidentally come off. An alternative option is shackles. So called hinges with screws to increase the reliability of fastening.

The use of classic loops eliminates the risk of untying the rope. An exception is the rupture of the material from gravity. If none of the above, then the drivers make homemade knots. This is the most unreliable method, but it is often used in practice.

Load capacity is an important criterion when choosing a product. The maximum weight for transporting the vehicle is indicated on the rope. However, you can not blindly believe the numbers indicated in the passport. There are a number of factors that affect this parameter:

  • weather;
  • storage conditions;
  • type of road surface and its quality;
  • slope;
  • driving experience and accuracy of the towing driver.

The most difficult moment is the moment of peak load. During a sharp jerk, maximum tension occurs on the rope. Poor quality products can fail at this stage.

Tape cables

The most popular materials for towing tapes are polypropylene and aviation nylon. Polypropylene products are cheaper, but inferior in strength and service life. There are drivers who have a new cable lying around in a damp, unheated garage for a long time. Such a product at the first use is torn, not withstanding loads. As an alternative, many manufacturers offer tapes made from aviation nylon. They do not lose strength at low temperatures and high humidity.

Megapower M-75642 and M-75621

Sales representatives offer tape cables of several modifications of the German company. The length of the M-75642 model is 6 meters, the standard width is 120 mm. Withstands a maximum load of 42 tons. Positive customer reviews indicate the good quality of this brand. For model M-75621, the maximum load is 21 tons. The rope width is 60 mm. There are strong loops on both ends. Polyester tape withstands any climatic shocks.

cable Megapower М-75642
  • compactness;
  • reliable grip;
  • strength.
  • large mass (almost 1.5 kg).

Autoprofi TRL-4000

The towing product is made of a material with a special weave, due to which the elasticity of the cable is increased. This property allows smooth starting. Minimizes the appearance of scratches and dents on the car body.Heavy-duty artificial threads in the base allow the product not to perceive a humid environment and oil products. Tensile strength is 4 tons. You can safely tow cars with such a weight. It is possible to adjust the length.

Autoprofi TRL-4000
  • has high elasticity;
  • a noticeable color stands out against a gray background;
  • tear resistant.
  • no cover.

Skyway S03101023

Ribbon cable with two metal hooks 5 centimeters wide is resistant to moisture and low temperatures. Hooks have the 8th class of durability. The latch securely fixes the loads and prevents them from slipping. The bright blue paintwork makes the tape stand out on the gray road. The model allows you to take in tow cars with a mass of up to 5 tons.

Skyway S03101023
  • a light weight;
  • resistance to temperature extremes and precipitation.
  • no.

Goodyear GY004002

Applicability of the towing device for 7 tons - transportation of vehicles of types:

  • runabouts;
  • crossovers;
  • SUVs.

Material - polypropylene. The width of the tape is 6 cm, length - 5 m. The bag-bag is included in the package. Two hooks are made of steel, large-sized machines can be transported. Resistance to moisture, oil products and frost resistance increase the service life. Complies with the requirements of traffic regulations. The manufacturer tested the material for strength at low temperatures and precipitation. Successful testing guarantees the reliability and durability of the product.

cable Goodyear GY004002
  • compactness;
  • reliability.
  • insufficient quality of seam stitching;
  • the hook breaks due to a short bend of the hook through the loop.


The applicability of the model is smooth towing of vehicles weighing 3.5 tons or less. The rope is made of durable polyester threads, such material is not subject to deformation and moisture resistant. Cast hooks have a spring retainer. The product of the Russian-Polish-German brand has a guarantee of reliability. Additional convenience is created for compact storage. For this there is a special case included in the kit. Strong metal hooks allow you to quickly hitch the machine in any situation.

cable REXXON 3,5T
  • reliable;
  • light;
  • compact;
  • lasting.
  • low load capacity.

Airline ATR-S-5

Polypropylene rope with a long service life (2 times higher than that of analogues) is equipped with hooks with special spring clamps. The fixture is securely fastened without any risk of unhooking. The rope is frost-resistant and moisture-resistant. The length corresponds to the traffic rules and is equal to 4 meters.

Airline ATR-S-5
  • reliable connection, thanks to high-quality firmware;
  • long service life;
  • easy folding and compactness;
  • lasting.
  • low load capacity.

Glavdor GL-01

The model is made in Russia. Polypropylene tape 5 meters long is equipped with steel hooks on both sides. The width is 110 mm. Weight -0.43 kg. The special weave technology makes the cable super elastic. During operation, the linear dimensions do not change, the rope does not stretch. Resistance to low temperatures and adverse weather conditions is one of the positive qualities.

Glavdor GL-01
  • smooth starting;
  • safety;
  • reliability;
  • compactness.
  • susceptibility of hooks to corrosion.

Stels 54381

The model is designed to tow vehicles weighing no more than 5 tons.For convenience, the set is completed with a bag with a zipper. Since the tape is made of aviation nylon with excellent properties, it will not tear either in severe frost or in wet weather. The cable complies with the norms and rules of the road. There are 2 hooks, a case with a zipper.

Stels 54381
  • reliable;
  • durable;
  • lasting.
  • only for light vehicles.

Giant CT-6/5

The Gigant CT-6/5 tug can be used at any time of the year. The car can be pulled out of impassable mud, deep ruts or snow drifts, as well as towed to another parking lot. The maximum load capacity is 6 tons. The Russian manufacturer guarantees high quality and reliability. The length of the tape is 5 meters, the weight is about 1 kg. The polyester from which the rope is made can withstand moisture and cold. There are hooks for easy attachment and a storage pouch.

Giant CT-6/5
  • reliable;
  • withstands heavy vehicles.
  • no.

Tow ropes

Rope-type cables for moving vehicles are divided into synthetic and metal. Many motorists choose steel cables that fit compactly in the trunk. Sometimes they are not weaker than synthetic counterparts. But when using metal, jerks are felt much stronger, which allows you to quickly release the stuck car from captivity. However, one should not forget that metal can damage the car body in case of unhitching.


Resistant to aggressive environments, the model is designed for vehicles weighing up to 12 tons. The homeland of the brand is Russia, the product itself is currently produced by Chinese colleagues. The length of the rope with two hooks is 5 meters.Polypropylene multifilament high-strength thread, from which the model is made, withstands moisture and cold. Convenient placement in a bag-case. Linear dimensions do not change during the entire period of operation.

  • has a large load capacity.
  • high price.

Kraft KT 840009

The model is allowed to be used when transporting cars up to 10 tons. The interlacing of the threads minimizes stretching when towing. Polypropylene threads allow the product to be used for a long time. We can say with confidence about the high level of security. The kit includes a cover.
The brand is from Germany. Produced in Taiwan. Maximum load - no more than 10 tons.

Kraft KT 840009
  • heavy-duty material;
  • the presence of reliable loops;
  • a light weight;
  • compactness;
  • high load capacity.
  • no.


A five-meter towing cable made of aviation nylon is equipped with hooks with latches on both sides. The cable is designed for vehicles weighing no more than 5 tons. The properties of the material are described in detail above: it is resistant to low temperatures and moisture. The compact product does not take up much space in the trunk.

steel cable NEW GALAXY
  • strength;
  • compactness;
  • bright color;
  • reliability.
  • for towing cars only.


The steel cable with two braided hooks has a diameter of 8 mm. The length of the product is 4 meters. Designed for transportation of cars no more than 4.5 tons. It folds compactly and takes up little space.

steel cable MEGAPOWER
  • strength;
  • compactness.
  • poor ability to dampen jerks;
  • the risk of damage to the car in the event of a break.


A three-strand rope made of Russian-made polypropylene is able to tow or rescue a car in trouble weighing up to 5 tons. The length of the tug is 5 meters. Strong and reliable hooks provide reliable hooking. The whole set folds into a case for easy storage. The weight of the model is only half a kilogram.

  • light;
  • comfortable;
  • lasting;
  • inexpensive.
  • not marked.


To avoid unforeseen situations, it is recommended to buy towing ropes with a margin of weight. To the existing value, you need to add from 20% to 50% of the weight. The more reinsured the driver, the less likely the fiber breaks. Make the right choice, taking into account the recommendations of experts, which were compiled on the basis of feedback from motorists.

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