
  1. Bologna rod. What it is
  2. Applications
  3. Advantages and disadvantages of rods according to buyers
  4. How to choose
  5. Rating of the best Bolognese fishing rods for 2025
  6. Conclusion

Rating of the best Bolognese fishing rods for 2025

Rating of the best Bolognese fishing rods for 2025

Long gone are the days when fish were caught with bare hands, a net was cast, or a fishing line with a hook was attached to a stick. Today, every fisherman can boast of special fishing equipment from the best manufacturers. The selection criteria differ: some pay attention to the popularity of models, others to functionality, others to recommendations from specialists, and others to the average price.

It is worth noting that there is no consensus when choosing a rod. What matters is the fishing season, the type of reservoir, the type of fish, experience and habits. However, most agree that the Bolognese rod is considered a clear advantage over the float tackle.

Bologna rod. What it is

Visually, the accessory resembles a fishing stick, which is used to catch fish with float tackle. However, this form has a number of design differences, which makes it possible to improve catchability. If you carefully study the comparative table, you can draw the following conclusions regarding the Bologna rod:

  1. Equipped with a fixed spool holder.
  2. The upper elbow belongs to the category of additional wire holes, which allow you to evenly distribute the load.
  3. There are passage holes on each segment, which are attached to the blank with high legs, which prevents the line from sticking to the blank.

Often, manufacturers produce telescopic rods consisting of several knees, depending on the length of the device. What other options are there? In specialized stores you can also find a plug type.

In order for fishing to be enjoyable and the final result to be impressive, you need to wisely select the key elements of the equipment that would correspond to the technical specifications of the form.


If you ask experienced fishermen why such devices are needed, most will answer: “In order not to limit yourself in your abilities!” Bologna rods, due to their versatility, can be tested almost everywhere:

  • on large rivers and small streams with a small current;
  • on the lake;
  • on eriks with depressions and channels, where the current is moderate;
  • on the shore of a reservoir or using a boat, even in the presence of strong gusts of wind.

The reel helps to cast the bait for a considerable distance and even a light class design can catch big fish. It is worth paying attention to the fact that for a successful catch, you need to choose the right reel and fishing line, taking into account the characteristics of the blank.

For avid fishermen, such a device is a real find. If you choose the right place, cover several promising points at once (cobblestones, pits, snags, and so on), then the design can show hidden potential on the very first day of fishing. This is facilitated by adjustable tackle, which will help to throw the hook with the bait at the selected point, regardless of whether it is located two meters from the shore, or thirty, under hanging tree branches or behind thick grass.

Strong gusts of wind will not become an obstacle to the angler if a person perfectly learns to control the Bologna rod. The main condition is that the fish must be fed without fail, using special slingshots for this purpose or by doing it manually.

Advantages and disadvantages of rods according to buyers

Like any other design, the Bolognese rod has both positive and negative qualities. Let's consider this question in more detail:

Gathering quickly.The price is superior to the usual forms.
Versatility.Wire holes require careful care and handling.
Operative change sinkers and leashes.Gear must be purchased at a high price, due to the fact that the kit is equipped with a reel.
Coverage of the maximum sector of the reservoir.
Acceptable sizes.
Gives you the opportunity to catch a big catch.
If necessary, configurations can be changed.

How to choose

There are many options for how to become the proud owner of a much-needed fishing tackle. Well-known manufacturers annually advertise new models, delighting men who have chosen fishing as a pastime. Among themselves, fishing rods differ in color, parameters, external factors and design. It is worth paying attention to the fact that a quality product cannot be classified as budget. Which company is better to purchase a design depends on many factors, including personal preferences of a person.

Before buying, you need to carefully read the numerous ratings of quality devices. It will not be superfluous to review the model you like and get acquainted with the description provided by the manufacturers.It is also necessary to pay attention to the opinion of avid fishermen. Cost will also play an important role, as a quality product can be expensive. When the choice is made, it is time to decide where to buy a fishing rod. There are several options. You can order a design from China using the services of Ali Express. Thus, significant amounts can be saved. You can order online in an online store, or visit a specialized point.

What to look for when choosing a product

It is advisable not to make mistakes when choosing, as this can hurt your wallet, and the fishing process will not bring the desired pleasure. There are several selection criteria to which special attention should be paid. What are they? The main thing is to decide on the purpose, namely, where the fishing will take place, what kind of fish should be hooked, the season.

If you prefer to catch a predator far from the shore - choose a spinning rod, go for a large river fish - buy a feeder, like to sit in a boat in still water - give preference to a winter board or a fly rod.

It must be borne in mind that gear has certain parameters, namely:

  • material;
  • test;
  • weight;
  • formation;
  • length;
  • type of connection of the knees;
  • the number of rings;
  • shipping dimensions.

Let's look at each characteristic in more detail.


Currently, most manufacturers prefer to use carbon or composite in the manufacture. These materials are comfortable, which is important for their users. Tackle should be lightweight, but sufficient strength and reliability, perfectly endure dampness, scorching sun, frost and other negative influences.

Carbon is well-deservedly popular with professionals. It is more resonant and durable compared to composite counterparts. But at a price they are significantly superior to the latter, even a Chinese-made product will require significant money. If you decide to purchase inexpensive gear, then you can opt for composite popular brands. They are quite cheap but good quality. A beginner will not feel much difference.


This is an indicator of the maximum weight of lures that can be attached to the device without reducing its functionality. Manufacturers sometimes cheat by overestimating this indicator, thereby wanting to make their model more universal. Any type of gear has its own test indicator. The manufacturer indicates the recommended weight on the form. It is advisable to use an average parameter.

There are such classes of goods:

  1. Ultra Light or Ultra Light (UL) - 0 to 7 g;
  2. Light or light (L) - in the range from 3 to 15 g;
  3. Medium-light (ML) - from 5 to 25 g;
  4. Medium (M) - from 10 to 30 g;
  5. Medium-heavy (MH) - from 15 to 40 g;
  6. Especially heavy class (H) - from 40 g.

Beginners try to buy a model with a large test range: from 5 to 25 g, unlike experienced anglers who select the value based on their individual fishing style and proven bait.


One of the main parameters of any fishing rod is its weight. It affects the quality of fishing and convenience. If the device is heavy, then the hands get tired quickly, back pain begins and interest in the process itself is lost, but this should not be so. As for feeders, this indicator does not play a significant role, since a stand is provided for such equipment.

The gravity of the rod mainly depends on the material of its manufacture and the dimensions of the product. The lightest are carbon fiber. Experienced anglers pay attention to the difference in weight even at 50 g.


This indicator indicates the degree of design flexibility during biting and playing. It is customary to distinguish three main levels and several intermediate ones, namely:

  1. Slow (slow). The form is completely flexible, up to the butt.
  2. Medium - slow.
  3. Medium (medium). Only half of the rod is rigid.
  4. Medium - fast.
  5. Fast (fast). The blank itself is rigid, only the top bends.
  6. Very fast.

It is impossible to determine the TOP of the best devices, based on the system. Everyone chooses the goods at their own discretion. Some people like a completely hard version, others - a very soft one. You need to test the devices and understand for yourself what to choose. Which one is better for beginners? Experience shows that either medium fast or medium action.


The dimensions of the working part of the structure directly depend on the purpose of its use. The market for this kind of goods offers options from 20 to 1800 cm. What are the smallest ones for? Mainly for winter models. Their maximum length is 70 cm, due to the fact that there is no need to cast them, and the fishing line simply falls into the hole made.

As for feeders and spinning rods, their length is from 3 to 4 meters. More length is not needed, as they belong to the category of sensitive and mobile tackle, which must be constantly thrown. The longer the form, the harder it is to wave. Throwing distance depends on a properly selected reel and fishing line.

The length of the fly rod is from 5 to 7 meters. It makes it possible to cast it from the shore or from a boat.Sometimes there are ten- or eleven-meter models, but this is more of a professional option for competitions.

Bologna rods, as a rule, are produced from five to eight meters. Plug blanks can be larger.

Elbow connection type

The most common are plug-in and telescopic. The latter are cheaper, so they are equipped with budget options. Their main disadvantages include weak rigidity and unreliability. It won't be long before they loosen up.

Rods with plug connections are more expensive, but they are more convenient and practical, as well as durable. However, everything depends on the material well-being of the fisherman. Not everyone is able to pay a large sum for a telescopic connection. If you have enough money, it is better to give preference to a plug-in device.

Number of rings

The number of access rings, as a rule, is the same for all manufacturers, regardless of the purpose of the fishing rod and its main characteristics. But there are certain rules:

  1. The longer the length, the more rings.
  2. High modularity implies a reduction in their number.
  3. To increase the sensitivity of fishing, they are shifted to the end segment.
  4. Spinning models are equipped with a small number of rings.
  5. If long-distance casting is expected, then it is necessary to pay attention not to the number, but to their diameter.
  6. Trolling involves their increase in one and a half - two times.

Shipping length

Oddly enough, this characteristic plays an important role in certain cases. If the fishing spot is close to home and can be reached on foot, then it does not matter how long the fishing rod is carried in your hands.You can ignore this indicator if there is a large car in the family, for example, an SUV, where tackle is folded.

And if you have to travel by public transport, then willy-nilly you will think about how to transport such an item to its destination. The best option - when folded, it should not exceed one and a half - two meters. It is advisable for winter fishing enthusiasts to place such tackle in a shoulder bag.

Rating of the best Bolognese fishing rods for 2025

Bologna simples

Golden Catch x Tica Powerful NEO bolo

High-quality five-meter model, characterized by high sensitivity. The high modulus carbon made the blank perfectly balanced. Light weight and thoughtful design makes the process of catching fish quite comfortable, long and exciting. It is good to go with it to small and medium fish in reservoirs where there is no strong current.

The average price is 3700 rubles.

Golden Catch x Tica Powerful NEO bolo
  • highly sensitive device;
  • balancing;
  • structural strength;
  • high level of reliability;
  • compactness;
  • convenience in operation.
  • there are questions about the rigidity of the nod.

Black Hole Powerful Bolo 600

The perfectly balanced six-meter construction is made of IM6 carbon fiber. Thanks to the Hehus holder, the reel is securely attached to the rod. Product weight - 417 grams. It has 9 SIC rings, thanks to which the load when playing the fish is distributed evenly over the entire blank. Test parameters - 4 - 25 g. When folded, the device has a length of 1.24 m. A special case is included in the kit.

Price - 3500 rubles.

Black Hole Powerful Bolo 600
  • modern design;
  • medium-fast action;
  • the manufacturer guarantees a quality assembly;
  • the reel seat is reliable and durable;
  • Great device for catching medium sized fish.
  • not for practicing the side nod.

Shimano Land Mate 5 - 530 PTS

A fairly high-quality product with a length of 5.3 m. It is used in rivers with a small current. Test - 10 - 25 g makes it possible to use various equipment for any fishing. In the manufacture of carbon fiber was used, which made the product durable, with a long service life. Weight - 415 g.

You can buy goods at a price of 7000 rubles.

Shimano Land Mate 5 - 530 PTS
  • Thanks to the Shimano guides, the fishing line is easy to move;
  • appearance;
  • build quality and reliability;
  • functionality;
  • universality;
  • convenience.
  • heavy enough.

Mikado Matrix 555 Superfloat 500

A great option for those who prefer to while away the summer weekend fishing. Distinctive qualities: carbon base, neoprene handle. Lightweight and comfortable five-meter rod is comfortable to hold in your hands. The design of the telescopic plan, consists of 5 sections, weighs 406 g.

The kit includes a high-quality polyethylene case, in which it is convenient to store and transport tackle. The medium-fast action makes it possible to cast far and accurately. They have ceramic inserts and are protected by a plastic case. The design is popular among both experienced anglers and beginners.

The cost varies from 800 to 1000 rubles.

Mikado Matrix 555 Superfloat 500
  • quality;
  • place for mounting the coil;
  • ease of use;
  • the blank is made of carbon fiber;
  • affordable cost;
  • design;
  • it is possible to use for catching large carps and carps.
  • significant have not been established.

Volzhanka Rapier 7.0 m with rings (010 – 0043)

A very successful Russian-made model continues to lead in the ranking of the best Bologna rods. Designed for a catch weighing up to 3 kg. The main difference from its counterparts is the small diameter of the knees and the minimum taper. High strength is guaranteed by the use of graphite fiber in its manufacture. On the butt parts there is an additional winding.

The seven-meter length allows you to make long-range and accurate casting. Belongs to the category of flywheels, but is equipped with SIC rings, which makes it possible to evenly distribute the load. It provides for the use of equipment up to 25 g. You can fish both from the shore and from a boat with a gentle current.

The average price is 2790 rubles.

Volzhanka Rapier 7.0 m with rings (010 – 0043)
  • powerful device;
  • with a large length, low weight;
  • value for money;
  • opportunity to catch big fish.
  • sometimes buyers are faced with a factory marriage.

Salmo Elite Bolognese Medium M600 (5503-600)

A popular Finnish manufacturer produces products designed for float fishing. A relatively inexpensive, but high-quality model has a telescopic design, consisting of 6 sections. Comes with Clip Up spool holder and plastic case. They are qualitatively attached to the form. Test from 4 to 20 g. With a length of 6 m, its weight is 289 g.

Price - 4201 rubles.

Salmo Elite Bolognese Medium M600 (5503-600)
  • The handle has an anti-slip coating.
  • can be used both on rivers and ponds, as well as lakes;
  • build quality;
  • affordable price;
  • declared characteristics;
  • optimal sensitivity.
  • fishing up to 1 kg;
  • appearance;
  • too many rings for such a device.

Salmo Elite Bolognese Medium M500 (5503-500)

The five-meter Bologna rod when folded reaches a length of 1.23 m. It is distinguished by its low weight and good quality. With it, you can sit on the river bank for quite a long time without feeling physically tired. The five-section form is made of carbon fiber. High-quality reel seat allows you to quickly install the coil.

The average cost of goods is 3000 rubles.

Salmo Elite Bolognese Medium M500 (5503-500)
  • light;
  • simply unfolds and folds;
  • optimal length;
  • modern reel seat.
  • rings are not reliable.

Daiwa Sweepfire Bolo (SWV-60G-AR)

A convenient design with a length of 5.94 m and a weight of 410 g. You won’t be able to hold it for a long time, so you should take care of a special slingshot. There are 9 rings on the base, which are not used in full, interfering with the passage of the fishing line.

The product can be purchased at a price of 3100 rubles.

Daiwa Sweepfire Bolo (SWV-60G-AR)
  • the possibility of using a conventional coil;
  • quite flexible design;
  • perfectly extinguishes jerks;
  • build quality;
  • durability;
  • reliability.
  • additional rings interfere;
  • the weight.


Salmo Diamond Bolognese Medium (2228 – 600)

Model with telescopic function, has the form of a six-section spinning rod. Made from high quality carbon fiber. The length when folded is 1.38 m, when unfolded - 6 m. It is especially popular with professional fishermen in difficult conditions.

The average cost is 3250 rubles.

Salmo Diamond Bolognese Medium (2228 – 600)
  • high strength rings;
  • sufficient length;
  • quick-release spool holder;
  • decent quality telescope;
  • reliable;
  • with a long service life;
  • good combination of price and quality;
  • The manufacturer provides a long warranty period.
  • significant weight;
  • the handle is not comfortable.

SWD "maverick", 3.6 m, with carbon rings im8 eva

A Chinese-made device with an EVA insert is quite compact and convenient. It is easy to manage, does not cause discomfort during prolonged use. Its length is 3.6 m, when folded, only half a meter. High-modulus graphite IM8 was used in the manufacture. Equipped with high-strength SIC circles with high legs. Fast acting Clip reel seat. Multi-section, with a rigid system, standard sizes. Can be cast over long distances.

Products are sold at a price of 1726 rubles.

SWD "maverick", 3.6 m, with carbon rings im8 eva
  • compactness;
  • enviable convenience;
  • easily transported;
  • reliability;
  • durability;
  • there is a rigid structure.
  • significant have not been established.

Volzhanka Mini 4.5 m with rings (010 - 0063)

The model is perfect for fishing from a boat or from the shore. It is considered universal, for daily use. Differs in compact dimensions: the length is only 84 cm. It is convenient to transport, does not take up much free space during storage. Seven sections are made of composite material reinforced with fiberglass for reliability. Construction weight - 386 g.

The average price is from 1700 rubles.

Volzhanka Mini 4.5 m with rings (010 - 0063)
  • compactness;
  • assembly reliability;
  • universality;
  • wear resistance;
  • belongs to the category of budget models;
  • comfortable length.
  • the weight;
  • when folded, the rings “walk”;
  • the cover could be stronger.

Composite models five meters

Mikado Princess 500 (W–A–174,500)

An excellent model, which is a huge success among men with "compact" palms. Teenagers are happy to exploit it, as they are attracted by a thin handle, pleasant to the touch. When folded, the compact design is 1.31 m long. When unfolded, the length is 5 m. Thanks to the carbon blank, the big fish caught will hold on.

Products are sold at a price of 4400 rubles.

Mikado Princess 500 (W–A–174,500)
  • light weight;
  • flexibility;
  • strength;
  • small handle, comfortable and pleasant.
  • operational period.
  • there is no ring for the hook hook.

Salmo Bolognese 500 (5550 – 500)

The convenient design of 200 g is especially popular among both simple fishing enthusiasts and professionals in this field. The minimum weight was obtained thanks to the innovative technologies that were used in its production. Made of carbon fiber and carbon fiber, equipped with standard rings, there are three unloading. The presence of the Clip UP reel seat makes it possible to attach the reel to the rod in a short time. Can be used with bait from 2 to 15 g.

The model can be bought at a price of 5000 rubles.

Salmo Bolognese 500 (5550 – 500)
  • very light weight;
  • excellent elasticity;
  • optimal length;
  • there are unloading rings;
  • good functionality;
  • long service life;
  • reliability;
  • comfortable;
  • practical.
  • rings could be made more reliable and durable.

Composite models six meters

Diawa Megaforce Bolo 600 (MFV-60G-AR)

This design differs from its counterparts in that it is equipped with nine high-quality rings made of aluminum oxide. The 6-section telescoping allows it to be folded up to 1.26 m. The rod can be hooked on a bait of 30 g, while its weight is 355 g.

The manufacturer offers its product at a price of 5200 rubles.

Diawa Megaforce Bolo 600 (MFV-60G-AR)
  • ring strength;
  • reliability;
  • ease of unfolding and folding;
  • the design is pleasing to the eye;
  • durability;
  • long service life.
  • significant weight;
  • the cost is not democratic at all.

Atemi Classix Bolognese 6.0 m

Very suitable for those who have just started fishing. Inexpensive, but sufficiently high-quality six-meter telescopic device consists of 6 sections and weighs 350 g. A high-quality blank is made of durable fiberglass and is designed for bait from 15 to 50 g. It has reliable guides and a Clip UP reel seat. The product is sold together with a protective case, where a fishing rod (1.24 m) is placed when folded.

The sale price is 1600 rubles.

Atemi Classix Bolognese 6.0 m
  • excellent combination of price and quality;
  • the top of the blank is very reliable;
  • the handle is comfortable;
  • good appearance;
  • long operational period.
  • limited functionality;
  • significant weight.

Shimano Alivio CX TE GT 5-600 (ALCXTEGT560)

It is mainly used for fishing on large and medium-sized rivers with a strong and medium current. The test limit ranges from 4 to 20 g. The composite blank makes the device durable and reliable. The six-section product weighs 354g and is only 1.38m long when folded. The line runs easily through special Shimano Hardlite guides.A cloth case is included.

The average price is 5200 rubles.

Shimano Alivio CX TE GT 5-600 (ALCXTEGT560)
  • amazing silver-blue color;
  • good value for money;
  • fast build;
  • universality;
  • functionality;
  • high build quality;
  • durability.
  • weighs too much.


Beginners are constantly faced with the problem of what is the best rod to buy to make fishing fun. No one can give a definite answer. It all depends on the purpose and preference of the person. Even a very expensive device of a world brand may not lead to the desired result. Customer reviews, of course, must be taken into account, but they all vary, depending on the experience and habits of the fishermen. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to the main selection criteria: seasonality, type of fish, characteristics of the reservoir.

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