
  1. Types of billiard balls
  2. Criterias of choice
  3. Top 3 best sets of balls for Russian billiards
  4. Top 3 Best Snooker Ball Sets
  5. Top 3 Best Pool Ball Sets

Rating of the best billiard balls for 2025

Rating of the best billiard balls for 2025

Many people think that billiards is gambling. In fact, quite the contrary: it is better for quick-tempered and gambling people not to approach the billiard table. This occupation can rather be attributed to sports, intellectual games on a par with chess. Mind and logic are the main allies of an experienced billiard player.

This hobby is considered to be masculine, but among the representatives of the weaker sex there are many lovers of "chasing balls". In order for the game to bring pleasure, and not disappointment, it is necessary to choose the right inventory, in particular, balls. How to do it right - further in the review.

Types of billiard balls

Before you buy the first set that comes across, you need to decide what type of billiards you plan to play.

Depending on this, the following types of balls are distinguished:

  • for Russian billiards, which is also known as the Russian pyramid, phenolic resin products are suitable. The mass of one copy is 280-290 gr., And the diameter is not less than 68-68.5 mm. The set includes 15 numbered white balls and the cue ball, usually red.
  • for snooker, a set is used, including 15 pieces of red, 6 colored and 1 white cue ball. Only 22 pieces. Weight of each: 142-156 gr., diameter 52.8-54.4 mm. These are the smallest among all types of billiard balls, made from a modern polymer.
  • pool set includes 15 multi-colored balls and a white cue ball. Instances for aiming are numbered from 1 to 8 and are each painted in certain colors: from 9 to 15 - white with a stripe corresponding to the first eight.

Today, in specialized and online stores, you can mainly find two types of products: cast from phenol-formaldehyde resin and from polyester and polymers. The first type is represented by the Aramith trademark from Saluc, the second is produced by Chinese, Taiwanese manufacturers.

Saluc is the world market leader in the production of this kind of accessories. Balls produced by the company are used even in world-class competitions.

Budget sets are often produced in violation of technology: products with a strong middle are covered with phenolic plastic.

Historical fact! There is an opinion that billiards appeared in Russia thanks to Peter I. While staying on state affairs in Holland, he drew attention to a game unknown to him before. The king personally brought balls and a table from there, which were installed in the reception room so that the guests would not get bored while waiting for the reception. And today, according to tradition, in the yellow mansion in Novo-Ogarevo, where meetings of the country's leadership are held, the waiting room is decorated according to Peter's testament: a table for Russian billiards is always at the disposal of guests.

Criterias of choice

Main quality. Balls poured from cheap materials in violation of technology will only spoil the game. In addition, they wear out quickly. Experienced players advise not to save on a set, because with adequate care and proper storage, accessories will last for more than one year.

First of all, you should pay attention to the uniform distribution of weight and the correctness of the shape.

When choosing, the following four parameters are taken into account:

  1. Hardness. In order for accessories to have this characteristic, they must be made of the strongest plastic or special resins. The aforementioned Saluc company even has its own developments in the form of a unique aramid material. Its main feature is high strength with low weight. If there are chips, cracks, scratches, it is better to refuse the purchase, since these signs indicate a violation of the manufacturing technology or transportation rules. In addition, such damage has a negative effect on speed, rebound and roll.
  2. Balancing.In other words, even weight distribution. A full and productive game is only possible with perfectly balanced accessories. This means that if the material of manufacture is not hard enough, there will be no normal batch.
  3. Smooth surface. The ball should be perfectly round and smooth. Otherwise, it will slow down and linger on the table, the speed will decrease, and, accordingly, the game and mood will be spoiled.
  4. Colors. Depending on the type of billiards, the set includes balls of various colors, which should be bright and saturated, without streaks and scuffs. Such shortcomings indicate poor quality, and it is pointless to buy such a set.

Interesting! Many billiard players believe that the best balls are made from ivory or mammoth tusks. They are partly right: this was the case until the beginning of the 20th century. In search of a more humane method of production, craftsmen began to use phenolic resin. In fact, ivory has a rather heterogeneous composition and is affected by moisture. Today, products made from such material are nothing more than a museum exhibit.

Top 3 best sets of balls for Russian billiards

Palko 60.3mm

3rd place

Main characteristics
Production material:polyester
The weight:3.17 kg.
Price:1 890 r.

This set is a budget option for those who do not play billiards very often. The set includes 15 white numbered pieces and a red cue ball.

The option is good for those who like to drive balloons on weekends or in the summer season in the country, and at the same time not overpay. The set is not suitable for heavy loads: the materials of manufacture are not of the highest quality and simply will not withstand frequent batches.

balls Palko 60.3 mm
  • affordable price;
  • compact size.
  • brittle materials.

Toronto 38 mm

2nd place

Main characteristics
Production material:phenol-formaldehyde resin
The weight:2.6 kg.
Price:11 710 rubles

Despite the fact that the kit costs almost 12,000, it belongs to the budget. For competitions, such a set, of course, is not suitable, but for training and small establishments with the appropriate tables - just right.

A cardboard box contains 15 white balls and a yellow cue ball.

Thanks to the durable phenol-formaldehyde resin used in the production, the products are strong, resistant to moisture and temperature changes.

Users note the durability of accessories, their smooth, even surface and regular shape.

Toronto balls 38 mm
  • high-quality manufacturing materials;
  • strength and reliability;
  • perfect surface without cracks and scratches.
  • The kit is only suitable for training or training.

Aramith Premier 60.3mm

1 place

Main characteristics
Production material:phenolic resin
The weight:3.44 kg.
Price:9 900 rubles

The kit is produced by the famous company Saluc, which was mentioned above. The impeccable smooth surface and perfect balance contribute to perfect contact with the table cloth, protecting the surface from frequent replacements.

The characteristics of the balls will not disappoint even the most spoiled players.

Premier is considered less durable than the Super Aramith sets used in international tournaments, but for billiard clubs and home use it will be difficult to find a better option: the set will last five times longer than cheap Chinese counterparts.

balls Aramith Premier 60.3 mm
  • verified manufacturer;
  • high-quality manufacturing materials;
  • perfect surface and balance of each instance;
  • price-quality ratio.
  • No negative reviews were found.

Interesting! One of the leading surgeons of the Russian Federation, the head of the presidential medical administration, academician S. Mironov, conducted research and found out that for just one game in the Russian pyramid, a person “walks” about 3.5 kilometers! Moreover, the professor claims that during the game the player simultaneously performs a whole range of different exercises in rhythmic and artistic gymnastics!

Top 3 Best Snooker Ball Sets

Standard 52.4 mm

3rd place

Main characteristics
Production material:polyester
The weight:3.57 kg.
Price:3 990 rubles

By tradition, in third place is a budget set of balls of a classic diameter made of polyester resin. A good option for home, education and non-core entertainment, nothing more.

Users note that at low gaming loads, these accessories serve for a long time, have rich colors and good balance.

The set includes 22 balls and a white cue ball.

balls Standard 52.4 mm
  • low cost;
  • bright colors, good balance.
  • balls will not withstand heavy loads.

Aramith Tournament Champion PRO-Cup Snooker 52.4mm

2nd place

Main characteristics
Production material:phenolic resin
The weight:3.52 kg.
Price:14 900 rubles

In second place is a set for professional players. Each element of the kit undergoes the strictest quality control from the manufacturer. You can be confident in the reliability of the balls and use them both for training and education, and for professional snooker competitions.

Thanks to the perfectly round and even surface of the balls, the risk of damage to the felt is minimal, and due to the center of gravity being exactly in the center, each element moves along the canvas quickly, without braking or hooking.

A distinctive feature is 6 red dots on the cue ball, thanks to which not a single movement of the element escapes the spectators and players, and the game goes on without unnecessary disputes about moves and adjustments of strokes.

Aramith Tournament Champion PRO-Cup Snooker 52.4mm
  • the balls were approved by the World Association of Professional Billiards - WPBSA;
  • reliable manufacturing materials;
  • a special cue ball for a more comfortable game;
  • price-quality ratio;
  • perfect surface, balance and rich colors.
  • No negative reviews were found.

Aramith Premier 52.4mm

1 place

Main characteristics
Production material:phenolic resin
The weight:2.78 kg.
Price:9 400 rubles

The leader of the rating is an excellent complex with the best price-quality ratio. The set includes 15 red balls, 6 multi-colored balls and a white cue ball.

The main advantages of the set are the perfect quality of each piece, flawless rich colors and smooth surface.

Among other things, such balls are resistant to temperature changes, and even under extreme loads do not leave marks on the table cloth and do not lose their brightness.
All elements of the set are mass-dyed, the colors are strictly controlled. Thanks to this, if necessary, a damaged copy can be replaced with a new one.

balls Aramith Premier 52.4 mm
  • high-quality manufacturing materials;
  • strict quality control;
  • the kit is suitable for home use and for tournaments;
  • strength and durability;
  • price-quality ratio;
  • perfect balance and rich colors.
  • not found.

Interesting fact! Billiards is one of the most popular games in Russia and has 25,000,000 fans. In Moscow alone, there are at least 500 billiard clubs and gambling establishments offering entertainment as an additional service. In hotels, restaurants and other places you can also often see a billiard table.

Top 3 Best Pool Ball Sets

Standard Pool 57.2 mm

3rd place

Main characteristics
Production material:polyester
The weight:3.26 kg.
Price:2 600 rubles

This set belongs to the class of budget accessories. Designed for playing at home or in institutions whose main activity is not aimed at billiards, since experienced players put forward special requirements for such items.

Polyester is used in the manufacture, so this kit is not suitable for a professional game or tournaments.

The set is packed in a cardboard box, includes 15 multi-colored balls and one white cue ball.

Standard Pool balls 57.2 mm
  • low price;
  • bright colors, smooth surface.
  • unreliable materials of manufacture.

Aramith Standard Pool 57.2 mm

2nd place

Main characteristics
Production material:phenolic resin
The weight:2.93 kg.
Price:8 990 rubles

The kit is intended for playing American pool and includes 15 colored balls and a white cue ball of standard diameter.

Traditionally, components are made of phenol-formaldehyde resin. According to the assurances of the players, they will last several times longer than poured from polyester.

The only reason why the price of the kit is reduced is because of some flaws in the appearance. The products are so durable that they can withstand 50 times more impact than products from other brands.

Aramith Standard Pool balls 57.2 mm
  • price-quality ratio;
  • high-quality manufacturing materials;
  • perfect balance;
  • strength and durability.
  • color flaws.

Super Aramith Pro Pool 57.2mm

1 place

Main characteristics
Production material:phenolic resin
The weight:4.55 kg.
Price:15 990 rubles

The Super Aramith Pro set takes a well-deserved first place, despite the rather high cost.

The kit comes in a convenient case for storage and transportation and, in addition to the balls, includes a tool for cleaning inventory from dirt and a special microfiber cloth. Among other things, the case reliably protects the contents from shocks, shocks and other mechanical damage.

The set includes 15 pieces, a classic diameter for a pool, and a cue ball.

Super Aramith Pro Pool balls 57.2 mm
  • high-quality manufacturing materials;
  • one year manufacturer's warranty;
  • reliability and durability;
  • perfect balance and surface;
  • convenient case for storage and transportation.
  • not found.

Attention! The article is informational. In order to avoid mistakes when choosing, before buying, you should check the characteristics and prices with a consultant in a store or by phone with a customer support operator.

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