
  1. Criterias of choice
  2. Rating of Russian banks in terms of reliability
  3. Rating of Russian banks by deposits
  4. Rating of Russian banks by assets
  5. Rating of Russian banks by loans
  6. Conclusion

Rating of the best banks in Russia for 2025

Rating of the best banks in Russia for 2025

Modern man, one way or another, is constantly faced with the work of the banking system - from receiving wages on a card, and ending with making deposits, loans, etc. Unfortunately, not every person is financially literate and understands that all banks are different, and, accordingly, they form the conditions for their counterparties according to various criteria that are not always beneficial for the other side.

In this review, we will find out what banks are, consider the criteria for selecting and evaluating banking institutions, and also tell you what to look for so as not to make a mistake when choosing. We have also compiled a rating of the best banks in Russia that provide quality services to the population.

Criterias of choice

Before choosing a bank, it is necessary to conduct a comparative analysis on several indicators.

Interest rate

This criterion is at the top of the list, as it is one of the most important. As a rule, in most organizations this indicator is approximately the same, but it makes sense to look for the most favorable conditions. Too much percentage income should alert a potential client, since such values ​​​​are set either by organizations that have a difficult financial situation, which means they want to attract a large number of investors in a short time, or one-day firms involved in fraud.

Such institutions have an increased risk of bankruptcy, as a result of which in both cases you risk losing your money savings, therefore, according to the recommendations of experts, you should not “be led” by exaggeratedly good promises. Particular attention should be paid to those companies that have average interest rates on short-term deposits, as well as increased interest rates for a period of 1 year or more. This is a clear sign that the company does not have enough liquid funds and it is looking for any opportunity to "stay afloat", including at the expense of depositors.

Reputation and rating by financial indicators

Unfortunately, most depositors pay almost no attention to these characteristics when choosing banks, and in vain. Independent agencies annually publish comparative tables that evaluate parameters such as:

  • Period of activity. The longer it is, the better, since the minimum period must be at least 5 years.
  • The volume and structure of capital. It is recommended to evaluate the network of branches and ATMs in your city, as well as the location and appearance of the main office. When evaluating these ratings, one should pay attention to such an indicator as "share of own funds in total capital". The higher this value, the better. The authorized capital must be at least a billion rubles.
  • The composition of the founders and owners of the institution. Most often, a financial conglomerate is made up of large private, state or transnational organizations. Priority should be given to those where the share of the state is higher.


This criterion is often considered the most important, but in fact it does not play a big role in choosing a bank. You will not have to visit bank branches very often, so sometimes it is better to put up with the remoteness of the office for the sake of other characteristics of the bank. If the availability of the office is of great importance for you, then you should also evaluate such parameters as the work schedule of the branch and the location of information kiosks (the wider their network, the easier it will be to perform the necessary actions on your own, without visiting the branch).

Availability of additional services and services

The wider the list of additional functionality, the more convenient it is to work with the institution. Large companies offer services such as SMS notification of all transactions on the account or the upcoming date of payment of the next installment on the loan, as well as applications for controlling funds using a smartphone, discount cards and cashbacks, the ability to replenish the deposit in various ways (through a branch, information kiosk , mail, Internet banking, etc.).

Whichever banking institution you choose, you cannot store all your savings in it in order to avoid the risk of losing them. It is best to divide the savings into several parts and store them in different organizations.

Rating of Russian banks in terms of reliability

The criterion of "reliability" includes the ability of the organization to fulfill its obligations to counterparties (not only individuals, but also legal entities). Such indicators as the capital structure, financial reporting documentation, the number and composition of the founders, customer reviews and the availability of guarantees are evaluated. According to the Central Bank of Russia, the TOP banks in terms of reliability are the following institutions.


Address: Moscow, st. Vavilov, 19.

Phone: ☎ +7 495 500-55-50, 900 - free of charge from Russian mobile operators.

Hours of operation of the central office: Monday-Sunday from 09:00 to 22:00.

Official website on the Internet:

In terms of the level of trust, this Russian bank needs no introduction. It is the largest in Russia, as well as Central and Eastern Europe. The founding date of the institution is considered to be the signing by Nikolai the First in November 1841 of the "Decree on the establishment of savings banks in Russia." Thus, the history of the organization has more than 175 years.

Today, the company serves more than 95 million individuals, and the number of employees exceeds 270,000 people. There are more than 14,000 divisions in the Russian Federation. There are branches of Sberbank in 18 foreign countries. The main share of the authorized capital of the organization (52%) is owned by the state (represented by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation).

Individuals are offered a wide variety of deposits, consumer loans and other financial instruments.The company issues branded bonus cards with cashback (up to 5%), exchanges currency, and also services accounts of individuals and legal entities. Pensioners will be interested in having the opportunity to apply for a pension using a Sberbank card. Its advantage lies in the fact that up to 3.5% per annum is accrued annually on the card balance.

In a pandemic, the availability of online services for an organization is also important. In this regard, Sberbank offers a wide choice - sending transfers and paying for communication services, housing and communal services, opening deposits, tracking payments, and much more. You can install an application on your phone that allows you to control all accounts, as well as instruct Sberbank to carry out this or that operation. Parents will be interested in the Sberkids mobile application for children, which makes it possible to transfer money to a child and control his expenses.

In addition, there are a large number of additional services. Among them are our own non-state pension fund, parcel delivery service in Russia, consultations of professional lawyers and doctors, OKKO and Beru apps, Sberfood, home delivery of groceries, etc.

  • universal banking organization;
  • many services are available online, which is important during a pandemic;
  • state ownership and large current assets allow you to be confident in the reliability of the company;
  • a large number of additional services;
  • have the necessary certificates and licenses;
  • clients have the opportunity to get advice from lawyers and doctors free of charge;
  • high ratings according to independent sources.
  • not the most favorable exchange rates.

VTB Bank

Address: St. Petersburg, st. Bolshaya Morskaya, 29.

Phone: ☎ + 8 (800) 100 24-24.

Hours of operation of the central office: Monday-Friday from 09:00 to 20:00.

Official website on the Internet:

This institution is a public joint stock company and has been operating since 1990. Initially, the company was called "Vneshtorgbank" and was represented not only in the Russian Federation, but also in the CIS countries. Currently, it has merged with several organizations and is a group of companies. The company is represented in the Republic of Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Germany, Great Britain, China, India, etc.

Most of the ordinary shares are owned by the Russian Federation (Rosimushchestvo), while preferred shares are transferred to the Ministry of Finance and the State Corporation "Deposit Insurance Agency". The cumulative share exceeds 90%.

Like other similar financial institutions, VTB works not only with individuals, but also with small, medium and large businesses. A wide range of credit and investment programs is presented. According to the description on the organization's website, consumer loans are available at a rate of 7.5% per annum, car loans - from 2%, mortgages - from 6.5%, and deposits - up to 7%.

Most transactions can be completed without visiting the company's office. For this purpose, the VTB-online service is offered, which, according to the administration, is more profitable than in the office. Deposits under this system have state insurance, therefore, in the event of force majeure, they are paid in full. There are also various promotions and discounts from payment systems (Visa, MasterCard, MIR) and partners (Lenta, Philips, Yves Rocher, etc.).

Participants of the Privilege program are promised to be assigned a personal manager who will help them understand all the variety of products offered, as well as answer questions and help fill out the necessary documents. The program includes receiving a multicard with bonus options, premium products and services. For example, this includes roadside assistance, travel insurance, favorable rates on deposits, loans and cashback up to 4.5%. The cost of servicing the card is 5,000 rubles per month. The fee is not charged in case of paying for purchases with a card from 100,000 rubles and for receipts to the account from 200,000 rubles.

  • high reliability rating;
  • most of the shares are owned by the state, which provides confidence in the stability of the company;
  • a large number of online services;
  • quick decision making on loans;
  • various bonuses and discounts;
  • cheap loans.
  • the site rarely updates information about the working hours of offices and divisions.


Address: Moscow, st. Novocheremushkinskaya, 63.

Phone: ☎ 8 (800) 100-07-01 (free of charge in Russia).

Hours of operation of the central office: Monday-Thursday from 09:00 to 18:00, Friday from 09:00 to 16:45.

Official website on the Internet:

This joint-stock company has been operating since 1990. As the name implies, the company owes its foundation to the Gazprom enterprise. Its shares are owned by both the aforementioned organization and individuals.

More than 380 branches have been opened on the territory of the Russian Federation, and the authorized capital exceeds 195 billion rubles.The company participates in the deposit insurance system, issues and services plastic cards, issues consumer, mortgage and car loans to the population, and also works with deposits and investments. Services are also offered for life insurance, servicing private businesses, accumulating additional pensions, etc.

Of the online services, it is worth highlighting Internet banking, the availability of a mobile application and brokerage services. For those whose income has recently decreased by more than 30%, the bank (as well as most other credit organizations) provides credit holidays for up to 6 months in accordance with Federal Law No. 106 of 04/03/2020. This program includes deferred payments on consumer, mortgage and car loans, as well as credit cards.

One of the bank's unusual offers is a card with an individual photo. You can put a photo of a person and even a beloved pet on it. If there is no such photo, then you can choose a design to your taste on the company's website. Despite the individual design, the card has all the functions that are inherent in the standard one - you can pay with it in stationary and online stores around the world, as well as use the functions of mobile and Internet banking.

In addition to the main activity, the institution also offers additional services - the program “Virus. No ”(maintenance cost - 4,600 rubles per year). It provides for insurance payments in the event of coronavirus in the amount of 1,000 rubles daily for 14 days, in case of death - 1,000,000 rubles.The program also includes a consultation with a psychologist, remote legal assistance, insurance in case of loss of work (in case of dismissal of an employee for reasons beyond his control, an amount of 1/6 of the amount of insurance is paid for every 30 days of being unemployed). In total, no more than 6 payments are available. The Cloudless Future program includes an extensive list of medical preventive examinations, and not only medical consultations are paid, but also related costs.

  • an extensive list of additional services;
  • the stable operation of the company is ensured not only by a large authorized capital, but also by the fact that it is owned by one of the leading enterprises in Russia;
  • a large number of positive customer reviews;
  • a convenient site that contains information about how much this or that product costs, office contacts, a guide to exchange rates, information on promotions and discounts.
  • the state has no shares in the company's shares.

Rating of Russian banks by deposits

The first 3 lines in the ranking of the most favorable conditions for deposits are occupied by Sberbank, VTB and Gazprombank, which were considered in the reliability rating, so we will not repeat ourselves and consider the representatives next in order.

Alfa Bank

Address: Moscow, st. General Belov, 35.

Phone: ☎ 8 800 200-00-00 (free of charge in Russia).

Hours of operation of the central office: Monday-Friday from 09:00 to 16:00, Saturday from 10:00 to 16:00.

Official website on the Internet:

Like other similar companies, Alfa-Bank was founded in 1990. Its main shareholder is OJSC AB Holding. Currently, the organization has more than 670 branches throughout the country.The main activities of the bank are deposit activities, registration and issuance of loans, mortgage and car lending, foreign exchange operations, issuance of securities, bank cards, etc.

During the difficult situation with the coronavirus, the company offers favorable conditions for its customers - it reduces payments by 70% on credit cards and by 20% on loans opened with Alfabank. There is also an opportunity to apply for a credit holiday for loans in the amount of up to 5 million rubles. Cashback and interest payments on card balances have also been increased for those who have switched to online services (cinemas, home delivery of groceries and goods).

Many customers note that they have a credit card for 100 days without paying any interest. This is a handy tool when money is needed "here and now." Those who have a salary card in this bank will be interested in special offers - cash loans from 7.7% per annum, the possibility of refinancing up to 5 loans, etc. The company has its own mobile application that allows you to control your account status, receive SMS notifications about all transactions, pay utility bills, Internet, fines without unnecessary actions using a QR code, etc.

Depositors are offered a large number of different programs - free services for accumulation ("Piggy bank for change", "Piggy bank for salary", auto-replenishment of a savings account and deposits for certain purposes), deposits ("Victory+", "Potential+"), savings accounts ( "Alfaacchet", "Savings" and "Miles from Aeroflot" for the account balance).

  • favorable conditions for individuals who have an Alfabank salary card;
  • a large number of different types of deposits;
  • various promotions and discounts are constantly held;
  • new programs with favorable conditions are periodically introduced.
  • some clients are put off by private ownership.


Address: Moscow, Gagarinsky lane, 3.

Phone: ☎ 8 (800) 100-0-100 (toll-free in Russia).

Working hours of the central office: Monday-Saturday from 09:30 to 20:00, Sunday is a day off.

Official website on the Internet:

The bank was established in 2000 and during this time has reached the level of one of the largest in Russia. The institution provides all types of services, but the main direction is budget financing of the agro-industrial complex (agro-industrial complex). The entire block of shares is owned by the state.

The bank has 66 branches across the country, and it is also represented in Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia and China. The institution offers mortgage lending in the countryside (at a rate of 2.7%), bank cards with accruals on the balance of funds and deposits on favorable terms.

Most popular deposits:

  • with increased inserts - "Golden Premium", "Maximum Savings Premium", "Platinum Premium";
  • with maximum rates - "Your income", "Your opportunities" and other offers within the "Ultra" tariff;
  • promotional products - "anniversary rate", etc.

Deposits in the company are insured by the Deposit Insurance Agency, therefore, in the event of an insured event, each depositor receives payments in accordance with the law. In the event of such a case, each depositor has the right to receive a 100% refund within the amount of 1,400,000 rubles for the totality of accounts.

  • a large number of deposits;
  • state form of ownership;
  • informative and intuitive official website;
  • provide all types of banking services.
  • few branches in the regions.

Rating of Russian banks by assets

The first 3 lines of the rating according to this criterion are again occupied by Sberbank, VTB and Gazprombank. In fifth place is Alfabank, in sixth is Rosselkhozbank. We have considered all these companies before, so we will not repeat ourselves. Let's pay attention to the applicants who are in fourth place - "National Clearing Center", as well as in seventh - Otkritie Bank.

National Clearing Center

Address: Moscow, Bolshoi Kislovsky lane, 13.

Phone: ☎ +7 495 363 32 32.

Hours of operation of the central office: Monday-Thursday from 09:00 to 18:00, Friday from 09:00 to 16:45.

Official website on the Internet:

This center has been operating since 2006 and is a non-bank credit institution. It works with securities and has an agreement with the MICEX currency market. The firm works with both individuals and legal entities, offering clearing, risk management, web-clearing, OTP, etc.

Of the features, it is worth highlighting the lack of a network of branches and ATMs. All operations are carried out through the head office or using Internet resources. The international rating agency FitchRatings assigned the clearing center a BBB rating, which means a stable outlook. The same assessment was made by the analytical credit rating agency. The Center works with state support, and in addition to working on the domestic securities market, it operates abroad in the form of membership in international associations.

On the website of the center you can find the current tariffs for commission fees for services provided to individuals and legal entities. Due to the fact that there is only one office, most issues are resolved remotely, for which a developed support service has been created. Contacts (phone numbers and email addresses) can be found on the official website.

  • the center works with state support, which guarantees stable operation;
  • high ratings of international agencies;
  • a convenient and informative site with which you can remotely solve most of the issues.
  • relatively short period of work.

Bank opening"

Address: Moscow, Kozhevnicheskaya street, 14, building 2.

Phone: ☎ +7(800) 700-78-77.

Working hours of the central office: Monday-Friday from 09:30 to 21:00, Saturday from 10:00 to 18:00, Sunday is a day off.

Official website on the Internet:

The institution has a private form of ownership and was created by merging 10 commercial banks. The company has been operating since 1993. 99% of the shares are owned by the Bank of Russia. The company has a developed network of offices and ATMs, which includes more than 600 branches. The financial group includes Rosgorstrakh, NPF Otkritie, Management Company Otkritie, Otkritie Broker, JSC Baltic Leasing, etc.

The company works with both private and legal entities, including corporations and financial institutions. Private clients have access to loans (consumer and credit cards), payment cards, mortgage programs, deposits, savings accounts, payments, transfers, investments, insurance and pensions.There is also a branded mobile application with which you can not only pay for services, but also buy goods via the Internet. Various promotions and discounts for customers are periodically held. According to the latter, the average price of servicing in a bank is comparable to other similar firms.

Salary clients of Otkritie are offered cashback up to 11%, free SMS notifications about the receipt of funds to the account, reduced rates on loans, mortgages and refinancing, as well as favorable conditions for the Open deposit - 6.8%.

  • developed network of offices;
  • favorable conditions for clients receiving salary on a bank card;
  • high share of assets;
  • a large number of additional services - non-state pension fund, insurance and leasing organizations.
  • It is difficult to find information on the opening hours of branches on the website.

Rating of Russian banks by loans

The first 5 lines of the rating are occupied by firms that were described earlier (in descending order) - Sberbank, VTB, Gazprombank, Alfa-Bank and Rosselkhozbank. In order not to duplicate information, consider the following applicants. In sixth place is Moscow Credit Bank, in seventh is National Clearing Center (considered earlier), in eighth is Otkritie Bank (considered earlier), and in ninth is National Bank Trust.

Moscow credit bank

Address: Moscow, Lukov per., 2, building 1.

Phone: ☎ 8 (800) 100-48-88.

Working hours of the central office: Monday-Friday from 11:00 to 19:00, Saturday, Sunday - day off.

Official website on the Internet:

The organization has been operating for over 27 years. She works with both private and corporate clients.The company is a member of the state deposit insurance program, thus guaranteeing its clients their complete safety.

The bank provides deposits (the most popular are Profitable Approach and MEGA Online), loans (non-targeted, mortgages, credit cards, refinancing and restructuring of loans), issuance of a large number of cards (Moscarta, Wisdom) - for pensioners etc.), payment rings, health and accident insurance, and cash management services for pensioners.

Of the interesting credit products, one can single out the “More is Possible” card. It makes it possible to use the bank's funds for 123 days without paying interest. During this period, a grace period is provided, during which mandatory payments with a small amount must be paid. There is also a preferential mortgage loan at 5.75% per annum for up to 12 million rubles.

The loan of this bank can be repaid using the MKB Payments service using any card. Payment receipt can be received by e-mail.

  • a large selection of credit products on favorable terms;
  • high position in the ratings of domestic and international agencies;
  • a large number of ATMs in all regions;
  • an extensive list of services provided.
  • some customers are dissatisfied with the quality of their service.


Address: Moscow, st. Odessa, d.2.

Phone: ☎ 495 721 99 00.

Working hours of the central office: Monday-Friday from 11:00 to 19:00, Saturday, Sunday - day off.

Official website on the Internet:

The company has been operating since 1996 and is part of the international corporation Raiffeisenbank International. More than 140 branches are located on the territory of the Russian Federation. According to Forbes magazine, the organization is the most reliable bank in Russia.

The company offers a large number of products that will interest potential customers. These include a plastic card with a 1.5% cashback on all purchases, a consumer loan with a rate of 8.99% for any purpose, a credit card with a grace period of 110 days, opening savings accounts with an annual income of up to 4.5%, and much more. other.

Clients with high earnings may be interested in premium service conditions. It is provided if there is an amount in the account that exceeds 2.5 million at the end of the month, or if payments on the account per month exceed 250,000 rubles or salary payments to the account in the amount of 500,000 rubles or more. Such clients receive a number of benefits: a personal manager with dedicated service areas, individual exchange rates, risk insurance, travel assistance, on public roads, etc.

The company monitors the quality of work of its employees. The site even has a special form, by filling out which you can leave a review about the work of an employee.

  • high quality service;
  • a large number of positive reviews of depositors and creditors;
  • favorable conditions for credit products;
  • the company is a member of a large international corporation;
  • high positions in international rankings.
  • not detected.


When choosing which services and which banking company it is better to resort to, it is worth making a balanced and deliberate decision, after evaluating many factors, since the success of your work with the bank depends on their result. Since it is not easy for each of us to get money, it is worth making every effort to save it as much as possible and increase it.

When choosing a bank, you should pay attention not only to the reviews of visitors, but also to the ratings of Russian and international agencies, which reflect the real financial condition of a particular company. We recommend giving preference to banks with a high state share in the authorized capital. This guarantees that in case of force majeure you will be able to return the invested money.

We hope that our review has helped you make the right choice and manage your funds as efficiently as possible.

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