In order to start your own business, you need to go through a large number of formalities. Among them are not only the registration of a legal entity, registration with the tax office, but also the opening of an account in a bank branch for settlement and cash services (RKO). The latter must be done so that the legal entity can receive and send money, store revenue on it.
Many businessmen do not think about how to choose a bank for servicing. It's easy to get confused about what they are and which plan is better to buy. In order not to make mistakes when choosing and not to overpay, you need to know what to look for.
In the article, we will compare the best offers of banks, deal with the criteria for choosing banking services, find out what is needed to open a current account (RS), and also select the best rates with discounts and partner bonuses.
When choosing the best banking organization serving small businesses, the following factors should be taken into account:
The procedure for choosing a bank to open a current account:
You can open an account here on the same day you apply. You can do this not only in the office, but also in any convenient place through the online registration service.To do this, just upload the required minimum documents to the site and submit an application. Managers themselves will draw up an application and submit it to the tax office, independently select the appropriate OKVED codes, and open RS. The entrepreneur will only have to pay the cost of registration with the tax office and sign the contract.
After you leave a request on the site, the operator will contact you within 24 hours, tell you in detail about how to leave a request, as well as about the services and tariffs provided. The RS number is issued during the first conversation with the manager. To do this, you need to name only the data of the passport and the individual taxpayer number (TIN).
After that, you can immediately start working. By downloading and installing a proprietary application, or by entering banking through the website, you can get details that can immediately be entered into contracts and sent to partners and counterparties. In the application, you can monitor the status of the application until the meeting with the manager. At Tochka, it is not at all necessary to visit a bank branch; to conclude an agreement, an employee will come to a place convenient for you, bringing with him all the necessary documents. If necessary, he will help set up the Internet bank and show how to use it.
Opening a PC, Internet banking applications, payments to the tax office and settlements with the budget are carried out without commission. Depending on the need, three tariff plans are offered for individual entrepreneurs: “Required minimum”, “Golden mean”, “All the best at once”.
The first one can be connected only on one PC, it includes the most favorable conditions for business start-ups or small private companies. Payments, transfers to individuals, cash withdrawals are made without payment.Depositing cash and crediting to the account is carried out for a fee, the rate, depending on the amount, ranges from 1% to 8%. No commission is charged on proceeds from merchant acquiring. The merchant acquiring rate is 2.3% and is fixed. All certificates, letters and other documents in electronic form are issued free of charge, on paper - with delivery in Russia - 1,000 rubles, with delivery around the world - 5,000 rubles. The tariff does not require payment.
The second tariff costs 500 rubles per month or 5,400 rubles per year. Includes 10 free payments, each subsequent - 60 rubles. The cost of transfers to individuals by details depends on their number and amounts to 60 ₽ or more. Incoming payments and transfers are carried out at 0% payment, while replenishment of the account from an ATM or an individual's card is made with payment of a cost from 0.2% to 0.4% of the total cost, but not less than 100 rubles. The merchant acquiring rate is 2.3% and is fixed.
The third tariff plan will cost 500 rubles. in the first three months, and then 2,500 rubles for each, or 24,000 rubles a year. Starting from the second year, the savings will be up to 6,000 ₽. The first 100 payments are made without commission, for each subsequent - 15 rubles. The cost of physical transfers persons for each will amount to 15 rubles within the amount of 300,000 rubles, with an amount exceeding the specified amount - from 3% to 8% + 15 ₽. Cash withdrawal up to 100,000 rubles. carried out without payment, over - from 3% to 6% of the amount. Incoming payments and transfers are made at 0% payment, replenishment through the cash desk, ATM, from the card of an individual up to 1,000,000 ₽ - without payment, over - at 0.4%, but not less than 100 rubles. The merchant acquiring rate is 1.3% for the first 200,000 ₽, above - 1.8%.Documents in electronic form are provided without charging a commission, on paper, the first two deliveries in Russia are carried out without payment, the next - for 1,000 rubles, around the world - 5,000 ₽.
The company operates in all major cities of Russia, and in almost all regions. In the event that there were no movements on the account during the month, the subscription fee is not charged. In the initial capital of the bank up to 99% are shares of the Central Bank, which guarantees a high level of reliability and security. Maintaining accounting records, calculating taxes for individual entrepreneurs working under the simplified taxation system is 6% of the cost. If there is a need to issue a salary card, in the banks of RocketBank, MTB and HomeCreditBank it is opened and serviced without charging a commission, in others - at 0.55%.
For all customers of the Point before July 31, an additional opportunity to receive free service for several months is offered. To do this, you need to invite one or more partners to open a bank account. For each account - minus 1 month of free service. After 3 months, the countdown starts again (from one). The partner will also receive a free month of service.
Many of those who choose a bank that provides better services to firms than others end up with this institution. The opening of the RS is carried out without payment. The institution has been operating for a long time and has proven itself well with customers.In almost every more or less large city, Tinkoff has opened a branch that provides all types of services (deposits, loans, lending), including cash and settlement services for businessmen. Like the previous organization, the client does not need to come to the bank branch to open a current account. It is enough to prepare all the necessary documents and call the manager (departure is free of charge).
The execution of all necessary documents usually takes no more than a day, and on the day of application, the details are sent to all required counterparties via SMS or e-mail at the expense of the bank.
Payments are accepted around the clock, transfer of funds to other organizations is made from 01:00 to 21:00. If there are any funds on the RS at the end of the reporting period, they are charged up to 6% per annum. Each client is assigned a personal manager who helps to resolve all emerging issues.
Tinkoff offers a PC with an overdraft function, which is convenient for entrepreneurs who work with recurring short-term debts. This type of loan makes it possible to settle accounts with counterparties within the required period without incurring losses in reputation.
Settlement and cash services are carried out without payment for the first two months, and in case of a contract for a year or more - two more months as a gift. If the client came on the recommendation of a friend or from a bank that has lost its license to carry out activities, the free settlement period is 3 months. After that, you need to pay a monthly fee. There are three different tariff plans to choose from - simple, advanced, professional, differing from each other in a different set of characteristics and options.
The “simple” tariff plan is suitable for novice businessmen, and includes 3 free payments to counterparties, each subsequent one will cost 49 ₽. Transfer of funds to the card of an individual - 1.5% of the amount plus 99 rubles. Up to 2% per annum is charged on the balance of funds. If the business owner has a Tinkoff card, the withdrawal of funds to it is carried out without commission (within 400,000 rubles).
For those who have already got used to it a little and need to carry out transactions with large amounts, the “Advanced” tariff plan is suitable. It will cost 1,990 rubles per month, while allowing payments to counterparties with a commission of 29 rubles, transfers to cards to individuals at 1% of the amount + 79 rubles. 4% per annum is accrued on the balance of money on RS. Like the previous plan, there is also a free withdrawal to your own card.
The "professional" tariff is suitable for large entrepreneurs, it will cost 4,990 ₽ per month. The cost of payment to counterparties is 19 rubles. for one operation, transfer to an individual - 1% of the amount + 59 ₽, replenishment in branded ATMs - 0.1%. The balance on the account will bring an income of 6% per annum. Withdrawing funds to your card is free.
According to the advice of clients, it is more convenient to use the Tinkoff mobile application, which is almost as functional as Internet banking. To manage the PC, you do not need to visit a bank branch, all the necessary operations can be carried out through a computer or smartphone. Payments are signed via SMS, so users do not need to bother with carrying a key on a flash drive or a scratch card.
Tinkoff clients can use a large number of partner offers, among which are: advertising on Yandex in the amount of up to 10,000 rubles, on Vkontakte - up to 5,000 rubles, posting a job on HeadHunter for up to 30 days without payment.
The well-known Sberbank continues to review the best banks for individual entrepreneurs. The institution offers good starting conditions - opening an account, Internet banking, electronic document management is free of charge, regardless of the chosen tariff plan.
The organization’s website has a convenient online calculator that, based on the entered data (type and scope of business, its duration, amount of monthly revenue), will select the best tariff. Here are descriptions of the most popular of them.
In order to open a RS, you need to leave a request on the site, or contact the operator and reserve a number with him. After the number and details are received, it remains to sign the documents, and you can make payments. You can call a manager who will draw up and bring all the papers with him directly to the company's office. Software setup will not take more than an hour.
Among the advantages of all tariff plans are:
A variety of partner bonuses are offered for new customers, the most interesting of them are:
To support its clients, Sberbank offers many services for business development (the total number exceeds 20 items), among them are a salary project, the appointment of an individual lawyer in charge of business activities, loans for business development and for any other purposes, a website builder, merchant acquiring and others
To open a RS, it is enough for an individual entrepreneur to have a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation with him.Additional documents may be required if the individual entrepreneur is not a resident of Russia, he works with a government order, it is planned to use electronic document management or the 1C service: accounting, the company is engaged in activities subject to mandatory licensing, state secrets are involved in the work.
The largest private bank in Russia. Full account opening is done online. To issue it, you will need to go to the organization's website, create an application, indicating the phone number to which an SMS with a code will be sent. All registration takes no more than 5 minutes, after which you can proceed to making payments.
Free Internet and mobile banking is provided for customers. You can control the PC from any device that supports Internet access. Many individual entrepreneurs will be interested in the opportunity to receive free accounting services, which include the calculation of taxes and contributions to the budget, the creation of a separate tax account, on the balance of funds on which up to 3% per annum will be charged.
The institution offers acquiring with free connection and rental of terminals, the funds for which are credited the next day.
For a new and small business, the “Just 1” tariff plan is best suited. It charges a commission in the amount of 1% of incoming receipts to the RS, all other operations are carried out free of charge (Internet banking, payments and transfers to accounts of counterparties and individuals, cash withdrawals using a branded card).
Another good tariff plan is Best Start, which is also aimed primarily at beginner businessmen. The cost of maintenance is 490 rubles / month, in the case of an annual contract, no payment is made for the first two months. All payments and transfers are free of charge. Cash withdrawal from the card - 1.5% of the amount, while the minimum payment is 129 ₽.
Entrepreneurs who work with large sums will suit the "Good Choice" tariff. The price of monthly maintenance is 1,490 rubles per month, in case of an annual contract, no payment is made for the first two months. All payments and transfers are made free of charge. Cash withdrawal from the card - 1% of the amount, while the minimum payment is 159 ₽.
Until March 10, 2025, a promotion is in effect, according to which, with monthly payments of at least 30,000 ₽, a cashback of up to 5% is credited to the card.
There are many affiliate programs, including:
Choosing a banking branch is an important part of the process of starting your own business. A properly selected institution will not only save money and spend it wisely, but also avoid problems in the future, since changing details is a costly process, especially for a successfully functioning business.
Each of the organizations discussed in this article has its own special “chips” that are not available in the other, so before making a final decision, you need to decide which ones are right for your business.
Despite the fact that almost all the institutions in question offer registration through an online application, we recommend that you personally visit the offices of banks and talk with the managers of each of them, after which you can impartially compare the information received. We hope that our review will slightly simplify the difficulties of choosing for you and will allow you to choose a service organization with optimal conditions.