Car roof rack is an essential item for travel enthusiasts. Only with it does the owner have the opportunity to place various things on top of the car that do not fit in the passenger compartment. Because of this, you don’t have to rent a bike if you are going to ride in the mountains during your vacation or spend extra money on renting skis to ride on the ski slope. After all, all this can be brought on the roof of your own car. There are many uses for a trunk. Therefore, today we will rank the best car roof racks in 2025. We also highlight the advantages and disadvantages of each.
The first thing you should pay attention to when choosing a roof rack for a car is the material for the manufacture of crossbars, stops, fasteners, boxes. Will the trunk succumb to rust after the first trip and encounter with adverse conditions? Will plastic melt in the hot sun? How will the seals behave in case of sudden temperature changes? If you are a fan of high-speed driving, then the arcs with an aerodynamic profile will suit you, otherwise you will have to listen to the howl of the crossbars. It is also important to choose the right type of attachment so that the load does not fall off while driving along with the trunk. It is better to choose according to the size of your car.
Boxes are popular with most motorists. You can put a large number of small sports equipment in them. Racks and crossbars are suitable for transporting large items such as bicycles.
The first line of the rating is occupied by the plastic box Atlant Dynamic 434. The uniqueness of the products of this company lies in the fact that the mount is selected individually for each car. The range allows you to choose the right trunk for any owner.
Technical indicators:
The cost of the trunk varies from 17,000 to 23,000 rubles.
These trunks "catch" the buyer with a stylish design, small size, shape and modern durable materials. Top covered with a special layer of material that protects against corrosion and moisture ingress.
Made in Switzerland. Model 2013. It took pride of place for several years in the ranking of the most reliable and high-quality roof racks for a car. Passed all tests except low temperature. During such tests, the coating cracked, the locks did not close or froze tightly. At the same time, all other parts behaved exactly the same as without temperature effects. At the moment, the coating is being improved and new tests are being carried out.
The cost of such a trunk varies from 25,000 to 35,000 rubles. It falls out of the category of mid-priced car roof boxes.
In the warm season, it perfectly withstands any load and is not afraid of blows. But at the slightest temperature difference and a drop in the thermometer beyond the mark with negative numbers, it could not withstand the impact of a light load of 2.5 kg.
For other parameters, no model of this class has received so many positive reviews. Including from the expert group. The most famous publications recommend this trunk.
On the third line is the Thule Motion Sport trunk from the Swedish company. In the assortment you will find any models that are perfect for lovers of outdoor activities. All products are ISO certified. Additionally, you can order separate parts for the selected trunk model.
The cost of the model varies from 35,000 to 41,000 rubles. Despite this, users state that it is definitely worth all the money. The trunk meets all the requirements of buyers.
Technical indicators:
The indicators of the trunk are standard, the volumes are compact, while it is quite roomy.
The mounting system has 4 tabs that are securely attached to the surface of the car. But in this case, the installation takes longer due to the same fasteners. They do not glide well on the surface, are difficult to rearrange and do not move in arcs. The entire system is fixed with a lever.
The shape of the box is ambiguous, it has a bend at the end. This shape creates problems with aerodynamics and affects fuel consumption. While driving at high speed, a whistle is heard.
Due to the quality workmanship and the high strength of the materials used, the load capacity of the trunk has increased. But the maximum weight of the transported equipment depends on the installation of the crossbars, which are set based on the dimensions of the car.
The cost of a trunk for a car varies from 15,000 to 20,000 rubles.
The trunk comes from Switzerland. Passed all the necessary tests to obtain their status with great confidence. It can easily accommodate skis and other overall accessories for active sports. Of all the above and below models can be considered the most compact. The latest model was called the Motion XT Sport.
The cost of such equipment varies from 25,000 to 28,000 rubles.
Technical components:
Now let's talk about the pros and cons, although they are quite obvious.
The most convenient part in this box, which will serve well during installation, is the U-shaped mount. It has a thread, which must be located from the inside and tightened with the help of handles, individually for each foot. For even more convenient mounting, there are holes, with their help, the position of the roof rack is adjusted.
Unused holes are closed with plugs to prevent water from entering the mounting system. This will protect against corrosion and possible box change.
In the trunk, low fuel consumption and no noise during fast driving should be noted. This has a positive effect on the driver and passengers, who do not experience additional discomfort due to the excellent aerodynamics of the device.
It is impossible not to notice the design with its unique patterns and a shiny coating that reliably protects the transported items from moisture. Also, this box cannot be scratched or damaged.
Technical components:
The average market price for this box is from 17,000 to 20,000 rubles.
Yakima is considered the world leader in sales, manufacturing and product quality. It was recently acquired by the Americans and this was only a plus. Products serve their customers for many years, meet all quality standards, have a stylish design and are absolutely safe. Tests of new models are carried out constantly. The manufacturer does not forget about aerodynamics, so even at high speed the trunk will not create unnecessary noise that interferes with listening to the audio system.
The cost of this model varies from 15,000 to 16,500 rubles.
Technical components:
Based on the technical characteristics, conclusions can be drawn.
One of the most expensive representatives in our ranking. Its cost at the moment is about 32,000 rubles. Let's talk about how such an unprecedentedly high price can be justified.
After a large number of tests, the testers highlight the excellent build quality, reliability and convenience not only during attachment, but also in use. The company also independently conducted testing, during which it was found that there are practically no problems with aerodynamics. More precisely, when moving, the box practically does not create unnecessary noise. It is important to note that the trunk consumes a minimum amount of fuel.
Unfortunately, the installation will take some time. Boxing also has 4 paws, a reliable and convenient fastening. All of them are fully rubberized. During installation, the handles are twisted until they click, it will indicate that the installation is carried out correctly. The paws are double-sided and long.
Technical components:
The next trunk in our ranking is FicoPro 8.5. This is a representative of the Russian roof rack market.The model is practical, does not require special knowledge for installation and is easy to mount. Each trunk of this brand has a quality certificate.
The price varies from 23,000 to 24,000 rubles.
Record performance of all the above brands of transportation accessories.
One of the best options in terms of carrying capacity and length of equipment carried. But the total volume is less than other trunk models in our rating. Based on the data obtained, it is worth concluding that this device should only be purchased by a small family in order to comfortably transport all accessories for active sports.
If you decide to buy this model, then take into account the cost, which varies from 13,000 to 15,000 rubles. the price fully justifies the technical characteristics and even costs a little cheaper compared to other contenders.
Boxing has the best mounting system of all the models presented above. But it is not included in the standard package, you will have to buy and pay an additional 5,000 rubles. It just needs to be purchased, given the low cost of the box itself. The system has 4 mounts that are fixed when installed on the roof of the car.
The box material is polyethylene. It is made by casting, then all holes are punched in the resulting form for ease of attachment. This is the only trunk in which additional front mounts are installed.
The average market price for this model varies from 14,000 to 15,500 rubles.
Each of the presented trunks is good in its own way. All of them perfectly passed tests not only at manufactured factories, but also at international competitions. Thus proving that they deserve a place in our ranking. They are made of high-strength materials, for the most part do not create unnecessary noise and have reliable fastenings.
We looked at cheap and expensive car roof racks. They revealed not only technical characteristics, but also pluses and minuses.Now, when choosing one of the trunks you like, you will know a little more than they present to your eye. The main thing is not the cost, but the reliability and durability of the materials used, corrosion protection.