
  1. Device types
  2. Selection Guide
  3. What affects the cost?
  4. The best car horns
  5. Conclusion
Rating of the best car signals (horns) for 2025

Rating of the best car signals (horns) for 2025

Every car has a horn. It notifies pedestrians with a loud signal about the approach of a car or another driver about a possible collision. The product performs an important function. If the device breaks down, the driver will need to purchase a new one. There is a problem in choosing a horn. After all, manufacturers present a wide range of these devices with different parameters and characteristics.

Device types

Choosing a car horn is not an easy task. Manufacturers present a wide range of horns with a wide variety of alerts. Devices can make squeaking, howling, frightening and screaming sounds. When choosing, you need to take into account some of the nuances. After all, klaxons are produced in different shapes and sizes. When buying, you must consider these characteristics.

Klaxons produce the following types:

  • pneumatic principle of operation;
  • electromagnetic devices;
  • electronic devices.

Each species has its own characteristics. Models differ in the strength of the issued alert and the principle of operation. Some types have a number of subclasses.

Differences in pneumatic devices

Klaxons have not only a different shape and dimensions. Many have their own installation method. Pneumatic devices work according to a special technology. The compressor pumps compressed air into the pipe, which leads to a vibration effect. The power of such signals reaches 125 decibels. Ranges are usually in the range from 320 to 810 Hz. For different models of pneumatic devices, these indicators vary greatly. In order for the car to give a full-fledged signal, it is necessary to create a pressure of 6 atmospheres. In this case, the klaxon will produce the necessary cascade of melodies. However, it is necessary to have the right space under the hood and set the air horn.

Electromagnetic devices

Klaxons of this type also come in different types. One of the components is an electromagnet. It is connected to the membrane of the device.Next, an interrupter is connected to the work, which is tied to the core winding. By pressing the button, the driver supplies electric current to the entire device. In this case, first of all, the core rod is activated, which generates oscillations. The vibration, in turn, sets the membrane in motion.

Electromagnetic devices have differences in the emission of waves:

  1. Disc attachments. Manufacturers make them one-piece and collapsible type. The first option is smaller. The device has a different design. It can be installed under the hood and on the roof of the car. Manufacturers make the device with single and double tone. It is easy to handle and easy to install.
  2. Snail-shaped devices. These items are quite large. They are more difficult to mount on your workplace. The product resembles a curved pipe, which is why it was called a gramophone. The device produces 118 decibels at a frequency of 510 Hz. The sound produced by such a klaxon has a strong impact on others. If you purchase a product with two tones, equipped with a relay, you can create an alert with a pleasant melody.
  3. Horn klaxons. Devices have a distinctive feature. They are made in the form of a bugle.

The installation of such systems has its own specifics. The product is mounted on the outside of the car. If the device is installed under the hood of the car, then there is a significant decrease in the volume level.

Any type of device has its own shape and technical parameters. More detailed information can be found in the instructions or from the seller. A lot of interesting things are posted on websites and online stores.

Electronic type products

A distinctive feature of the device is a chip that produces a sound of the desired frequency.After that, it is converted on the loudspeaker. Power often reaches 110 decibels. However, on different models it varies widely.

Devices are powered by a voltage of 24 or 12 V. Users note its universal properties and ease of use. A wide range of models allows you to choose a product with any signal (starting with one tone, ending with a variety of melodies).

Unusual solutions

Many drivers install locomotive horns on their cars. The product is able to attract the attention of others, because it has the necessary power. However, its installation will require a certain space under the hood of an iron horse.

Despite the loud sound, such a horn cannot be used in urban areas due to too strong an alert. A motorist can be fined a round sum. In addition, the use of such a device requires high-quality noise insulation in the car.

Selection Guide

Doctors do not recommend purchasing horns with a frequency exceeding 440 Hz. In urban areas, the horn is allowed to be used in emergencies. This is what the rules of the road say. Before installing a powerful signaling device, you need to take care of the availability of reliable noise isolation in the car.

When buying, you must take into account the following:

  1. The power of the battery should be sufficient to service such devices. Installing multiple devices can quickly drain the battery.
  2. Before buying, you need to consult with the seller. Indeed, to install some models, you will need to purchase a compressor or connect to power.
  3. If a person likes bass, then it is better to give preference to low-frequency products.For those who prefer subtle sounds, it is better to buy a device that operates at high frequencies.
  4. Electrical equipment on trucks generates a voltage of 24 V. On cars, this figure is 12 V. This must be remembered when buying a horn.
  5. The legislation prohibits the use of products from special equipment (sirens, intermittent beeps).

What affects the cost?

The price of the device varies depending on many parameters. The cost is affected by power, type of device, frequency range and type of sounds. Prices also vary depending on where you live. The car owner can purchase the simplest device for 500 rubles. The cost of advanced models made using innovative technologies reaches 50,000 rubles. It all depends on the financial capabilities and preferences of the buyer.

The best car horns


GAS kit 22-221-3721010, HQ-302 / HQ-303

This model has good volume and power. The case has a good indicator of strength, an excellent combination of quality and cost. It is connected using one positive terminal, which must be taken into account when reinstalling to another vehicle. Checking and adjustment is carried out at the factory. So that the sound quality does not disappear, and the guarantee remains, it is necessary to maintain the integrity of the adjusting screw with a seal. And in order for the product to serve for a long time, it should be protected from moisture and chemical reagents.

The price is 864 rubles.

GAS kit 22-221-3721010, HQ-302 / HQ-303
  • volume;
  • good combination of cost and quality;
  • hull strength.
  • not found.

Electromagnetic signal from the Lyskovsky Electrotechnical Plant C302

This product is a popular Volga car signal.Many fans of Soviet cars already know him by the original sound produced by two horns of different tones. The main purpose is installation on a GAZ (Volga) car, but the operation of the signal is not limited to these cars. It can be used in all passenger vehicles. The original sound, which is well remembered, will help to distinguish the car in streams where there is a lot of noise. Two of the horns of two tones gives solidity and seriousness. Adherents of old cars of the Soviet period will love it.

It costs 780 rubles.

Electromagnetic signal from the Lyskovsky Electrotechnical Plant C302
  • original sound;
  • the device is suitable for almost all passenger cars;
  • fans of the Soviet automobile industry will like it.
  • not found.

Vympel SA-01 (in 2 tones, snail, noise level 118 dB

With the help of this device, drivers warn of emergency situations. Many are satisfied with the factory signal, but some drivers prefer the original sound. And someone needs power.

This device has an attractive design, it has a good sound volume, a long service life, as high-quality materials were selected in the manufacture. Pleases the owner of such a device and assembly.

It costs 450 rubles.

Vympel SA-01 (in 2 tones, snail, noise level 118 dB
  • will last a long time;
  • interesting appearance;
  • loud sound;
  • high quality raw materials and assembly.
  • not found.


The model is a good alternative instead of a factory-assembled horn. With its help, an audible warning is given in cases where the rules are not violated when driving on public roads. The device is powered by a 12V power supply, which is used in passenger cars.The sound is powerful, reaching 118 dB, which can be compared with a plane taking off.

The device operates at frequencies of 315/415 Hz, which allows you to get surround sound. The sound is produced using two signals that operate in the same range, which gives a loud sound.

The main advantage is versatility. It can be installed on imported cars or domestic models. Long service life is ensured by high-quality materials selected for the manufacture of the product.

It costs 653 rubles.

  • will last a long time;
  • surround sound;
  • good volume;
  • high quality materials.
  • not found.

Models of the middle price segment

Universal air signal 12/24 V, HQ 101

On special equipment used in road construction, on railways and in other places, an air signal of pneumatic action is used. These devices have a special design that allows you to make a powerful sound at high volume. Such a sound in open space will be heard for 1-2 km and further, and if it is applied at construction sites, it will be heard even when the machines are running. The use of such devices increases safety when working with special equipment and railway machines.

The high volume made these devices popular among truck drivers. The Vistaservice company has its own trademark for the production of such horns. Products will be ideally installed on any cars. They can be used on trucks, where the voltage reaches 24 V. They are also suitable for vehicles with a voltage of 12V.

It costs 1000 rubles.

Universal air signal 12/24 V, HQ 101
  • loud noise;
  • universality;
  • can be used for different types of technology.
  • not found.

Electromagnetic SOATE S0302D/S0303D1

The product is known as "Volgov" sound devices. It is installed mainly on GAZ cars, but this does not limit its use. The device can be installed on a car of foreign manufacture. Two tones give a loud sound that is easy to recognize in traffic. This makes the owner visible on the road.

Electromagnetic SOATE S0302D/S0303D1
  • universality;
  • many positive reviews;
  • loud.
  • not found.

LETZ car signal LETZ 302/303 2 pcs.

LETZ belongs to the family of the famous "Volgov" klaxons. They recognize by the two tones emitted by the horns of the device. These signals are put on GAZ-Volga cars, but they can be adapted for use on any car. Makes a sound that is well remembered and distinguishes the owner from the flow of other cars. It sounds solid, will appeal to those who prefer the brands of Soviet cars.

It costs 1200 rubles.

LETZ car signal LETZ 302/303 2 pcs.
  • loud;
  • the sound will not be lost in the stream;
  • appreciated by fans of Soviet cars;
  • versatility.
  • not found.

Premium segment

Bosch 9320335206

This product can be installed on almost any vehicle.

This device has a good clear sound, which makes it possible to give a signal to other road users. It can be used in different climatic conditions, including long-distance trips with climate change. Resistant to high and low temperatures. At the same time, it retains its characteristics. The material of manufacture of the socket is plastic.This model will serve as an assistant driver.

The device costs 2300 rubles.

Bosch 9320335206
  • Universal constructive solution "snail". This design is reliable, has versatility, easy installation, which are its main advantages.
  • The device can be used at a voltage of 12V. Power from such a network makes it possible to use it in any passenger cars or minibuses.
  • Has a good sound level. It will be well heard at a distance of 1-2 meters from the car.
  • Produces sound with a membrane. Played with an electromagnet.
  • not found.

Hella 3FH 007 424-811

The history of the brand spans 100 years, during which the company has been producing various accessories for cars, which are of high quality. Products for car signals were among them, the operation took place under different conditions. They are used to indicate turns, warning of danger and in other situations. This model is offered to the attention of car owners.

Used in cars with a voltage of 12V. This device gives the sound of a good timbre and volume, the sound spreads over a decent distance. The devices of this type have a plastic case, which is characterized by compact dimensions, made in red and black colors. The case is equipped with a Teflon seal that provides moisture protection. This model can be installed in two positions: vertically and horizontally. This makes the product comfortable to use.

It costs 1700 rubles.

Hella 3FH 007 424-811
  • good volume and power indicator give safety to the driver and passengers of the car;
  • plastic body;
  • sound spreads over a large radius;
  • anti-corrosion protection;
  • attractive design solution in a sporty style;
  • installation horizontally or vertically;
  • the presence of a moisture-proof seal made of Teflon.
  • not found.


The signal is given by the driver to the pedestrian with the help of a horn. Such a product should be chosen carefully. Each device is supplied with instructions, which indicate the parameters of the volume level, range, frequency. The first step is to focus on practical application, and not on tuning. When choosing such a device, safety should be the main criterion. Do not give preference to untested devices.

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