Hydrometer-alcoholometer is an easy-to-use liquid density meter. This tool is necessary in the manufacture of wine, moonshine and other types of alcohol. It shows what percentage of alcohol the drink contains and whether the result that was originally planned was obtained.
Alcohol hydrometers are used to control the quality of alcoholic beverages both in production and at home.
According to their functionality and other features, devices are divided into categories and types, and each of them is suitable for solving a particular task.
Categories and types of hydrometers:
After acquiring a hydrometer, a problem may arise: the newly minted owner cannot always understand the instructions and understand how the device works. At the same time, not everyone observes some of the nuances prescribed in the annotation, and without taking them into account, difficulties may arise with the use of the apparatus and the accuracy of the indicators.
It would seem that everything is extremely simple: you need to immerse a hydrometer containing a load of a certain mass in a liquid. In this case, the meter will push out part of the liquid and float to the surface to the degree-determining division.
But! Measurements carried out by beginners, without understanding all the intricacies of the process, give out, sometimes, just crazy results. For example, the device can show the strength of moonshine as much as 98 degrees.
To avoid such oversights, you need to carefully study the issue and take into account all the small details:
Before starting work, it is important to make sure that the device is in good condition and that there are no defects in the form of scratches and cracks.
With home winemaking and home brewing, one cannot do without a measuring device to determine the strength of the drink.
It is easy to buy a hydrometer - it is freely sold in stores, you just need to know exactly which model is suitable for the tasks.
The criteria for choosing a quality meter are simple and understandable even for beginners, the most important thing is to carefully study the issue:
Mistakes when choosing and buying a product are usually standard and lead, as a result, to losses and disappointment:
In order not to have to overpay once again for an unsuitable product, we have compiled a rating of high-quality hydrometers for alcohol for 2025. It presents the best meters of various types and categories, one of which is sure to suit your needs.
Average price: 500 rubles.
The ASP-T device is used to control the degree in an alcohol-containing liquid as a percentage. Additionally includes a thermometer. If you need to dilute alcohol with water, then this meter is exactly what you need.
Such an alcoholmeter is used mainly in laboratories at specialized plants and enterprises to monitor the quality of the raw materials obtained. But even at home, many "pros" in home brewing prefer this model. According to buyers, the ASP-T meter has high accuracy and is easy to use.
A qualitative measurement result depends on two factors: compliance with a temperature of 20 ± 2 ° C and the purity of the solution without impurities (only water and alcohol). Due to the fact that the device has a built-in thermometer, you can set the temperature of the liquid and measure the percentage of alcohol at the same time.
The ASP-T meter complies with the GOST 18481-81 standards, has a passport and a factory test certificate.
The device is divided into two types, in accordance with the measurement scale range: ASP-T 0-60% and ASP-T 60-100%.
It is a glass tube with a weighting agent in its extended lower part.
Easy to operate and reliable hydrometer ASP-T is inexpensive, anyone can buy it, so it is in high demand in the market.
Average price: 300 rubles.
The control and measuring device of the ASP type (1,2,3) differs from its counterpart ASP-T in the absence of a thermometer. The main functionality remains unchanged: determination of the strength in alcohol-containing solutions without impurities.
The range of the scale depends on the type of instrument, so the common value for all meters is a scale from 11 to 101%. But they are divided into types according to the range: 0-40%, 11-16%, 21-26%, etc.
The name of the hydrometer also includes an indication of its ability to determine the degree level, for example: ASP-1 90-100, ASP-2 11-16, ASP-3 70-100.
Average price: 2800 rubles.
Refractometer RHW-80VATC measures the volume fraction of alcohol in grape must, alcoholic beverages and sugar. Such analysis helps producers determine the optimal time for harvesting and control the winemaking process as a whole.
The refractometer is also designed for fast measurement in the smallest quantities of liquid, just a few drops. The device has a minimum error, it is used in professional circles among brewers and winemakers.
Measuring range from 0 to 80%, the most simple and convenient to use, equipped with automatic temperature compensation functions and does not need a power source.
Sold in an impact-resistant plastic or aluminum case, complete with sample pipette, calibration screwdriver and cleaning cloth.
Average price: 100 rubles.
Vinomers-sugarometers are used at home by amateur winemakers to control the strength and sugar level of wines and liqueurs, as well as the fermentation process. The scale range of such a device is small: for sugar - 0-25%, for alcohol - 0-12%.
Outwardly, it differs from other devices for measuring the density of a liquid only in that it has a double measurement range: for sugar and alcohol.
To check the accuracy of the wine meter, you need to lower it into a container with warm (20 ± 2 ° C) clean water. A working hydrometer will have all indicators at zero.
Average price: 60 rubles.
A miniature device that can determine the strength of any drink right in the glass. Measuring range: 0-96%.
Serious "pro" winemakers will not choose such a device for making a drink, it is more like a comic gift or a way to show off their knowledge and skills during a feast.
We have created a table for a more convenient selection of the desired device.
Name | Category | Density measurement range | Temperature measuring range | Length, mm | Average price, rub. |
ASP-T | laboratory | 0-60%; 60-100% | 20±2°C | 380 | 500 |
ASP (1,2,3) | laboratory | 11-101%; 0-40% | 20±2°С | 260 | 300 |
Vinomer-sugarometer | domestic | 0-12% | 20±2°С | 150 | 100 |
Glass hydrometer | domestic | 0-96% | 80 | 60 | |
Refractometer RHW-80VATC | laboratory | 0-80% | 0°C~30°C | 160 | 2800 |
There is an opinion among the people that everything made by oneself has many useful properties and a minimum of harmful impurities. That is why many lovers of quality alcohol are engaged in the production of their natural product.
In home winemaking, one cannot do without specialized equipment, especially without a hydrometer-alcohol meter. In our rating, we have included the best devices for making alcoholic beverages.