
  1. Modern methods of eliminating vascular defects
  2. Types of devices
  3. Way of influence
  4. Top Producers
  5. Rating of the best vascular removal devices
  6. How to choose

Rating of the best vascular removal devices for 2025

Rating of the best vascular removal devices for 2025

The desire to preserve beauty as long as possible is common to many people. The field of aesthetic medicine is actively developing, providing more and more opportunities for the safe correction of certain appearance flaws. Spider veins and capillaries appearing on the surface of the skin are not considered diseases, but they are not visually pleasing. You can get rid of them with the help of special devices.

Modern methods of eliminating vascular defects

The following are methods that can be used to resolve such problems.

  1. Laser removal or coagulation. Removal occurs by evaporating the blood and gluing the walls of the vessel, after which it collapses. It is practically painless, effective, there are a minimum of contraindications. It is undesirable to intervene while taking antibiotics and drugs from the group of retinoids. The main disadvantage is the high cost of the procedure.
  2. Microsclerotherapy. With this method, a sclerosant is introduced into the lumen of the vessel - a special substance that contributes to its destruction and the appearance of a fibrous cord in its place. Has an affordable price. The disadvantages include the need to introduce a chemical substance with high aggressiveness into the body. If administered incorrectly, this can lead to burns and tissue necrosis. The main disadvantage is an allergy to sclerosant.
  3. Thermocoagulation. Vessels are sealed under the influence of a narrowly directed high-frequency electric current. It has a minimum of contraindications and is characterized by low cost. The main drawback is that the possibility of a burn is not ruled out, at the site of which a scar can form.
  4. Ozone therapy. This method is analogous to sclerotherapy, but instead of a sclerosant, ozone is introduced, which has a high oxidizing potential, which contributes to the adhesion of the walls. Has a number of contraindications. The procedure is more painful in comparison with laser coagulation, but it costs much less.

Types of devices

Several types of special devices have been developed to remove capillaries and vessels.Their main difference lies in the length of the generated waves, measured in nanometers (nm), which provide a certain penetration depth.

  1. Diode. This is the latest generation of semiconductor type laser devices, thanks to which a large number of different procedures are available. They are suitable for removing both red and blue vessels. These devices have a minimum of contraindications, side effects when using them are very rare. Diode devices are universal and suitable for people with any skin phototype, sensations are tolerated without anesthesia, even by people with a low pain threshold. Leaves no burns. The wavelength ranges from 375 to 3330 nm, the most commonly used range is from 800 to 810 nm. Suitable for removing both superficial defects and deep-seated vessels. With deep exposure, the visual effect appears after about two weeks.
  2. Neodymium. They are marked Nd:YAG. They emit waves in the range of 1.06 - 1064 nm, which ensures penetration into the skin to a depth of 5 mm. Can remove vessels up to 4 mm in diameter. Most of the radiation is absorbed not by melanin, but by hemoglobin, which makes these devices suitable for a number of medical procedures. They can be used to influence the face and body, they remove formations of both red and blue color, regardless of their size. They have proven themselves when exposed to the body and limbs, but can cause severe discomfort when treating the nose and areas lying next to it. Such devices are suitable for people with any skin phototype, but settings must be carefully set to avoid scarring or pigmentation changes.
  3. Alexandrite.Created on the basis of neodymium devices and used as combined systems in combination with dyes (rhodamine, fluorescein, coumarin, tetracene). The wavelength is 755 nm. They have proven themselves in the removal of blood vessels in the lower extremities. Demanding on the color type of the skin, because in naturally swarthy people it can cause burns. An obstacle to its use is also a strong tan. The disadvantage of such an apparatus is a short pulse, due to which high power must be used to remove large defects. But since the diameter of the light spot of the alexandrite laser is up to 18 mm, a large area of ​​skin is treated with a single flash.
  4. IPL lasers. The device, often referred to as a broadband light machine, is suitable for removing small vessels. Suitable if you intend to remove problems only on the face. It is best to use a short pulse for this at any power, including a low one, not exceeding 10 J. The wavelength ranges from 530 to 590 nm. The size of the light spot of such a device is 8 x 35 mm. Suitable for removing many adjacent small surface defects with one or two flashes. With deep rosacea is ineffective.
  5. Installations operating on a mixture of carbon dioxide, helium, nitrogen, xenon and hydrogen. With the help of powerful radiation and waves up to 10600 nm in length, the blood evaporates and the vessel is glued together. Thus, angiomas, hemangiomas and other formations can be treated. These devices are among the most severe lasers. They can seriously injure the skin and cause its increased dryness.

Way of influence

Modern devices have replaced procedures that were previously carried out using a radio knife or electrocoagulation. This effect minimally injures the tissues located next to the removed object, it is sterile and highly effective. The recovery period after such an intervention is short.

Before starting the procedure, individual exposure parameters are set, which are determined by the size and depth of the removed vessel. With a point effect, the laser heats and evaporates the blood. The walls of a capillary devoid of nutrition stick together, after which it significantly decreases in size or completely disappears. The tissues around it remain intact. Thanks to the built-in cooling system, this procedure is not too painful.

The intervention is carried out as follows:

  • the client is given special glasses that protect the eyes from the negative effects of laser flashes;
  • the area of ​​​​the skin on which the exposure will be carried out is treated with an antiseptic;
  • a light-conducting gel is applied to the surface of the skin;
  • vessels are removed using a laser beam, the number of flashes is directly related to the size of the vessel and the degree of its fullness with blood;
  • a soothing cream (Panthenol and its analogues) is applied to the site of exposure to prevent skin irritation.

Removal of large capillaries and large meshes may require 3-4 sessions, small formations are removed at a time.

Top Producers

Vessel removal devices are complex high-tech devices.There are many cheap devices on the market, the manufacturers of which guarantee the removal of spider veins and other defects, but the effectiveness and safety of these devices raises many questions.

Among the leading manufacturers of medical and cosmetology equipment, the following companies deserve trust.

  1. Alma Lasers. The Israeli company creates multifunctional systems for the purposes of aesthetic medicine, subject to strict certification and numerous clinical trials.
  2. Aerolase Inc. The company manufactures equipment in accordance with ISO 13485. It has all the necessary certificates and permits.
  3. Lumenis. An Israeli company specializing in the creation of devices for the needs of aesthetic medicine, as well as devices used in ophthalmology. The active use of innovative technologies guarantees an impressive result.
  4. SCITON. The American company specializes in the creation of devices for the non-surgical removal of skin defects. With their help, you can not only eliminate appearance flaws, but also treat certain diseases, such as varicose veins.
  5. AZOR. Domestic manufacturer of devices used in cosmetology and medicine. The company has been operating since 1991 and has extensive experience in the development of laser equipment. All goods are certified.

Rating of the best vascular removal devices

The selection includes products from leading manufacturers that have proven themselves to be highly effective and safe procedures carried out with their help.

Rating of the best diode devices for removing blood vessels

This rating includes the latest generation of devices that combine the high efficiency of the procedures, their painlessness and safety.


The average price is 140 thousand rubles.

Compact and relatively inexpensive in comparison with analogues, the device of the latest generation can be used both for personal purposes and in medical centers and beauty salons. Made in China. Its small size makes it easy to carry from place to place. The radiation length of this device is 980 nm, due to which it effectively eliminates formations on the skin. The accuracy of the impact is achieved due to the presence of a laser pointer, which is why nearby areas are not damaged.

  • compactness and mobility;
  • efficiency;
  • high accuracy;
  • interchangeable nozzles included;
  • air cooling system.
  • low efficiency when exposed to the deep layers of the skin.


The average price is 260 thousand rubles.

The diode type laser is made in China based on the latest developments in Western countries. It is suitable both for removing aesthetic defects and for medical purposes (treatment of varicose veins and other diseases). The wavelength of 980 nm allows you to work with deep layers of the skin and remove not only small, but also large capillaries. Due to the presence of pulsed and constant modes of operation, it is suitable for influencing sensitive skin. The procedures are carried out with minimal pain, without complications.

  • the device of the newest generation;
  • safety procedures;
  • efficiency from the first application.
  • weak radiation power 10-50 J/sq. cm;
  • no cooling system.


The average price is 520 thousand rubles.

The product of domestic production combines rich functionality and affordable price. Wavelength - 980 nm. Allows you to act on vessels with a diameter of up to 2 mm.An additional bonus after the procedures should include increased collagen production, which creates a rejuvenation effect. Equipped with an efficient cooling system, making the procedure painless.

  • goods of a domestic manufacturer;
  • painlessness and comfort of the procedure;
  • removes angiomas, rosacea, wine stains and other defects;
  • collagen production provides a rejuvenating effect.
  • has a number of contraindications.

Rating of the best neodymium vascular removal devices

The list includes devices that can solve most of the aesthetic problems of a vascular nature, as well as suitable for a number of medical procedures.


The average price is 360 thousand rubles.

The product of domestic production can be used both in cosmetology and medicine. A simplified electronic panel reduces the possibility of errors when setting parameters. Wavelength - 0.97-1.56 microns. The device helps to eliminate not only vascular formations, but also papillomas, warts, hemangiomas and other defects. The intervention does not damage adjacent tissues, as well as the skin over the site of exposure, since it occurs directly on the walls of the capillary. Can be used for people with diabetes.

  • goods of domestic production;
  • a manufacturer with extensive experience in the development of laser devices;
  • simple and clear control;
  • efficiency;
  • safety;
  • no need for rehabilitation.
  • not found.

Cynosure Cynergy

The average price is 530 thousand rubles.

This device is suitable not only for removing vascular problems, but also for dealing with such complex defects as angiomas and hemangiomas.It can be used for epilation, elimination of pigmentation, removal of psoriatic plaques at the initial stage, treatment and prevention of acne. It has not only a 1064 nm neodymium laser, but also dye-based Multiplex technology, which allows you to combine two types of radiation: YAG and PDL.

Cynosure Cynergy
  • universality;
  • the presence of two types of radiation;
  • effectiveness in many problems and defects;
  • cooling with cold air.
  • not found.

Harmony XL

The average price is 2.3 million rubles.

The product of one of the leading enterprises producing laser equipment - the Israeli company Alma Lasers. It uses five innovative technologies, including a long-pulse 1064 nm neodymium laser and Dye-VL technology, to treat an impressive list of 65 skin defects. It can be used to eliminate pigmentation, epilation, acne treatment, elimination of pathologies in deep veins.

Harmony XL
  • effective for most problems and defects;
  • it is possible to influence deeply located vessels;
  • In-Motion motion technologies and step mode;
  • comfort and painlessness of the procedure;
  • lack of consequences and the need for rehabilitation;
  • famous manufacturer.
  • not found.

Aerolase NEO

The average price is 3.2 million rubles.

The product of this brand has an impressive range of functions and is equipped in accordance with the latest technology. A high degree of safety due to the absence of thermal effects allows it to be used for children. The main unit is a neodymium microsecond laser, which allows several procedures to be performed in one session without harm to health. Equipped with efficient air cooling.The wavelength is 1064 nm.

Aerolase NEO
  • high manufacturability;
  • microsecond laser;
  • no thermal effect;
  • effective cooling;
  • allows for several procedures at a time;
  • speed and efficiency of the procedure;
  • the presence of several kits.
  • not found.

M22 Lumenis

The average price is 4 million rubles.

A professional device that will be appropriate both in a professional medical center and in an expensive beauty salon. In addition to removing vascular problems, it helps to eliminate pigmentation, conduct epilation and photorejuvenation procedures. Wavelength - 1064 nm. The radiation is absorbed by hemoglobin and does not damage tissue outside the treatment area. It consists of the spirit of modules: neodymium and IPL, which allows you to eliminate surface imperfections. The contact cooling system reduces the risk of burns to a minimum.

M22 Lumenis
  • includes two different modules;
  • innovative CoolScan cooling system;
  • laser with sapphire tip;
  • minimal trauma.
  • price.

Rating of the best devices for removing vessels of other types

The list includes equipment that is not of the neodymium or diode type, used to correct vascular defects on the face and body.

Candela Vbeam Perfecta

The average price is 2.8 million rubles.

The vascular pulse device is designed to work on dyes. The presence of applicators of different sizes allows you to choose the most effective method of exposure, and an integrated cooling system will prevent burns. Thanks to micropulse technology, each pulse is dispersed into eight smaller ones, which minimizes damage to nearby tissues.

Candela Vbeam Perfecta
  • precise exposure due to several types of applicators;
  • micropulse sparing technology;
  • minimal discomfort;
  • no need for rehabilitation.
  • not found.


The average price is 3.5 million rubles.

The device of broadband pulsed light from an American manufacturer is characterized by minimal trauma when removing various defects. The ClearScan YAG laser with a wavelength of 1064 nm makes it possible to use it not only in cosmetology, but also in medicine for the treatment of vein diseases. Two lamps are built into the device, which provide a uniform effect on the surface of the body. Thermoelectric cooling system prevents burns. It helps not only to remove defects from the skin, but also has a rejuvenating effect.

  • universality;
  • innovative cooling system;
  • safety;
  • rejuvenation effect after 2 weeks.
  • price.

Fotona SP Dynamis

The average price is 6.5 million rubles.

The Slovenian-made device is designed for laser dermabrasion. It is an erbium unit based on neodymium technology. It successfully fights not only with vascular manifestations, but also with scars, warts, papillomas. With its help, you can carry out a number of medical procedures, including gynecological and proctological ones, as well as remove various formations from soft tissues. Can be used for epilation. Effective on capillaries up to 3 mm in diameter.

Fotona SP Dynamis
  • innovative combination of technologies;
  • helps with many problems;
  • can be used for medical purposes;
  • minimal trauma;
  • comfort and speed.
  • price.

How to choose

The choice of a device for laser removal of blood vessels is a responsible issue. Not only the final result depends on the characteristics of the device and the convenience of its operation, but also the health of customers who may be harmed. The procedure should be carried out by a trained specialist, preferably with a medical education.

When choosing, you need to pay attention to the following parameters.

  1. Device type. It should be chosen based on the intended scope of use. For cosmetic procedures, an IPL device is quite enough, but if deep-seated formations are removed or a number of vascular diseases are treated, it is necessary to choose diode or neodymium type devices.
  2. Possibility to test the device before its purchase. This will allow you to evaluate its capabilities, stability and quality of work.
  3. duration of procedures. Different types of devices have different exposure times. The choice should be based on the expected number of interventions performed per day, taking into account the pre- and post-treatment of the skin, as well as the completion of all necessary documents.
  4. Procedure safety. It is better to opt for a device that minimizes the risk of burns, pigmentation or scarring.
  5. Cooling system. This feature reduces discomfort for customers and protects against burns, so you should definitely pay attention to its presence.
  6. Certificates and permits. The purchased product must have a permit for use in the country. The presence of certificates confirms its quality and suitability for performing cosmetic and medical procedures.
  7. The cost of the device, its nozzles and consumables. This parameter must be analyzed along with the payback if the device is purchased not for personal use, but for work in beauty salons or medical centers.
  8. The cost of training employees to work on this device.
  9. The reputation of the manufacturer and the specific model of the device on the market. Reviews of customers posted on independent resources will allow you to get acquainted with it.
  10. Availability of warranty and post-warranty service.

Purchasing a vessel removal device is a profitable and reliable investment. Many people have vascular problems. Eliminating cosmetic imperfections as quickly as if they were erased from a piece of paper looks impressive. This will ensure the flow of customers and will allow to form a good reputation in the market of aesthetic cosmetology and medicine.

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