
  1. What is SMAS lifting
  2. Rating of the best devices for SMAS lifting
  3. How to choose

Rating of the best devices for SMAS lifting in 2025

Rating of the best devices for SMAS lifting in 2025

Beauty is a terrible force, and many are ready to take drastic measures to keep youth and freshness longer. However, not everyone is in a hurry under the knife of a plastic surgeon, since such an intervention is traumatic and can have serious consequences.

The older generation tried to maintain skin tone with the help of folk recipes based on the use of natural products. But modern men and women have access to more effective achievements made in the field of aesthetic cosmetology. One of them is SMAS-lifting.

What is SMAS lifting

SMAS lifting is the effect of ultrasound on the inner layer of the skin, located between fatty tissue and muscles, and is responsible for the production of collagen and elastin. It is carried out using a special apparatus. The result of the impact is the compaction of the collagen present in the skin and the stimulation of its production by cells, due to which the effect of rejuvenation appears.

Most often, the lower third of the face and neck are exposed, and skin rejuvenation in the area around the eyes is also possible. Spot heating by a directed beam of a separate layer of the skin does not injure other parts of it and allows achieving a high efficiency of the procedure.


The SMAS facelift procedure quickly gained popularity due to its many benefits.

  1. This method does not involve surgical intervention and does not require anesthesia, which is the most powerful argument in comparison with traditional plastic surgery.
  2. The combination of comfort and high performance.
  3. Pronounced smoothing of superficial wrinkles in one procedure.
  4. Lifting of facial contours, especially noticeable in severe ptosis and deformation type of aging.
  5. Activation of natural processes in the skin due to the creation of microdamages, which leads to increased production of collagen and elastin.
  6. Long-term effect, lasts about a year and a half. It has a prolonged action, the maximum result is manifested six months after the procedure.
  7. The procedure is recognized as safe according to the FDA conclusion, it can be carried out regardless of the time of year.


Despite a significant number of advantages, this method also has a number of disadvantages.

  1. The cost of the procedure. It is explained by the high cost of equipment and the required high qualification of the specialist who conducts it.Depends on the size of the area being affected.
  2. Weak effectiveness with pronounced deep wrinkles and severe deformation of the face oval. The effect is best expressed after the age of 35 years.
  3. With high sensitivity to pain, the procedure may be accompanied by discomfort.
  4. There are some contraindications, in the presence of which the effectiveness of ultrasound will be significantly reduced or reduced to zero.
  5. Occasionally, side effects are possible: burns, lipoatrophy, etc. To avoid this, a thorough preliminary examination of the skin by a specialist is necessary.


SMAS lifting can be applied to both women and men. It is effective in the presence of excess weight and the associated excess subcutaneous fat layer. The indications for the procedure are:

  • the presence of paint bags under the eyes and wrinkles in the area around the eyes;
  • dryness and other disorders of the skin in the area around the eyes;
  • deep nasolabial folds;
  • wrinkles in the lips;
  • deformity of the oval of the face, jowls, double chin.


Like any intervention in the work of the body, SMAS-lifting has a number of contraindications.

  1. Age up to 18 years.
  2. The presence of scars and scars in the area of ​​​​the intended impact, which will prevent the penetration of ultrasound into the deeper layers of the skin.
  3. Inflammatory processes not only in the affected area, but also in the body as a whole.
  4. Herpetic eruptions and skin diseases in the acute stage in the affected area.
  5. Pregnancy.
  6. breastfeeding period.
  7. The presence of a pacemaker or metal implants, which can lead to severe pain. The exception is dental implants, but with them the procedure will be more painful.
  8. Diabetes mellitus and other autoimmune diseases in the stage of decompensation, due to which the skin can react in an unpredictable way.
  9. Oncological diseases.
  10. Some neuropsychiatric diseases, such as epilepsy.
  11. Taking anticoagulants.
  12. The presence of fillers.


For skin tightening, special devices are used, which are equipped with an emitter of ultrasonic waves. They must necessarily have a certificate of conformity, allowing the use on the territory of the Russian Federation. Popular models are Ultherapy, Doublo and Ultraformer.

On the eve of the procedure, you should refrain from using acid peeling and other products that contain acid. Three months before the SMAS facelift, you can start taking collagen preparations. It will not be superfluous to donate blood for the content of vitamins and microelements, and, if necessary, replenish the missing substances.

Before exposure, the specialist must make sure that there are no fresh injuries and inflammations on the skin areas that will be treated. After that, he marks the skin into separate zones.

A line is a series of ultrasonic pulses. It is indicated on the working nozzle and is no more than 3-4 cm. The impact on one line takes 1-2 seconds. The number of lines depends on which area is being processed, and can range from 200 to 1000:

  • eyelid area - 200-350 lines;
  • second chin - 150-300 lines;
  • cheek area and face oval - 400-800 lines;
  • full face - 600-1000 lines;
  • face and chin - 700-1300 lines.

The variation in the number of lines is explained by the individual structure of the face and the size of the areas that need correction.

The visualization function built into the device will allow you to determine the composition and thickness of the skin and, on the basis of this, the required nozzle is selected.For better gliding on the skin, a special gel is used. Pain medications are not used, but anesthetic gel or tablets can be used for high sensitivity.

The procedure is characterized by a minimum rehabilitation period. With severe skin sensitivity, redness, swelling, tingling, or numbness may occur. With normal and low sensitivity, the effects of the intervention are not visually manifested.

During the correction, small points of thermocoagulation appear on the skin, the size of which is 0.7-1 mm. The depth of penetration into the inner layers of the skin is from 3 to 4.5 mm.

Areas that cannot be affected by the device are the central part of the forehead, the area where the nerves exit, and the area of ​​the thyroid gland.

Within three days after the procedure, you need to limit sports activities and refrain from drinking alcohol. It is also undesirable to stay in a leaning position for a long time. For a long period of time - 2-3 weeks - it is necessary to exclude exposure to high and low temperatures: bath, sauna, wiping the face with ice cubes, etc.

Rating of the best devices for SMAS lifting

The list includes devices approved for use on the territory of the Russian Federation in different price categories.

Rating of the best devices for SMAS-lifting worth up to 1 million rubles

In this category, budget-priced devices with a minimum of necessary functions are presented that cope with the task of skin rejuvenation.


The average price is 180 thousand rubles.

This device, in addition to the nozzle for the correction of the face and chin, is equipped with a vaginal nozzle. It helps to restore the sensitivity of the vagina after childbirth and bring its muscles back to normal tone.The built-in function of automatic deep diagnostics allows you to achieve the effectiveness of the impact. The kit includes three nozzles.

  • function of intimate rejuvenation;
  • automatic wavelength adjustment;
  • inexpensive cartridges;
  • ease of operation;
  • safety and reliability;
  • price.
  • no cooling system;
  • not suitable for body lifting.


The average price is 296 thousand rubles.

The affordable device can be used both in beauty salons and at home. Up to 11 lines can be placed in a 3D volumetric model, which makes the impact more accurate. Suitable for face and body. Equipped with a user-friendly interface. When buying, you can choose two of the eight proposed cartridges. Three of them are for the face, and five are for the body.

  • user-friendly interface;
  • equipped with a cooling system;
  • choice of cartridges.
  • weak power. 7D

The average price is 300 thousand rubles.

The Chinese-made device is equally good for both face and body correction. Helps fight deep wrinkles and severe deformities of the facial contours. Tightens and reduces double chin. When carrying out the procedure in the eye area, the effect is similar to blepharoplasty. Equipped with various attachments: for micro-focused ultrasound used for skin tightening and macro-focused ultrasound used for removing subcutaneous fat deposits. High speed and continuous pulse supply shorten the correction time. 7D
  • universality;
  • multifunctionality;
  • nozzles included;
  • short procedure time;
  • one year warranty.


  • do not have all the necessary certificates.


The average price is 920 thousand rubles.

A universal device that is suitable for the correction of the whole body. It has a clear interface. The wavelength can be adjusted automatically or manually from 1.5 to 13 mm. It is completed with four nozzles intended for different parts of the face and body.

  • clear interface;
  • ample opportunities for manual and automatic parameter settings;
  • effective focusing;
  • suitable for the whole body.
  • increased soreness in people with sensitive skin.


The average price is 923 thousand rubles.

A device that is trusted by cosmetologists and has most of the characteristics inherent in more expensive models. Equipped with an improved version of the ultrasonic emitter with a maximum wavelength of 2.6 cm. It is effective in correcting deep wrinkles and severe deformities of the face oval. Sensors and nozzles have a long service life.

  • high functionality;
  • variable wave speed;
  • the ability to make individual settings;
  • a large assortment of nozzles;
  • great resource.
  • hard to find for sale.

Rating of the best devices for SMAS-lifting worth over 1 million rubles

This collection includes professional devices with great functionality, convenient and practical to use.


The average price is 1.5 million rubles.

The product of the South Korean company Bison Medical is highly functional. The device is equipped with additional cartridges that allow you to adjust the penetration depth from 1.5 to 6 mm. The interval between coagulation points can be changed. Frequency - from 4 to 7 MHz. Lifting is carried out taking into account individual anatomical features.

  • multifunctionality;
  • suitable for the whole body;
  • additional cartridges included;
  • light weight and good mobility;
  • products are certified.
  • not found.

Liftera A

The average price is 2.1 million rubles.

A professional device that only a highly qualified specialist can handle. Allows you to perform correction with jeweler's precision. A distinctive feature is the function of continuous movement. Thanks to minimal discomfort, it allows you to work with the area around the eyes and nasolabial folds. The risk of burns is negligible.

Liftera A
  • unique technology;
  • minimal risk of burns;
  • high functionality.
  • quite difficult to use;
  • does not have all the necessary certificates.


The average price is 2.63 million rubles.

A distinctive feature of this model is the penetration depth of the ultrasonic wave, equal to 1.8 cm. This makes it possible to correct a large skin surface and allows more economical use of sensors. Effective for reducing subcutaneous fat. According to observations, complications after correction with this device are rare.

  • penetration depth;
  • wide functionality;
  • modern sensors;
  • quality assembly.
  • expensive service;
  • isolated cases of lipoatrophy were noted.

Ulthera System

The average price is 3.25 million rubles.

The product is one of the three most famous brands that have earned an excellent reputation among professional cosmetologists. Has all necessary certificates. Efficiency is confirmed by a number of scientific studies and many positive reviews. It can be used both for the face and chin area, and for lifting the décolleté and armpits. Theoretically possible use for the whole body.The advantage of this device is the ability to fine-tune the individual parameters, and the depth of exposure helps to determine the detailed detailing of the deep layers of the skin, displayed on the monitor.

Ulthera System
  • advanced customization options;
  • detailed visualization system;
  • three interchangeable sensors included;
  • availability of certificates;
  • efficiency is confirmed by scientific researches and independent examination.
  • a small number of nozzles;
  • expensive service;
  • high risk of buying a fake device.

Doublo HIFU

The average price is 3.5 million rubles.

This device has all the necessary certificates confirming its safety and effectiveness. A complex of modern sensors helps to accurately determine the place and depth of impact. Allows you to use the minimum number of lines, which reduces the time of the procedure and makes it less sensitive. The small size and weight of the device, as well as the presence of wheels make its operation convenient.

Doublo HIFU
  • high performance sensors;
  • minimal risk of burns and other complications;
  • compactness and mobility;
  • the speed of the procedure;
  • availability of certificates.
  • low efficiency in the treatment of deep layers of the skin.

How to choose

For a better understanding of the method of operation of the device, it is necessary to decipher not only the abbreviation SMAS - the muscular-aponeurotic layer of facial tissues, which consists of muscle tissue, collagen and elastin fibers and is responsible for the elasticity and firmness of the skin. You also need to know the abbreviation HIFU (High Intensity Focused Ultrasound), which stands for High Intensity Focused Ultrasound.

One of the most important conditions is that the device has a certificate of conformity. Fake devices are quite widespread on the market, the quality of which cannot be predicted. The popular Ulthera model is especially often faked.

Different devices differ in a number of ways:

  • intended for professional or domestic use;
  • price category;
  • size and weight;
  • the material from which the device is made;
  • functionality.

The main indicators that must be considered when buying are the following.

  1. Wavelength. This factor is decisive in calculating the penetration depth of the ultrasonic beam. The longer the wave, the better the effect.
  2. Radiation type. Certified SMAS lifting devices have only one type of radiation recognized as acceptable and safe - HIFU ultrasonic waves.
  3. Area of ​​influence. Some devices are designed exclusively for the correction of the face and neck, others allow you to work on the whole body.
  4. Display size. The larger it is, the more parameters can be observed on it, and this is directly related to the convenience and practicality of operation.
  5. Number of sensors. The more of them, the wider the range of exposed zones and the better the functionality of the device.
  6. Sensor resource. This part of the device has a certain resource, after which they need to be replaced. The larger it is, the less often the cost of replacing sensors will be required.
  7. Frequency and the possibility of its adjustment. This indicator means the speed of exposure of ultrasonic waves to individual areas of the skin.
  8. Distance between coagulation points. The larger it is, the faster the procedure will be carried out.
  9. Energy range of the apparatus.The wider it is, the more diverse the effect on the skin can be.
  10. Price. The better the technical characteristics of the device, the higher its price will be. However, high cost does not always mean high quality, so it is advisable to carefully study the market for such devices and their functionality before buying.
  11. Weight and dimensions. These indicators affect the usability of the device.

Non-surgical rejuvenation methods are steadily gaining popularity, and since the desire to preserve beauty remains unchanged from generation to generation, finding clients will not be a difficult task. Thus, the purchase of a SMAS lifting device is an investment that can quickly pay for itself and will bring a stable income.

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