
  1. Variety of anti-scratch products
  2. Outcome

Rating of the best anti-scratches for cars for 2025

Rating of the best anti-scratches for cars for 2025

The “Anti-scratch” tool was created to correct minor mechanical defects on the surface of the car body. This tool guarantees a quick and high-quality effect in the fight against many defects in the paintwork, up to the most problematic ones. The popular name is "Scratch Remover". Such liquidators are classified into 2 categories: pasty and in pencil format. The first category guarantees the most qualitative impact on damage, but it will take time in return, the second category acts instantly, but the effect of such a remedy is guaranteed only with minor damage.

There are hundreds of scratch removers on the market, because the demand for this tool is only growing. The principle of operation and composition are similar regardless of the manufacturer, but there are also the most effective instances. This is due to the fact that the manufacturer has a unique recipe for preparing the product, while its competitors use traditional methods for making "anti-scratch". It is recommended to choose a specific name based on reviews.

Variety of anti-scratch products

To choose a suitable anti-scratch from 2 categories, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of each. For example, in order to choose the right paste to fix a defect, the driver needs to know exactly the name of the color of the car being repaired, otherwise the smeared piece will stand out strongly against the general background. It is worth considering that even with the exact match of the names of the color of the car and the color of the product, the driver does not receive a guarantee that the smeared piece will not stand out.

In addition, if there is a need to mask a scratch, then the paste is unlikely to work, because it cannot be applied evenly to such a minor damage. Pasty mixtures are relevant for the largest lesions.

It is worth mentioning that one paste may not be enough to achieve the maximum effect. Many car owners use these scratch removers in conjunction with a special polishing agent. On the Internet, many motorists note that this approach to masking scratches gives the best effect.

Turtle Wax

Turtle Wax Scratch Remover. It is especially popular among car owners due to its strong quality and efficiency. Turtle Wax works great on scratches, dull areas, and areas contaminated with non-removable particles. An additional effect of wax is the polishing of the treated surface. The driver will receive not only a corrected area, but also a crystal shine.The manufacturer refused to add silicone to the composition, which for many motorists will be a significant plus.

Apply Turtle Wax by the following method:

  • First, develop the capsule with warm fingers;
  • Secondly, using a piece of plastic or rubber, apply wax to the damaged area;
  • Then, the paste should harden;
  • After that, the treated surface must be polished using the same plastic or rubber with which the product was applied.

It is necessary to take into account the temperature restrictions at which work with wax is allowed (not lower than +5. Also, the driver needs to know that such a wax guarantees an effect only within a year after release. Prices for the product vary depending on the region, but on average, the buyer you should count on a volume of 150 ml for 350 rubles.

anti-scratchTurtle Wax
  • Efficiency;
  • Affordable price;
  • Wide choice of color scale.
  • Temperature restrictions during operation.


“I have been using exclusively “turtle” for more than a year. Paste perfectly masks small and large scratches. If you look at the distance, it is not noticeable that the coating has been processed at all. I recommend Turtle Wax to all car enthusiasts!”

Liqui Moly Kratzer Stop

Liqui Moly Kratzer Stop is one of the most famous brands in Russia, which has gained a reputation as a good remedy against mechanical defects and damage to the car body coating. German wax contains particles of an abrasive element, so the product must be used strictly in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations, otherwise the driver risks getting additional defects. Silicone and similar elements are excluded from the composition of Liquid Moli.Wax from a German company will show excellent results both as a grout for damage and as a rough coat for painting. It is allowed to remove varnish and rust with the help of Liquid Moli. The tool will add shine to the treated surface. It is allowed to work with metallic paints, since the alkaline indicators of Liquid Moth are within the normal range.

Use Liquid Moth is allowed in the standard way. Firstly, it is necessary to clean the surface to be treated, then degrease and dry it. Then, using improvised or special devices, spread the wax over the surface of the defect. Subsequent polishing is recommended to be carried out using a special tool that can operate at high speeds. Excess wax remaining after polishing is recommended to be removed delicately and with a napkin or other non-rough material. For best results, it is worth treating the repaired surface with a polishing agent, following the manufacturer's recommendations.

The reputation of the brand among the people is strong. Users are more likely to rate a brand with a higher score than a lower score. Reviews about the tool say that Liquid Moli is perfect for correcting minor damage. If you believe the reviews, this remedy copes with minor damage better than others, but with larger defects it shows mixed results. Some users use Liquid Moli along with pastes from other manufacturers. If it becomes necessary to hide a small scratch, the driver will use a German remedy, for more significant damage, you will have to use a paste from another manufacturer. The specifics of Liquid Moli must be taken into account, since the cost per 200 ml of the product significantly exceeds the price tags of competitors.The buyer will be able to purchase the above volume for 500-550 rubles, which is quite expensive for a narrow-range paste.

Liqui Moly Kratzer Stop
  • German quality;
  • Wide choice of flowers;
  • Quality packaging.
  • High cost.


“Liquid Moly is my go-to for special occasions. Small scratches do not happen so often, but if you do get it, then I trust the repair work only to a German tool, since only Liquid Moli is able to show a good result in puttying small cracks. For large detachments I use a different paste, but wax from Liquid Moli helps out in rare cases of scratches much better than a pencil. I recommend it to all drivers who are looking for a good remedy for minor defects and are not afraid of high prices!”


Astrochem - Russian development to combat scratches on the car body. Domestic paste offers high-quality repair of defects using a special composition with abrasive elements. In addition to standard functions, Astrokhim is able to eliminate tarnishing and complex contamination of the paintwork.

The manufacturer claims that Astrohim betrays the mirror shine of the treated surface. The domestic manufacturer has provided for many specific details of driving on Russian roads, so Astrokhim is equipped with special elements to eliminate the consequences of contact between the body coating and the reagents used to treat roads. It is worth noting that few pastes offer a similar function. Paste is admissible to processing of all types of a covering, except "metallic". The composition and shape of the paste allows you to work with damage in any convenient way.

Domestic paste will require preliminary development from the car owner with the help of fingers.It is worth considering the temperature requirements, it is allowed to work with Astrochem at a temperature of +10 and above, otherwise the effect is not guaranteed. To apply to the defect site, it is recommended to use a piece of plastic plate or a rubber spatula, the main thing is to prevent additional damage from the tool. Pressing should be done with medium strength, at the end of the work, leave the paste to dry. When the paste hardens, it is necessary to grind the treated area with a cloth or a special tool.

As a rule, to achieve a clear result, it is necessary to repeat the above algorithm of work several times. The manufacturer warns that the tool is not designed to handle serious defects. To correct such damage, it is recommended to use a paste along with auxiliary means, such as correctors or other products of this brand.

Do not allow direct contact of the substance with mucous membranes or skin, otherwise burns and more serious damage are possible. Keeping Astrohim at low temperatures is also not recommended. The temperature must be at least +1, otherwise the product will lose its useful properties. The manufacturer gives a guarantee for the safety of the anti-scratch properties for 3 years.

Astrohim is popularly known as a strong anti-scratch for an average price. Users note that, subject to the requirements of operation, paste from a domestic manufacturer is able to show good results. The affordable price tag of 120 rubles provides Astrochim paste with particular popularity. for 100 ml.

anti-scratch Astrohim
  • Price;
  • Efficiency;
  • Long shelf life.
  • Cannot be used against significant damage.


“Astrochem is my favorite anti-scratch paste.For 120 rubles, you can buy 100 ml of the product, and given that it is used only in extreme cases, such a choice can be called economical. With a careful driving style, one tube is enough even for 3 years (anti-scratch expiration date). I recommend it to anyone who is looking for a good remedy for damage to the paintwork of the car body at an adequate price!”


Willson offers the car enthusiast a choice of 2 types of paste: light and dark. The tool is brought to Russia straight from Japan. The brand is considered professional, so it is not uncommon to find it in commercial workshops. The composition of the paste is complex, thanks to which the buyer receives a tool that is unique in its effectiveness. The range of possibilities for Japanese paste is wide, and the manufacturer guarantees that, with proper operation, the driver will be able to return the damaged case to its factory appearance.

Despite the wide functionality of the paste, the manufacturer warns that Willson is powerless against significant damage. To eliminate such defects, it is recommended to use pastes with an abrasive element in the composition.

Willson operation implies a classic application method. The paste is distributed over the area of ​​the scratch, and after cooling it is polished with a tool. It is worth noting the high cost of pasta, which will be 1300-1500 rubles. for 300 ml. substances.

Willson anti-scratch
  • High quality Japanese standard;
  • Ease of application;
  • Packing quality.
  • High price.


“Japanese product Willson left only good impressions after use.I had to use other pastes in the past, some even coped with impressive defects, but the Japanese remedy is an order of magnitude superior to all anti-scratch brands I know. If you correctly carry out the polishing work after using the scratch remover and professional polish, you can achieve the effect of factory painting. I recommend it to anyone who cares about the result despite the high cost!”

Sonax Abrasive Paste

Sonax abrasive paste from a German manufacturer is marketed as a tool for removing and polishing scratches. It is allowed to use Sonax as a paste for repairing damage, and for regular prevention of the condition of the paintwork of the car body. Suitable for metal and plastic bodies. With the help of this paste, it is allowed to work on leveling dents on the surface of the body. In addition to correcting mechanical damage, the product will rid the surface of rust deposits, dirt and hardened contaminants. An additional effect of Sonax is the creation of a transparent layer of protection from sunlight and mechanical damage. It is worth considering that silicone is excluded from the composition, but abrasive elements are present. For the user, this means increased demands for accuracy in operation. Also, the paste will perfectly cope with the role of the base layer before painting and bring gloss to the car if it needs to be brought into a presentable appearance in a short time.

The method of operation is traditional: it is necessary to knead the container with the paste with a cloth, then apply it to the work surface. The hardening of the mass will take about 10 minutes, after which it is necessary to remove excess paste, and then polish the treated surface.To achieve the effect of a homogeneous layer, it is worth repeating the above algorithm of actions several times, layer by layer, applying the paste to the work surface. Also, it is recommended to use a special polishing agent after performing the main work to achieve maximum gloss.

Sonax Abrasive Paste
  • brand reputation;
  • Product quality;
  • Acceptable cost.
  • Not found.


“Sonax is my go-to tool when it comes to covering scratches. The quality of this paste meets German standards, while the price is adequate. The tube lasts for a long time, and the expiration date allows you not to buy a new portion for a long time. I recommend Sonax to all car owners!”


Before choosing a specific name, it is important to consider a combination of basic factors, namely: cost in relation to the volume of the tube, quality and guarantees of effectiveness, ease of use. Many car enthusiasts note the low effectiveness of "anti-scratches" in the form of a pencil, preferring the pasta format to the latter.

Paste products show excellent results, so it is recommended to buy the scratch remover in this format. Some brands may have a good reputation for product quality and ease of use, but may not offer a wide range of colors. Other brands are ready to provide a wide range of colors, but the price for the package will be impressive. All pastes are similar in their performance, so it is recommended to choose a specific brand based on individual preferences.

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