
  1. Description and properties of the drug
  2. Why do people choose similar drugs
  3. Rating of cheap analogues of Omez
  4. Popular medium price options
  5. Expensive analogues of Omez for 2025
  6. Results

Rating of the best analogues of Omez for 2025

Rating of the best analogues of Omez for 2025

Today, gastrointestinal ailments are common. They do not depend on the gender or age of a person, they appear at the wrong time and cause a lot of trouble. And although medicine has long learned to deal with them, offering various means, such as Omez and medicines similar to it. The question of how to choose a drug that is suitable for the price, as well as the composition and not get confused in the proposed options is still before us. What is the advantage of Omez analog preparations, and why they are chosen more often, we will try to find out in this review.

Description and properties of the drug

In what cases is it used

The drug Omez contains such an active substance as Omeprazole, which is often used in gastroenterology for stomach problems. The clinical effectiveness of the composition has been proven by time, and the agent itself is included in the pharmacological group of antiulcer drugs that minimize the formation of hydrochloric acid with a detrimental effect on the entire gastrointestinal system.

The dosage of Omez can be different in 10-20 and 40 mg, depending on the doctor's prescription. The main advantage of Omez was its ability to prevent the development of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, which is the cause of ulcerative formations and their accompanying symptoms. In turn, Omez's analogues have the same indications for use:

  • ulcerative manifestations in the digestive organs;
  • inflammatory processes in the esophagus, provoked by the reflux of gastric contents into it;
  • erosion or ulcer resulting from long-term treatment with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • increased stomach acid or heartburn;
  • to prevent Mendelssohn's syndrome - when the contents of the stomach enter the respiratory tract during anesthesia during surgery;
  • destruction of the causative agent of duodenal ulcers, including the bacterium Helicobacter pylori;
  • chronic diseases of the motor-evacuation function;
  • stimulation of the digestive glands.

Side effects and consequence of overdose

Together with the described positive effects, Omez can also cause a number of completely undesirable consequences, in the event of which it is worth contacting a specialist or your doctor.

  1. Pain in the abdomen accompanied by flatulence.
  2. Vomiting and diarrhea.
  3. May have a headache.
  4. Cold symptoms:
  • difficulty breathing;
  • sneezing
  • sore throat;
  • children may have a fever.

Slightly less often with long-term treatment, such phenomena as.

  1. Loss of strength and chronic muscle fatigue.
  2. Joint pain.
  3. Anemia.
  4. Increased liver enzymes.
  5. Pain in the muscles.
  6. The formation of micro-ulcers on the oral mucosa.
  7. Sun intolerance.

However, if during therapy the doctor's prescriptions are not followed or performed with violations, the use of a high dose can cause the following symptoms:

  • loss of focus;
  • distraction of consciousness;
  • constant fatigue and desire to sleep;
  • dryness in the mouth;
  • frequent and strong heartbeat;
  • occasional headaches.

If any of these signs appear, it is worth contacting your doctor, who will select concomitant therapy to reduce or completely eliminate these symptoms.

Why do people choose similar drugs

What analogues are found, as well as their forms

Replacing Omez with drugs of the same property takes into account the characteristics of the patient's body and the doctor's prescriptions. Also, the list of cheap copies can include those formulations where the active ingredients are different, but similar in indications for use.

  1. Absolute analogues - drugs with completely identical active substances and form of release.
  2. Group - having similar effects and similar in appearance.
  3. Drugs with the same functions only - they are used in the absence of original "first-line" drugs. In consultation with a specialist.

At the moment when the question of effective analogues arises, buyers do not often take into account the quality and capabilities of related components. However, they are the ones who answer:

  • for the speed of delivery of the substance to the site of action;
  • disintegration of the shell or tablet;
  • the presence or absence of taste;
  • period and method of storage.

Most often, dosage forms based on omeprazole are found.

  1. In the form of a powder for suspension or solution for injection.
  2. Tablets coated with a special shell or without it.
  3. Capsules are a kind of containers containing a medicinal substance:
  • in powder form;
  • granules;
  • rarely in the form of a liquid.

The hard or soft shell helps to hide the unpleasant taste of the composition, making it easier to take the drug, ensuring that the active ingredient is delivered directly to the site of action. It can be gelatinous or agar.

Price differences and their causes

  1. Since for Omez substitutes, secondary components are most often selected from those that are more affordable, their cost is quite comparable to the original. However, the price of standard tablets is much less than drugs in a different form. Since from the tablet form substances do not always enter directly into the intestines, dissolving already in the stomach, therefore the effect of them is not immediately noticeable. Capsules with a special coating do not allow the active substance to break down prematurely, and it begins to act only where it should - in the intestines.
  2. Today, the stereotype is still strong that tablets with a smaller amount of active ingredient have a lower cost. However, here you need to use your knowledge in mathematics. It often turns out that buying a large package of 50 tablets is much more profitable than the option of 10 capsules.
  3. In addition to the peculiarities of the composition of the medicine, the cost of Omez substitutes can also be influenced by where exactly it was purchased. For example: in different pharmacies, the price may vary. And if you buy online, you can save a lot of money.
  4. Almost always, foreign analogues have a higher cost and can be more expensive than Omez itself, in contrast to domestic-made substitutes. This difference is due to:
  • compliance with mandatory GMP requirements;
  • the cost of its creation;
  • conducting clinical trials;
  • delivery and so on.

While domestic medicines require much lower costs, bypassing, for example, transportation.

Rating of cheap analogues of Omez


A Russian-made drug belonging to the group of antiulcer drugs that suppress the production of hydrochloric acid. Even 20 mg of omeprazole helps in the healing of intestinal microtraumas, contributing to the more effective work of antibiotics in case a new formation was caused by Helicobacter pylori bacteria. It is assigned for:

  • ulcer of the gastrointestinal tract, at the time of exacerbation or as a means of preventing relapse;
  • if there is inflammation of the esophageal mucosa;
  • with pancreatic adenoma;
  • violation of the surface of the digestive organs due to prolonged treatment with antibiotics.

However, people suffering from kidney or liver disease should use Omeprazole with caution.

  • Effective for heartburn;
  • low price;
  • no unpleasant aftertaste;
  • already 1 capsule can relieve pain in the gastric tract;
  • tested over the years;
  • fast result.
  • It is impossible during pregnancy and feeding;
  • it is important to observe the storage conditions, store at a temperature of 25 degrees;
  • need a prescription
  • Omeprazole is contraindicated in children under 4 years of age.
ViewDragee in a hard shell
Amount in a package30 pcs.
Pricefrom 30 ₽


The antiulcer drug shows good results in various ailments associated with the gastrointestinal tract. The drug has the form of hard capsules filled with yellowish granules. It is recommended to take:

  • for the treatment and prevention of ulcers;
  • elimination of Helicobacter pylori bacteria;
  • in case of problems with output paths;
  • with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, including due to stress;
  • to eliminate the effects of long-term use of potent drugs.

If you cannot swallow the pill, you can dissolve the contents in water or fruit juice.

  • Effective for heartburn;
  • affordable price;
  • helps the gastrointestinal tract to endure stress.
  • Individual intolerance may be detected;
  • there is a taste;
  • not suitable for children and adolescents;
  • should not be taken while breastfeeding;
  • requires a doctor's prescription.
ViewHard shell pill
Dosage20 mg
Amount in a package28 pcs.
ManufacturerLek d.d.
Price138 ₽


As part of this medication, omeprazole is used as an active ingredient. The drug is often prescribed for ulcers, it slows down the production of hydrochloric acid. Thereby reducing and normalizing its effect on the inflamed mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract. The active substance Ultop - Omeprazole eliminates the bacterium Helicobacter pylori. And as part of therapy with the use of antibiotics, the remedy helps:

  • lead diseases of the digestive tract to the stage of long remission;
  • prevent the development of symptoms of stomach disease;
  • get a high percentage of healing of the damaged mucosa;
  • reduce the likelihood of stomach bleeding.
  • Helps with abdominal pain;
  • copes with heartburn;
  • can be from 18 years old;
  • good price.
  • Contraindicated in liver or kidney problems;
  • not recommended during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • prescription drug.
Dosage20-40 mg
Amount in a package14 pcs.
PriceFrom 146 ₽

Popular medium price options


Available in the form of oval tablets. The main active ingredient is Pantoprazole. The composition is prescribed to patients who have:

  • peptic ulcer;
  • gastrointestinal dysfunction due to stress.


  • used for general therapy;
  • Helps reduce stomach acidity.

Nolpaza is also found in the form of a means for preparing a solution for internal administration, while the effectiveness is absolutely the same. For 2025, it has been proven that the use of Nolpaza in conjunction with other drugs that improve the secretion of the digestive tract contributes to more effective therapy, ensuring the complete elimination of the harmful Helicobacter pylori bacterium and reducing the level of damage to the esophagus itself. It is thanks to this action that the generic shows a high result in the treatment of the excretory tract of the gastrointestinal tract.

  • Blocks the manifestations of malaise associated with an increase in acidity;
  • helps with heartburn;
  • 1 tablet is able to stimulate the work of the gastric gland.
  • Many side effects;
  • Possible skin rash
  • long wait for the result;
  • the effect does not differ in length;
  • it is impossible for severe liver damage;
  • dispensed by prescription.
Amount in a package28 pcs.
PriceFrom 209 ₽


Affordable analogue from the Russian Federation, similar in form of release and indications for use. The active ingredient is omeprazole. It is often prescribed:

  • with an ulcer;
  • for the treatment of diseases of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • syndrome of disorders of the digestive system;
  • lesions of the stomach lining;
  • in the prevention of re-inflammation;
  • to eliminate Helicobacter pylori in people with ulcers, including during combination therapy.
  • Good for heartburn;
  • helps even during an exacerbation of peptic ulcer;
  • appointment times can be adjusted.
  • Released by prescription;
  • only from 18 years old;
  • should not be taken during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
ViewHard gelatin capsules
Dosage20 mg
Amount in a package28 pcs.
Price216 ₽


This compound, which is found in various dosages of 20 and 40 mg. It has the same purpose as Omez, but its main active ingredient is Esomeprazole magnesium, which is responsible for reducing the acidity of the stomach. An effective substitute for Omez has almost no side effects and is not dangerous for the patient, and therefore an overdose is rare, these include general weakness and a slight disturbance in the gastrointestinal tract.

  • Has a calming effect on the digestive system;
  • minimum side effects;
  • does not allow relapse;
  • allowed to give to adolescents from 12 years.
  • Does not save the result after discontinuation;
  • should not be taken by people with fructose intolerance.
Dosage40 mg
Amount in a package14 pcs.
Price221 ₽

Expensive analogues of Omez for 2025


Refers to drugs that reduce the production of hydrochloric acid, and is often prescribed for the treatment of:

  • ulcers or erosion of the stomach;
  • gastritis;
  • pancreatitis or cholecystitis;
  • chronic diseases of the excretory tract of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • for rapid healing of existing microwounds;
  • to restore stomach cells after drug therapy;
  • with increased or decreased acidity;
  • to prevent the development of gastritis or ulcers.

Razo contains one of the modern components - Rabeprazole, the effectiveness of which does not depend on food intake and it lasts longer.

  • Helps even with severe pathology;
  • quickly starts to work;
  • not addictive;
  • stabilizes acid levels.
  • High efficiency in abdominal pain even in overweight people;
  • price.
Viewin a hard shell
Dosage20 mg
Amount in a package30 pcs.
ManufacturerDr. Reddy's
Price501 ₽


This composition is considered the most modern substitute for Omez among analogues with a similar effect. The main active ingredient is Esomeprazole, which does not underestimate the effectiveness of the drug. It is worth noting that metabolic processes with the use of this component are much slower, and therefore most of the substance is retained in the body longer. This feature makes the composition more effective than its analogues. You can buy medicine in the form:

  • tablets;
  • capsules;
  • substances to prepare the solution.

If it is difficult to swallow the pill, it can be crushed and diluted with water.


  • Soothes heartburn;
  • acts very gently;
  • relieve pain and spasms;
  • a good choice for elderly patients.
  • There are restrictions on the use, you need to consult a specialist;
  • not to be taken under 18 years of age;
  • prescription composition;
  • taking pills is contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women.
ViewCoated pills
Dosage40 mg
Amount in a package8 pcs.
Price511 ₽

Losek Maps

The work of this analogue depends on the course of the disease, as well as the personal characteristics of the patient's body. The main active ingredient here is Omeprazole, which affects the level of hydrochloric acid. The drug is available in the form of film-coated tablets, less often as a solution for injection.

It is prescribed by doctors for:

  • pancreatic adenoma;
  • disease of the esophagus;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • violation of the activity of the rectum;
  • digestive problems;
  • microcracks in the intestine itself.
Losek Maps
  • Tablets are small, easy to take;
  • can be given to children after 2 years;
  • able to resist Helicobacter pylori;
  • contains glycine;
  • relieves pain in the abdomen;
  • can be dissolved in water;
  • almost no contraindications.
  • Released by prescription.
Dosage20 mg
Amount in a package28 pcs.
ManufacturerAstraZeneca AB
Price511 ₽

De nol

At the moment, this drug from the Netherlands is one of the most popular drugs among the inhabitants of the Russian Federation. It is often prescribed for duodenal ulcers or as a composition that protects the mucous membrane from irritation caused by hydrochloric acid. The main active substance of the drug is Bismuth tripotassium dicitrate, so it is often prescribed for:

  • ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • irritable stomach syndrome, accompanied by diarrhea;
  • acute form of gastritis;
  • inflammation in the intestines.

A substitute should be used only after examination and as prescribed by a doctor.

De nol
  • Effective for stress disorders of the digestive tract;
  • can be given to children after 4 years;
  • helps with spasms;
  • act quickly;
  • good to take also for heartburn;
  • symptoms do not return.
  • It is impossible with dysfunction of the kidneys and liver;
  • incompatible with Hilak forte;
  • possible nausea;
  • contraindicated in pregnancy and lactation;
  • dispensed as directed by a physician.
ViewCoated tablets
Dosage120 mg
Amount in a package56 pcs.
ManufacturerAstellas Pharma Europe B.V.
Price608 ₽


At the end of the review, it should be noted that although the list of funds that can replace Omez is very extensive. The most popular medicines are in the form of capsules. They are easy to swallow and are relatively inexpensive. Tablets follow, and powders and injections complete the list, although the latter act much faster. This preference depends not only on the price of the drug, but rather on the convenience and speed of administration. However, in any case, the selection of a replacement should be dealt with in conjunction with the attending physician. Since there is always the possibility of an allergic reaction even to an expensive medicine, or, conversely, the cheapest substitutes will simply not be effective.

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