
  1. Longidaza: use and contraindications
  2. Why do we need analogues
  3. Top Pharmaceutical Companies
  4. Rating of the best analogues of Longidaza
  5. How to choose an analogue

Rating of the best analogues of Longidase for 2025

Rating of the best analogues of Longidase for 2025

The greatest value a person has is health. With serious illnesses, expensive things and luxurious cars cease to please, and only one desire remains - to recover. By nature, it is so laid down that the average life expectancy of men is shorter than that of women. They endure diseases more difficult, their body is more fragile than a woman's, despite the priority in physical strength. Therefore, men's health needs even more reverent care and increased attention than women's.

Fibrosis is a pathological process in the body in which connective tissue grows, leading to the formation of adhesions and scars. It most commonly affects the lungs, liver, heart, and kidneys. In women, fibrosis of the mammary glands can be diagnosed, in men, fibrosis of the prostate gland. This disease occurs in both adults and children, and requires proper treatment.One of the most popular and advertised drugs aimed at combating various types of fibrosis is Longidase, the analogues of which will be discussed below.

Longidaza: use and contraindications

Longidaza, developed by the Russian pharmaceutical company NPO Petrovax Pharm. The company has been operating since 1996 and has vast experience in creating various drugs and vaccines. Longidaza has been produced since 2005, and during this time a lot of positive feedback from doctors and patients who took this drug has been collected.

Longidase is available in the form of vaginal and rectal suppositories, as well as in the form of a lyophilisate for the preparation of a solution for injection. The active substance is bovhyaluronidase azoximer. Refers to the pharmacological group of enzymes.

Directions of application:

  • urology (prostatitis, cystitis, Peyronie's disease, etc.);
  • gynecology (adhesions, infertility, endomyometritis, etc.);
  • dermatovenerology (prevention of fibrotic complications of sexually transmitted infections, etc.);
  • surgery (prevention and treatment of adhesions, treatment of non-healing wounds);
  • phthisiology (pneumofibrosis, tuberculosis, pleurisy, etc.).

Also, this drug is used to increase the bioavailability of ongoing antibiotic therapy.

Longidaza can not be prescribed to everyone, since it has a number of contraindications:

  • hypersensitivity to components or preparations based on hyaluronidase;
  • open pulmonary bleeding, if there is a history of pulmonary bleeding, use with caution;
  • fresh hemorrhage in the vitreous body of the eye;
  • oncological diseases;
  • acute renal failure, use with caution in chronic renal failure.

Clinical trials of the effect of the drug on children under the age of 12 years, as well as on women during pregnancy and breastfeeding have not been conducted.

The cost of this medicine in the form of suppositories on the manufacturer's website starts from 1642 rubles, the price in pharmacies can reach 3200 rubles or more. This is a significant amount for many. You can also face the problem of the lack of Longidaza in pharmacies. There are no exact analogues of this remedy, but you can try to replace it with medicines containing hyaluronidase or other active substances similar in effect.

Why do we need analogues

Analogues, or generics (from the English Generic drug) are drugs that basically have such an amount of active substance of the same quality as the original medicine. Analogues occupy about 60% of the pharmaceutical market.

The process of creating generics is less expensive and faster than the original, which leads to a low price for them. The parent drug and generic drug have the same international nonproprietary name (INN) and the same dosage form (tablets, suppositories, etc.), but different trade names, different packaging and different manufacturers.

The excipients used to create the drug and the quality of the raw materials from which they are made will also differ. As a rule, in generics, both of these indicators are lower than in the original. As excipients, they often use magnesium stearate, corn starch, lactose monohydrate, dyes and flavors are added.

Analogues do not undergo a full course of clinical trials and do not have patent protection, unlike the original prototype. This has a positive effect on the price, but the effectiveness of such a medicine may be lower.

Top Pharmaceutical Companies

When choosing an analogue of a drug, you need to pay attention to the manufacturer. There are a large number of pharmaceutical companies both in our country and abroad. The best of them are presented below.

  1. AbbVie;
  2. amgen;
  3. Bristol-Myers Squibb;
  4. GlaxoSmithKline;
  5. Hoffmann-La Roche;
  6. Johnson & Johnson;
  7. Merck & Co;
  8. Novartis;
  9. Pfizer;
  10. Sanofi.

These enterprises are leaders in terms of revenues received. Their products are in demand, they are trusted by a huge number of people.

Among Russian pharmaceutical companies, based on the rating of Forbes magazine, the following companies can be distinguished:

  1. R-Pharm;
  2. Biocad;
  3. Generium;
  4. Valenta Pharm;
  5. Pharmasynthesis;
  6. Canonpharma Production;
  7. Pharmstandard-Ufavita;
  8. Ozone;
  9. Vertex;
  10. Pharmaceutical company Sotex.

The manufacturer of Longidaza, NPO Petrovax Pharm, ranks 16th in this rating in terms of revenue and net profit received for the year.

Rating of the best analogues of Longidaza

The reason for buying a generic can be either the too high cost of the original medicine or the intolerance of its components. Below are analog drugs in three price categories that contain the same active ingredient or another that has a similar effect on the body.

Rating of the best analogues of Longidaza worth up to 500 rubles

This list shows budget options for replacing expensive Longidaza with medicines that have a similar pharmacological effect, but are much more affordable.


The average price is 362 rubles.

Available in the form of suppositories, sublingual tablets and powder for injection. It has a wide spectrum of action, providing anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects. Affects the functional and metabolic activity of phagocytic cells, called natural killers. Stimulation of the activity of the natural bacterial environment contributes to the fact that it suppresses pathogenic bacteria and recovery occurs faster.

  • a small number of contraindications and side effects;
  • various forms of release;
  • fast action;
  • prescribed for many diseases.
  • not found.


The average price is from 399 rubles.

This tool can be bought both in the form of rectal suppositories, and in ampoules in the form of a solution for injection. Small packages of 5 ampoules or suppositories save money if a short course of treatment is prescribed. The active substance is prostate extract. Prevents the development of thrombosis.

  • reduces swelling, normalizes urination;
  • pronounced anti-inflammatory effect;
  • high efficiency;
  • a small number of contraindications;
  • Available in both small and regular packs.
  • not found.


The average price is from 499 rubles.

One of the most budgetary drugs for the treatment of prostate diseases. Removes swelling, normalizes the tone of the urinary tract. Produced in the form of tablets.

  • good efficiency;
  • budget price;
  • ease of use.
  • in case of overdose, it can provoke dyspeptic disorder.

Rating of the best analogues of Longidaza costing from 500 to 1000 rubles

This list includes Longidaza analogues both in the form of suppositories and in the form of a solution for injection or tablets.


The average price is from 747 rubles.

This medicine is produced by the same manufacturer as Longidase - NPO Petrovax Pharm. It is produced in different forms: candles of several types, tablets, lyophilisate. It is not an exact analogue and primarily has an immunomodulatory and antioxidant effect. It is often prescribed after injuries and operations to prevent the development of infection.

  • a large list of indications for use;
  • complex effect on the body;
  • several forms of release;
  • many positive reviews;
  • harmless composition.
  • almost never used by itself, only as part of complex therapy.


The average price is from 768 rubles.

The homeopathic remedy of the combined type is available in the form of lozenges, sold in packs of 100 tablets. It is used to treat prostatitis. Normalizes blood flow in the affected tissues, relieves swelling, normalizes urination.Active substance: antibodies to prostate-specific antigen, affinity purified.

  • harmless composition;
  • minimum contraindications;
  • can be used both separately and as part of complex therapy.
  • insufficiently fast effect.

Prostamol Uno

The average price is from 781 rubles.

These tablets, made on the basis of an extract of the fruits of the creeping palm tree (Serenoa repens), have anti-inflammatory and decongestant effects and contribute to the normalization of the prostate gland. The drug does not cause hormonal changes.

Prostamol Uno
  • available in packs of 30, 60 and 90 tablets;
  • ease of use;
  • powerful impact;
  • is trusted by European consumers;
  • made on a vegetable basis.
  • not found.

Trypsin crystalline

The average price is from 813 rubles.

The active substance is trypsin. Available as a lyophilisate for injection and topical application. It has pronounced anti-inflammatory and decongestant properties, helps the resorption of dead tissue and fibrinous formations.

Trypsin crystalline
  • high efficiency;
  • does not damage healthy tissues;
  • effective in the treatment of purulent wounds.
  • many contraindications;
  • released only by prescription.


The average price is from 839 rubles.

This tool can be bought in the form of a lyophilisate. It has a powerful preventive effect, preventing the formation of scars and adhesions in places of inflammation, dissolves fibrinous formations, blood clots, necrotic tissue. It is used for a number of bronchopulmonary diseases, ENT diseases, in ophthalmology and surgery.

  • a wide range of activities;
  • perfectly proved itself in the treatment of purulent wounds, trophic ulcers, burns and bedsores;
  • available in many drugstores.
  • not effective in the treatment of already formed scars;
  • a large list of contraindications (pancreatitis, viral hepatitis, etc.).


The average price is 854 rubles.

The medicine is made in the form of a powder used for injection. It is used to treat a number of lung diseases, keloid scars and hypertrophic skin changes, various types of fibrosis and other diseases.

  • composition identity;
  • a small number of contraindications;
  • often found in pharmacies;
  • injection provides rapid efficacy.
  • available only in the form of injections;
  • the amount of the active substance is 64 cu against 3000 cu for Longidaza.


The average price is 900 rubles.

This remedy is prescribed for the treatment of prostatitis. It can be used both independently and as part of complex therapy. The main active ingredient is a pomace from silkworm larvae. It has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. Available in the form of rectal suppositories.

  • high efficiency;
  • natural composition;
  • a large number of positive reviews.
  • narrowly targeted use only for the treatment of the prostate.

Rating of the best analogues of Longidaza worth over 1000 rubles

This category contains expensive drugs that, to one degree or another, can replace Longidase.


The average price is from 1055 rubles.

This drug is primarily intended for the treatment of chronic prostatitis, in which Longidase is also prescribed.It is produced in the form of tablets or suppositories, in the usual or enhanced version, which is easy to identify by adding the words plus or forte to the name. Produced by Nizhpharm.

  • suitable for the prevention of prostatitis;
  • reduces the likelihood of exacerbations;
  • a small number of contraindications;
  • ease of use.
  • acts locally only on the prostate gland.


The average price is from 1205 rubles.

Enzymatic preparation of proteolytic action, which is based on chymotrypsin and trypsin. Helps to fight purulent bronchopulmonary diseases, effective in otolaryngology, ophthalmology. Produced in the form of a solution for local and external use.

  • wide range of influence;
  • used to treat purulent wounds and ulcers;
  • has good healing properties.
  • many contraindications.


The average price is from 2800 rubles.

This Polish-made product is also available in the form of suppositories, but with similar pharmacokinetics, other active ingredients are based: streptokinase, witepsol and streptodornase. Belongs to the group of preolitics.

  • prevents the formation of blood clots;
  • helps with many diseases of the pelvic organs in women, as well as infertility;
  • an overdose does not have time for the body;
  • many positive reviews;
  • ease of use.
  • difficult to find in pharmacies;
  • high price.


The average price is from 3000 rubles.

This drug is available in the form of suppositories and is similar in its action to Longidase, but is based on another active ingredient - streptokinase and streptodornase.It is used both independently and as a complex therapy. Primarily intended for the treatment of diseases of the female reproductive system, hemorrhoids, purulent cysts.

  • powerful anti-inflammatory and antithrombotic action;
  • few side effects;
  • convenient application;
  • high efficiency.
  • cost comparable to the original medicine;
  • should not be used on open wounds.

How to choose an analogue

The best way to choose a pharmaceutical product is to consult with a specialist. But if for some reason it is not possible to get an appointment with a doctor, there is an alternative option.

In order not to get confused in a huge number of pharmaceuticals, you can use the development of American specialists. Especially for physicians, they created the Orange Book, which is based on the Approved Drug Products with Therapeutic Equivalence Evaluations guide. There is both an online version of this book and a web app that is available for free download in versions for iOS and Android.

This application will provide an opportunity to find analogues for certain drugs on your own. If they are placed on List A on the green pages, then the medicine can be trusted. If they are on the red pages, their effectiveness has not yet been sufficiently studied.

A competent approach to the choice of medicines and attentive attitude to your body will allow you to preserve youth and beauty for a long time, and excellent health will be the best addition to every day you live.

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