
  1. About the advantages of aluminum alloy
  2. Description, selection criteria
  3. Popular manufacturers
  4. Where could I buy
  5. Rating of quality aluminum boats for fishing in 2025

Rating of the best aluminum boats for fishing in 2025

Rating of the best aluminum boats for fishing in 2025

Aluminum alloys are widely used in shipbuilding. They are used in the construction of small pleasure, patrol or fishing boats, luxury ships, huge high-speed passenger and car ferries. They also produce aluminum boats for fishing.

About the advantages of aluminum alloy

Advantages of "flying" metal:

  • a light weight;
  • decent anti-corrosion properties, rust resistance;
  • excellent strength-to-weight ratio;
  • available in sheets, plates, complex extruded shapes;
  • just to make.

In our article, we will give recommendations on what to look for in order not to make mistakes when choosing an aluminum boat, we will tell you which company is better to look after the product, we will provide advice on its functionality, the size of average prices.

Description, selection criteria

Aluminum boats are reliable boats for fishing and water recreation. They are universal, are made under the motor, are actively used for traveling through the vast expanses of Russia. "Flying" metal with the addition of magnesium is durable, resistant to corrosion, easy to install. A model with increased sides will not scare you with high waves, it will not pick up water during sharp turns at speed.

When looking for a fishing boat with useful features, it is important to determine the selection criteria that will need to be considered:

  • The best length is from 3 to 8 meters.
  • Width.
  • River boats do not have a large side thickness compared to their marine counterparts, as a result of which their weight is much less, which saves fuel. There are models with fuel tanks built into the body. Along with open types of boats, the best manufacturers have products with a cabin room. Weight significantly affects the speed, the lighter the vessel, the less its penetration, friction against the water. The mass is affected by the length, width, height, skin thickness, engine brand, and other parts of the structure. Usually the bottom is heavier than other parts because it experiences more impact when it comes ashore.
  • Load capacity.
  • It is important to pay attention to the deadrise of the vessel.Most designs have a flat bottom shape, referred to as "johnbots". This configuration increases the performance in shallow water, which makes it possible to select the best fishing spot.
  • Transom height is usually measured in millimeters.
  • Hull draft indicates the depth of immersion in water.
  • Seaworthiness indicates the height of the wave that the boat can withstand.
  • The aluminum structure is mainly used for fresh water bodies, since it is not stable enough in the sea, it can tip over. They do not sail far on them, adhering to lagoons, bays with calm water;
  • Recommended motor power is typically 10 to 300 hp.
  • Optimum capacity from 3 to 10 people.
  • An important selection criterion is the appearance of the vessel.
  • Comfort of operation.

It is important to have a compartment for freshly caught fish and a convenient platform for fishing. Advanced technology offers many additional options, allowing you to fully modify the product according to the wishes of the customer. Boats are sold with one steering console or two, classic models with a wide rack. The latter type is less comfortable for fishing.

The fundamental advantages of water transport made of "flying" metal are lightness, strength of the construction material. The boat will easily moor to a dam, bridge or rocky shore. Manufacturers use foam to make the product unsinkable.

Special trailers are used to transport boats to the place of fishing. They come in different sizes, designs, their main parameter is the carrying capacity. Single axle trailers are designed for boats weighing up to 1500 kg.

It is important to note that according to the regulations, it is necessary to register small-sized water transport with the relevant state bodies. Without documents, the owner faces administrative liability.

Popular manufacturers


Among the rich selection of boats, it is easy for the consumer to get confused. Which model is better to buy, Russian or American-made, to purchase a product made of thick aluminum or look after a lightweight one?

Popular water transport in Russia: Lund, GOevil, Laker, Malutka, Rivercraft, RusBoat, Volzhanka, Kazanka, Crimea, Neman, Ob, Dnieper, Voronezh, Progress, Vyatka, Winboat, Tactics, Velboat, Smartliner.

Consider the features of common boats in more detail:

1 King Fisher

Models for professional fishermen who are ready to intensively exploit their vessel, as well as lovers of outdoor activities on the water, you can look after the vessel from KingFisher. They are designed for year-round use. The company produces several product lines that will suit the most picky user. Sailors will benefit from boats of the Offshore series, those who like walking in calm, calm weather will surely like Coastal products, traveling along full-flowing rivers, lakes with difficult bottom relief will love Sport, Multi-Species or River Jet.

2. G3

The company "G3" manufactures a variety of boats for fishing. Compact dimensions provide increased maneuverability. The American manufacturer made sure that the boats were comfortable to walk on rivers and lakes with different conditions. This is a suitable option for lovers of summer holidays with large luggage.

3. Volzhanka

A product with a unique price / quality ratio, each series of models of a domestic manufacturer is ideal for operation in the reservoirs of the Russian Federation. Volzhanka "Classic", which has a bonnet design, will be useful on routes with frequent waves, unstable, changeable weather, if you are a fan of outdoor activities, fishing in narrow straits, choose "Bowrider".

"Original" has a strong, lightweight body layout, it is unpretentious, has an open or closed nose. Fishing in the shallows will not be complete without a Fish boat, and professionals will appreciate the Sport (Fish Pro). The most reliable design, which allows you to swim far from the coast, has "Cabin".

4. Quintrex

The Russian manufacturer Quintrex manufactures boats with an open top. Its models stand out for their elegant case design and are brought to the market at affordable prices. The company can look after small-sized vessels, complete with an economical engine, huge flagships with a powerful engine, suitable for outdoor activities, fishing.

5. Berkut

"Berkut" is suitable for lovers of strong models engaged in fishing, walking on the water. The company's products can be purchased without having a large budget. Berkut products are not only affordable, but also have a convenient design. Among the options presented by the manufacturer, there are boats for Berkut XS oars, or boats equipped with a wheelhouse for year-round use of the Nord Cruiser.

6. Grizzly

The following manufacturer is distinguished by a flexible approach to the manufacture of its vehicles.Its models have a combined design made of strong aluminum with the addition of magnesium (AMg-5), deck space is made of reliable fiberglass. The product line from "Grizzly" includes attractive models, the company experiments a lot with the forms and appearance of its products.

7. North Silver

Nord Silver is a Russian company that produces simple, reliable products. The elegant, distinctive design will appeal to fishermen and their friends. An important advantage that the company can boast of is an affordable price.

Where could I buy

Budget models of various colors and designs are sold in specialized stores. Managers will tell you about the popularity of modern models, explain how much the boat they like costs, what equipment it has. You can also look at the vessel in the online store, order it online.

Rating of quality aluminum boats for fishing in 2025

Our review is based on real reviews, it takes into account the opinions of buyers, anglers.


VISA Alumax-300

3rd place among the budget options is occupied by VISA Alumax-300. Three people can fish in the boat. "Alumax-300" has not bad operational parameters, affordable price. The design provides for the installation of an engine, but is able to serve lovers of walking under the oars.

Alumax-300 has a flat bottom in the stern, so to speak, “variable deadrise”, on the transom it is no more than 5 degrees. Having such a feature, "Alumax" easily goes on a glider, the boat has a small draft, a stable hull is stable at speed and near the shore, which helps to manage gear.

With any number of fishermen on board, you can use a modest engine (up to 2.5 hp) or an electric motor. Buying "Alumax-300" saves valuable time and money, as it does not need to be registered. The design provides for two overall lockers, stable slides and comfortable handrails that will help you maintain balance when playing fish. Behind are a pair of stands for fishing rods.

Stiffening ribs along the sides make them stronger, it is convenient for the helmsman to sit on them while driving. Welded seams are reliable, wear-resistant. The blocks supporting the Alumax-300 afloat ensure the safety of passengers in case of a through hole.

aluminum boat VISA Alumax-300

Technical indicators:

LayoutUnder tiller or oars
Type of shellClassic contours
Hull length, m2.93
Overall length, m2.93
Hull width, m1.42
Overall width, m1.48
Depth amidships, m0.52
Housing materialAluminum-magnesium alloy
Bottom thickness, mm2
Board thickness, mmTransoms - 2.0. Boards - 1.5
Deadrise on the transom, hail.5
Hull weight, kg50
Payload, kg300
Number of passengers3
Outboard motor leg lengthShort (S)
Transom height, m0.38
Maximum power of the outboard motor, h.p.8
Maximum outboard motor power, kW5
Category CEC
Maximum wave height, m0.4
Packing dimensions, m2.93x1.53x0.63
Extended chassis warranty, years3
Extended component warranty, years2
  • price quality.
  • not detected.

Fireworks NewLine 430

Silver - for an economical, budget model "Salute NewLine 430".Its undeniable advantage over other boats is its beautiful design and attractive appearance. "NewLine 430" is designed for small rivers, small channels. The seaworthiness of the product is not badly combined with high-speed characteristics, preventing the NewLine 430 from capsizing in sharp turns.

A 30-horsepower engine can be placed on the NewLine 430 transom, which can go on a glider in two seconds, while the maximum speed will reach 47 km / h. On the sides of the boat there is a vinyl film, which does not look bad aesthetically. Additional advantages of the vessel are an anti-slip coating of corrugated material in the bow, crinoline, comfortable bollards with shiny stainless steel locks.

The cockpit is designed for two people, its design provides for a reclining deck-lid, a locker, which is very convenient if you want to organize sleeping places. "NL 430" is completed, on request, with an awning, making short trips possible.

boat aluminum Salyut NewLine 430

Technical indicators:

Overall length, m4.5
Maximum length, m4.3
Overall width, m1.75
Maximum width, m1.706
Boat weight, kgfrom 200
Bottom plating thickness, mm3
deadrise on the transom, degree6
Board height, mm730
Load capacity, kg400
Passenger capacity, persons5
Transom heightS or L
Recommended motor power, h.p.30-40
Motor power max., h.p.40
  • attractive design;
  • the presence of a locker, bollard;
  • not a high price;
  • awning;
  • thoughtful design.
  • not detected.

Tactics 370 Classic

Gold is taken by a boat manufactured by Timaks LLC. The company is located in the city of Sosnovka, Kirov region.Tactics 370 Classic can easily accommodate 3-4 people who can enjoy the speed with a 20-horsepower engine, while the transom height is 38 cm.

"Tactics 370 Classic" is made of an alloy of aluminum and magnesium (AMg5), the thickness of the sheets is 1.5 mm on the sides, 2 mm on the bottom. Deadrise is variable (16° amidships, 10° aft). To reduce water resistance, the design provides four longitudinal redans. The ship's hull is securely fastened with box-shaped stringers, frames. Deck space, banks are equipped with waterproof plywood, the total weight of the "370 Classic" without an engine is about 80 kg.

The hood of the Tactics 370 Classic has lockers under the seats, as well as in front. The deck is made of corrugated aluminum with a hump, which provides additional reliability of the vessel. With a small size, the Tactics 370 Classic accommodates a gunwale, a windshield that covers the entire cockpit, which greatly helps to get to the bow.

Seats are ergonomic, do not interfere with comfortable movement around the cockpit. They are made of waterproof plywood on an aluminum basis, under it there is a battery, a fuel tank. Owners of "Tactics 370 Classic" can boast of oarlocks, steering included in the basic kit.

aluminum boat Tactics 370 Classic

Technical indicators:

Country of OriginRussia
Side plating thickness mm1.5
Bottom plating thickness mm2
Housing materialAluminum
Permissible motor power hp20
Person capacity3
Load capacity kg.300
Height under PM, cm.38
Board height amidships, (cm).45 cm
Hull deadrise amidships, hail10
Deadrise of the hull on the transom, hail7
Overall width cm.130
Overall length cm.370
The weight75 kg
  • capacity 4 people;
  • spacious cockpit;
  • 20-horsepower motor;
  • acceptable price.
  • not detected.

Middle price segment

Aqua Terra "Yorsh"

Bronze - at "Ruff", launched by the company "Aqua Terra", together with the Samara Federation of powerboating. The product is ideal for lovers of outdoor activities, family holidays, travel and fishing. Yorsh is an affordable water transport of its class for most consumers. It meets high standards of safety, which is important when you are on the river.

A product from Aqua Terra does not need to be registered with the GIMS, and its owner does not need to have driving rights, it does not require registration of boats weighing up to 200 kg, motor power up to 8 kW. The craft has several popular modifications that are popular among consumers:

  • "Ruff 45", has a 9.9 hp engine, easily switches to a glider with 2-3 passengers on board. The design is equipped with two common banks, there are capacious lockers, bollards, with a capacity of about 200 liters.
  • At "Ruff-Universal" there are pillows in the seats, they can be removed for mounting the mattress.
  • The layout of "Ruff 3700" involves a one-piece jar with folding backs, they can be transformed into a place to sleep. The steering seat rotates, there are convenient niches for personal items.

All modifications are equipped with handles to keep passengers balanced at speed. The windshield mounts are welded, which, coupled with a set of channel bars throughout the hull, is a reliable addition. A moisture-proof awning that covers the entire cabin, as well as side windows that protect travelers from spray and wind, adds comfort.

There is a hatch in front, through which it is handy to load food and equipment. When installing oars, it is used as an additional place, the highlight of the cake is the interior lining of the hatch with a soft pillow, which, for sure, will please the rower. The nose of the "Ruff" is straight, this increases the deck space. There is also a convenient handle that helps to carry the boat and secure it during transportation.

The owner of "Ruff" is not afraid of a high tail wave from passing boats. The stern is equipped with wide crinolines, corrugated aluminum inserts, this fact adds safety on board. The design provides for the installation of a 90 cm folding ladder. Crinolines, thanks to three segments with drainage gaps, will always be dry.

aluminum boat Aqua Terra "Yorsh"

Technical indicators:

Seaworthiness class D - Protected waters (inland waters)
Type of shellAluminum
Purpose of applicationFishing
ShipyardAqua Terra
Length*width* height, m4.5*1,6 *0,7
Board 2mm
Bottom 3mm
Cockpit dimensions, mm2.100*1.300
  • attractive price;
  • does not require rights, registration;
  • excellent buoyancy;
  • mobility;
  • with the help of an adjustable can, you can change the centering.
  • the engine resonates with the drainage voids, creating additional noise;
  • unsinkability tanks get in the way of legs;
  • insufficient stability.


2nd place is taken by TUNA 425 DC, it has a lightweight hull, comfortable, roomy cockpit with excellent protection for the helmsman and his passengers from wind and spray. The boat has good seaworthiness, and a 30-horsepower engine is able to accelerate the TUNA 425 DC to 50 km/h.

The one-piece construction is made of "flying metal" with the addition of magnesium. The thickness of the sheets with which the hull is sheathed is 3 mm, and their chemical resistance contributes to the use of the vessel in sea water. The small dimensions of the vehicle allow it to be transported in a small car.

The rear locker is large enough to hold the battery, fuel tank, life jackets. The gunwale has a C-shaped profile, it is possible to mount the Borika fastening system on it. Under the engine there is a niche with a drainage hole through which, by means of a pump, you can pump out water that has got inside. The transom is equipped with a cork, a mount for an echo sounder.

Due to the consoles with a door between the helmsman and the passenger, the cockpit is an order of magnitude more convenient compared to open models. There is enough space in the bow of the TUNA 425 DC for comfortable fishing.

aluminum boat TUNA 425 DC

Technical indicators:

The weight150 kg
Capacity4 people
load capacity370 kg
deadrise angle at transom11 °
deadrise angle amidships12 °
Transom height38/51 [S/L] cm
Draft18 cm
Engine power max30 HP
Engine weight [max]75 kg
Stationary fuel tank58 [option] l
Design categoryFROM
Housing materialAluminum / AMg (5083)
  • pump included;
  • mooring equipment;
  • large locker;
  • consoles with protective glass;
  • whole body.
  • not detected.

Victory 570 Cruiser

The winner is the Victory 570 Cruiser. This model has a cabin that allows you to equip a sleeping place or hide from rain, wind during exciting trips on the water.The basic equipment has an aluminum alloy body (AMg5M), sheathed in stainless steel, a reliable windshield, and additional equipment. The deck is made of high quality plastic.

boat aluminum Victory 570 Cruiser

Technical indicators:

Maximum length5.70 m
Maximum Width2.25 m
Board height amidships1.15 m
Transom height0.51 m
deadrise on the transom16°
engine's typeSuspension
Maximum engine power150 l/s
bottom materialAmg5M
Capacity6 people
  • reinforced bottom;
  • aluminum frame under glass;
  • rails made of stainless steel;
  • the fender is made of Italian components;
  • the cabin is lined with soft materials;
  • cigarette lighter;
  • additional compartments for equipment.
  • the cabin is small.

Premium class

Volzhanka FISHPRO X5

Evaluating the segment of premium-class products, it will not do without a domestic representative. 4th place is occupied by Volzhanka FISHPRO X5, specially made for sports fishing enthusiasts. Those who wish to purchase "FISHPRO X5" will receive not just a vehicle, but a reliable friend who helps you to realize yourself in spinning fishing competitions.

Volzhanka is designed for five, it is great for comfortable competitions. The deck has two platforms with seats, aerated fish tanks, a large number of convenient niches for various little things.

Design features of "FISHPRO X5":

  • Seats "Volzhanka" under carbon;
  • anti-slip coating “MariDeck” made of vinyl replaces aluminum and moisture-resistant plywood on the deck;
  • comfortable lockers with ventilation, interior decoration.

It is important to mention the excellent speed parameters that enhance the already positive impressions of the Volzhanka FISHPRO X5

aluminum boat Volzhanka FISHPRO X5

Technical indicators:

Length cm540
Width, cm214
Bottom/sides thickness, mm4.0.
Max. engine power, h.p.130
Gross weight, kg450
Passenger capacity, pers.5
Load capacity, kg535
Transom height, mL
Board height amidships, cm91
deadrise on the transom, hail14
Country of manufactureRussia
Brand (boats)Volzhanka
Overall length cm.370
The weight75 kg
  • aerated cage;
  • capacious fuel tank;
  • maximum engine power up to 115 hp;
  • many lockers, compartments for spinning rods;
  • large consoles for chartplotters;
  • attractive design;
  • modern finishing materials;
  • T-groove along the body;
  • excellent speed performance at maximum load.
  • not detected

Berkut M-HT Comfort

3rd place - Berkut, capable of traveling long distances, has a cozy cabin, which is important on long journeys. You can put the engine on the transom, then your spent time required to arrive at the place of fishing or recreation will be reduced. The design of the Berkut M-HT Comfort has high sides, capacious cages for the safety of caught trophies.

Berkut M-HT Comfort features:

  • has a reliable roof covering the nose of the cockpit;
  • coupled with an awning, the half-cabin makes up a comfortable sleeping cabin that protects from bad weather;
  • Through the glazed gate you can get from the wheelhouse to the bow.

The hull is filled with polyurethane elements, with a volume of about 0.5 m3, providing excellent buoyancy, sound insulation and additional reliability. A fender is placed on board."Berkut M-HT Comfort" is very nimble, feels comfortable when planing, confidently enters turns without falling over, keeping the chosen course, cutting the crests of oncoming waves at full speed.

aluminum boat Berkut M-HT Comfort

Technical indicators:

Boat length, m4.6
Boat width, m1.9
Passenger capacity, persons5
Load capacity, kg500
Maximum motor power, l/s70.
Manufacturer/BrandBerkut / Berkut
The lineuphard top
TransomL - 510 mm
Type of shellCabin
Bottom thickness, mm3
Board thickness, mm3
Deadrise of the hull on the transom, hail18
Depth amidships, m0.92
  • foamed body;
  • laminated plywood “Marideck”;
  • powder enamel;
  • low nose rails;
  • mounts for echo sounder;
  • steering "LUX";
  • powerful pump included
  • many roomy glove compartments, lockers;
  • a door with a pneumatic closer from the bow into a half-cabin;
  • drainage grates made of stainless steel;
  • lamps, carpet in the wheelhouse;
  • aluminum ladder;
  • crinolines.
  • high price.

Trident 450 FISH

Silver - "Trident aluminum boats" with its 450th model. "Trident 450 FISH" has an open foredeck, which can certainly be attributed to the merits of a boat designed for fishing, and one should not forget about the free passage through the entire vessel with a spinning rod.

"Trident 450 FISH" is a strong, comfortable boat with an all-metal construction made of aluminum with the addition of magnesium. Ideal for fishing, hunting, water activities. The boat has not ordinary running characteristics, excellent stability, is simple, convenient in operation and maintenance."Trident 450 FISH" will appeal to those who love comfort and safety.

boat aluminum Trident 450 FISH

Technical indicators:

Overall length4.52 m
Overall width1.65 m
Overall height1.3 m
Board height amidships0.73 m
Draft230 mm
Passengers5 people
Engines9.9-50 HP
Fuel (remote tank)24 l.
Boat with equipment250 kg
bottom metal thickness3mm
Board metal thickness2 mm
  • stiffening rib;
  • capacious lockers.
  • console at the back.

Realcraft 510 Fish Pro

"REALCRAFT 510 FISH PRO", which took 1st place, is not just a boat, but a new idea that offers the user a different level of comfort and reliability.

The length of the boat is 510 cm, the width is 214 cm, these dimensions provide maximum deck habitability, large cockpits, lockers. Behind is a sofa where you can get a full-length sleep.

The Realcraft 510 Fish Pro has increased seaworthiness, enabling the fisherman to easily get to the right place during a small storm. At the same time, the helmsman with passengers will remain dry, despite the bad weather.

The design has “twisted” contours, deadrise at the rear 18 °, with an increase in the angle to the bow up to 50 °. As a result of thorough tests, the optimal form of redans was selected. The vessel feels confident on the wave, the course is soft, the safety is on top.

aluminum boat Realcraft 510 Fish Pro

Technical indicators:

Overall length, m5.67
Maximum length, m5.17
Overall width, m2.14
Maximum width, m2.14
Boat weight, kgfrom 650
Bottom plating thickness, mm4
deadrise on the transom, degree18
Board height, mm1000
Load capacity, kg500
Passenger capacity, persons5
Transom heightL
Recommended motor power, h.p.90
Motor power max., h.p.115
  • buoyancy is controlled by foam PET elements;
  • T-slot along the entire length of the cockpits;
  • new awning mounting system;
  • quality coaming;
  • ergonomic cabin;
  • many niches, glove compartments, lockers;
  • thoughtful wiring;
  • not detected.

We hope that after studying our TOP aluminum boats for fishing and recreation, looking at the comparison tables, you will make a more informed decision on choosing the boat you like.

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