
  1. Main selection criteria
  2. Can a breathalyzer be fooled?
  3. Breathalyzer for smartphone: is it worth trusting
  4. The best breathalyzers for personal use
  5. The best professional devices
  6. Which breathalyzer is better to buy

Rating of the best breathalyzers for 2025

Rating of the best breathalyzers for 2025

There is a category of motorists who think that such an opinion as “yes, what did I drink there, just a glass of beer, what will happen to me?” has the right to exist. In their personal opinion, this fact should free the irresponsible motorist from any liability in case of drunk driving. If among your friends there are such irresponsible people, a breathalyzer will help - this is a device that determines the alcohol content in the body. Readers are presented with the top best breathalyzers for 2025. Let's try to figure out what are the differences between these devices, as well as what you need to pay attention to when intending to buy it.

Main selection criteria

When choosing a breathalyzer, you should understand the principles of operation, what is the accuracy of its readings and the number of tests possible per unit of time. Now let's look at everything in more detail.

Types of sensors and their features

There are 3 different types of sensors:

  1. Semiconductor. Measurements are made due to the fact that the resistance of semiconductors changes. Its features are: very fast response time, it is incredibly easy to use, calibration frequency, because the properties of the sensor are constantly changing, and high error.
  2. Electrochemical. In this case, the measurement processes are carried out using special reagents that interact only with alcohol-containing solutions. Their features: very accurate indicators, energy consumption is negligible, calibration is carried out once a year, the reaction is possible only with alcohol vapors.
  3. Photometric. These sensors use the coefficient of absorption of infrared light by alcohol vapor. A feature is a very fast preparation for work, due to the high sensitivity of the sensors, the readings of such devices are very accurate. The disadvantages of these devices include the fact that their use is possible only in laboratory conditions, because they are very dependent on the temperature of their environment.

Can a breathalyzer be fooled?

The principle of operation of the breathalyzers is to analyze the exhaled air, or rather the presence of alcohol vapors in it.Alcohol will naturally end up in the air that a person exhales. Alcohol enters the lungs, of course, from the blood. Thus, the greater the content of alcohols in the blood of a person, the more of them in the air exhaled by him.

And in this situation, it doesn’t matter at all whether you drank in traditional ways or it was an alcohol enema - the amount of alcohol vapors in the air you exhale will be the same.

Naturally, there are legends that supposedly breathalyzers can really be deceived: chew gum, eat a chocolate bar, gnaw on seeds, take activated charcoal, smoke a cigarette, drink coffee, or an Anti-Policeman pill, etc. But is it really so? People have already set up a lot of experiments at the moment, but they all proved that all of the above, and many other methods, do not work at all in such situations. Research by experts only confirms the fact that there are no means that would disguise alcohol.

Breathalyzer for smartphone: is it worth trusting

Breathalyzers for smartphones are compact, about the size of a standard device flash card. Such devices are not autonomous, and a regular smartphone is practically responsible for the functions that ensure its operation. To start using the breathalyzer, you need to download and install a specific application that is suitable for your breathalyzer. In the settings of this application, you must specify some parameters: the age category, gender and weight of the test subject.

Experiments carried out in practice confirm the ability of this type of breathalyzer to detect a low content of alcohol in the blood of the test subject, and this fact is actually the criterion for the breathalyzer.

The best breathalyzers for personal use

Ritmix RAT-220

Inexpensive breathalyzer, has the shape of a key fob with a mouthpiece. Despite the low cost, the device has earned positive feedback from users: the preparation procedure for work takes up to 10 seconds, the same amount of time is needed for the measurement process itself. Voice and visual sensors will warn you when the threshold is exceeded.

There are no hundredths on the scale, but this is not a problem for the user. According to reviews, the device produces a fairly accurate result. The owner of the breathalyzer will not have to feel embarrassed that the readings of his personal device do not coincide with the measurements taken by the workers of the road guard service with their apparatus.

Frequent use of the device leads to the fact that the batteries are quickly discharged, and the maintenance of the device requires additional material costs. The border of 1.9 ppm is a normal figure for state employees. By and large, and inexpensive, but a little angry.

Cost: 300 rubles.

Ritmix RAT-220
  • the device is convenient to carry;
  • the mouthpiece is interchangeable;
  • instant preparation for work;
  • food convenience.
  • can not be used at low temperatures;
  • The device is not designed for repeated use.

Airline ALK-D-02

Unpretentious, but accurate device with a semiconductor sensor. The breathalyzer is designed for personal use, has the shape of a pendant, can be used as a keychain.
Note! The device automatically turns off, there is a flashlight, the indicator warns about the discharge.

A budget device that has decent equipment. It has a much larger display than similar devices. There is a backlight, as well as exceeding the permissible concentration of alcohol in the blood will instantly sound a warning sound signal.In addition, a small LED flashlight is always useful.

Such a breathalyzer will be a wonderful present for a loved one or colleague. Measurements are made in a non-contact way, so there is no need to constantly buy mouthpieces. Power is supplied by 2 AA batteries. The maximum indicator during measurement is 1.9 ppm.

A big minus is that you need to wait a while between measurements. Therefore, for those who like to check every 5 minutes how much alcohol has disappeared from the blood, the device will not work. In other respects - a small size, easy to use, inexpensive device.

Cost: 600 rubles.

Airline ALK-D-02
  • compactness;
  • price;
  • availability of batteries;
  • accuracy of measurements;
  • quick preparation for work.
  • without mouthpieces, the measurement result in the wind can differ significantly from the actual one;
  • a small upper limit of measurements, but for home use it is enough.

Delta AT-500

Device for personal use of domestic production. Runs on batteries. Although the breathalyzer is equipped with a semiconductor sensor, it gives an accurate result. The device is equipped with 5 removable nozzles, measurement data are displayed in various metric systems: mg / l, BAC, ppm. The advantages also include small size and fashionable design.

A high-precision device, but after a year from the start of use, it must be re-calibrated. Even after a fall from a small height, the device will remain in working condition thanks to a durable case, and the built-in memory helps to save information about previous indicators.

Cost: 650 rubles.

Delta AT-500
  • exact result;
  • convenient batteries;
  • the ability to work at any temperature;
  • short time interval between measurements.
  • The apparatus takes quite a long time to prepare for the first measurement.

Delta AT-510

Breathalyzers designed for personal use and made by a domestic manufacturer, which are powered by batteries, have a fairly high rating in 2025. The main advantages of this device are, first of all, stylish and at the same time modern design and ergonomic dimensions.

Despite the fact that the device has a high accuracy after 12 months from the date of operation, it is recommended to re-calibrate it. It is worth noting that the device is equipped with an internal memory, so that all previous readings are perfectly preserved. The working condition of this device after the fall provides a strong and reliable case.

Price: 650 rubles.

Delta AT-510
  • compact device;
  • small price tag
  • accuracy;
  • quick preparation for work.
  • not detected.

Inspector AT100

A device equipped with a fairly high functionality is distinguished not only by self-diagnosis, but also by self-cleaning, due to which the process of determining the degree of intoxication is much faster. The device is ready for use within a few seconds after switching on.

In this case, the duration of testing is no more than 5 seconds, and after exactly 1 minute you can proceed to the next test. The accuracy of the readings is provided by special mouthpieces, the principle of which is to control the exhalation. It is worth noting that this device is powered by a special AAA battery, the power charge of which allows you to make more than 200 measurements. And thanks to the built-in backlight, readings can be taken even at night without any lighting.

Since the hundredths of a share are not displayed in the readings of the device, many consider this a certain disadvantage, but it is worth noting that this figure practically does not matter. The disadvantages of the device include only malfunctions at low air temperatures.

Price: 1000 rubles.

Inspector AT100
  • indication error is 5%;
  • the presence of five mouthpieces;
  • instant work;
  • there is enough memory for 5 definitions;
  • fast reusability.
  • malfunctions occur at sub-zero temperatures.


The multifunctional device is equipped with timer and alarm functions. The purge time is only 5 seconds. And in a minute you can make the next measurement.

The breathalyzer is made in a nice design and has ergonomic dimensions. The device works on batteries, but has a certain difference from inexpensive models of devices. Since it is equipped with a special battery discharge indicator, so that at the right time it will not fail.
It should be noted that this model has practically no drawbacks. The accuracy of the work is high, but at the same time, long-term work is able to dismantle the readings to zero, despite the fact that, according to the feeling, the readings should have much higher numbers.

Price: 2400 rubles.

  • compact dimensions;
  • ability to work on batteries;
  • concise design.
  • are not available.

Inspector AT300

Unlike previous models, which have a maximum rate of 1.9 ppm, these devices have significantly higher rates, namely 4 ppm, which means a maximum. Since 1 out of 100 people will be able to drink more alcohol, also no one will be able to drive in this state.It should be noted that the internal memory of the device allows you to enter about 20 readings.

Before starting work, this device should be calibrated, as readings may jump out of the box. Otherwise, the quality of the device corresponds to the pricing policy.

Price: 2200 rubles.

Inspector AT300
  • compactness;
  • the device runs on batteries;
  • original design.
  • not detected.

Delta AT-600

This model, despite the fact that it is equipped with a semiconductor sensor, has a fairly high accuracy. It also has 5 removable nozzles and 3 metric systems capable of displaying data, namely ppm, mg/l and BAC.

The device is able to operate on a single battery, and the battery can be charged, which will save a lot of money.

The display of the device shows clear, large numbers, which is very important for people with poor eyesight. At the same time, the numbers are perfectly readable even in the dark, without any lighting. The assembly of the gadget is also different, since there are no gaps and inaudible squeaks on it, it lies very comfortably in the hand.

It is worth noting that it is worth buying a battery on Aliexpress, since not all stores sell it. The accuracy of the device is high, and does not cause absolutely no complaints.

Price: 2100 rubles.

Delta AT-600
  • excellent reading accuracy;
  • large temperature range;
  • convenient power supply;
  • fast reuse.
  • long process of preparation for the initial work.

The best professional devices

A high rating of professional breathalyzers have such models that are widely used in enterprises and medical institutions. institutions, as well as employees of the traffic police.It is worth noting that the lists include gadgets only those that have a certificate of quality and conformity.

Alcogran AG-125

The model of a personal breathalyzer with an electric element is considered the best, as it has a high measurement accuracy. At the same time, the device is able to operate from one AAA battery, is made in a fairly convenient design and has ergonomic dimensions. And also this device is considered a contact, in its configuration there are five nozzles for changing.

The professional device has a scale step up to thousandths. Easy to operate and accurate in the readings of the result, spending only a few seconds on the job.

The installed electrochemical sensor has not only maximum reliability, but also durability. This allows you to be sure that after a certain period of use, the gadget will still accurately show the results.

The disadvantage of the device is the pricing policy, so not everyone will be able to purchase this device. But if necessary, the choice should be made in favor of this breathalyzer model, since it is more reliable and accurate in readings, and you won’t have to pay an additional amount to its owner for fixing breakdowns in low-quality electronics.

A professional device is capable of performing up to 7 measurements during the day, its temperature range is from 0 degrees to 40. Also, the device is capable of measuring up to one ppm. Despite the fact that this is not a high figure, for many people it is important to know if there is any percentage of alcohol in the blood, since even 1 ppm is enough to record an offense. The result of the study is displayed in visual form and sound.

Price: 7000 rubles.

Alcogran AG-125
  • high accuracy of readings;
  • wide temperature range of operation;
  • fast process of readiness for work;
  • the presence of interchangeable nozzles;
  • multiple use during the day;
  • convenient and simple meals.
  • small level of measurement.

AlcoHunter Professional+

This breathalyzer model is the best that was produced in Russia. Due to the fact that the device has an affordable price, laconic design and convenient construction, it is quite popular. The gadget is powered by 2 AAA batteries.

A professional device is able to start its work in 50 seconds from the moment it is taken out of the box. The duration of the measurement of readings is about 5 seconds, while re-measurement can be performed after 15 seconds.

It is worth noting that the device is capable of showing measurements with maximum accuracy and reliability at low air temperatures, while the number of measurements can reach up to 140.

The only drawback of the device is considered to be the poorly thought-out fastening necessary for the mouthpieces, as a result of which they do not hold well and can fly out.

Price: 7200 rubles.

AlcoHunter Professional+
  • multiple measurements during the day;
  • high-precision result;
  • instant readiness for repeated measurements;
  • possibility of contact measurement;
  • the design is convenient to use, convenient and indication;
  • wide temperature range of operation;
  • affordable pricing policy.
  • poor fixation of mouthpieces;
  • takes a long time to prepare for the first application.

Which breathalyzer is better to buy

First of all, before you start choosing a device for measuring the degree of alcohol intoxication, you should decide on the purpose of the purchase and a number of important parameters that are important for the buyer.

In the case when the breathalyzer will be used for personal self-control, an individual device is quite suitable. For group or multiple use in production, it is advisable to use professional devices.

The next indicator is the price. Sensors are divided into inexpensive samples, medium price range and expensive professional models. Budget models on average cost 500 - 3000 rubles, the average price category is 3000 - 6000, and for professional devices you will have to pay from 6000 to several tens of thousands of rubles. In any subgroup, choosing the right model is not difficult.

Of the breathalyzers for personal use, devices equipped with electrochemical sensors are the most accurate. In this study, there is a minimal influence of side factors. Air is taken in through the mouthpiece, so the analysis results are of better quality.

If the user does not impose increased requirements on the accuracy of the examination, it is enough for him to establish the presence or high content of alcohol in the blood, he should stop his attention on a budget model equipped with a semiconductor sensor, or a device without a mouthpiece. The advantage of such models is obvious: there is no need to spend time and money looking for and buying a mouthpiece tube. It is much easier to use such a measuring device.

It is necessary not to lose sight of the operating temperature of the breathalyzer, its compliance with the conditions under which measurements will be made. The calibration cycle plays an important role, it is necessary to find out the possibility of carrying out the process in accordance with established standards. You should focus on the quality of the displayed information, the size of the display.

Also, it will not be superfluous to note the appearance and dimensions of the device, it is much more pleasant to work with a convenient, eye-pleasing device.

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