
  1. What exactly is the advantage of contacting a real estate agency?
  2. The best Novosibirsk real estate agencies
  3. How to choose a reliable real estate agency

Rating of the best real estate agencies in Novosibirsk in 2025

Rating of the best real estate agencies in Novosibirsk in 2025

Real estate transactions require a responsible and professional approach, so there are real estate agencies that provide not only the opportunity to quickly and profitably resolve the housing issue, but also receive professional legal support. A good specialist will ensure the security of ongoing transactions and take into account the interests and wishes of the client. About which of the real estate agencies are the best in Novosibirsk, we will tell below.

What exactly is the advantage of contacting a real estate agency?

  1. Saving time.A highly qualified specialist realtor has a complex of knowledge in the field of legislation, he is well versed in the situation on the real estate market, therefore, he will quickly and efficiently solve any issues related to these difficult topics for the layman. Knowing all the subtleties and features of the work, a competent specialist will quickly find a solution in a non-standard situation. In addition, it is the realtor who is capable of many hours of “duty” on the phone, in search of suitable options.
  2. Assistance with determining the value of the object. Only a specialist with knowledge of the market (which, as you know, is notable for the instability of real estate prices), can accurately and profitably for the client determine the value of the object, as well as bargain to the best price.
  3. Solving legal issues. Drafting contracts and agreements is an activity that requires a good knowledge of the law. It is quite natural that not every person has such information in order to independently draw up a contract that is competent in all respects.
  4. Lawyers of the real estate agency will not only prepare the necessary documents, but also verify the authenticity of the documents of the second party to the transaction.

To use the services of a real estate agency means to entrust its specialists not only with money for the services provided, but also with time. Therefore, it is so important to find a truly professional organization. The selection includes the most popular and safe real estate agencies in Novosibirsk, the rating of which is based on the numerous positive reviews of their clients.

The best Novosibirsk real estate agencies

"Doctor Key"

Address: Red Avenue, 43; Karl Marx street, 16

Working hours: Mon - Sat: 09:00 - 19:00, Sun: day off

☎: 8 (383) 203-55-55, 8 (383) 304-07-77

The real estate agency "Doctor Klyuch" has been successfully operating since 1998, earning a reputation as one of the most reliable companies. The most important principle of the company's work is the conclusion of exclusively verified transactions that are understandable to all parties involved. "Doctor Key" maintains the consistently high quality of the services provided, and also takes care of the security of transactions. The issue of security in this agency is given special attention:

  • based on the results of the mandatory inspection of each facility, as well as the analysis of possible risks, an expert opinion is drawn up (in writing);
  • the security of settlement and transaction technologies is monitored;
  • the process of transferring funds to the seller is strictly controlled by high-quality legal support - the seller receives the full amount only after the transaction is registered with Rosreestr;
  • obtaining by the company's clients a unique Certificate of Financial Responsibility, which provides guarantees of peaceful ownership of residential real estate;
  • the agency's responsibility for the timing of the sale of real estate - in case of delays in terms, the company provides substantial discounts on services.

In various real estate transactions, the company provides the homeowner with complete information about the current market situation, as well as the existing demand for housing. This allows the client to be aware of the details, to be well-versed in the situation, to exert their influence on the sales process.

In addition, the Doctor Klyuch agency has partnerships with the most reliable banks, which makes it possible to provide the client with special conditions aimed at lowering the mortgage interest rate, as a result of which the client can save up to 200,000 rubles.

In addition, the company assists in arranging an urgent purchase of real estate at the expense of the agency or its partners, which significantly saves time waiting for the conclusion of a transaction. With the assistance of Doctor Klyuch, a transaction is completed in a maximum of three days.


Buying a property. "Doctor Klyuch" has a huge database of objects, covering almost all real estate sellers in the city. The company provides a comprehensive solution to any problems:

  • for the acquisition of an apartment in the secondary housing market;
  • search for the best offers;
  • free assistance in obtaining a mortgage;
  • full guarantee for the transaction;
  • assistance in the acquisition of housing using maternity capital;
  • organization of obtaining a military mortgage.

Buying apartments in new buildings at the developer's price. Assistance in purchasing housing in proven new buildings at developer prices (without paying a commission) helps to safely buy the desired apartment at a bargain price:

  • providing a large selection of objects in new buildings with different prices, finishes and deadlines;
  • free tour of new buildings”;
  • reduction in the cost of the apartment to -15% of the price of the developer;
  • a convenient and simple process of exchanging an old apartment for housing in a new building.

Sale of an apartment. Organization of the sale of real estate in the shortest possible time and safe transaction:

  • selling an apartment on the secondary housing market at the most favorable price;
  • organization of an urgent sale of an apartment;
  • carrying out an urgent purchase of an apartment with access to a deal in 1-3 days;
  • the simultaneous purchase of a new home with the sale of the old one.

Urgent purchase of real estate.The Doctor Klyuch agency organizes an urgent purchase of residential and non-residential real estate as soon as possible (up to 3 days, when concluding a deal on the price). Urgent redemption is necessary and beneficial in a number of the following cases:

  • if the property is encumbered by a credit institution;
  • if the property has legal risks;
  • in the case when the property was inherited;
  • in case of urgent change of residence;
  • if you need an urgent exchange of real estate;
  • if you need a large amount of money to invest in business development.

Buying an apartment using maternity capital. Maternal family capital can be used:

  • for the purchase of finished real estate;
  • for the purchase of housing under construction;
  • to exchange old housing for a new, more spacious one;
  • for the purpose of repairing or building housing, including expanding its area.

Flat rent. Thanks to the services of Doctor Klyuch, the tenant will be able to quickly find and rent housing for a long time, and the owner of the home will be guaranteed to find a tenant. At the same time, the company provides guarantees for its customers:

  • has an extensive database of various real estate options:
  • provides;
  • guarantees fast results;
  • collects payment for the services provided only after the conclusion of the rental agreement.

Operations with commercial real estate. This is the purchase, sale, lease of any commercial premises - offices, warehouse and retail premises, as well as industrial real estate.

Legal services. The agency "Doctor Klyuch" has a legal department, whose specialists help with various real estate transactions:

  • assist in the preparation of the necessary documents and before the conclusion of the contract;
  • advise on taxation matters;
  • minimize the possibility of financial and legal risks.

Real estate investment. Provision of services related to the support of investments of any volume in real estate, with minimal risks for the investor.

Service cost

  • Purchase of real estate - from 41,000 rubles;
  • Buying apartments in new buildings at the price of the developer - from 0 rubles;
  • Sale of an apartment - from 35,000 rubles;
  • Urgent purchase of real estate - up to 35,000,000 rubles;
  • Exchange and sale of mortgage apartments - from 50,000 rubles;
  • Renting an apartment - from 5,000 rubles;
  • Operations with commercial real estate - from 100,000 rubles;
  • Legal services - from 990 rubles;
  • Investments in real estate - from 149,000 rubles.
  • competent and experienced professionals;
  • correctness of paperwork;
  • care and responsibility of realtors;
  • transparency of operations;
  • fast work of specialists;
  • Individual approach to each client;
  • services for teachers, doctors, pensioners, disabled people and veterans are subject to special tariffs;
  • twenty percent discount on company services.
  • not detected.


Address: Yadrintsevskaya street, 53/1

Opening hours: Mon-Fri: 08:00–20:00, Sat-Sun: 10:00–18:00

☎: 8 (383) 230-23-03

A real estate company that has been operating for more than 18 years and combines the latest technologies and methods, high responsibility, and an individual friendly approach to each client. The activities of the Etazhi company are also aimed at continuous self-improvement - investments are made in training, processes are automated, and the quality of services is improved. Partnerships are developing, and clients are provided with a rich real estate base.Also, it is worth noting that the company "Etazhi" has unique mortgage discounts - a loan of up to 0.5% or less.

The agency also guarantees its clients safety by being financially responsible for the transaction, providing legal support and providing free legal assistance after the acquisition of real estate. The company also helps in the sale of mortgaged apartments, providing loans to pay off a mortgage loan. And when selling an old apartment and buying a new one, the company gives the client a 7% discount on their services.

The real estate company "Etazhi" works with primary, secondary and commercial real estate, and additionally provides property insurance services, provides free mortgage services on the most favorable terms for the client.

"Etazhi" provides its customers with comfort, organizes viewing of objects at a convenient time and completes the transaction in a short time (1-2 days).

The real estate company "Etazhi" has a client protection program:

  • a free certificate is provided to buyers of secondary, as well as suburban real estate, which is a guarantor of security;
  • all transactions with real estate and finance are controlled by experienced lawyers of the company;
  • in the event that the client loses the right of ownership, the agency reimburses the amount spent by him on the purchase of real estate (up to 4 million rubles).


The federal real estate company "Etazhi" accepts payment for the services provided only after they have been rendered.

Buying a property. The company selects suitable properties, shows them, assists in the preparation of the necessary documentation for the purchase of housing. Sellers of real estate and the objects themselves are subject to mandatory legal due diligence. Also, in case of re-applying to the agency, the client is given a three percent discount.

Sale and rent of apartments. The company, at its own expense, takes photographs of the object, for subsequent placement of full information about it in the media or on the contractor's website. In addition, the agency is engaged in advertising the object and organizing its display to a potential buyer. The customer receives advice regarding the list of documents required for the transaction.

Mortgage. The agency helps in obtaining a mortgage with the maximum benefit for the client: this is a low interest rate, loyal loan repayment rules and a high chance of approval of the application. Loans can be issued for various types of real estate:

  • land plot or cottage;
  • a private house;
  • cottage or townhouse;
  • apartment (from developers and owners).

The cost of mortgage services also includes:

  • Individual approach to each client;
  • registration of a micromortgage;
  • assistance in processing applications, as well as extending their validity;
  • providing information about the decision of the bank.

Insurance services. An obligatory condition of the loan agreement is insurance.

Real estate agency "Etazhi" provides assistance in insurance - this allows the company's clients to save not only money, but also time. In addition, insurance provides the following benefits:

  • wholesale discount from company partners (up to 50%);
  • selection of the best insurance program;
  • contract extension;
  • timely informing the client about the need to extend the insurance;
  • high speed of work even in the most difficult cases;
  • free consultations.

In addition, there are special conditions for insurance, property, mortgages and individual items such as interior decoration, equipment and other property.

Service cost

  • Buying an apartment - 39,000 rubles;
  • Buying apartments in new buildings at the price of the developer - from 0 rubles;
  • Sale of an apartment - 39,000 rubles;
  • Renting an apartment - 0 rub.
  • ability to navigate in non-standard situations;
  • quick search for real estate buyers;
  • flexible conditions for payment for services;
  • reliability;
  • communication skills, tact, attentive attitude to the client;
  • lack of delay and fuss;
  • acceptable cost of services;
  • big database.
  • carelessness of individual employees of the company;
  • preparation of documents is not done professionally;
  • inconvenient parking.

"Lights of Novosibirsk"

Address: Krylov street, 36, office 612

Opening hours: Mon-Tue 09:00–19:00, Sat 10:00–14:00, Sun closed

☎: 8 (383) 200-40-40

This company has been operating in the real estate market for over 15 years. The key direction of the real estate agency "Novosibirsk Lights" is the use of an individual, unique approach to each client. The company's activity is highly efficient: more than 87% of applications are approved, each transaction is insured, which guarantees its safety.

Real estate transactions are transparent, all information about the object, its features is communicated to the client: first, a visual and legal assessment of the object is made, after which the client is informed about all the important subtleties, shortcomings, and possible debts.

Also, the agency allows you to save money when buying an apartment, without considering options for objects with an unacceptably high cost. When negotiating with the seller, the company's specialists are trying to reduce the price of the apartment.In addition, the company provides discounts on the mortgage program, consults on taxes.

The agency has at its disposal the largest database of real estate, so the search for a suitable option and the preparation of an offer take place quickly, within a day.


Apartments for rent. Selection of the most suitable variant of an apartment, house, studio for the needs of the client. All the wishes of the client are taken into account, including the desired area, the required number of rooms, the availability of certain furniture for the object.

Sale of an apartment. Sale of apartments, as well as land and cottages, is one of the main activities of the agency. The maximum term for the sale of real estate is three months. In order for the sale process to be not only fast, but also safe, the company carries out a set of appropriate actions, such as:

  • placing an advertisement for the sale of real estate on your website;
  • creating a virtual tour of the object;
  • preparation of the documentation necessary for the sale by the company's lawyers;
  • placement of ads on paid advertising sites;
  • availability of a ready base of potential buyers.

Mortgage. Registration of a mortgage with the help of the Academy of Sciences "Novosibirsk Lights" includes:

  • consultations, selection of the most suitable and beneficial mortgage program for the client;
  • advice on the preparation of a package of documents required for filing an application with the bank;
  • assistance of a specialist in filling out questionnaires;
  • preparation and execution of a package of documents;
  • control over the consideration of the application by the bank.

Buying a property. It is understood as the acquisition of a new or secondary apartment, as well as a land plot or a summer house.

Service cost

The price of the services provided is most often agreed with the client individually.

  • Purchase of real estate: 35,000 - 50,000 rubles;
  • Commercial real estate: up to 70,000 rubles;
  • Sale of an apartment: 35,000 - 50,000 rubles;
  • Apartment rental: 50% of the monthly rent;
  • Mortgage: free of charge (when buying an apartment through an agency).
  • attentive, thorough and precise work of reators;
  • honesty, transparency of the transaction;
  • information content of consultations;
  • high speed of the transaction;
  • qualified work of company managers;
  • pleasant interior;
  • high professionalism of employees;
  • convenient official site.
  • not detected.


Address: Red Avenue, 182/1, office 1014

Opening hours: Mon-Fri: 09:30 - 20:00, Sat: 10:00 - 16:30, Sun: day off

☎: 8 (383) 255-77-54

Real estate agency "Granovit" has been operating in the real estate market for more than 17 years, proving its high level of professionalism more than once. The company is located in the most convenient places of the city - near metro stations, which provides additional comfort to customers.

Granovit operates in the following areas:

  • exchange of rooms, apartments, houses, cottages and townhouses, including return and with an additional charge;
  • selection of the most suitable real estate options;
  • purchase of an apartment in a new building at the prices of the developer;
  • operations with commercial real estate;
  • consulting services - market analysis, forecasting, drawing up an expert opinion;
  • mortgage services for the purchase of both residential and commercial real estate.

In addition to the above, the company "Granovit" provides a wide range of legal services:

  • registration of inheritance, privatization of housing;
  • preparation of drafts of various types of contracts and agreements (purchase and sale, donation, etc.);
  • assistance in legalizing or coordinating an apartment redevelopment project;
  • registration of ownership of a land plot (or registration of its lease);
  • preparation of statements of claim, representation in court;
  • examination of documentation.


Department of housing under construction. Professionals of the Granovit agency deal with issues related to financial investments in a new building, providing customers with comfortable conditions:

  • no commission is charged for housing under construction;
  • the client has a huge base of almost all new buildings in the city and region;
  • control over construction progress.

Mortgage Center. Here you can quickly and profitably solve all the problems related to the purchase and credit. The company's specialists are engaged in the selection and reservation of suitable real estate options, prepare the documentation necessary for the transaction, and organize all further processes. The interest rate on the loan is lower than in the bank.

Department of registration and examination of documents. Documents are drafted here, legal examination of documents is carried out. The lawyers of the agency pay attention to every detail, take into account the wishes of the client and act within the framework of the law, which guarantees a safe transaction.

Commercial real estate department. Qualified specialists will help you choose a suitable object at an attractive cost that meets all the wishes of the client, as well as taking into account the specifics of the business.

Rental department. Here you can quickly find a property in the desired area for the client. There are many different options to choose from, in addition, the real estate agency offers a convenient scheme for renting housing.

Legal department. Specialists of the department are engaged in legal support of real estate transactions:

  • preparation of draft contracts (purchase and sale, donation);
  • drafting agreements;
  • accompaniment to justice;
  • registration of inheritance and privatization;
  • legalization of redevelopment;
  • registration of land plots in ownership and lease;
  • preparation of statements of claim and representation in court.

Quality service. With a brilliant reputation, the company "Granovit" appreciates the opinion of each of its clients. Therefore, all comments, wishes, reviews, customers can send by e-mail, or leave by phone listed on the agency's website.

Employees of the company will also help you choose the right loan program. Current mortgage programs:

  1. Military mortgage (the state pays the bulk of the loan);
  2. Maternity capital (can act as a down payment);
  3. Mortgage refinancing (obtaining a new loan from a bank on more favorable terms);
  4. Young family (providing a gratuitous subsidy for the purchase of real estate, if the family is recognized as in need of improved housing conditions).

Service cost

  • Acquisition of real estate at the price of the developer - 0 rubles.
  • Mortgage - 5,000 rubles.
  • Purchase of real estate - 36,000 rubles.
  • Sale of an apartment - 3% of the value of the property.
  • Sale of a room - from 40,000 rubles.
  • Renting an apartment - from 50% to 100% of the cost of one month of living
  • Legal support - 1% of the value of the property (but not less than 20,000 rubles).
  • qualified consultation;
  • fast and high-quality work;
  • attentive attitude to the wishes of the client;
  • competent work of lawyers;
  • responsibility and responsiveness of realtors;
  • compliance with all legal norms during the transaction;
  • assistance of a specialist throughout the duration of the transaction.
  • not found.

How to choose a reliable real estate agency

We can conditionally identify several main criteria for choosing an intermediary for a professional solution of housing issues:

  1. Recommendations from friends of acquaintances. Only those who are personally familiar with the activities of a particular company can provide maximum information about it. It is worth listening to the advice of relatives, friends or acquaintances who have resorted to the services of realtors. As for reviews on the Internet, they cannot give the full picture of the company. Reviews help to put a "plus" or "minus" of the agency's activities as a whole, but will not tell you about the pitfalls.
  2. Company popularity. Choose the best among the most famous organizations that have justified the trust of their customers more than once. In such agencies, the quality of services is guaranteed to be high, in addition, they have extensive experience and an extensive real estate database. A large, well-known agency, as a rule, has serious, expensive advertising.
  3. Informativeness and solidity of the official website of the company. A truly high-quality resource is distinguished not only by a stylish, business-like design, but also by the presence of sections relating to the agency's activities, as well as clear and simple navigation. The site should contain maximum information about the company and the cost of its services, as well as legal data and TIN.
  4. Agency experience. Companies operating in the real estate sector for more than ten to fifteen years are stable and have rich experience. They are known in the market, such firms have a reputation that they value, so they are worthy of trust.

The number of organizations that meet all the stated requirements cannot be large, especially in the territory of one city. But even if a real estate agency is quite "young", this does not necessarily mean its unreliability. Therefore, it is worth spending time on a thorough study of information about the agency in order to subsequently save not only time, but also finances.

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