
  1. Agency or private realtor?
  2. How to choose a real estate agency
  3. The best real estate agencies in Murmansk and the Murmansk region
  4. Conclusion

Rating of the best real estate agencies in Murmansk and the Murmansk region in 2025

Rating of the best real estate agencies in Murmansk and the Murmansk region in 2025

Sale, purchase, exchange and other actions with real estate are operations that have a high degree of risk. Too many scammers in this area are trying to extract money from honest citizens, and too many obstacles can arise when processing documents for even the simplest transaction. Therefore, to avoid such unpleasant nuances, it is best to contact a reliable agency. There, where specialists will minimize all risks and settle "paper" issues. The best real estate agencies in Murmansk and the Murmansk region will be discussed below.

Agency or private realtor?

The main advantage of an institution over a realtor is that in the first case you apply to a legal entity, and in the second - to an individual entrepreneur. One specialist is not always able to quickly resolve all issues, in addition, he may have problems, or the realtor will simply turn out to be dishonest. The organization also has a staff of professionals who will always come to the rescue in a difficult situation.

And a few more differences between an agency and a private specialist:

  • organizations provide a wider range of services;
  • a 100% accurate check of the legal "purity" of the object is always carried out, as the institutions cooperate with the police and notaries;
  • the agency has strong ties with banks, thanks to which it is most likely to receive a mortgage at a reduced rate;
  • many large firms have a transaction insurance service.

Why use an agency

To save time and obtain complete reliable information about prices and options on the real estate market, the easiest way is to use the services of professionals who own such data and have experience in concluding transactions.

What do agency professionals do?

  • assistance in renting housing of various types;
  • sale and purchase of premises;
  • real estate exchange;
  • urgent purchase from the owner, when there is no time to wait and money is needed right now;
  • legal support and verification of documents for housing;
  • advice on any issue related to the sale, selection and re-registration of property.

Real estate agency process

The standard activities of the company are divided into 6 stages:

  • database creation: collection of information about real estate, prices, sellers and landlords;
  • distribution of data among the state;
  • placement of advertising objects on various sites;
  • documentary check of each room;
  • management of sales, exchange and rent;
  • full transaction support: preparation of a package of documents, conclusion of an agreement.

The client contacts the company, gets acquainted with the employees and talks about the current situation. At this stage, it is important to provide the most complete information, determine the purpose of the visit, so that the agent can promptly provide assistance.

How to choose a real estate agency

Buying and selling and other manipulations with real estate is a serious process that requires careful preparation. Finding a company you can trust can be difficult. It is best to do this on the recommendations of those who have once collaborated with a particular agency. They know all the pitfalls and are ready to share their experience. The ideal option is relatives or close friends who have recently successfully passed all the stages of concluding a deal in a well-known company.

Main selection criteria:

  • proven recommendations;
  • fame of the company, scale;
  • organization website: concise and expressive design, user-friendly interface, maximum
  • information, the presence of a form of communication of several types (mail, telephone, instant messengers);
  • work experience of the institution;
  • staff: the more people work, the more efficient the agency.

Do you call companies, trying to make sure of the competence of a particular company? In this case, do not hesitate to ask questions that interest you. Your goal: to find out all the details about the work of employees, find out what real estate is in demand at the moment and what are the chances of solving your problem quickly.

How to spot an unscrupulous agency

In order not to become a victim of scammers, you need to know some of their differences from decent companies:

  • the presence of a landing page (landing page) instead of a full-fledged website, as a rule, there is very little information there: mainly advertising, prices and contact details;
  • the cost of services is below market rates;
  • the requirement to issue a general power of attorney, instead of the usual one;
  • persistent “pushing in” of additional paid services, which are usually provided free of charge: for inspection of the premises, copies of documents, etc.;
  • advance payment request;
  • reviews: on the website of this agency there are a large number of detailed positive and negative reviews, scammers have short laudatory ones.

The best real estate agencies in Murmansk and the Murmansk region

RossReal Estate

183025, Murmansk, st. Polyarnye Zori, 30
☎️:+7 (8152) 600-810
Fax:+7 (8152) 44-89-07
Working hours: without days off.

AN "ROSSNEDVIMIOST" was opened in 2010 and during this time has earned an impeccable reputation as a responsible organization that always solves the tasks and is listed as a member of the Murmansk Guild of Realtors.

The agency is a partner of 6 banks, including Sberbank PJSC and VTB Bank PJSC.
According to management, the company's employees have access to closed real estate databases. On the company's website there is an opportunity to place an ad for the sale, lease of property for free.

  • many years of experience;
  • reduced mortgage interest
  • successful support of complex transactions;
  • promotions and bonuses;
  • acceptable prices;
  • convenient and informative official site.
  • does not have.


Murmansk, Polyarnye Zori street, 44, second floor
☎️: 8 (8152) 4-22-22-4
☎️: 8 (8152) 205-501
☎️: 8 (8152) 203-201
Opening hours: no days off.

The agency resolves issues related to the purchase, sale, rental of premises not only in Murmansk, but also in St. Petersburg, as well as in other regions of Russia.

The company's staff includes its own legal department, which ensures the security of transactions and where you can get a free consultation on all issues related to inheritance, privatization and restoration of title documents.

It is worth paying attention to the design of the site, which has easy navigation and the visitor can see the database of ads with requirements from those who want to buy or rent housing.

  • extensive work experience;
  • highly qualified employees;
  • partnership with banks: PJSC Sberbank, PJSC Svyaz-Bank, PJSC Rosselkhozbank, PJSC VTB Bank;
  • your legal department;
  • wide regional range of activities;
  • convenient site.
  • does not have.

VAER Real Estate

Murmansk, Tarana 25, office 201
☎️: 8 (911) 060-35-35
☎️: 8 (911) 321-48-92

A small agency that has been operating for about 5-6 years. Carries out the purchase and sale of real estate in Murmansk and the Murmansk region. They prepare selling photos of the object, are engaged in the preparation and placement of advertisements, deal with the traffic of incoming calls and perform many other functions necessary to solve the client's tasks. Interact with banks, notaries and other third parties.

The official website (just a landing page) contains little information: a list and cost of services, contacts and an application form. They have pages on social networks that are regularly filled with ads and informational articles, from which you can understand that the company is not fake and works in good faith.

Despite the fact that the company's electronic business card does not inspire confidence, there are many detailed positive reviews on the Internet about the high competence of VAER employees.

  • professionalism of realtors;
  • operational work;
  • quality service.
  • uninformative site.


Murmansk, Lenina avenue, 65
☎️: (8152) 24-44-42

Murmansk, Shcherbakov street, 22
☎️: (8152) 24-44-42

Murmansk, Geroev-Severomortsev avenue, 65
☎️: (8152) 24-44-42

The largest real estate company in the Murmansk region, established in 2000. He is a full member of the Murmansk Guild of Realtors and has 5 offices in different parts of the city and a branch in the region. They own a large real estate base, the staff includes 100 experienced employees.

Also, the department of the institution includes its own training center and legal department. The list of services includes the purchase, sale, rent and exchange of houses, apartments and land. Brokerage, purchase, sale, investment and other manipulations with commercial real estate. New buildings in St. Petersburg: offers from 40 developers. Objects of all types abroad: consultation, expertise, full transaction support. Preparation of all types of documents, agreements and contracts.

There is also mortgage collateral on a bonus basis through partnerships with banks such as PJSC Sberbank of Russia, PJSC VTB 24. All types of mortgages are carried out: traditional, military, etc.
The agency employs educated and socially oriented employees who are thoroughly tested for psychological stability and competence.

  • certified employees;
  • high customer focus;
  • extensive client base;
  • reliability.
  • does not have.

World of Apartments

G.Murmansk Oktyabrskaya st., 24
☎️: +7 8152 60‑88-22

The agency has been operating for more than 12 years and provides services not only in Murmansk, but also in other cities of Russia. It buys new buildings for its clients (the service is free) in all regions, determines the cost of the seller's object based on an analysis of the market situation. Free realtor visit and property appraisal.

A significant advantage is the rapid (within a day) creation and placement of effective advertising on all available sites: the Internet, closed inter-agency bases, newspapers.

  • advertising is placed not only on bulletin boards, but also on the resources of other agencies;
  • competent conduct of the transaction to the result.
  • does not have.


Murmansk, st. Schmidt, 43, office 215
☎️: +7 911-300-51-51

MDK is a Murmansk Development Company founded in 2017. This is an association of professionals: lawyers, realtors and those who are "savvy" in matters of land management, development technologies and asset management of all types of commercial real estate.

The company creates a convenient platform for communication of 3 groups of applicants:

  • property owners;
  • representatives of entrepreneurs, federal and regional networks, businessmen and individuals;
  • professional intermediaries: lawyers, realtors, bankers, appraisers, etc.

The activity of the company's employees is based on the principles of competence, customer focus and productivity in solving the tasks.

  • full support from consultation to delivery of keys;
  • efficiency;
  • legal guarantees.
  • does not have.

City Center Real Estate


Murmansk, st. Polyarnye Zori, 31/2
☎️: 8 (815-2) 44-12-64, 076
Murmansk, st. Burkova, 11/18
☎️: 8 (815-2) 44-32-92
Working mode:
Mon-Fri: 9:00 – 20:00
Sat: 10:00 – 18:00
Sunday is a day off

The largest organization founded in 2002. Employees of the company take on the most complex and impossible tasks and successfully cope with them, this can be judged by reading a large number of positive reviews from customers. It provides high quality service, strict control of all stages of the transaction, thorough verification and preparation of documentation, legal support.


  • manipulations with commercial and residential real estate;
  • consultations, support of transactions, preparation of documents, verification of the "cleanliness" of the object;
  • mortgage registration

The company's offices are located not only in Murmansk, but also in other cities: Apatity, Kirovsk, Petrozavodsk, Polyarnye Zori, Monchegorsk. Real estate objects are being sold in Murmansk, Veliky Novgorod, St. Petersburg, Kaliningrad, Moscow, Voronezh, Vologda, Murmansk and Leningrad regions.

  • many years of experience;
  • reliability;
  • large territorial coverage of activities.
  • does not have.


Monchegorsk, Metallurgists Avenue, 11
☎️: +7 (81536) 7622
Mon-Fri 9:00-18:00 (break: 13:00-14:00)

AN LLC "ROSSEVER" has been open since 2003 and is one of the most reliable companies in this field. The staff employs a team consisting of proactive and competent employees who have the appropriate education and extensive experience.

The advantage of the company is that responsibility and all work is documented by the insurance company "Consent". This means a guarantee for all ongoing transactions with the client, compensation for damage in case of an error in the provision of services.

The agency solves the following tasks:

  • privatization, exchange, maintenance of hereditary property, resettlement of communal housing, donation;
  • assistance in the implementation of state housing subsidies, coordination of redevelopment;
  • all types of commercial real estate, withdrawal from the housing stock;
  • rights to land;
  • support of transactions, participation in negotiations.
  • a wide range of issues to be resolved;
  • qualified employees;
  • extensive work experience;
  • transaction insurance.
  • does not have.

Real Estate World

Murmansk, Oktyabrskaya street, 30
☎️: +7 (911) 308-80-78
Working hours:
Mon-Sat 10:00–19:00

The universal real estate company "World of Real Estate" provides services for transactions with various types of residential and commercial properties. Qualified specialists help to quickly and profitably sell property, find and buy the right premises or building, exchange housing for moving to another city.

On the official website of the company, you can not only see the announcements of sellers and buyers, but also independently calculate the mortgage rate on the online calculator.

  • professional help;
  • efficiency;
  • qualified employees.
  • does not have.


The decision to contact a real estate agency is really an ideal and quick solution to a property problem. The most important thing is to choose a professional and competent intermediary who will take care not only of their own, but also of your interests.

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