The first real estate transactions took place in Ancient Rome. The owner of the land plot erected objects to increase its value, then the Romans considered the building and the land to be a single entity. Today, the most profitable investment of savings is still investment in real estate. To increase the financial component, real estate is bought, improved, expanded, changed, sold. Time works to increase the value of objects.
Indicators of construction and sales of housing in new buildings are growing every year. From 2025, a reform of shared construction will be introduced. All funds of equity holders are accumulated in special escrow accounts in banks and transferred to developers only after the transfer of housing to owners. Understand the intricacies and help in the deal real estate offices. The best real estate agencies in Kazan will be discussed in this article.
Specificity of the domestic market:
The main principle of choosing an agency is to respect the interests of the consumer.
You should not be guided by such recommendations as:
All of the above advantages do not guarantee the quality of services, rather, they are an argument for increasing the price.
A professional reputation that can be guaranteed by the reviews of people who have received qualified real estate assistance. Clients from the applicant's inner circle or those whose opinion can be trusted. An automatic guarantee should be present in any company - this is the high professionalism of an employee, in accordance with the use of contractual obligations.
A list of checks of the legal norms of the object, which should be described in detail in the contract. In case of non-fulfillment, again, according to the clause of the contract, the opportunity to challenge the legality of the services provided.
Significantly reduces the risk of losing ownership of real estate title insurance.
The court has the right to declare the transaction illegal:
Title insurance can be issued for any type of real estate, after registration of ownership. This type of insurance is voluntary. The tariff is determined personally, ranges from 0.25% to 0.5% of the declared value of the property or the amount of the mortgage.
The possibility of legal advice in case of complications after the conclusion of the transaction.
The real estate market is the field of activity in which it is appropriate to compare the promised in words with the documentary reflection in the contract.
The clauses of the contract on the duties of a realtor after the submission of transaction documents for state registration will help not to be left with nothing. This section includes:
It is unlikely that you will be able to win on the realtor's fee, which is in the market "fork" of prices. Moreover, both a private broker and a representative of a real estate company receive equal interest - 3-4% for a one-word transaction: just buy or sell real estate. If we are talking about selling and searching for a new property, then the cost of the service rises to 5-6%. When an agency declares lower percentages in advertising information, you should ask if the amount of VAT is included. In fact, it may turn out to be the initial average cost of the service.
Does the realtor go to inspect the object together with the client, is he present during the transfer of the pledge, assists in obtaining information? The manner of communication is also taken into account.
It is advisable to get acquainted with the number of completed transactions, customer reviews. Ask: are there mortgage consultants, is work with real estate from the developer.
Currently, the legal intricacies of real estate transactions are increasingly complicated. Every year new aspects are introduced, so as not to get into a mess, you can ask for a list of legal guarantees in several agencies and compare the data.
The intermediary knows, for example, what certificates and permits to take, but cannot conduct a legal analysis of the documents. If the company has a full-time lawyer, there is no guarantee that the interests of the client, and not the firm, will be observed. In such cases, it is advisable to contact an independent lawyer with the contract form and only then, after making sure that it is safe, sign the document.
It is important to remember that a realtor, broker, agency are intermediaries, but not full participants in the transaction. The final responsibility for violations of the law and the emergence of claims will not affect third parties. An agreement with a real estate agency is a contract for the provision of services for a fee: according to the law, responsibility is borne for the process of providing, but not for the result of the service. When conducting individual transactions, additional clauses of the commission agreement are introduced. You have to pay close attention to such "little things". Purchase and sale agreements, that is, alternative transactions, are gaining more and more popularity, bilateral exchange is becoming a thing of the past, the chain of an alternative transaction can reach up to 12 participants. This form of transactions is suitable for the congress, the departure of owners, for the acquisition of more housing in exchange for less.
In the absence of suitable options, according to the requirements of the client, it may turn out that the contract has expired, and the transaction has not taken place. The client has the right to apply to another agency, without paying the previous partner, unless otherwise provided by the contract.
It is worth clarifying which banks the agency works with, whether it selects convenient and profitable real estate mortgage programs.
RIA Real Estate points to the continued growth of the mortgage market. In 2025, Russia's mortgage portfolio amounted to 6% of GDP. However, the introduction of shared construction reform may bring down demand and create prerequisites for the creation of a new mortgage program, which will introduce certain amendments into the work of real estate agencies.
Agencies provide services for the selection, inspection, reservation, execution of an agreement for the purchase of apartments in the city, villas on the coast, townhouses, hotels, land plots.
Companies are responsible for complying with the rules and regulations of a foreign state, for which real estate consultants of the respective country are involved.
Present on the market since 2003. Providing mortgage services since 2004.
Housing prices according to the agency: | price, rub./sq.m |
primary market | 86,490 |
secondary market | 80,930 |
Contact Information:
Agency office addresses:
☎ 7 (843) 231-83-85.
Website: ✉
For the convenience of the client, the company offers registration in a personal account, where, according to the parameters of the request, experts lay out possible options.
Here, after registration, you can get a discount and track the transaction process 24/7.The agency guarantees the level of services provided in accordance with modern world standards of real estate management, and also rely on the speed and quality of execution.
Housing prices according to the agency: | price, rub./sq.m |
cottage 380 - 400 sq.m. | 10350000 - 11000000 |
house 100-150 sq.m. | 2200000 - 3000000 |
apartment, 3 rooms from 100 sq.m. | from 6500000 |
apartment, 1 room from 35 sq.m. | 2,500,000 |
Contact Information:
Agency office addresses:
Website: https://an-emperiya.rf
The company is a full member of the Guild of Realtors of Tatarstan. Entered the real estate market in 2009.
Real estate prices according to the agency: | price, rub./sq.m |
commercial, offices from 110 sq. m. up to 2500 sq. m. m. | from 7500000 to 135000000 |
land plot, from 6 to 30 acres | from 3200000 to 2300000 |
apartment over 45 sq. m. | from 4000000 |
Contact Information:
Address: 420140, Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan, st. Yu. Fuchik, d. 90a, of. 914
☎ 8 (843) 212-22-77, exchange transactions: ☎ (843) 216-64-64
Website: ✉
Mortgage lending can be done with one of four banks to choose from. The agency has an impressive database of new buildings, provides discounts and holds promotions, together with partners.
Land management works by the company include:
Real estate prices according to the agency: | price, rub./sq.m |
rooms from 9 sq. m. | from 530000 |
hotel type | from 1000000 |
4-room apartment from 160 sq. m. | from 4000000 |
Contact Information:
Address: Kazan, st. Daurskaya. 22.
☎ 8 (843) 249-17-17
Website: ✉
Present on the market since 2012. The firm specializes in physical and corporate real estate transactions. The company carries out the construction and sale of cottages, has a wide selection of finished housing.
Real estate prices according to the agency: | price, rub./sq.m |
new building LCD "Hollywood" | from 53389 |
new building residential complex "Ecopark "Dubrava" | from 60352 |
new building residential complex "Sportivnaya Station" | from 41488 |
new building residential complex "Ryabinovy" | from 47548 |
new building residential complex "Svetlaya Dolina" | from 47000 |
new building residential complex "Garden Ring" | from 56000 |
Contact Information:
Addresses: Kazan, st. Vanguard, 155.
st. Zorge, 66-V.
☎ 8-(843)-212-20-12
Works in the real estate market since 2005, directly cooperates with the main developers of the city. The company has a database of 50 cottage settlements of various distances from the center. The agency carries out transactions for the lease and acquisition of commercial space, offices and cooperates with 26 banks of the city.
Real estate prices according to the agency: | price, rub./sq.m |
two-room apartment LCD "Hollywood" | from 3980000 |
two-room apartment 85 sq. m in Sovietsky district | from 10000000 |
two-room apartment from 100 sq.m in the center of Zinin | from 11000000 |
two-room apartment from 40 sq. m in the Kirovsky district | from 2800000 |
Contact Information:
Address: Kazan, Dekabristov 156 of. 39
☎ +7(900)323-11-55
Website: ✉
The main characteristics of the dynamics of the real estate market in 2025: