Rating of the best high-temperature thermal insulation for 2025

Rating of the best high-temperature thermal insulation for 2025

Materials designed to isolate heat sources from the environment are called high-temperature. Resistance to high temperatures is a useful property of insulation, which is widely used in industry, construction and everyday life. Due to the chemical composition of the substances from which thermal insulation is made, it is able to withstand extreme temperatures.

The building materials market today offers a fairly wide selection of thermal insulation products that can withstand high temperatures. The temperature limits for the use of such protective equipment lie in the range up to 2000 degrees Celsius.

Places of use of high-temperature insulation

Refractory insulation differs in composition and method of production, depending on the intended place and possibilities of its use. Properly selected material guarantees the safety of property and its full-scale use. Flame retardants reduce heat loss, protect adjacent materials from fire, and can serve as sound insulation.

  • Fire-resistant insulation is used in the construction of walls of houses and ceilings. It can be residential buildings or industrial facilities. What the object of construction is being built from does not matter. It can be brick, concrete slabs or wood. Mineral or basalt wool can be used here, which does not burn and does not absorb moisture. The form of the material can be any - plates, rolls or mats, depending on the wishes.
  • To protect metal chimneys, pipelines of water, gas and combustible materials, it is used as thermal insulation from the external environment.
  • Metal foil with enhanced heat-reflecting property is used to insulate chimneys of domestic heating stoves, fireplaces and bathhouses. It also fills the areas adjacent to the chimneys.
  • Fireproof doors, gates, fire barriers use refractory material to fill voids.Fire protection means of openings must comply with safety standards - be able to resist the penetration of fire and smoke.
  • The material used for thermal insulation of motors of machines, installations that generate electricity must prevent excessive heat consumption, heating of adjacent surfaces and have the property of sound insulation.

Parameters of fire resistant materials

The choice of thermal insulation is carried out according to certain parameters. Not every product is able to withstand the highest possible temperature or serve as a sound insulator, or carry any aesthetic load. The main parameters when choosing should be:

  • Preparation method. It can be mineral wool or high-tech basalt material, or fiberglass.
  • Density and, accordingly, specific gravity, which determines the ability to withstand the load on building structures.
  • Thickness. It is regulated by the area of ​​application and the desired result. For pipes, for example, thin felt or foil can be used, and for filling voids in refractory structures - thicker - mats or plates;
  • Aggregate condition and appearance.

Form and structure

Depending on the state of aggregation and the shape of the product, refractory materials are divided into several types.

  • Tiled - produced in the form of mats, come in different sizes. Convenient for construction work.
  • Liquid foaming. Dry after application to the desired area. Used in the construction of ventilation, insulation of pipelines.
  • Loose. Used as an admixture with other substances. Usually used for interior decoration, for example - a warm floor.
  • Frame. Used in engineering insulation in the construction of large facilities.
  • Roll.Easy to use, allows you to wrap any design.

Types of non-combustible high-temperature insulating materials by manufacturing method

All types of high-temperature insulation differ from each other in the way of production and composition of raw materials. Below are the main thermal insulation high temperature products found in the construction markets. Both proven and new high-tech are described.

  • The oldest non-combustible material widely used in industry is mineral wool. Produced from the waste of the metallurgical industry and quartz sand. One of the cheapest. It can be produced in the form of plates and canvas. Less commonly, it is packed in bags with cotton mass and is used to fill voids in the construction of, for example, houses. For insulation of high temperatures, it is used only in combination with more heat-resistant products.
  • Expanded clay, perlite and vermiculite are free-flowing granules, for thermal insulation they are used only in mixture with other substances, for example, for installing underfloor heating in rooms.
  • Fire-resistant foam is a product obtained by foaming polyurethane to which flame retardants are added for fire protection.
  • Velit is foamed concrete with a porous structure, which reduces its weight and density.
  • Glasspor. This free-flowing composition is obtained by melting potassium or sodium glasses, followed by rapid cooling of the composition. It is not used independently, but only as part of mixtures, where it is added as a means to increase fire resistance. It is used to make piece products that resist fire.
  • Basalt thermal insulation material, produced from molten basalt, is one of the safest to use, withstanding high temperatures.Widespread because of its versatility. It can be used for indoor and outdoor work, and in conditions of high humidity.
  • Foam glass. It is obtained by sintering glass cullet with coal, which is added for the gas formation reaction. It does not burn at all, almost does not conduct heat, withstands huge temperatures. More often used for thermal insulation of rooms with a wet technological process.

How to choose the right high temperature insulation material

When choosing thermal insulation, attention is paid not only to what the product is made of, but also to many other factors. During the purchase, first of all, you need to carefully read the technical specifications and pay attention to the fire safety certificate, where the NG (non-combustible) marking should be. All other options are not considered. Only after that attention is paid to additional characteristics.

  • Hygroscopicity and moisture resistance - especially important when working in a humid climate;
  • Good thermal insulation properties, which are determined by the thermal conductivity;
  • Good sound insulation;
  • High density with low weight;
  • Strength;
  • Durability of use without loss of physical properties and its intended purpose;
  • The cost should preferably be low;
  • Ease of use;
  • Safety of use, products should not be toxic, in case of temperature rise or fire, the release of hazardous substances is not allowed;
  • In some cases, it is good if the chosen option will provide comprehensive protection from both elevated temperatures and moisture, and also serve as a sound insulator.

Best High Temperature Insulation in 2025

In the modern construction market, the choice of heat-retaining insulation is quite wide. The buyer is presented with products of foreign and Russian manufacturers. Depending on your needs, you can easily find the option that will meet all your desired requirements. It is clear that the main property of such insulation is protection against high temperatures, however, their areas of application may vary. Some are used in industry, others - in the construction of baths, fireplaces, to protect pipelines, electrical systems.

expanded vermiculite
votes 9

A modern high-tech product that is widely used for the insulation of private houses. This is a granular coating that can withstand high temperatures and is not an environment for the development of microorganisms. Serves for a long time. Does not lose its technical properties in the temperature range from minus 256 to plus 1100 degrees C. It is a good sound insulator.

Exfoliated Vermicule
  • It does not harm a person due to the natural composition, it is produced by high-temperature firing of mica;
  • Extensive scope;
  • Inexpensive, cost up to 1000 rubles per bag;
  • Resistant to mechanical stress.
  • Not resistant to moisture. Cannot be used in damp environments, preferably in dry climates.

Foam glass P-600-450-150-1
votes 4

Excellent thermal insulation for industrial facilities. It is produced by high-temperature action on glass with the addition of coal, which gives the products a porous structure. Withstands high temperatures and has a long service life. These characteristics make it possible to use it to ensure fire safety in various places of the object under construction - for walls, basements, ceilings.It is not advisable to use on the roof due to the large weight.

Foam glass P-600-450-150-1
  • Withstands high temperatures;
  • When the heat threshold is exceeded, melt without releasing toxic substances;
  • Service life - 100 years;
  • Easy to assemble and handle.
  • Great weight;
  • High cost - up to 20,000 rubles per sq.m.

Calcium silicate thermal insulation boards Silka 250KM
votes 4

Widely used in the construction of furnaces. High performance properties at high temperatures keep this product among the best for many years. According to customer reviews, this is an excellent value for the quality of the product and its price. They are lightweight and durable, made in the form of plates, which facilitates the construction process.

Calcium silicate thermal insulation boards Silka 250KM
  • Temperature limit - 1100 degrees Celsius;
  • Non-toxic. Natural products are used for production;
  • Solid and durable;
  • Wear resistant.
  • Not detected.

Basalt wool TechnoNIKOL Technoaccoustic
votes 0

Great for insulating floors and ceilings of buildings. Produced for sale in packs of 12 plates. Does not burn, when the maximum permissible temperature is exceeded, it begins to melt. Service life - up to 50 years. It does not transmit sound, which makes it indispensable in special rooms, engine rooms on ships, in industry. During production, heat-resistant qualities are often enhanced by adding metal waste to the composition.

Basalt wool TechnoNIKOL Technoaccoustic
  • Versatility in application;
  • Quality manufacturing;
  • Low cost - from 1200 rubles for a package of 12 pieces;
  • Convenient shape for ease of use.
  • Low moisture resistance.

Pyrogels XT
votes 4

A new product based on the properties of airgel. Is issued in rolls. The thickness of the web is 5 and 10 mm. It is widely used for insulating high and medium pressure pipelines, for insulating electrical panels. A distinctive feature is flexibility, small thickness and lightness. Light weight does not create additional load on pipe supports and other equipment. They compress well without damage. Easy to use, cut and bend. Doesn't dust. Withstands temperatures up to 650 degrees. The price starts from 1000 rubles per 1 sq.m.

Pyrogels XT
  • Ease;
  • Strength, the ability to easily tolerate surface deformation;
  • Moisture resistance, prevents corrosion;
  • Can carry dynamic load.
  • High price.

Mullite-silica felt MKRF-100
votes 0

Is issued in rolls from 5 to 15 meters long. Withstands temperatures up to 1150 degrees. The thickness of the web is 20 cm. It is made from silica fibers by melting aluminum and silicon oxides in a furnace. To make the fiber soft and flexible, inorganic components are added to it. They are used as insulation for methodical furnace supports, for insulation of vaults, linings, thermal furnaces, for elements of blast furnaces. For insulating electrical installations, chimneys, steam lines, boiler rooms, sealing doors and in many other cases.

Mullite-silica felt MKRF-100
  • Versatility of application;
  • Flexibility and ease of use;
  • You can give any shape by cutting with scissors;
  • It can be produced in tapes, sheets, which expands its capabilities;
  • Adheres to the surface with inorganic adhesive.
  • Not detected.

High temperature mats MVT-1200
votes 0

They are a layer of mullite-silica wool and a layer of glass wool quilted with each other. They provide thermal protection and thermal insulation in a variety of industries for various mechanisms and structures. They are used as refractory blankets and substrates for protection against metal splashes. They are used in the oil and construction industries, at thermal power plants, in boiler houses, in shipbuilding and metallurgy. Serve for electrical insulation of power lines. They reach a width of 400 mm, the temperature range is from minus 60 to plus 1250 degrees.

High temperature mats MVT-1200
  • Wide range of applications;
  • Ease of use;
  • Strength;
  • Stretches a little.
  • Heavy. The weight of one mat is 7.5 kg.

Felt MKRF-200
votes 15

Rolled in water roll, has excellent flexibility, strength and fire resistance. Resistant to alkali and acid. Easy to use. Cutting is done with scissors or a knife. Mounted on inorganic glue or with metal fasteners. Almost does not accumulate heat and has low thermal conductivity. It starts to melt at a temperature of 1760 degrees. There is no need to install expansion joints, the material does not expand at all under the influence of heat. Wide application in industry and everyday life. Suitable, including for heat insulation in stoves and fireplaces, for cable insulation.

Felt MKRF-200
  • Indispensable as a high temperature gasket;
  • Easy to use;
  • Withstands huge positive temperatures;
  • Resistant to acids and alkalis, however, when exposed to high temperatures, does not withstand aggressive concentrated acids;
  • Good soundproof properties;
  • Flexible and durable.
  • Not detected.

In the modern world, more and more attention is paid to thermal insulation materials. No type of construction is complete without the use of thermal insulation. According to fire safety regulations, the use of high-temperature insulation is necessary to protect objects from fire. A wrong choice, saving on one's own safety can lead to disastrous results from the loss of property to the loss of human lives. This is the case when mistakes in selection can be very expensive.


