
  1. requirements for metal roofing
  2. The main advantages of metal tiles
  3. Quality parameters of metal tiles
  4. Difficulties of choice
  5. Rating of the best metal tiles for 2025
  6. Instead of an epilogue

Rating of the best metal tiles for 2025

Rating of the best metal tiles for 2025

Metal tile (abbreviated as MCHP) is a relatively new roofing material consisting of three layers and used for arranging roofs with a slope of 14 degrees. These products are made of cold rolled metal and further treated with a phosphate layer (rust protection), a primer (to improve adhesion to the substrate), a clear lacquer on the inside and a decorative finish on the outside. Due to its low weight (from 4 to 6 kilograms per square meter), as well as metal galvanization in the middle and a special polymer coating, the average service life of this building material can reach 50 years.

requirements for metal roofing

The basis of a metal tile for a roof can be:

  • Steel - this type of base is used only in conjunction with an additional zinc coating (possibly alu-zinc) in order to prevent the formation of rust;
  • Aluminum - is considered a lightweight version of the base, and it does not require processing with other compounds, because it copes best with the negative impact of external factors;
  • Copper is an expensive option for a metal tile base, it visually looks noble and elegant, and after a few years of use, a patina forms on its surface, creating additional anti-corrosion protection.

The main purpose of the roof is to protect the structure from the penetration of precipitation into the interior, to preserve heat in its premises, and to maintain an optimal microclimate. In order to fulfill these tasks, the metal tile of the roof must comply with the State Standards or Technical Conditions.Depending on the climatic zone of the location, the number of storeys of the building, the slope of the roof slope and other characteristics, it is necessary to impose certain requirements on the material in question, which are:

  • Ease of installation;
  • Long operational period;
  • Ability to withstand severe mechanical stress (strong gusts of wind or a large accumulation of snow mass);
  • aesthetic appeal.

These requirements are basic, the rest will depend on the preferences of the homeowner.

The main advantages of metal tiles

The material in question is a very popular type of roofing, and it has a number of significant advantages:

  • Easy installation - unlike other types of roofing, due to the optimal length of its sheets, metal tiles are easy to install;
  • A wide range of colors - this advantage is one of the main ones, since the smallest set of variations has at least 10 colors;
  • Long service life - practical application of this material has shown that the minimum service life is about 50 years;
  • Price - it is considered quite affordable when compared with traditional materials, such as wood, especially since the total cost can be easily reduced by making bulk purchases;
  • Small weight - classic roofing materials often have an increased weight, and MCHP is characterized by light weight and simple design: one square meter of it weighs from 4 to 7 kilograms, which reduces the cost of the transportation process;
  • Weather resistance – MCHP has a smooth surface from which snow or water runs off easily.This material can be used in almost any climatic conditions.

Quality parameters of metal tiles

galvanized layer

Find out the thickness of the galvanized layer that protects the entire structure from rust, perhaps by reading the accompanying documents or from the label of the MCHP product. In extreme cases, measurements can be taken independently using a micrometer. To do this, you need to clean the outer layers of the primer on both sides (the fact that all layers are removed can be recognized by the characteristic sound of a knife sliding on metal), and then measure the remaining thickness with a micrometer. Naturally, the whole procedure should be performed on a sample or on an unused part of the roof.

Profile Forms

The modern market can offer various types of profile geometry of metal tiles and its depth:

  • "Monterey" - is a rounded shape, causing obvious associations with natural tiles, whose edges are made in a stepped form;
  • "Cascade" - has a strict and rectangular shape;
  • "Joker" - has a traditional rounded shape of the ridge and sole part and creates the illusion of a standard tile;
  • "Banga" - characterized by an increased height of the crest, made in the form of a wave, complemented by a three-dimensional design;
  • "Andalusia" - outwardly very similar to "Monterey", but has hidden locks;
  • "Shanghai" - a standard symmetrical profile.

IMPORTANT! The required profile height should be selected depending on the slope of the roof slope and the average annual load on the roof itself. For example, for cold areas of the country, where roofs slope less than 60 degrees, given the presence of strong winds, high profile forms should be used.

MChP dimensions

The traditional dimensions of sheet metal tiles are:

  • Overall width from 116 to 119 centimeters, with a working width of 110 centimeters;
  • The total length is from 50 to 900 centimeters, the operating parameters will depend on the specific model;
  • The total thickness is from 0.4 to 0.6 centimeters.

For ease of installation, these dimensions can be changed independently, which should not affect the reliability of the roof. Trimming the factory models of the MCHP should be done with special scissors, and upon completion of the work, it is necessary to process the bare spots and paint them. The calculation of the required dimensions should also be made based on the parameters of the roof and its angle of inclination. However, the seller's company almost always has the service of individual trimming of profiles, processing of bare joints and the installation itself.

The ratio of the type of structure and metal tiles

It is preferable to cover residential buildings with a complex roof structure with a durable, wear-resistant and high-quality MChP. This is because a roof with a complex shape will be more often subjected to mechanical stress and the influence of negative natural factors. For a complex roof, a material with a thickness of 4.5 to 5 millimeters in thickness is suitable. Standard arbors, guest houses and small cottages with a shed or gable roof can be covered with a classic type of metal tile with a thickness of 0.4 mm. This option is perfect for any one-story house.

Color variations

This parameter is responsible for the aesthetic and applied functionality of the material in question. Light shades should be preferred when products are purchased for hot areas of the country. Light tiles will not fade for a long time under ultraviolet rays and will reflect the light as fully as possible.Cold tones should be used for areas with a cold climate, choosing dark shades that can fully accumulate heat.

Design decoration

General design trends for MCHP say that its surface can be:

  1. glossy;
  2. Matte;
  3. Semi-matte;

Gloss is characterized by a moderate ability to withstand negative environmental influences. Its advantage includes an affordable price, a wide range of shades and stable resistance to temperature fluctuations. Among the minuses, one can note the susceptibility to deflection during transportation, the inability to dissipate ultraviolet radiation, and poor resistance to mechanical shocks.

Matte polyester is able to create a stylish and attractive appearance, it can maintain its original style for longer, and its price is considered moderate. However, it has a limited color range, and its coating is easily damaged by careless installation.

The semi-gloss coating is distinguished by giving the roof an expensive appearance, it is able to maintain a rich shade for a long time without losing its operational properties. The only disadvantage of such a design solution may be its overestimated cost.

Anti-corrosion coating for MCHP

The anti-rust coating for a metal roof will directly depend on the primer and its composition. It is customary to distinguish between the following types:

  • Based on zinc - is the most popular and contains from 150 to 275 grams of zinc per square meter. It is not considered particularly durable, but it attracts with its cheapness.
  • Based on galfan (zinc-aluminum) - is an alloy that includes micro-additives, whose efficiency is improved by 2.5-3 times compared to the previous one.
  • On the basis of galvanium (aluzinc composition) - it has a particularly strong adhesion to the metal base of the MCHP, it is able to resist rust 10 times more effectively than a simple zinc coating.
  • Based on magnelize - this coating is used only for composite materials, it also has very high resistance to corrosion.

PPP in environmental terms

Naturally, over time, the coating will lose its useful properties under the influence of precipitation and sunlight. The more often these negative factors affect the roof, the more difficult it will be to maintain its qualities. At the same time, if the building is located near a chemical plant, a railway, a high-traffic highway, then the emissions from them will also affect the tiles. However, the presence of a high-quality protective primer will increase the service life of the material, but it should be understood that only Lux or Premium class products have such additives.

Difficulties of choice

When choosing a metal tile for roofing, it is necessary to determine the following most important parameters:

  • Material - most often, the choice will be between steel and copper with aluminum. The first is cheaper and has a wide color palette, while the latter are more expensive, but better tolerate the effects of negative weather phenomena;
  • Wave height and profile image - the most economical is considered a wide profile. Products that imitate natural tiles and other exotic forms of materials will not be cheap;
  • Polymer coating - it can be based on cheap polyester, durable and shiny "Pural" or "Platizol", or an elastic version of PVF2, resistant to high temperatures;
  • Sheet thickness - for most standard tasks, a profile with a thickness of 4 to 5 millimeters is suitable (this indicator is indicated directly on the label);
  • Accuracy of the profile - here it is enough to pay attention to how the MCHP sheets lie in a pile. There should be no gaps or gaps between them;
  • Availability of certificates - according to this documentation, the manufacturer guarantees that its products comply with the "Technical Conditions" and "State Standards" adopted in the Russian Federation for such products.

Calculation of the required amount of metal tiles

Experienced builders-finishers recommend purchasing material with a margin of 10% of what is needed. However, if large-scale work is expected, then this figure can be increased to 15%. To calculate the amount of material relative to vertical rows, it is necessary to divide the width of the slope by the working width of the MCHP sheet, and then round the result upwards. This simple operation will allow you to lay the profiles exactly with an overlap.

To calculate the vertical row, you need to get an indicator of the total number of sheets. For this purpose, the length of the slope (from the skates to the eaves), the size of the total overhang from the eaves and the length of the overlap are added up. As a rule, the length of the overhang is 40-50 millimeters, which will depend on the thickness of the sheet and the stiffness of the profile. The characteristics of the overhang are very important, because it is the overhang that keeps the roof from the effects of precipitation, while protecting its internal structure from raindrops during gusts of wind. Also, the overhang provides additional security of the building at the junction of the roof and walls. Roofs with a slight slope should be covered with a large overlap in order to avoid increased operating load.

Rating of the best metal tiles for 2025

IMPORTANT! The examples of MCHP given in this rating can also be found at other prices than those indicated. The thing is that expensive models, most of which have special coatings, are sold at once in several sheets in a set and for them the estimated cost is NOT a square meter. Cheap samples are usually sold at a price per m2.

Cheap models

4th place: "Döcke flexible tile"

This model shows the special quality inherent in the Döcke brand. MChP production was carried out on the equipment of the best European manufacturer. In Germany, it passed a particularly strict production control before being sent to Russia. As a result: the material is produced using high-quality mixtures, where the control of the presence of PVC is an indispensable parameter. Performance characteristics using innovative technologies are subject to strict control at the stage of their production. The recommended cost is 320 rubles.

metal roofing tiles Döcke
  • An excellent option for providing roofs with geometrically irregular slopes;
  • Low price;
  • Normal performance.
  • Not detected.

3rd place: "Supermonterey" Siberian Roofing House - 58153 "

This sample combines rounded shapes, coupled with a deep relief. Regardless of the obvious position, improved locks perform the properties of tightness, which emphasizes some individuality of the structure. Using this variation, it is easy to obtain the norms of the "State Standard" of 2018 under the number 58153. The Monterey class coating used can give the roof some design zest, while providing reliable roof protection.The recommended cost for retail chains is 525 rubles.

metal tile Supermonterey "Siberian House Roofing - 58153
  • Full compliance with GOST;
  • Good protective coating
  • Adequate cost.
  • Not detected.

2nd place: Siberian House of Roofing No. 2004084715

This sample organically combines designer roundness, coupled with a deep relief, despite the fact that the basic component was presented at a high aggressive-chemical level. However, its horizontal joints may be less noticeable. If you emphasize the height of the steps from 35 millimeters, then the profile will receive a reliable and durable roof. At the same time, it will acquire an aesthetically sound context, which will additionally play, in view of providing additional reliability. The recommended cost for retail chains is 730 rubles.

metal tile Siberian roofing house "No. 2004084715
  • Designer plane;
  • Basic chemical base;
  • Adequate price.
  • Not detected.

1st place: "Super Monterrey "Velvet" 0.5mm"

This "velvet" corrugated board is an extremely sufficient option that presents itself as "silk", in fact it is not. In principle, it is possible to cover large areas with them, however, it will be necessary to take into account the imposition of snow, to which it is generally poorly adapted. In any case, he has a powerful protection in the form of body kits, which will try to prevent the occurrence of a general load. The recommended cost for retail chains is 650 rubles.

metal tile Supermonterrey "Velvet" 0,5mm
  • Not a bad profile;
  • Sufficiently convenient installation;
  • Low price.
  • The coverage leaves much to be desired.

Dear models

4th place: "Lamonterra (Monterrey) 1190 (PE-5021-0.45 mm) Blue (bluish) water"

This profile is perfect for a standard gable roof. The coating is made of polyester, and the high wave pitch is able to successfully deal with sedimentary manifestations - rainwater and snow simply do not linger on the slopes. The model is considered universal and can be used in various climatic conditions, because it equally reflects sunlight and can accumulate it in sufficient quantities. The recommended retail price is 2400 rubles.

metal tile Lamonterra (Monterrey) 1190 (PE-5021-0.45 mm) Blue (blue) water
  • Possibility of applying with a large overlap;
  • Suitable for any climate;
  • Lightweight and durable cover.
  • Not detected.

3rd place: "Monterrosa-XL 1170 (VikingMP E-20-7024-0.5) Graphite"

This profile has a structure that visually repeats the image of natural tiles. Graphite color is the main color, so it is preferable to install the product in cold latitudes in order to fully use the possibility of heat accumulation from the absorption of ultraviolet radiation. During installation, you should rely on accurate calculations, because it will not work to get a particularly wide overlap. The structure uses an innovative coating "Viking MP-E", which increases the anti-corrosion properties of the material. The recommended cost for retail chains is 2500 rubles.

metal tile Monterrosa-XL 1170 (VikingMP E-20-7024-0.5) Graphite
  • Repeats the image of natural tiles;
  • Ability to work effectively in cold areas;
  • Innovative coating.
  • Laying in a wide overlap is not possible.

2nd place: "Lamonterra 1.19x (NormanMP-6005-01-0.5 mm) moss green"

This option can already be mounted on roofs with a complex slope. The ability to easily trim the sheet allows you to independently organize and the desired size of the overhang and properly protect the ridge. Trimming is done with any scissors for metal. The anti-corrosion coating is made according to the Norman MP formula itself and is intended for use in regions with inclement climates. The recommended cost for retail chains is 2600 rubles.

metal tile Lamonterra 1.19x (NormanMP-6005-01-0.5 mm) green moss
  • A special protective coating was used;
  • Possibility of installation on roofs of complex shape;
  • Ability for custom pruning.
  • Not detected.

1st place: "Maxi 1.19 (VikingMP-01-7024-0.45) dark gray"

Another sample with a wide overlap, which is more suitable for gable and shed roofs. Its high price is due to the high-quality material of manufacture, the innovative anti-corrosion coating "Viking MP-e", and the wave, which is very convenient to mount. This item has a 10 year warranty from the manufacturer. The recommended cost for retail chains is 2700 rubles.

metal tile Maxi 1.19 (VikingMP-01-7024-0.45) dark gray
  • 10 year warranty;
  • Wide wave pitch;
  • Anti-corrosion protection technology "Viking MP-E".
  • High price.

Instead of an epilogue

As a result, the analysis of the market was very complicated, which was due to the many samples, which in their diversity did not allow to identify priority areas. Nevertheless, based on the analysis, it is possible to single out only two structures - steel and aluminum, which are coated with complex compositions, and innovative ones, which include additional additives.Accordingly, the best roofing, even with irregular geometry, should be with soft tiles.

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