
  1. Metallism - general information
  2. Applied use
  3. Difficulties of choice
  4. Rules for operation and installation
  5. Rating of the best metal mosaic for 2025
  6. Conclusion

Rating of the best metal mosaic for 2025

Rating of the best metal mosaic for 2025

Mosaic made of metal (aka "metalism") began to densely settle in the modern building materials market only from mid-2015. Structurally, it is a separate metal caps made of pressed stainless steel (or aluminum) sheet. Their design provides for the presence of a special rubber substrate, with the help of which they are mounted on the surface. The modules themselves can have different types of texture and shape. They differ in the level of hardness. The outer layer is matte or polished, may have different types of notches, and may also be covered with a thin bronze or brass layer.

Metallism - general information

The facing material in question is very well in line with modern architectural and design trends. It is rightfully considered one of the best among a huge variety of decorative finishes, and it also has the most practical properties. For example, with the help of such a mosaic it is allowed to finish even round and curved surfaces. As a standard, tiles are produced both as separate small elements and as assembled blanks, which include from 30 to 50 small squares (or figures of a different type). The use of such templates can significantly reduce installation time. The main style in which this decorative material is used is "hi-tech".

It is worth noting that the metal mosaic is quite expensive: the price of one square meter can start from 5,000 rubles. However, it is possible to purchase a specific number of small items by the piece. Larger templates are most often used for wall cladding in pools - stainless steel with enhanced corrosion-resistant properties is used in such models.But experts do not recommend such samples for application to surfaces that are under the constant influence of external weather conditions. The reason for this is the fact that the protective layer is designed exclusively for interaction with water on an ongoing basis and does not respond well to the influence of ultraviolet rays.

The most expensive products from this class of building materials can be covered with gold or platinum - they are sold only by the piece and are usually made by hand. The process is a gasket between the rubber layer and the transparent glass layer of thin foil made of precious metal (starting from 99th gold standard). This pleasure is very expensive, the cost can reach up to $ 3,300 per square meter, but this design looks very luxurious.

Performance characteristics

Increased attention to metal mosaic elements is due to the special properties of stainless steel, because this material is extremely resistant to mechanical damage, there are almost no scratches on it, and the surface is able to maintain its smoothness and integrity for years. Also, he is not afraid of permanent contact with water, and it is possible to take care of the coating itself with cleaning products containing acid.

IMPORTANT! In this case, only those products that have an external decorative layer (for example, in the form of a pattern) can be an exception - they require care with gentle cleaning compounds.

Among other things, the metal is not susceptible to the reproduction of harmful microorganisms, which once again indicates the admissibility of its use in wet areas. Bacteria, fungus and mold simply have nothing to develop and feed on, so metalism is classified as the most hygienic material.In general, with proper care, the considered mosaic type retains its attractiveness for a long time and does not darken. The only thing is that if it is required to finish the pool bowl with such products, then the gap between the individual parts should be minimal. The reagents used to clean the water in the pools are also not able to do much harm to the metal finish.

Color palette and artistic use

Despite the apparent homogeneity of metal products, metallicism boasts an ease of coloring (the current market can provide up to 80 different colors and their combinations). Such color richness of the palette significantly expands the possibilities for designing mosaic mixtures, patterns, stretch marks (gradient transition from one color to another) and creating decorative panels. The small size of individual mosaic parts makes this material very suitable for facing surfaces with irregular geometry. This is all the more convenient if matrix technology is used. To do this, the elements are laid out on a soft material (paper, film or thin fabric), after which the typed mosaic can be placed on any ledge. Thus, we can safely say that the times when it was necessary to lay out the background one object at a time on the surface being trimmed have completely sunk into oblivion. Mixes (blends), i.e. matrices made of multi-colored elements are most popular with designers today.

The main technology of metalism design today is the budget "paper" technology, which has two significant differences from the previous "grid":

  1. For a solid base, with elements laid on it, adhesion occurs in the best way;
  2. A solid base is better fixed on convex surfaces and rarely diverges, which cannot be said about the seams of the "mesh" lining.

As a rule, the classical matrix has a size of 30 x 30 centimeters and in its composition (on average) can have a maximum of 225 plates, whose standard bases have dimensions of 20 x 20 millimeters.

On the modern market, ready-made matrix sets can be presented in the following forms:

  • Monochromatic - the name speaks for itself, and they are used to decorate large areas (facades of non-sunny sides of buildings, interiors of official institutions, gyms, swimming pools, bathrooms in apartments).
  • Multi-colored - a more designer option, designed to bring notes of liveliness to the interior. They are easy to find in the finishes of the "apron" of home kitchens, and it is easy to form your own mix from individual blocks.
  • Stretch marks are an exclusive invention of Italian designers, which is a panel up to 3 meters long (with its small width), on which one color at the beginning of the tape smoothly flows into a completely different color at the end.
  • Traditional panels - is a rather large image, made of elements of the correct form. Today, there are entire computer programs that break a given image into tiny cells, prompting the user in which cell of which color the mosaic element should be installed. Accordingly, it is possible to assemble a complete picture on your own, without resorting to the services of professional designers.
  • Artistic hybrid panels - such a finish is the peak of the designer's art, because it can use not only metalism, but also a mosaic of another material, while the constituent elements may not even be of a uniform shape. Among other things, such a picture can be simultaneously in two working environments, for example (if we talk about the design of the main wall in a large pool) the bottom of the image can be under water, and the upper part can decorate an open wall (up to the transition to the ceiling).

Metal mosaic can find its artistic use on landscape objects, walls of metro stations, pedestals of sculptural compositions, i.e. wherever there is a direct need to enliven familiar objects and structures with color. Playing highlights (even artificial light) on a metal surface will help create the right mood and draw attention to yourself.

The size and shape of the plates

As mentioned above, the main convenience of the plates in the metal mosaic is their small size, whereby it is possible to lay out any pattern or picture from them. The standard dimensions are 20 x 20 millimeters, but for work on large areas, these dimensions can vary from 1 x 1 to 5 x 5 centimeters. It is especially convenient that ready-made matrix templates with sizes up to 30 x 30 centimeters have increasingly begun to appear on sale. They are immediately glued to the base using “paper” technology, have a pre-created main pattern, and are conveniently laid on prepared surfaces. In addition, there may be such samples of matrix products in which individual elements of the template can be replaced by others, and the laying base will not suffer from this in any way.

If we talk about the variety of shapes of the smallest elements, then they can have the following common geometry:

  • Rectangle;
  • A circle;
  • Oval;
  • Octagon.

Thus, it will not be difficult for a real designer to choose the necessary pattern.

Advantages and disadvantages

The undoubted advantages of this type of mosaic include:

  1. Long service life - in terms of durability it can be second only to stone;
  2. Fire safety - the material is refractory and does not burn;
  3. It has a minimum expansion coefficient;
  4. Resistance to mechanical damage - does not deform and is not erased;
  5. Hygiene - the structure has no pores, therefore it practically does not accumulate dirt;
  6. Resistance to chemically aggressive substances - almost not afraid of detergents, inorganic / organic dyes;
  7. Water resistance - there is complete inertness to moisture.

Of the shortcomings, only a couple can be distinguished:

  1. Cold to the touch, not recommended for flooring in residential areas;
  2. Vulnerable to abrasives - rubbing with substances with large particles can leave scratches on the surface.

Applied use

An excellent level of resistance when interacting with moisture and aggressive substances (even as part of detergents), allows the use of the products in question in rooms with a high level of pollution and high humidity (pool, kitchen, bathrooms, bathrooms). It is for bathrooms that there is a certain rule - it is preferable to place a mosaic near the washbasin, in the shower area or directly decorate the bathroom bowl with it.At the same time, for such premises it is allowed to combine metal plates with porcelain stoneware - this symbiosis will save some money on the material, because porcelain stoneware differs significantly from metal in price (in the direction of cheapness). Also, metalism can be used to further strengthen various niches, ledges, shelves and thresholds.

Metal mosaic will also find its application in kitchen interiors - it is most often used to decorate a kitchen "apron". Depending on the overall style, it can be a solid white or gray finish, but a colorful patterned layout with a smooth gradient transition will also fit in well. However, do not focus only on the working area. Facing a massive granite countertop, a long window sill or a cutting table with a metal mosaic will extend the “life” of these kitchen items. And if the cladding is made in the form of a thematic pattern, then such a detail will add an additional touch of aesthetics to the overall style picture.

Speaking of other rooms, we can recall that with the help of metallism it will be convenient to emphasize the outlines of a large mirror somewhere in the hallway. The fireplace area can also be marked with a drawing, especially the part where coal is allowed to enter or where there are fireplace accessories.

Difficulties of choice

Due to the fact that the material in question does not have any complex technical parameters, the choice of the right product is unlikely to become a particular problem. However, due to the high cost, an error in the purpose of future use can lead to serious financial costs.Most experts agree that, first of all, you should be wary of fakes. The most common mistake of the buyer is the purchase of mosaic elements that only imitate stainless steel, or they have only a weak anti-corrosion coating. Such products are not designed for long-term operation and very quickly lose their attractive appearance and working qualities. One of the easiest ways not to buy a fake is to ask the seller for a product certificate (it must be Russian-style, because foreign certificates, especially from Asian countries, do not inspire confidence).

Rules for operation and installation

It is always worth remembering that not every metal mosaic is suitable for use in difficult conditions (some of its types can only be used in dry indoor areas). Therefore, for proper care of the cladding, you need to follow a few simple rules:

  • It is preferable to wash the mosaic contaminated with household dirt and dust only with recommended cleaning products. If metallism does not have protective coatings, then it is very easy to break its surface layer.
  • If the substrate of the mosaic is made on a rubberized base (the most common option), then such material cannot be installed in cold and unheated rooms;
  • If the mosaic is made using bronze / brass spraying, then its main use is wall decoration (facing it with load-bearing surfaces, such as floors, will lead to rapid abrasion of the top layer).

For laying metal mosaics, as a rule, glue with a reinforced fixing function, made on a latex basis, is used.It is latex that is able to provide an elastic, durable and moisture-resistant grip. Like any typesetting design, the type of mosaic in question will require finishing filling of the joints with grout - this step allows not only to increase the level of tightness, but to increase the overall decorative effect of the whole picture. The choice of grout will depend on the need to obtain the desired effect - transparent silicone compounds will emphasize the solidity of the entire form (it is customary to use it for plain patterns), and the contrasting composition, on the contrary, will highlight individual borders. The value of the time interval through which the seams should be processed is directly dependent on the lining zone - for the floor and steps - two days, and for walls and columns 24 hours will be enough.

Video tips for laying metal mosaics:

IMPORTANT! It is possible to allow full contact of the newly laid mosaic with moisture only 10 days after the completion of the installation work.

Rating of the best metal mosaic for 2025

Budget models

3rd place: "T159 - 305*305 mm - T159 - Polimino"

A very simple and functional model designed for use in high-tech interiors. With its help, it is preferable to design kitchen and bathrooms. The product is made in China and has a classic silver color with small inclusions of dark elements. The thickness of the element is 4 millimeters, and the prefabricated mesh has dimensions of 305x305 millimeters. Laying on the surface of labor is not. The recommended cost for retail chains is 398 rubles.

T159 - 305*305 mm - T159 - Polimino
  • Classic performance style;
  • Ease of installation;
  • Quality manufacturing.
  • Not detected.

2nd place: "J08 - 300*300 mm - J08 - Polimino"

Another one to introduce the Chinese goods market. Again, made using standard stainless steel technology, it can perfectly complement high-tech interiors in a minimalist style. The size of each chip is quite large and is 15x15 millimeters, the total matrix is ​​assembled in dimensions of 300x300 millimeters. For convenience, if necessary, the design can be supplemented with other elements independently, having previously removed unnecessary ones. The recommended cost for retail chains is 408 rubles.

J08 - 300*300 mm - J08 - Polimino
  • Traditional checkerboard pattern by default;
  • Glossy reflective surface;
  • Adequate price.
  • Not detected.

1st place: "AL27 - 250*240 mm - AL27 - Happy mosaic"

This sample has a non-standard pattern, which speaks of the artistic purpose of this mosaic. The product is not collapsible and is used exclusively in the variant of the filled matrix; it is impossible to use convex surfaces for lining, because the chips have a large and irregular shape. The model is focused on the design of large areas. The color is calm beige, which emphasizes the focus on use in living rooms. The recommended cost for retail chains is 450 rubles.

AL27 – 250*240 mm – AL27 – Happy mosaic
  • Neat template with a small area;
  • Calm beige color;
  • Designer pattern.
  • Impossibility of laying on uneven surfaces.

Middle price segment

3rd place: "03ST-N-PFM - 305*305 mm - 03ST-N-PFM - Camelot"

An extremely non-standard decorative option, characterized by a special massiveness.Thanks to its enlarged elements, which have a size of 60 x 60 millimeters, it can be adapted for installation on the floor. A non-marking surface, made in strict and dark colors, will allow the mosaic to serve as a floor covering for a long time. If you install this metalism as a wall decoration, then its glossy surface will be able to emphasize some interior solutions, such as a visual increase in the interior space. The recommended cost for retail chains is 1105 rubles.

03ST-N-PFM - 305*305 mm - 03ST-N-PFM - Camelot
  • Strict and non-marking pattern;
  • Large plate size;
  • Glossy finish.
  • The impossibility of arranging convex bases.

2nd place: "B04 - 310*310 mm - B04 - Happy mosaic"

Another design model, which is made using hybrid technology: the upper part is made of painted metal, stylized as a tree, and the rubber backing is replaced with a ceramic one. Due to the fact that the chips have a large size, non-standard and convex shape, this type of mosaic is intended only for decorating the ceiling and vertical walls. The thickness of each chip is 8 millimeters, and the template matrix is ​​310 x 310 millimeters. The recommended cost for retail chains is 1405 rubles.

B04 – 310*310 mm – B04 – Happy mosaic
  • Corrugated form of plates;
  • Wood styling;
  • Large plate sizes.
  • Cannot be used as a floor covering.

1st place: "Hypnotic 29.1x29.1 187397 - Dune"

This product is made in Spain and is distinguished by an interesting visual solution: due to the peculiarities of human vision, it is impossible to concentrate on which of the chips is silver and which is black. The design uses small rounded plates, and the mosaic itself is focused on interior decoration in night-type entertainment establishments (restaurants, bars, nightclubs). The recommended cost for retail chains is 2375 rubles.

Hypnotic 29.1×29.1 187397 - Dune
  • Original visual solution;
  • Quality performance;
  • Adequate price.
  • Not detected.

Premium class

3rd place: "Natural Gelos KOVE-31"

The harmonious combination of materials such as stone and metal in this sample provides high-quality visualization of the mosaic canvas. The model is made of agglomerate, and some steel inserts separate the stone tiles from each other. The elements have an interesting shape, they look like they are randomly broken off. At the same time, all protrusions and recesses of individual coating plates are perfectly combined with each other and allow masking of tile joints. Ready-made matrices of a convenient size allow you to finish even large areas in a short time. Caring for such a coating is simple, stains on the surface are barely noticeable and can be easily and simply erased using conventional means. The recommended cost for retail chains is 6,700 rubles.

Natural Gelos KOVE-31
  • Easy set of matrix in various forms;
  • Simple masking of tile joints;
  • Easy care.
  • High price.

2nd place: "Natural Gelos FBY-36"

This product in itself has an exceptional uniqueness in color, pattern and surface, and therefore is an excellent finishing option for naturalistic decoration of walls and floors, allowing you to create a sense of unity with the outside world in your interior. In this collection, stone stylization of metal is complemented by floral patterns, which give the coating a special elegance. At the same time, the tile is made in a somewhat strict and restrained version. Sufficiently clear geometric shapes of the collection will look great in various modern styles. The gray-brown range of the material, worn under noble antiquity, allow it to be used in interiors where it is planned to finish in the style of "country" or "minimalism". In addition, the matte non-slip surface can be successfully used in wet rooms. The recommended cost for retail chains is 7100 rubles.

Natural Gelos FBY-36
  • High-quality stylization under a stone;
  • Successful masking of tile joints;
  • Successfully harmonizes with the styles of "minimalism" and "country".
  • High price.

1st place: "Natural Gelos FBY-32"

This model combines traditional naturalness, modern technological solutions and individual design. Again, the metal is stylized as a different material, the substrate is made of agglomerate. The sample represents a line of products that imitate natural materials. It is used indoors, on the floor in rooms with little traffic, on the walls in the shower room and in the steam rooms. Laying on the floor in the shower and in areas with high traffic, as well as in swimming pools is not recommended. The recommended cost for retail chains is 7800 rubles.

"Natural Gelos FBY-32"
  • Durable backing;
  • Decorative scope;
  • Easy installation.
  • High price.


The work of laying metalwork is considered simple and is estimated on a par with laying ceramic mosaic modules - at 1200–1600 rubles per square meter. When using special grout compositions, the cost increases. Metal mosaic is still a rare guest in the urban interior. But in vain: this material is extremely elegant, practical and stylish and will honor the design of many homes.

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