
  1. How to choose baby water
  2. The best baby water
  3. Conclusion

Rating of the best baby water for 2025

Rating of the best baby water for 2025

An adult consists of 50-70% water, its percentage in a child's body is up to 80%, and in the smallest it reaches almost 85%. It is logical that our health and the health of our children depends directly on the quality of water consumed.

How to choose baby water

Before proceeding with the choice of children's water, it is necessary to understand how it differs from the same product for adults. The table below shows the main indicators that water for children should meet.

CriteriaNorm Parameters
Mineralization, mg/l200-500
Limit content of minerals and microelements, mg/lpotassium - 2-20
calcium - 25-80
magnesium - 5-50
iron - 0.3
iodide ion - no more than 0.06
fluoride ion - no more than 0.7
bicarbonates - 30-400
Silver content, mg/lmissing
Content of carbon dioxide, %absent (not carbonated)
Hardness, mg-eq/l1,5-7
Alkalinity, mg-eq/lno more than 5

These criteria are obligatory in order for water to have the right to be called children's water. They must be reflected on the label. However, make a distinction between drinking water and mixing water. In the second, the total mineralization should not exceed 64-107 mg / l, so as not to introduce an excess amount of minerals and trace elements, which are already rich in baby food. The purpose should also be marked on the label.

In addition, drinking intended for children should be obtained only from underground artesian sources in ecologically clean areas. In no case should water for children be made from raw materials from open sources, and even more so from a central source (from a tap). The source of raw materials should be reflected on the label: open, spring, underground or central. If the water is from a well, then the number of the well must be indicated on the bottle. The source of raw materials affects the quality category. It is the first, highest, as well as mineral natural drinking dining room. Only the highest category is suitable for children.

The water purification system for children is also significantly different from that for adults. Chlorination of this category of product is prohibited, disinfection should be carried out only by gentle methods - using active oxygen.

Having dealt with the quality criteria, we will indicate what you should pay attention to when choosing drinking water for your child.

  1. Appearance of containers and labels.

It is best to buy drinks for children in glass containers, but not all manufacturers have it. Most often, the liquid is bottled in plastic bottles.In this case, you need to pay attention to the marking of plastic - It is desirable that there be a number 7 in the triangle.

Do not lose sight of the appearance of the container: the plastic should be transparent, the bottle should not be dented or damaged. The label must be glued evenly, the paint on it must be free of streaks, the pattern must be clear.

  1. Container volume.

Currently, baby water is found in containers of 200 ml, 250 ml, 330 ml, 500 ml, 750 ml, 1 l, 5 l and 6 l. Of course, it is more profitable and convenient to purchase large volumes. At the same time, it is important to remember the shelf life of an open product, which does not exceed 3-5 days, and whether you will have time to use it.

There are restrictions on the volume of containers marked 0+. They should not be more than 1 liter.

For the convenience of parents and their babies, small volume bottles are supplied with dispensers that make it easier to drink.

  1. Label content.

The label should reflect as much as possible all the information, namely:

  • the name, in which the word "children's" is mandatory;
  • the age at which the use of the product is allowed (from birth it is 0+, or from 3 years old - 3+);
  • marking "drinking" or "for the preparation of mixtures";
  • quality category. As mentioned above, only the highest (artesian) is suitable for children. Accordingly, the number of the well and its location should be indicated.
  • mineralogical composition and other indicators within the normal range (in the table above);
  • storage periods. They can be 3-18 months old;
  • storage conditions after opening the container. Most often, an open bottle of drink can be stored for no more than 3-5 days and in the refrigerator;
  • the name of the organization that gave a conclusion about the quality of the product.
  1. No visible sediment and impurities.
  2. Product registration in the register of Rospotrebnadzor.

This item is for those who want to finally make sure that the purchased water is not falsified and its quality is really checked by the relevant structures.

Armed with all the knowledge about the "correct" baby water, let's start reviewing the manufacturers of this product. Our list contains the best baby waters according to parent reviews and expert opinion. How they correspond to the characteristics declared by us, we will see below.

The best baby water


The full name is drinking for baby food "The Holy Spring" Firefly ". Non-carbonated, conditioned for potassium and fluorine. It is manufactured by Aquastar in Kostroma. The label indicates the mineralogical and microbiological composition, all indicators are within the normal range and correspond to the declared highest category. It is recommended for use from the birth of a baby, there is a 0+ marking on the label. Can be used to prepare mixtures, soups, compotes, drinks and does not require boiling.

Available in 0.33 l, 1.5 l and 5 l.

Cost from 16 rubles. for 0.33 l.

drinking for baby food "Holy Spring "Firefly"
  • the label reflects all the necessary information about the composition, origin and storage conditions;
  • parents and children note a pleasant taste;
  • no foreign smell even when heated to 60 0FROM;
  • passed the test of the Research Institute of Baby Food;
  • beautiful label with the image of cartoon characters.
  • not found.

Kalinov spring

Children's drinking water Kalinov Rodnichok is bottled at Fonte Akva LLC in the village of Dedenovo, Dmitrovsky District, Moscow Region.Raw materials are extracted from an artesian well located on the territory of the Klin-Dmitrov ridge. Nature has created all the conditions for water, passing through the layers of soil, to absorb all the benefits and unique taste. But natural filtration is only the beginning of the journey. At the plant, raw materials pass through a carbon filter and then through an ozonation procedure. Both processes only remove unwanted impurities while maintaining taste and benefits. The mineral composition indicated on the product label fully complies with the standard. Water is recommended for drinking and preparing baby food (mashed potatoes, mixtures, etc.). It is suitable for use from birth.

Available in volumes of 0.33 l, 0.5 l, 1 l, 2 l, 6 l. In containers from 0.33 to 1 l, there is a special lid with a drinking cup, through which it is convenient to give children a drink even for the smallest.

Cost from 21 rubles. for 0.33 l.

Children's drinking water "Kalinov Rodnichok"
  • drinking cup for bottles with a small volume;
  • 5 container options from 0.33 to 6 liters;
  • the label contains all the necessary information;
  • no unpleasant odor;
  • does not require boiling.
  • the lid with the drinker can spontaneously open.


Evian Natural Mineral Water is bottled at S.A. des Eaux Minerales d'EVIAN" in Evian-les-Bains, France, right next to the source. They are served by an artesian well located in the French Alps. This drink differs from others by its low salt content and unique natural composition, which was formed due to many years of natural filtration through which it passed. The manufacturer uses maximum protection against external influences to preserve the unique characteristics of the product.Water is poured into a container and falls on the table for kids such as nature created it.

For children, a container of the same volume (0.33 l) with a dispenser cap is produced. The use of drinking this brand is recommended from six months, although the composition is acceptable for use from birth.

Cost from 68 rubles. for 0.33 l.

Natural mineral water Evian
  • unique natural composition;
  • rich taste;
  • convenient lid with a drinker;
  • the composition meets the standards of the highest category;
  • the shelf life of an open bottle is up to 7 days (for others up to 3 days).
  • experts note the low content of fluorine;
  • expensive.

Grandma's basket

Drinking water for children non-carbonated "Babushkino lukoshko" is produced at LLC "PK" Aqualife "in the Noginsk district of the Moscow region. The company presents its product as a product of the highest category, which corresponds to the mineralogical composition indicated on the label. In addition, there is a “0+” marking, which indicates the possibility of using it for preparing food and drinks from the first days of a baby’s life.

Available in 3 volumes: 0.5 l, 1.5 l and 5 l.

Cost: from 25 rubles. for 0.5 l.

Non-carbonated drinking water for children "Grandmother's basket"
  • eight stages of cleaning;
  • pleasant mild taste;
  • no need to boil;
  • The label contains all the necessary information about the composition and storage conditions of the product.
  • not found.

Fleur Alpine

Fleur Alpine spring water for children of the highest quality category is bottled from the Soisenstein spring in the Austrian Alps. It is bottled by Fleur Alpine in Austria. It is distinguished from other similar products by its high oxygen content and low degree of mineralization.Fleur Alpine is great for supplementing, reconstituting infant formula, diluting juices, etc. Suitable for use from birth.

3 volumes of containers are produced: 0.25 l, 0.5 l and 1 l. The smallest bottle is equipped with a cap with a sippy.

Cost: from 54 rubles. for 0.25 l.

Spring water for children Fleur Alpine
  • low sodium content;
  • water undergoes natural filtration, which preserves its natural composition and unique taste;
  • beautiful design of bottles and labels;
  • does not require boiling.
  • expensive in comparison with analogues.

Pearl of Baikal

The full name of the product is mineral drinking water for baby food "The Pearl of Baikal for Children". It is of natural origin and is extracted from a well with a depth of more than 100 m in the Olkhinsky field in the Irkutsk region. Bottling is carried out at CJSC Irkutsk Mineral Water Bottling Plant in the city of Shelekhov. A feature of this water is its natural composition, which is not interfered with in the process of preparation for bottling into containers. It is suitable for breeding mixtures. Application is possible from the birth of the baby.

Available in 4 versions: 0.2 l, 0.5 l, 1.5 l, 5 l. Containers of 0.2 and 0.5 liters are equipped with a lid with a drinker for the convenience of babies.

Cost: from 50 rubles. for 0.2 l.

mineral drinking water for baby food "Pearl of Baikal for children"
  • natural mineralization is preserved from water extraction to bottling;
  • has a recommendation of the Federal State Budgetary Institution Research Institute EchiGOS them. A.N. Sysina;
  • pleasant taste;
  • absence of foreign odors and tastes.
  • some experts note an insufficient amount of fluoride.


Drinking children's water "FrutoNyanya" of the highest category is produced at OJSC "Progress" in Lipetsk. The raw material is water extracted from a well 100 m deep, located in the same place. The manufacturer recommends using its products for babies from birth. It can be given to drink and cook baby food on it.

Water is produced in three volumes: 0.33 l, 1.5 l and 5 l.

Cost: from 28 rubles. for 0.33 l.

Drinking children's water "FrutoNyanya"
  • no need to boil;
  • informative and beautifully designed label;
  • convenient neck in a bottle of 0.33 liters.
  • expensive compared to other similar products;
  • some parents note an unpleasant odor when heated to 600FROM.


The full name is “Drinking natural water “Green Valley” for children”. It is bottled at Dana & Co LLC in Zelenograd. Water from an artesian well located in Zelenograd is used as a raw material. The composition indicated on the label corresponds to the norms characteristic of the highest quality category. The product is labeled "0+" and "for baby food", which indicates its use for the preparation of mixtures and the possibility of use from birth.

Available in 0.33 l, 1.5 l and 5 l. The 0.33 l bottle is equipped with a lid with a convenient drinking cup.

Cost: from 20 rubles. for 0.33 l.

Natural drinking water "Green Valley" for children Agusha
  • convenient bottle shape (0.33 l) and a lid with a drinking cup, thanks to which kids can hold and drink it on their own;
  • the label reflects all the necessary data.
  • independent studies have found insufficient fluoride in this product;
  • some parents comment that the water is more suitable for formula but not for drinking due to its "tap-like" taste.


In our rating, we reviewed the 8 most popular brands of baby water. All of them have a large number of positive reviews from the most demanding customers - mothers of babies. Despite this, some brands have a number of comments. Some shortcomings relate to the composition, for example, the low fluorine content of Evian, the Pearl of Baikal and Agushi. FrutoNyanya was unpleasantly distinguished by the presence of an extraneous smell when heated to 60 degrees. The Evian and Fleur Alpine brands have a disadvantage in terms of price. But the high price of these products should not be surprising, because these brands are bottled directly in the Alps.

Summing up our article, I would like to once again give a generalized brief description of each brand that made it to our rating. So, let's begin:

Firefly is at the top of our list. This product has an excellent balanced mineralogical composition, which is suitable for use by a child from birth. At the same time, you should know that the Svetlyachok water is conditioned, i.e. the amount of the necessary minerals and components is brought to the desired artificially. "Firefly" has withstood independent studies, which confirmed its quality, usefulness and safety.

Kalinov spring is tasty and healthy water, in which the natural composition is preserved, which the manufacturer emphasizes on his official website. The raw material extracted from the well passes through a carbon filter and then through the ozonation process. But neither one nor the other procedure does not change the composition created by nature.

Evian is a natural product brought to us from the depths of the French Alps.Bottling is carried out directly in the same place with the preservation of all natural characteristics.

Grandma's basket took the 4th line of our rating. This water has a huge number of positive reviews from parents of babies who note its pleasant mild taste. The manufacturer indicates that the raw material goes through 8 stages of purification. It seems to be good, but then the question arises, what quality was the original raw material from the well.

Fleur Alpian is another foreigner on our list who came to us from the Austrian Alps. Fleur Alpian has a natural composition that does not change during the preparation of water for bottling.

The Pearl of Baikal is a unique natural water that has no analogues in the domestic market. The natural composition is preserved until the very moment of bottling. The only brand on our list approved by the Research Institute. A.N. Sysina.

FrutoNyanya is conditioned water, the source of which the manufacturer, in principle, writes very little. It is only known that the well is located in Lipetsk, where this brand is bottled.

Agusha is an advertised brand, about which it is only known that the water bottling plant is located in Zelenograd, where raw materials are extracted. Although many mothers are generally satisfied with the quality of the product.

We hope that our rating will make your choice easier, and your baby will drink only the most healthy water.

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