
  1. How to choose the right oil
  2. Butter bought in Russia in 2025
  3. Classic Butter
  4. amateur oil
  5. sandwich butter
  6. Conclusion

Rating of the best butter in Russia for 2025

Rating of the best butter in Russia for 2025

Markets and shops are filled with dairy products from various manufacturers, both conscientious and not so good. The article will help you choose natural high-quality butter. Consider a useful product offered by stores, discuss the quality and make a rating based on customer reviews and saleability.

How to choose the right oil

According to specialists from Russian expert centers, cases of falsification associated with violation of safety standards and a decrease in the quality of goods have recently become more frequent. An ordinary buyer cannot check the structure of cream products for compliance with the manufacturer's statement, as expert laboratories do. But he is able to evaluate the quality and taste properties of the oil when used in cooking. Examinations and audits are carried out annually to ensure compliance with technological discipline in the production of goods, thanks to which the product is awarded quality and safety marks.

When buying, it is important to pay attention to packaging, composition, expiration date, storage conditions. If necessary, you can bend the label, check the color, softness and feel the aroma of the cream.


The standard matters. The inscription "Made in accordance with GOST" does not mean anything if, in fact, the requirements of GOST are violated. Important link to a specific guest. GOST R 52969-2008 is used for butter, GOST R 52253-2004 is used for Vologda butter, GOST 32261-2013 has been put into effect since 2015.


When creating butter, manufacturers use whole milk, pasteurized cream, rarely salt. There should be no other ingredients in the structure.Vegetable oils, milk fat substitutes speak about the composition of the spread, even if the label indicates butter. Only an unscrupulous manufacturer is able to deceive the buyer and spoil the naturalness of the product.


Butter should be "creamy". It has a mass fraction of fat of 82%. Other names indicate a lower content of milk fat. The sandwich contains 61.5% fat, the peasant 72.5%, the amateur 78%, the tea 50%. The rest of the place is occupied by emulsifiers, aromatic substances, preservatives, stabilizers. Together, they create the external effect of the oil, changing its taste characteristics.


The product is sold in paper or foil. The foil better protects the briquette from the action of sunlight, keeping the maximum amount of vitamins and nutrients in it.

Best before date

The ideal storage period is up to 30 days. An increased gap indicates the presence of preservatives in food.

Butter bought in Russia in 2025

The rating is based on a natural traditional product with a fat content of 82.5%.

10th place - Anchor

Weight - 180 gr.
Cost - 197 rubles.
Recommended by 75%.

Sweet-salted butter from New Zealand is produced in an ecologically clean area where cows eat only fresh grass. Because cow's cream is not bitter, delicate in taste. The provisions obtained from them have all the qualities of a real dairy product. Solid consistency, the shape is not lost, the briquette is packed in foil paper in Russia, it complies with GOST R 52253. There is information about this on the barcode. The oil has a shelf life of up to 9 months. For a natural product, a long period indicates the presence of preservatives in the structure. When unpacked at room temperature, it delaminates.Buyers note "the same taste", despite the consistency. Examination did not show the presence of preservatives. Color qualities are distinguished by the presence of beta-carotene, which does not violate the manufacturer's specifications at all.

Anchor butter
  • famous developer;
  • excellent taste;
  • pleasant smell of cream;
  • safety is observed;
  • no preservatives;
  • no herbal supplements;
  • natural;
  • without foreign aromas and tastes.
  • high price;
  • long shelf life;
  • the content of beta-carotene is too high;
  • exfoliates.

9th place - Syrobogatov traditional

Weight - 175 gr.
Cost - 124 rubles.
Recommended by 57%.

The label indicates the composition - natural cream. A couple of years ago, an independent examination rejected the product, finding an overestimated level of coliform bacteria in it. Since then, the manufacturer from the Sverdlovsk region, Pervaya Liniya LLC, has been monitoring the correct production of its food, paying attention to quality, and using natural, environmentally friendly raw materials. The delicate texture of the oil is accompanied by a typical color and a slight creamy smell. Microbiological parameters are normal. According to reviews, it is noted that the product comes without a taste of margarine, with an even color, normal salinity. The briquette is packed in thick paper. Dense density allows you to evenly spread butter on bread. When unpacked, traces of oil remain on the paper. When melted in a frying pan, it partially breaks up into fractions.

butter Syrobogatov traditional
  • pleasant creamy taste;
  • affordable price;
  • convenient packaging;
  • natural raw materials are used;
  • thick.
  • does not look like home;
  • added non-dairy trans fats;
  • a little bitter.

8th place - Thousand Lakes

Weight - 180 gr.
Cost - 165 rubles.
Recommended by 64%.

After an examination by Roskachestvo, which recognized the high content of E. coli bacteria, the manufacturer Nevskiye Syry worried about the quality of its product. The sweet creamy product is made from natural milk fat. The oil is completely safe, has high organoleptic properties, does not contain pathogenic and dangerous microorganisms, mold, yeast. The fatty acid composition corresponds to the norm, there is no vegetable fat in the food. The mass fraction set on the package corresponds to the actual one. The product has good heat resistance - its shape has been preserved for two hours at normal temperature.

Butter Thousand Lakes
  • high quality;
  • microbiological characteristics are normal;
  • does not contain herbal additives;
  • good organoleptic;
  • the mass fraction of fat corresponds to that indicated on the label;
  • keeps its shape at room temperature;
  • consistency;
  • completely safe to use.
  • very yellow;
  • unevenly colored;
  • overpriced;
  • stored for a long time;
  • There is a slight flouriness in the taste.

7th place - Alantal

Weight - 180 gr.
Cost - 167 rubles.
Recommended by 65%.

The manufacturer is Porkhovsky Butter and Cheese Plant OJSC in the Pskov Region. The traditional product uses 100% cream, so the taste is pronounced, creamy, delicate, not bland. Does not melt in the kitchen, but over time, drops of moisture appear on the surface. The required thickness allows the use of the product in cereals and on toast. The quality of the product is confirmed by positive customer reviews and the state standard 32261.According to experts, it does not contain non-dairy fat, Roskachestvo did not give high scores. It may contain preservatives, as the product has a long shelf life.

Butter Alantal
  • delicious;
  • hard;
  • there is a strong smell of cream;
  • quality-price ratio;
  • ideal for sandwiches;
  • beautiful packaging design.
  • not sold in all stores;
  • little-known manufacturer;
  • it is not specified from which cream it is made;
  • long shelf life.

6th place - Prostokvashino

Weight - 180 gr.
Cost - 164 rubles.
Recommended by 69%.

When analyzed in the laboratory, the product received comments. The indicated fat content on the label of 82% is in fact underestimated, it does not fit GOST. The food has no aroma, organoleptic properties are low. Buyers note the benefits of the product when baking products at home. With proper storage, the product will be good for a month.

Butter Prostokvashino
  • storage 35 days;
  • convenient packaging with portion markings for 20 gr;
  • homogeneous consistency;
  • sweet creamy taste;
  • suitable for pastries and cereals.
  • GOST is not specified;
  • low percentage of fat;
  • the price criterion does not correspond to the highest grade and quality composition;
  • has an unexpressed taste of cream;
  • crumbles when spreading on a bun.

5th place - traditional from Vologda

Weight - 180 gr.
Cost - 176 rubles.
Recommended by 64%.

Manufacturer - JSC "Training and Experimental Dairy Plant" VGMHA them. N.V.Vereshchagin of the Vologda region. According to GOST 32261, pasteurized cream must be included in the composition of butter, without impurities and vegetable additives. The developer put them in the basis of the oil from Vologda. Soft paper colorful packaging on top of the briquette attracts with its brightness.The reviews noted the taste of the product, creamy smell, creamy density. The loose consistency does not harden even when stored in the refrigerator, the soft structure is freely spread on bread. The expiration date is 2 weeks. The examination indicated an increased content of trans-fat fractions in milk fat. Otherwise, the reviews are positive.

traditional butter from Vologda
  • good rich taste;
  • contains milk fat;
  • complies with safety requirements;
  • natural product;
  • short shelf life;
  • does not crumble.
  • overpriced product;
  • the quality-price ratio does not work;
  • loose consistency;
  • insufficient creamy taste;
  • contains trans fats above average.

4th place - Ecomilk

Weight - 180 gr.
Price - 180 rubles.
Recommended by 74%.

Unsalted butter is made according to the GOST R 52253 standard, packed in a paper wrapper. For cooking, the manufacturer used high-fat pasteurized cream. The energy value of 100g of the product is 748 kcal. CJSC Ozeretsky Dairy Plant in Dmitrovsky district uses high quality raw materials for its products. Constant monitoring confirms the excellent structure and safety of the products. Recently, a counterfeiter has come across with the addition of non-animal fats, so when buying, you should carefully read the information on the package. Another creator and the low price of the goods on the stock can confuse. When adding palm oil, the product will separate into separate fractions when heated.

butter Ekomilk
  • taste;
  • tender, thick;
  • color;
  • naturalness;
  • safety;
  • there are weight marks on the package;
  • light yellow color.
  • melts quickly;
  • there is no smell of cream;
  • the content differs from the declared;
  • contains additives of non-animal origin;
  • fake is often found;
  • high price without promotion.

3rd place - Vkusnoteevo

Weight - 200 gr.
Cost - from 99 rubles.
Recommended by 78%.

Dairy products of the Voronezhsky plant from the Molvest company are distinguished by their excellent taste and quality. Cottage cheese curds are loved by children and adults. This also applies to butter. Traditional, with a creamy taste, excellent consistency, according to the standard 32261 - the Vkusnoteevo product worthily takes the third place in the rating. At present, it is difficult to find homemade oil, with a pronounced unique aroma and taste. Nevertheless, Vkusnoteevo has the standard properties of creamy products. For its preparation, pasteurized cream of cow's milk was used. When spreading on bread, it lays down evenly, without crumbs, does not stretch and does not remain on the blade. Ideal for sandwiches. There is a slight sour taste or aftertaste, but it does not spoil the overall impression.

Butter Vkusnoteevo
  • affordable price tag;
  • contains only milk fats;
  • natural;
  • safe;
  • excellent organoleptic characteristics;
  • without preservatives;
  • composition, grade and fat content correspond to the declared characteristics.
  • there are some comments on the aroma;
  • slight unnatural aftertaste.

2nd place - Brest-Litovsk

Weight - 180 gr.
Cost - from 153 rubles.
Recommended by 78%.

The Belarusian oil of JSC "Savushkin Product" is produced in accordance with the STB 1890 standard. Color, smell, taste, texture and other organoleptic properties comply with the standards. Milky aroma and taste are weakly expressed, there is a slight extraneous aftertaste of the polymer. Sweet creamy unsalted food reminiscent of the countryside.Made from pasteurized cream. Out of the refrigerator, the product becomes soft after 15-20 minutes, it is perfectly smeared, but does not flow. The product can be purchased at any online store. In small private stores, counterfeit packaging with average characteristics is often found.

butter Brest-Litovsk
  • based on milk fat;
  • without the content of benzoic and sorbic acids and other preservatives;
  • the price criterion corresponds to the quality;
  • organoleptic characteristics at height;
  • the highest grade, the composition is confirmed by experts;
  • safe in terms of physicochemical and microbiological properties;
  • a long storage period under proper storage conditions.
  • faint smell of cream;
  • flouriness in taste;
  • slight polymeric aftertaste.

1st place - Rogachev Traditional

Weight - 180 gr.
Cost - from 167 rubles.
Recommended by 94%.

The Rogachev Milk Canning Plant, located in the Gomel region, offers the product in foil. The content of carbohydrates per 100 g is 0.8 g, proteins - 0.6 g, manufactured in accordance with GOST 32261. Traditional quality and beautiful packaging are emphasized by the pleasant taste of homemade cream. Suitable for sandwiches, porridge and pastries. Inside only pasteurized cream, without preservatives and acids. When cutting, it does not stick to the knife. Under room conditions, it becomes soft, but does not melt and does not turn into a liquid. It may turn a little sour if stored improperly and for a long time. This means that the product is natural, does not contain additives, and has a short shelf life. Belarus did not disappoint again. Now, in addition to Rogachev's high-quality condensed milk, butter can also be purchased. Customer reviews are positive.There are no comments on quality characteristics. Products are completely safe, which is confirmed by independent examinations.

Butter Rogachev Traditional
  • delicious;
  • complies with safety requirements;
  • without impurities;
  • no aftertaste;
  • does not contain salt;
  • heat-resistant;
  • convenient packaging;
  • corresponds to the highest grade and GOST.
  • rare.

Comparative table of characteristics of creamy products

PlaceNamenaturalCompoundAdditivesPrice, rub
8Thousand LakesYescreamNo165
5From VologdaYescreamNo176
3VkusnoteevoYescreamNofrom 99
2Brest-LitovskYescreamNofrom 153
1RogachevYescreamNofrom 167

Classic Butter

Classical or peasant butter has a slightly lower proportion of fat compared to traditional butter - 72.5%. It can be salty and unsalted, sour and sweet creamy, premium and first grade. It is made from cream, with the addition of skimmed and natural milk, salt, carotene, lactic acid starter; buttermilk - a drink obtained during the processing of milk. TOP-3 is compiled for a peasant product.

3rd place - Romanov meadow

Weight - 180 gr.
Cost - 99 rubles.
Recommended by 83%.

You can buy the product on the Dixy network. The product tastes good, convenient packaging, reasonable price. The organoleptics are declared in the highest grade, in fact, they are suitable for the first.

Butter Romanov Lug 72.5%
  • based on milk fat;
  • natural;
  • safety requirements are met.
  • too soft;
  • not sold in all stores;
  • class requirements are not met.

2nd place - From Vologda

Weight - 180 gr.
Price - 155 rubles.
Offered at 88%.

The manufacturer claims that the product is made from pasteurized cream. The oil has a soft texture, pleasant creamy taste, melts and melts well. Great for sandwiches. Packed in paper. The declared highest grade was not confirmed by experts - the appearance and consistency resembles grade 1.

Butter From Vologda 72.5%
  • soft;
  • gentle;
  • delicious;
  • does not crumble;
  • quality;
  • safe;
  • contains only milk fat.
  • price;
  • deviation from the standard for the declared variety.

1st place - Vkusnoteevo

Weight - 180 gr.
The cost is 121 rubles.
Recommended by 87%.

Physico-chemical and microbiological properties are made according to the standard. The level of fat content and the highest grade correspond. Melts quickly at room temperature. According to reviews, it is suitable for baking, has a pleasant creamy taste and color.

Butter Vkusnoteevo 72.5%
  • safety is observed;
  • basic properties are normal;
  • the highest grade;
  • taste;
  • color;
  • smell.
  • not identified.

comparison table

PlaceNamenaturalCompoundPrice, rub
3Romanov meadowYescream99
2From VologdaYescream155

amateur oil

The mass fraction of amateur oil is 78-80%. Moisture can reach up to 20%. It is not washed during manufacture, it contains dry, fat-free substances in an amount of 2%. TOP-3 compiled for an amateur product.

3rd place - Just milk

Weight - 180 gr.
Price - 99 rubles.
Recommended by 65%.

A product with a good percentage of fat content. Contains no additives or herbal ingredients.Buyers speak about the quality of the product. The surface of the briquette is matte, at room temperature the product does not float, it becomes soft.

amateur butter just milk
  • good composition;
  • delicious;
  • safe;
  • natural;
  • informative packaging;
  • heat resistant.
  • matte coating;
  • crumbles after freezing.

2nd place - Altai cow sweet and creamy

Weight - 180 gr.
Cost - 106 rubles.
Offered at 72%.

Sweet butter is packaged in foil to preserve its beneficial properties. Belongs to the highest grade, does not contain GMOs. Made from pasteurized cream based on cow's milk.

amateur butter Altai Burenka sweet-cream
  • quality;
  • safe;
  • standards are met;
  • without GMO;
  • pleasant aroma;
  • good color.
  • suitable for baking;
  • there is a taste of margarine.

1st place - from Vologda Salt

Weight - 180 gr.
Cost - 238 rubles.
Recommended by 75%.

Amateur Salted Butter contains high-fat pasteurized cream and extra grade table salt. The creamy taste is bright, there are no additional aromas. Uniform composition and color confirmed visually.

butter from Vologda Salty amateur
  • quality;
  • bright taste;
  • safety;
  • consistency;
  • natural milk fat;
  • does not contain vegetable fat and preservatives.
  • high price.

Comparative characteristics

PlaceNamenaturalCompoundPeculiarityPrice, rub
3Just milkYescream99
2Altai cowYescreamsweet106
1From VologdaYescreamsalty238

sandwich butter

This subspecies is prepared from butter, the mass fraction of fat is 61-62%.Carotene for color, vitamins, emulsifiers, flavors, stabilizers and a concentrate of lactic acid organisms are added to the mixture. The rating is made for a sandwich product.

3rd place - Molkom unsalted

Weight - 180 gr.
Price - 82.9 rubles.
Recommended by 65%.

Mix for sandwiches is made from cream with a fat content of 61.5%, without milk fat substitute. Packed in foil, stored for 75 days.

butter milk unsalted
  • dietary product;
  • safety requirements are met.
  • stored for a long time;
  • not sold in all stores.

2nd place - Belebeevskoye

Weight - 200 gr.
Cost - 69 rubles.
Offered at 75%.

Unsalted pasta is prepared according to GOST R 52253 from pasteurized cream. Suitable for sandwiches, porridge and frying. The color is lighter than that of peasant butter, the smell of cream is present.

butter Belebeevskoe sandwich
  • naturalness;
  • safety;
  • taste;
  • big package.
  • not identified.

1st place - Hut

Weight - 180 gr.
The cost is 133 rubles.
Recommended by 85%.

Izbenka Unsalted sweet and creamy sandwich made from pasteurized cream with the addition of water. A less fatty product is suitable for people who prefer low-fat foods. The vitamins of groups A, E, D contained in it contribute to the restoration of vision, nerve cells. Izbenka was made in accordance with GOST R 52969. The shelf life is 25 days.

butter Izbenka sandwich
  • quality;
  • natural composition;
  • the requirements of the standard are met;
  • safety;
  • strong packaging.
  • not detected.

comparison table

PlaceNamenaturalCompoundPeculiarityPrice, rub


Butter is not the last place in the main grocery basket. Sandwiches, pastries, cereals will not be tasty without this product. You need to buy food correctly, pay attention to well-known manufacturers, quality, taste characteristics, price tag and expiration date. According to the rating of the article, products from Belarus have excellent quality. They are safe, their taste, smell and color are reminiscent of home-made products.

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