
  1. Airsoft drive: how to choose
  2. The best drives for airsoft

Rating of the best airsoft guns for 2025

Rating of the best airsoft guns for 2025

Recently, active hobbies, hobbies with an anti-stress effect are gaining great popularity. Airsoft - a tactical team "war game" is becoming more common among different age categories, mainly among men, but women are sometimes not averse to trying their hand at military tactics. Such a hobby, if taken seriously, requires not only certain skills, but also additional devices. In this case, we mean uniforms and weapons. Even when playing in rented specially adapted places, a serious player prefers to use personal weapons, which must be pre-purchased.

Airsoft drive: how to choose

Determine the role in the game

The question of choice most often arises for beginners, as experienced players already know exactly what they need. Before deciding on the type of weapon, you need to determine your role in the game. There are three main types of players in airsoft: attack aircraft, machine gunner and sniper. Depending on the tasks to be performed, each "fighter" chooses a weapon for himself.

The attack aircraft is the most active group of characters, whose scope of work is quite wide: from capturing positions to performing various tactical tasks. Given the dynamics of actions, you need to choose types of weapons that will not burden movement and affect speed. That is, weight and impact resistance will be fundamental factors when choosing. Most often, pistols with all their varieties prevail in this group of players.

Heavy: The main task is to take the right position in the game and mass extermination of opponents at a distance. The main characteristic of a weapon for this group of players is a large magazine with cartridges, the firing range and quantitative defeat are also important. During the game, a breakthrough of rivals is possible, which will provoke a melee. In this case, you will need a completely different drive, and this should also be taken care of in advance.

Sniper - waiting position, aimed shots, single defeat of the enemy. A drive for a sniper must have good range, autonomy (not depend on batteries, because the exact waiting time in a position is never known), noiselessness and ease of operation (one pull of the trigger - one shot).

Ergonomic indicators

Having determined your role in the game, you can start choosing the right weapon. Here, first of all, it is worth listening to your feelings. In addition to the fact that the drive must correspond to the team ideology of the entire game, it must be comfortable, it must be felt, it must not cause discomfort. Why buy a heavy rifle if it will be difficult enough to move quickly with it, running in the game for two or three hours. Along with the weight, it is worth paying attention to the size and length of the drive. Everything is determined by personal feelings: what suits one may not be comfortable for another. Maybe the weapon will seem too long or short, weighty or, on the contrary, too light, the convenience of the butt (how it fits to the shoulder) matters. Even pulling the trigger when firing can cause discomfort due to some individual characteristics (the structure of the hand, for example).

Once again about weight: do not associate quality with heaviness. Sometimes light weapons (plastic or wood) perform their tasks much better than heavy metal ones.

Production material

This is the next important selection criterion. Three types of material are mainly applicable: wood, plastic and metal. Each of them has its pros and cons, and in order not to throw money away, it is better to study them even before the moment of purchase.

  1. The tree is used quite rarely even if the military weapon has it in its design (for example, butts and forearms). Wooden products require careful handling and care, for example, the use of such weapons in bad weather or when swimming will have a lasting effect, mechanical damage to the surface is possible when in contact with solid objects.Although many people like “combat” scuffs and dents, because they give realism. Strength should also be remembered: a split or scrap is possible. In this case, you should know that repairing or replacing parts is not at all cheap.

2. Plastic. Not the most practical material for making weapons, albeit for airsoft, but it is used quite often in three specific cases:

  • When the combat equivalent has plastic inserts;
  • In the event that the manufacturer sets himself the goal of creating a lightweight version of a heavy drive;
  • When a manufacturer reduces the cost of a model, using plastic as a cheaper material to expand the budget ranks of their product.

Very often, plastic products are perceived as the most unsuitable and not worth attention. In this case, it should be understood that plastic weapons do not mean bad, because every self-respecting manufacturer uses high quality material (ABS plastic), which has decent impact resistance and thermal endurance (temperatures from -30 to +90).

The disadvantage is that it is susceptible to scratching and, in the case of fasteners, brittleness when tightening the fasteners, which should be remembered when tightening the fastening bolts.

3. Metal in the manufacture of drive equipment is used in expensive and heavy versions. It can be heavy metal or lightweight options, such as aluminum, alloys of several different materials. All of them are pre-treated by hardening to give them greater endurance and long-term operation.

When an airsoft gun is made of metal, it gives it considerable weight, both literally and figuratively: the owner feels the weapon like a real one, which greatly improves the playing ability. A metal model will weigh about 3.5 - 4.5 kg. Before deciding on such a purchase, you need to weigh your capabilities well, both material (the cost is much higher) and physical (it is quite difficult to move around with weight for a long time without prior preparation).

Charge sources: pros and cons

An important criterion that requires special attention and study. Without going into details, we can simply say that airsoft guns can be electric, gas or spring. All three categories are quite popular among consumers and have their own advantages and disadvantages.

  1. Electropneumatics. Electric actuators are the most popular group of equipment in airsoft. The cost has a wide range and depends both on the company and on additional tuned "bells and whistles": from 7,000 rubles to 27,000-30,000 rubles. Given the demand, manufacturers of all price categories are engaged in the production of this type of weapon: well-known (for example, Tokyo Marui, G&G, G&P, Classic army), medium-popular (A&K, CYMA) and little-known, not very trustworthy.

All EPO drives have batteries of different power from 7.4 W or more. Batteries can be of different types:

  • Based on nickel: nickel-cadmium, nickel-metal hydride (bulky, take a long time to charge, temperature-dependent - they cannot stand low temperatures, quickly self-discharge, but are easy to maintain and do not require much attention);
  • Lithium: lithium polymer, lithium iron phosphate (relative resistance to temperature conditions, light and small, can be recharged with any amount of charge, and the charging speed is very pleasing with its speed, they do not discharge on their own. For all their advantages, they have a significant minus: they should watch out for charging times, overloads, damages, as they are explosive if misused).
  • Possibility of long autonomous use (depending on capacity);
  • The real possibility of increasing the speed of shots when changing the battery to a more powerful one;
  • Lightness and small size;
  • Quick and easy battery replacement anywhere (does not require special conditions).
  • You should monitor the temperature conditions (in the cold they discharge faster);
  • Humidity matters, can not be used in water;
  • The battery requires compliance with the operating conditions: do not exceed the level of charge and discharge;
  • On impact, the explosion hazard increases.
  1. Gas weapons are considered more powerful than electric ones. The cost is quite high: the price of a medium drive is not less than 13,000-16,000 rubles. Drives operating on propane-butane or carbon dioxide differ. Most airsoft pistols operate on gas, as well as some shotguns, machine guns and sniper rifles.

  • More power than electropneumatics;
  • Carbon dioxide actuators operate normally at zero temperature.
  • Additional cargo: you need to carry a tank for refueling;
  • Drives on propane-butane work fine at +10, but at lower temperatures it is impossible to use;
  • Magazines for gas weapons are much more expensive than electric ones;
  • Expensive service and refueling.
  1. Spring weapons are not very popular, but have their place in consumer demand. All sniper rifles have a spring mechanism. The principle of operation - the cocking of the shutter is done manually with each new shot. By cost, it is divided into two groups: inexpensive (and sometimes downright cheap) models, for example, an ordinary shotgun can be purchased for 3-5 thousand rubles, and expensive branded ones, for example, a Cheytac M200 rifle costs over $1,000.

  • Shot accuracy is much higher compared to other drives;
  • Possibility of application in any conditions (in heat, cold, in water, sand).
  • Low rate of fire due to the need for manual reloading (cocking) with each shot.

Price-quality ratio"

There are four main points in this relationship:

  1. When a player is a beginner and does not yet know exactly what he wants. In order to avoid unnecessary problems in this case, you should opt for a model from a reliable manufacturer with a cost of 10,000-15,000 rubles. Such a drive will be enough for a season of active play without additional troubles with repairs and spare parts. Later, having figured out what you really need, you can buy a more expensive model.
  2. If you have decent experience and know what you really need, you can safely take an average metal (case) drive at a price of 8000-1000 rubles, sort out its stuffing for yourself for an additional amount and get an individual model tailored to you for a moderate (comparatively) price.
  3. In the case when airsoft is not an active hobby, but there is a great desire to test yourself in the game, you should not spend money on expensive uniforms and weapons.You can limit yourself to buying a budget option (6000-8000 rubles) with a plastic case, but metal insides. Such a drive is enough for several active "wars", with infrequent use, it can even last the whole season. Then, without hesitation, it is not a pity to throw it away or hang it on the wall as a decor.
  4. The funds do not constrain the choice, and I want to buy a worthwhile weapon both inside and out. Here you should pay attention to manufacturers such as King Arms, Troy, Olympic Arms or EvoSS. Their product has good reliable quality and high cost. For 20,000-25,000 rubles and more, you can buy an excellent drive with high-quality components and entourage external data, which is no different from combat models. But in the event of a breakdown or if it is necessary to replace one of the parts, you will have to pay a decent amount.

The best drives for airsoft

Weapons, albeit for the game, are very individual. Each "fighter" will determine for himself a suitable model for himself in terms of weight, size, shape and shooting abilities. The proposed rating will only help you navigate the characteristics and properties.

Automatic Cyma AKS-74N CM.040

Electropneumatic assault rifle, combat prototype of the Kalashnikov assault rifle AKS-74. Country of manufacture: China. The package includes: the machine itself, a magazine, charging + battery, a ramrod and a detailed instruction manual. It is made in combination: the body is made of ABS plastic, the filling and some parts of the body are aluminum alloy. Caliber 6 millimeters, respectively, shoots balls of this size.

Powered by NiMH 8.4V battery (1100mAh mini type). Type of store bunker with a capacity of 500 units. Good shot speed up to 130 meters per second.The drive has two firing modes: automatic and semi-automatic, which are easily switched between each other.

The total length of the weapon is 945 mm, the barrel is 500 mm long. Despite the fact that the machine is made of plastic, its weight is about 3 kg.

Cost: 12000 rubles.

Automatic Cyma AKS-74N CM.040
  • Low cost for a model of this type and caliber;
  • Good ergonomic data;
  • Decent shot speed (up to 130 meters per second);
  • Two shooting modes that switch seamlessly during use.
  • Plastic case;
  • Nickel-based battery, will be temperature dependent, with fast self-discharge and long charging time;
  • The machine has a fairly heavy weight.

Pistol KJW CZ-75 Gas GBB KP-09.GAS

Country of origin Taiwan (KJW). The combat prototype was the Czech six-caliber CZ 75. By type of power - a gas pistol, runs on propane-butane. Magazine with a capacity of 24 plastic ball bullets caliber 6 mm. The body of the pistol and the slide are made of durable high-quality metal, which will ensure a long service life even in the most active series of games (more than one season passes). Semi-automatic firing mode with a shot speed of up to 100 meters per second.

Dimensions: total length - 210 mm, weight - about 1 kg.

The package includes a gun, magazine, bullets, instructions. The refill bottle is not included and must be purchased separately.

Cost: 9500 rubles.

Pistol KJW CZ-75 Gas GBB KP-09.GAS
  • Metal case;
  • Will serve more than one active season of games;
  • Works on gas;
  • Shot speed up to 100 meters per second.
  • Complete set without filling bottle.

Pistol grenade launcher Cyma 40 mm Blunderbuss

Manufacturer Cyma (China).According to the principle of operation, it is a spring cased weapon, which will fit any shells up to 40 mm. The magazine capacity is 1 case/shot, the firing range under favorable conditions can reach up to 100 m. For the manufacture of this model, aluminum alloy + metal was used, only the handle is completely made of durable plastic.

The weight is quite light - about 750 g, the length is comfortable to become an extension of the hand without tension - 310 mm total length, 148 mm barrel.

Cost: 5000 rubles.

Pistol grenade launcher Cyma 40 mm Blunderbuss
  • Powerful, but light and comfortable weapon;
  • Excellent firing range for this type of drive;
  • Housing - alloy + metal.
  • Single shot that requires reloading.

Pistol Cyma Glock 18C AEP CM.030

Chinese production. The Austrian Glock 18 became the prototype. The caliber of the weapon is 6 mm (bullets-balls of the corresponding size). The store has a volume of 28 units. Made from high strength ABS plastic but with a metal gearbox. Electropneumatic pistol powered by NiMH 7.2 V (500 mAh) battery. Two firing modes: burst and semi-automatic.

Standard sizes: barrel - 97 mm, total length - 200 mm. The weight of the model is about 700 g.

Standard equipment (pistol, magazine, bullets, balls, battery + charger, instruction manual).

Cost: 4500 rubles.

Pistol Cyma Glock 18C AEP CM.030
  • Bulk store;
  • Metal gearbox, which significantly increases the service life and quality of shots;
  • Two firing modes (burst and semi-automatic).
  • Plastic case;
  • Nickel battery with small capacity (only 500 mAh).

Shotgun Koer K1207 Benelli M4 Tactical

Koer (Chinese production) has duplicated the Italian combat model of the Benelli M4 semi-automatic shotgun. Spring weapon type. Completely plastic product (but affordable cost). The magazine imitates real ammunition - a live cartridge filled with 30 balls - with each shot, 3 bullets fly out at a speed of up to 70 meters per second.

Length - about 1 m, weight - up to 2000 g.

The kit includes the shotgun itself + 2 magazines, instruction manual.

Cost: 4500 rubles.

Shotgun Koer K1207 Benelli M4 Tactical
  • Good ergonomics;
  • A mechanical type of weapon capable of functioning in any conditions;
  • Good aiming of the shot;
  • Speed ​​up to 70 m/s.
  • Completely plastic product;
  • Low rate of fire.

Pistol Galaxy G.33 TT

Made in Hong Kong (Galaxy). A copy of the TT combat model. Appearance and caliber (6 mm) are completely preserved from the original. The principle of operation is a spring-loaded pistol with a single firing mode. Absolutely not for everybody, because manual cocking of the trigger will strain fans of automation. Magazine for 11 rounds, rate of fire up to 70 m.

Production material zinc alloy + ABS plastic. The presence of plastic does not spoil the quality and does not reduce the service life, lightens the weight.

Dimensions - length / weight, respectively: 205 mm / 490 g.

Complete set: pistol + instructions (bullets are not included).

Cost: 1800 rubles.

Pistol Galaxy G.33 TT
  • Relative dignity for an amateur can be considered the principle of operation - a spring mechanical weapon;
  • Shot accuracy;
  • Does not require additional charging;
  • Easy to use, endurance to any conditions.
  • Single shot with manual reload after each shot;
  • Low speed shots;
  • Combined model according to the material of manufacture.

Airsoft is gaining momentum in its popularity, and with it the production of weapons in all its diversity is increasing. Experienced players do not need tips and advice, and for beginners, it is enough to carefully study the theoretical side of the choice of drives, so that later in the store they can constructively ask about the models offered by the consultant. As a rule, specialized stores are interested in the customer being satisfied and returning again.

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