
  1. Classification
  2. How to choose?
  3. Rating of the best black tea
  4. Methods of use

Rating of the best black tea for 2025

Rating of the best black tea for 2025

Tea is one of the most popular drinks. It was discovered in China before our era. Now we drink it every day and do not even think about the beneficial and harmful properties of tea, how many different varieties there are and whether we brew it correctly. It is not for nothing that there is a whole tea art, because this drink can not only warm, but also invigorate or, conversely, calm down.

Black tea is considered the most popular in Russia. According to traditional technology, it undergoes complete fermentation (oxidation) from two weeks to a month. It got such a name in Europe, and in Asia it is called red, because it has such a color when brewed.


Tea, like any product, has its own classification. First of all, it is distinguished by the type of mechanical processing. There are long leaf (loose leaf), pressed (tablets or in a tile) and extracted (instant) teas.

There are four categories of leaf tea, which differ from each other in strength, brewing speed, aroma and taste:

  • Whole-leaf (Peko). It is slowly brewed, considered weak, but with a bright taste and aroma.
  • Broken (Broken). The product of this category is brewed not too slowly, but not too quickly, it is weak in strength, has an average aroma and taste in saturation.
  • Seedings (Fanning). It is quickly brewed, strong, but does not have a bright aroma and taste.
  • Baby (Dust). Also, as well as vysevki, it is quickly brewed, strong and there is practically no aroma and taste.

In turn, whole-leaf is divided into 3 more types: large-leaf, medium-leaf and with buds (tips).

You can often find letters on the packaging.They talk about the labeling of tea provided by the world classification, here are the following ones: Pure (pure variety of tea without any additives), Big Leaf (large-leaf, high quality), Blended (mixture of varieties), CTC (granular, low quality), Ortodox or Classic (high quality), B (Broken category, meaning that it is small-leaf), F (Cutting category, used in bagged tea), D (Low grade, Dust category, tea dust is used).

Popular varieties of black tea

It is in Russia and Europe that black tea is very popular. There are certain varieties that buyers buy most often, thereby creating a high demand for them. There are five main ones:

  1. Earl grey. Classic English black, with the addition of oil from the fruit of the skin of bergamot.
  2. Assam. Grown in India, the black tea variety has a bright orange color, has notes of honey and flowers, and invigorates all day long.
  3. Keemun. Chinese, has vinous, fruity and pine notes.
  4. Maharaja. Variety from Sri Lanka, large-leaved, burgundy color with floral and honey notes.
  5. Lapsang Souchong. Chinese black, with a woody aroma, maroon color.

Benefit and harm

Only a small part of people think about the beneficial and harmful properties of black tea, although each of us drank it at least once in a lifetime. With daily use of this drink, you can see how favorably it begins to affect the body. Among the useful properties are the following:

  • Relieves fatigue;
  • Eliminates headaches;
  • Normalizes blood pressure;
  • Strengthens teeth and gums due to the content of fluorine and tannin;
  • Reduces the risk of stroke;
  • Has an invigorating effect;
  • Reduces cholesterol levels;
  • Relieves nausea;
  • Normalizes digestion.

Tea is safe enough that even children drink it and it can be harmful in rare cases. Of the negative properties, only the fact that it interacts with drugs can be distinguished, as a result of which it can either enhance or weaken their effect. Also, black tea is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women.

How to choose?

Each of us wants to purchase a quality product, at least because we give our own money for it. The right drink will benefit your body, so when choosing it, you should pay attention to some factors:

  1. Marking. Letters have already been described above, so you should use them to determine the quality of mechanical processing of tea.
  2. Package. It must be sealed so that the product does not deteriorate.
  3. Leaves. They should be about the same size, free of twigs, impurities and dust.
  4. Best before date. A banal but very important thing that is often ignored.
  5. Leaf color. Brown and red leaves in black tea indicate low quality.
  6. Smell. Tea should not have extraneous aromas, such as burning, metal, and so on.
  7. Leaf curl. The higher this indicator, the stronger the drink will be.
  8. The presence of flavors and sweeteners. Real tea should not contain such additives.

Rating of the best black tea

TOP 5 loose black tea

Tea Lab English classic earl gray

Cost: 250 rubles.

Weight: 100 gr.

Variety: Ceylon.

Classic black tea with bergamot is an English classic. It is made from quality raw materials from Sri Lanka, has a rich citrus aroma and bright taste. For 200 ml of water, you need a spoonful of tea, it costs 2-6 minutes to brew, depending on the strength you need.

black tea Tea Lab English classic earl gray
  • There are no flavorings and sweeteners;
  • Pleasant aroma;
  • Tonic effect;
  • Quality raw materials;
  • Acceptable cost.
  • Not found.

Twinings English Breakfast

Cost: 329 rubles.

Weight: 100 gr.

Variety: a mixture of Assam, Ceylon and Kenyan tea.

Twinings English Breakfast has a pleasant and delicate taste, bright aroma. It can be drunk with or without milk. Great for breakfast.

black tea Twinings English Breakfast
  • Sealed convenient packaging;
  • Medium strength:
  • Rich taste;
  • Positive reviews.
  • Not found.

Maharaja Tea Assam Harmutty

Cost: 384 rubles.

Weight: 200 gr.

Variety: Assam.

Gives a feeling of vivacity and tones. It is well rolled, has many tips and a pleasant floral scent.

black tea Maharaja Tea Assam Harmutt
  • Improves metabolism;
  • Has a pleasant aroma;
  • Invigorates.
  • Not very strong taste.

Ahmad Tea Ceylon tea

Cost: 175 rubles.

Weight: 200 gr.

Variety: Ceylon.

Ahmad Tea perfectly combines the mild taste and tart aroma of alpine tea. The brewing time is 5-7 minutes, it has a fairly high strength.

black tea Ahmad Tea Ceylon tea High Mountain
  • Availability in all supermarkets;
  • Invigorates;
  • Expressive aroma;
  • Low cost.
  • Not found.

Greenfield Earl Gray Fantasy

Cost: 162 rubles.

Weight: 200 gr.

Variety: Ceylon, from the Uva plantation.

Greenfield Earl Gray Fantasy perfectly combines floral and citrus notes, captivating lovers of this variety. It has a rich taste and smell, and is also filled with various tips.

black tea Greenfield Earl Gray Fantasy
  • Availability in all supermarkets;
  • Bright citrus taste and aroma;
  • Tonic effect;
  • Acceptable cost.
  • Not found.

TOP 5 pressed black tea

Pressed tea has a longer shelf life. It is easy to transport and has a fairly economical consumption. It is pressed into different shapes, but the most popular is the socket and washer. Increasingly, such tea has begun to be sold in a gift box, so you can make a small useful present to your loved ones. It is worth noting that it is best to drink the drink in the morning, as it will be difficult to fall asleep after it in the evening due to tonic properties.

Shu Puer Yunzhen Gunting Brick

Cost: 899 rubles.

Weight: 250 gr.

Variety: palace pu-erh.

Shu Pu-erh has a memorable woody taste, a strong invigorating effect. This tea is a premium grade and in ancient times it was intended for the emperor. Has notes of basil and grapes.

black tea shu pu-erh yongzhen gunting brick
  • High quality;
  • Normalizes digestion;
  • Can be drunk on an empty stomach;
  • Bright and rich taste;
  • Has a long aftertaste.
  • Relatively high cost.

Tuo Cha

Cost: 405 rubles.

Weight: 100 gr.

Variety: Yunnan.

Chinese black large leaf pressed in the form of a "nest" tea has a bright amber color. It also has a prune aftertaste.

Tuo Cha black tea
  • Quality raw materials;
  • Intense aroma;
  • Has no flavorings and sweeteners.
  • Not found.

Pressed with bergamot, cubed

Cost: 75 rubles.

Weight: 55 gr.

Variety: Ceylon.

Black Ceylon, with the addition of bergamot oil and pineapple pieces in pressed cubes of 5 gr.It has a delicate taste and a refreshing aroma.

black tea Pressed with bergamot, in cubes
  • Acceptable cost;
  • Improves appetite;
  • Relieves stress;
  • Normalizes digestion.
  • Not found.

Black Dragon Pu-erh

Cost: 320 rubles.

Weight: 60 gr.

Variety: palace pu-erh.

Pressed Black Dragon 7 years old has an unusual taste and smell. It has a powerful tonic effect, stimulates metabolism and has a positive effect on brain activity.

black tea Black Dragon Pu-erh
  • Does not contain harmful additives;
  • Bright aroma and taste;
  • High quality raw materials;
  • It has a positive effect on the body.
  • High price.

Shu Puer Tocha

Cost: 375 rubles.

Weight: 60 gr.

Variety: palace pu-erh.

This tea is pressed in the form of a nest. It has a mild flavor and a sweet aftertaste. There are notes of dried fruits, contains little caffeine.

black tea Shu Puer Tocha
  • There are no harmful additives;
  • Pleasant aroma and taste;
  • Has a healing effect;
  • Supports immunity.
  • High price.

TOP 5 black tea bags

Tea bags are becoming more and more popular. It is very convenient to use them on the road, in the office, or if there is no time in the morning to prepare regular tea. But that's where the benefits of this tea ended. In its production, leaves of the lowest quality are used, and the material for the bag is treated with chlorine, which negatively affects the body. Due to the fact that the raw materials are of low quality, flavors and flavor enhancers are added to the bags.

Ahmad Tea Black Classic Black Tea

Cost: 84 rubles.

Weight: 80 gr. (40 sachets).

Variety: Ceylon.

black tea Ahmad Tea Black Classic Black Tea
  • High fortress;
  • Does not contain GMOs;
  • Pleasant aroma.
  • Not found.

Tess Pleasure with rose hips and apples

Cost: 183 rubles.

Weight: 150 gr. (100 sachets).

Variety: Ceylon.

black tea Tess Pleasure with rose hips and apples
  • Bright aroma;
  • Additive in the form of dried apple and rosehip;
  • Availability in all supermarkets.
  • Presence of fragrances.

Greenfield Magic Yunnan

Cost: 223 rubles.

Weight: 200 gr. (100 sachets).

Variety: Yunnan.

black tea Greenfield Magic Yunna
  • Does not contain GMOs;
  • Availability in all supermarkets;
  • Bright aroma;
  • Rich taste;
  • Light shade of prune.
  • Not found.

Richard Royal Ceylon

Cost: 239 rubles.

Weight: 200 gr. (100 sachets).

Variety: Ceylon.

Richard Royal Ceylon black tea
  • Strong and rich taste;
  • Pleasant aroma;
  • Does not contain GMOs.
  • Not found.

Twinings Pure Ceylon

Cost: 214 rubles.

Weight: 50 gr. (25 sachets).

Variety: Ceylon.

black tea Twinings Pure Ceylon
  • Bright rich taste;
  • Does not contain GMOs;
  • Invigorates.
  • Not found.

Methods of use

Black tea contains a large amount of nutrients. The main ones are vitamins, amino acids, tannins, alkaloids, essential oils, organic acids. It also includes potassium, fluorine, sodium, magnesium, copper, silicon, iodine, phosphorus, calcium. All these elements improve the condition of the skin, hair, teeth, and also have a positive effect on the nervous and vascular systems. To increase the benefits of the drink, milk, honey, lemon and various herbs are added to it.

  • In the 17th century, the first milk tea recipe appeared in England.This combination carries many useful trace elements, improves digestion and metabolism, and also has a diuretic effect. In order to prepare this drink, the British filled the container with a third of warm milk, and after that they poured tea.
  • Honey itself has a huge list of useful properties. Most often, tea with honey is used for colds to increase immunity, warm the throat and remove nasal congestion. Also, this drink helps with insomnia. It is best to use buckwheat honey for such purposes.
  • In Russia, it is customary to drink tea with lemon. Citrus increases immunity and endurance, eliminates drowsiness, removes toxins and toxins, normalizes sleep and the functioning of the nervous system. Such a cold drink quickly quenches thirst, protects against anemia, and when hot, it reduces the likelihood of contracting viral infections, calms the nerves, and gives vitamins. The high content of vitamin C due to the addition of lemon has a beneficial effect on the entire body, it is especially useful for children to drink it during the change of seasons.

Often, various herbs are added to black tea. For example: mint, thyme, lavender and many others.

  • Peppermint has a calming effect, and also improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and the quality of sleep, has an expectorant property, eliminates heartburn, muscle spasms, and even relieves migraine symptoms. Preparing black tea with mint is very simple, you just need to brew a drink, add a couple of sprigs of herbs and let it brew for 2-5 minutes.
  • Thyme is a versatile herb that can be added to a variety of dishes and teas. It contains many essential oils, thanks to which it acquires an anthelmintic and anti-inflammatory effect. This herb improves skin condition, supports vision.Thyme enhances the tonic properties of black tea. Preparing it is quite simple, just add a small pinch of dried herbs to the tea leaves and let it brew for a couple of minutes.
  • Lavender is a medicinal plant. It is excellent for migraines, as well as for stress, neurosis, sleep disorders and increased excitability. Drink this tea before bed. To prepare, you need to mix tea leaves with lavender flowers in a ratio of 1: 1 and pour boiling water over it. Infuse the drink is 5-7 minutes.

Black tea has a rich history. Each country has its own traditions of its preparation and different recipes. There is tea etiquette and ceremony rules. Tea is a whole culture. It has a wide range of useful properties, so it is drunk from an early age. It is important to know and understand varieties in order to have a beneficial effect on the body. A certain type of tea has its own contraindications and recommendations for use, which should be read. Few people know, but if you find your kind of tea, you will improve your health several times over with daily use and even be able to refuse some medications.

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