
  1. Stages of the disease and causes
  2. Treatment of bedsores
  3. Products based on natural ingredients
  4. Pharmaceutical chemicals
  5. Conclusion

Top best anti-decubitus ointments for 2025

Top best anti-decubitus ointments for 2025

In patients with circulatory disorders with a sedentary lifestyle, the threat of bedsores inevitably arises. Human organs and tissues are saturated with oxygen through capillaries with elastic walls. With a long lying or sitting position, they are squeezed, and this, in turn, leads to a slowdown in blood circulation, and sometimes to its complete cessation. More often, this phenomenon occurs in completely immobilized people. There are many ways to prevent bedsores. The most effective are various ointments, which we will discuss in more detail.

Stages of the disease and causes

Bedsores appear gradually. At first, the patient begins to complain of pain in certain places. Visually, on areas of the skin that are constantly squeezed, redness, cyanosis or swelling of the skin can be observed. This is the result of venous blood stasis. This stage is called ischemia. This phenomenon is a reversible process. The elimination of the pressure factor and the minimum amount of drugs normalizes the skin. But with gross violations of microcirculation, peeling of the epidermis occurs, the so-called maceration, while the skin becomes necrotic. A little later, the process of dying off of fatty tissue begins, a deep wound forms at this place. In especially neglected cases, a part of the exposed bone is visible in the recess. When an infection enters, the wound begins to fester.

Diagnosis of bedsores is not difficult. They are identified by visual inspection. If necessary, to clarify the diagnosis, the doctor may additionally prescribe a urine or blood test.

Treatment requires compliance with the basic conditions: the speedy restoration of sufficient blood flow to the damaged part of the body and the correct measures for the rapid healing of the wound cavity. If areas of necrosis occur, local therapy is necessary: ​​drying of dying tissues and prevention of the transition from dry to wet necrosis. At this stage, ointment and wet dressings should not be used. At the stage of scab rejection, bandages with ointment can be used or autodermoplasty can be performed. Deep bedsores lead to wet necrosis, local therapy is aimed at achieving rejection of surrounding tissues. Help in this is provided by ointments.

The most common causes of bed sores are:

  • too high mass of the patient, causing more pressure;
  • a very small body weight, in which the patient loses muscles and fat, resulting in a decrease in the volume of soft tissues between the skin and bones (the pressure of the bones on the skin causes accelerated formation of bedsores);
  • friction of parts of the body on the sheets;
  • improper care, resulting in skin contact with feces and urine;
  • anemia and some diseases that cause circulatory disorders in tissues;
  • increased skin sensitivity;
  • lack of protein as in the body, as a consequence of this phenomenon, a decrease in muscle mass.

All factors work both together and separately. Often the cause is several phenomena at once. For preventive purposes, it is recommended to keep the places where the patient is constantly clean and dry, as well as to treat the skin, to avoid excessive moisture. A set of measures will help to avoid unpleasant consequences:

  1. Change in body position.
  2. Temperature control and general well-being.
  3. Providing a complete diet with adequate protein content.

The risk of pathologies under these conditions is reduced several times.

Treatment of bedsores

If the first signs of pathology appear, recommendations are given by the attending specialist. In the absence of damage, the skin must be treated with gentle means. If the integrity of the epidermis is violated, problem areas are treated daily with antiseptics. It is possible that such processing will be required 2-3 times a day. To do this, you will need an anti-decubitus ointment or hydrogel dressing.

If the wound is too neglected, then it needs to be cleaned.You can entrust such a procedure only to a professional, after which the doctor will give recommendations for further treatment of problem areas. To avoid infection, dressings with special impregnation will be required. In addition, the patient exudes profuse fluid from the wound. Absorbent dressings are used for drying.

It is also necessary to exclude the risk of complications. Folk remedies for the treatment of bedsores are ineffective, sometimes even very dangerous. Non-sterile tinctures, solutions, oils can cause infection. Only proven drugs contribute to the healing of affected areas, they destroy harmful bacteria, and relieve discomfort.

You can not use antibacterial soap: along with harmful carriers, beneficial bacteria are also destroyed, and after stopping the use of such detergents, the skin ceases to resist any smallest infection. Products containing alcohol (lotion, camphor alcohol) are recommended only for patients with oily skin. The skin should not be rubbed when washing. Only soft sponges are suitable, and they must be used very delicately in order to avoid injury to the upper layer of the skin. When drying the skin, you only need to blot. Reddened areas do not need to be massaged, it is advisable to conduct a light massage around such areas. Regular air baths are useful.

Incorrect methods of treatment can lead to a complication of the situation. With the appearance of fistulas or abscesses, the risk of developing sepsis increases. In a patient who has an infection, the consequences can be unpredictable. Treatment of such patients should begin immediately, preferably in the early stages. But even if the situation got out of control at the very beginning, then do not despair.At the moment, there are many anti-decubitus ointments for bedridden patients, which alleviate the course of even a neglected disease, which allows tissue to heal.

Products based on natural ingredients

Anti-decubitus drugs are selected individually after a detailed study of the problem. There are creams and ointments with camphor or guarana, they improve microcirculation in tissues. Zinc oxide creams are recommended under diapers. To maintain the general condition, preparations with linseed or almond oil are suitable.

Biolite calendula

The balm is based on a concentrated water extract of calendula. The properties of this plant have been known in folk medicine for a long time. Medicinal properties of calendula have been known for a long time. This miraculous plant relieves inflammation, heals wounds, has a pronounced antibacterial, antiviral and analgesic effect. Altai balm is made from freshly picked calendula, the extract has not lost all the beneficial substances of this plant. Anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antiseptic effects resist skin diseases, accelerate the healing of epidermal damage.

The Biolit brand has been known since 1991. The company produces food and cosmeceuticals based on herbal ingredients collected in Siberia and the Altai Territory using unique technological equipment.

Biolite calendula
  • accelerates the healing of minor skin lesions;
  • created on the basis of natural raw materials;
  • has a low cost.
  • there are contraindications for individual intolerance.

Fir biolite gel

The drug is made on the basis of natural fir oil.Anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties contribute to the restoration of the skin with microdamages. Indications: treatment of such skin pathologies as diaper rash, abrasions, dryness, cracks, bedsores in the initial stage. The gel quickly regenerates tissues. Compound:

  • fir and turpentine oils;
  • camphor;
  • vinylin;
  • glycerol;
  • gel base;
  • PEG-400.

Fir biolite gel
  • accelerates the processes of regeneration and healing;
  • from natural ingredients;
  • has a low price.
  • no.


The unique products produced under the trade brand Hartman from Germany serve for comprehensive health support and provide complete patient care.

Preventive anti-decubitus gel contains almond oil, camphor, panthenol, menthol. With regular use, blood flow increases, providing tissue nutrition. The drug also tones and refreshes the skin. The agent lubricates places that are at risk of damage as a result of bedsores.

  • delicate texture;
  • natural ingredients.
  • high price.

Cream-balm with mumiyo and chaga Naturmed

The prophylactic is indicated for the preventive care of immobilized patients. Great for nourishing and restoring the skin. Natural ingredients in the composition stimulate and tone problem areas. The drug helps with diseases such as psoriasis, eczema, herpes, leukoplakia, inflammation, bedsores, burns, frostbite, wounds, skin peeling, insect bites, etc. The composition includes turpentine (pine essential oil). This component affects the skin, improves microcirculation, as a result of which the tissues are saturated with nutrients and oxygen.Chaga and Echinacea extract tones the skin with its natural biogenic stimulants.

Mumiyo (“mountain wax” or “mountain tar”) contains trace elements that stimulate redox processes, actively regenerates cells.

The mineral complex created by nature contains about 30 chemical elements, about the same number of microelements, 6 amino acids, an almost complete set of vitamins, essential oils and other useful components. Mumiyo is a hard coating on the crevices of rocks in the highlands. The miners carefully cut off the magical raw material with a knife. Russian deposits of this unique healing component are located in Altai.

Cream-balm with mumiyo and chaga Naturmed
  • unique composition.
  • high price.

Seni Care

A light tonic gel with guarana, caffeine and camphor improves blood microcirculation in areas of the body where the risk of pressure sores is high: the back of the head, shoulder blades, sacrum, buttocks and heels. A pleasant feeling of coolness improves the patient's condition, relieves pain and itching. It is recommended to apply on abrasions no more than 1-2 times a day.

Seni Care gel
  • thanks to the gel-like consistency, the linen does not get dirty.
  • No

Menalind with zinc

An excellent tool for skin care in places where there is intense friction and moisture is retained. Often, urine and feces accumulate in the intimate area. So that these factors do not have an irritating effect, the ointment, which contains zinc, forms a protective film on the surface.

The increased content of creatine stimulates the natural defense mechanisms of the epidermis, eliminates the appearance of bedsores. Zinc oxide has another good property: it dries and kills bacteria.Patented odor neutralizer eliminates unpleasant odors.

Menalind with zinc
  • smells good;
  • protects reliably.
  • expensive.

Pharmaceutical chemicals

Creams and ointments with natural ingredients are well suited for the prevention of pressure ulcers and for treatment in the early stages of the disease. But if the disease has already gone deep enough, medications will be required, which are based on active active substances of chemical origin.


Solcoseryl contains components isolated from the cell mass and blood serum of calves. The chemical compounds included in the composition (glycoproteins, amino acids, nucleotides) have a beneficial effect on the skin. Regular use of solcoseryl has the following effect:

  • during hypoxia, cells are supplied with oxygen and glucose;
  • tissue regeneration is activated;
  • increases the synthesis of collagen in the walls of blood vessels.

The drug is available in two forms: gel and ointment. The advantage of the gel is that there are no fats among the auxiliary components in the composition, so it is easy to wash off. After fresh granulations appeared on the wound, and it began to dry out, it is better to use solcoseryl in the form of an ointment. It contains components that form a protective film on the damaged area.

The drug is used for small scratches, cuts, light burns, difficult to heal wounds (pressure sores and trophic ulcers). The gel is applied to a fresh, weeping wound in the initial stage. For dry wounds, solcoseryl in the form of an ointment is more suitable.

Method of application: the damaged area is cleaned with a disinfectant solution (chlorhexidine or hydrogen peroxide), only after that the drug is applied to the wounded surface. A sterile dressing is applied on top.

The drug should not be applied to a dirty damaged area, as it does not contain antimicrobial substances.

  • highly effective tool.
  • expensive;
  • allergic reactions are possible.

Methyluracil ointment 10%

The immunostimulating drug normalizes the exchange of nucleic acids, accelerates the regeneration, growth and granulation formation of tissues. Anti-inflammatory and photoprotective properties have a positive effect on damaged cells. Due to a wide spectrum of action, it is indicated for many injuries, including the treatment of bedsores. The dosage regimen depends on many factors.

Methyluracil ointment 10%
  • has a wide spectrum of action.
  • inexpensive.


The ointment has an antibacterial, wound-healing effect. The drug serves to stimulate regeneration processes in wounds and normalize nucleic metabolism, promotes growth and granulation maturation of tissues. It is used to treat skin pathologies resulting from injury or infection.

  • inexpensive;
  • has a wide spectrum of action.
  • no.


Combined preparation which includes ofloxacin, methyluracil, lidocaine. The first component has an antimicrobial and bactericidal effect. The second component accelerates cell regeneration in tissues due to anabolic activity. The last substance lidocaine soothes the pain. The ointment is indicated for infected purulent wounds and bedsores, accompanied by pain.

  • speedy healing of bedsores.
  • expensive.


The right choice of ointment suitable for the treatment of bedsores will greatly facilitate the care of a bedridden patient, relieve a person suffering from pain from unnecessary torment. Expensive means do not always justify themselves. Therefore, when buying, first of all, you need to carefully study the composition and read the reviews. The recommendations of the experts given above will also not be superfluous.

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