A great opportunity to leave your beloved pet in good hands for a while has appeared in our time. Zoo hotels for different animals and individual species have veterinarians, cynologists and just workers who really love fluffy, striped ... everyone. In Krasnoyarsk, it is possible to choose the necessary zoo hotel according to the conditions of accommodation and cost.

Teremok Rainbow Research
The hotel is located in a convenient location - in the city center, next to a park where you can walk. Dogs are kept in enclosures measuring 2.5 x 2.5 m, the floor is tiled and heated. Decorative dogs live at home.
Walk with the animal - from two times a day. The price includes meals. It can be selected according to the preference of the pet: natural or dry food. All animals are under 24-hour veterinary supervision. The price of accommodation depends on the number of days: the longer, the cheaper. 450 rub. per day - with meals, 400 rubles. - without food. If the pet is found for more than 30 days, the cost will be 350 rubles.
Rooms for cats are the same, only smaller in size 1.6 x 1 m. Food to choose from - natural or dry food. Cost - 350 rubles, more than a month - 250 rubles. per day. The hotel administration offers additional services: groomer services from 800 rubles, classes with a cynologist - from 550 rubles.
- Additional services: cynologist, groomer
- there are reviews of unfriendly attitude from the administration
Address: st. Berezina, 116, tel. 8 (391) 251-16-25

Rainbow Research Live House
In Krasnoyarsk, there are two branches of a zoo hotel for dogs and cats. Dogs are kept in separate heated enclosures, which maintain the necessary climatic conditions. The animal is taken out for a walk according to its usual schedule. For walking there is a special fenced area. The dog can walk alone or in pairs (at the request of the owner).
What is included in the price
- aviary cleaning, disinfection;
- walk, games;
- feeding, optional, cooking;
- daily check-ups by the veterinarian;
- for stays of more than 3 days, the delivery of the animal is carried out
Three employees are assigned to care for each animal. The price does not include the price of food. Price for small breeds:
For stays longer than a month - 250 rubles. per day. In other terms - from 300 to 400 rubles.
Medium size dogs:
Up to 30 days - from 400 to 500 rubles. per day. Over - 350 rubles.
Large Animals:
within a month - from 500 to 600 rubles, more than a month - 450 rubles.
Separate rooms with 4 levels with video surveillance are provided for keeping cats - this is a “Comfort” type room, the cost is 500 rubles, without it - 400 rubles. Content in an aviary - 300 rubles, in a cage - 200 rubles.
In the hotel you can leave a rodent (100-300 rubles) or a representative of the weasel family (250-500 rubles). They are accepted with their cage and food.
- large area for walking;
Address: Bazaiskaya st. 140/2, tel. 8 (391) 214-30-15

Umka Rainbow Research
In the hotel you can temporarily leave a dog, cat, rodent, reptile, bird. Each animal is kept in a separate room without contact with others. Feeding and walking the pet is carried out in the usual mode for him. Upon admission, the owner fills out a card for the animal, which describes the habits, walking schedule and food preferences. All rooms are disinfected after the release of the guest, cleaning is carried out daily.
It is advisable to leave the pet at the hotel with its own bowl and rug. So he quickly adapts to new conditions, avoid stress. In the room for dogs, in addition to a place to lie, there is a small booth, for cats - a scratching post. Dogs may be kept in outdoor enclosures.The cost depends on the size of the animal, length of stay, as well as your own food or cooked at the hotel.
Street keeping of dogs - from 250 to 350 rubles. per day. In a warm room - from 400 to 500 rubles.
There are three types of rooms for cats: economy, standard and vip. The cost is from 150 to 350 rubles. depending on how the animal will eat. The hotel provides for the maintenance of rodents, birds and reptiles. They are accepted only with their cage or terrarium. Price per day - from 50 rubles. for a small rodent up to 250 rubles. - for the snake.

The hotel offers a system of discounts: for keeping a second pet in the same room, for staying more than 21 days. Employees can deliver the animal to the veterinary clinic if necessary. There is also a zoo taxi, which will deliver the animal to your home or hotel.
- the animal is under round-the-clock control of the staff.
- no veterinarian on staff.
Address: Solontsy settlement, st. Berezovaya, 5/2, tel. 8-902-926-84-82
Simba Rainbow Research
The hotel provides enclosures with a size of 130*100*120. At the disposal of the guest is a bowl, a bed, for cats - a nail post, a toy. Cleaning is carried out twice a day and wet once. Walking and feeding is carried out in accordance with the habits of the animal. The conditions for admission to the hotel provide for vaccinations, if desired, this can be done here.
The content of the animal in the hotel provides for the preparation of food from the owner's feed. The cost of living depends on the duration:
for cats from 30 days - 250 rubles, less - 270-300 rubles, for dogs over 30 days - 400, less - 400-420 rubles.
The cost of keeping ferrets and rabbits is from 160 to 200 rubles, rodents and turtles - 100 rubles per day, regardless of the length of stay.
Address: st. Surikova, d. 6, tel. 8 (391) 272-25-97
- Separate keeping of animals.

"Cat House" Rainbow Research
This hotel was the first specialized for animals in the city. Experienced specialists find an approach to each, even the most capricious, cat. The administration guarantees a quality stay and a high level of services.
For each guest, a room of 1 sq. m with a ceiling of 2 m, equipped with shelves and nails. Cell dimensions 120*79*83. Cleaning is done twice a day. The state has its own veterinarian who will examine the animal before admission. The hotel can provide a bowl and bedding if you do not have your usual ones. The cat must be treated for parasites, vaccinated. The veterinarian can, if necessary, introduce serum to prevent viral diseases. For the entire period of residence of the animal, the owner provides food. Cooking is paid separately - 50 rubles. per day.
The hotel also provides accommodation for small dogs, up to 12 kg, rodents. Dogs are walked twice a day.
Accommodation cost:
- in a cage for more than 61 days 250 rubles, less - 315-350 rubles. per day;
- in an aviary - from 250 to 350 rubles, depending on the length of stay;
- for dogs — 450 rubles.
- ferrets - 150 rubles.
Phones: 223-64-33, 293-34-29
- not enough information online.

Dog Dacha Hotel Rainbow Research
Not far from the village of Berezovka, in a quiet, ecologically clean corner, there is a hotel. Each animal lives in a separate room with a warm floor, home accommodation is provided. The pet will be able to walk for a long time in the nearby forest and near the river.The hotel provides a transfer for the delivery of the animal for free. An agreement is concluded with the owner, all preferences in food and walks of the animal are agreed in advance.
An obligatory condition for the reception of a guest must be the presence of vaccinations against viral diseases and the dog is older than 6 months.
All details can be found by phone: 8-950-412-82-92
- accommodation outside the city.

A careful approach to choosing a place for overexposure of an animal in Krasnoyarsk ensures that the pet will more easily endure the stress of separation from the owner.