
  1. The best museums in Novosibirsk
  2. Conclusion

Overview of the best museums in Novosibirsk in 2025

Overview of the best museums in Novosibirsk in 2025

Museums are a thread that links the past and the present. Only by plunging into the world of the past, you can see and understand how life around has changed: from animals and plants that inhabit the earth, ending with the benefits of civilization.

The review presents the best museums in Novosibirsk that were included in this list, based on the positive feedback from visitors.

The best museums in Novosibirsk

State Museum of Local Lore

AddressRed Avenue, 23
Telephone☎ 383 227 15 43
Working modeWednesday and Friday - from 10:00 to 18:00
Thursday - from 12:00 to 20:00
Saturday and Sunday - from 11:00 to 19:00
Ticket price (in rubles):
pensioners, students, schoolchildren100
family (2 adults + 1 child)300
family (2 adults + 2 children)400
Benefits are due:
childrenorphans, up to 6 years old, from a large family
adultsdisabled people, participants of the Great Patriotic War, heroes of the USSR and the Russian Federation
When did it open1920

The museum is located in the city center, opposite the City Hall, in the former City Trade Complex. The building is a monument of architecture and history.

The halls located on the basement and first floor will tell about the traditions, customs and crafts of the Siberian people, as well as the history of the Novosibirsk region.

You can follow the path of development in agriculture, crafts, cattle breeding, crafts, as well as in military affairs by examining the exhibits exhibited in the hall "Siberia in antiquity".

Visitors are presented with hunting tools: a Ket bow, darts, arrows, spears, traps, traps and flint weapons; figurines of people, birds and animals made of bronze and silver, as well as inventory for ritual ceremonies; ceramic and bronze products; equipment for a horse and different types of weapons of warriors and nomads.

In the room "Development of Southern Siberia”, the following exhibits are presented for study: equipment of warriors, firearms, household items, tools for work, items for travelers. There are also casual and formal wear.

In hall 3 visitors will see life of the Novosibirsk people in 1893-1926. The exposition presents a recreated office with a table on which there is a telephone and a book, as well as a sewing workshop with items necessary for it. Then you can explore the interior of the houses, typical for that time and see the old motorcycle, which stands in the center of the hall. Items that were once in the first gymnasiums and military equipment from the time of the First World War are also presented.

The life of the city during the period of industrialization and peasant revolts can be traced in the presented weapons, everyday clothes, school supplies, musical instruments and porcelain collections in the 4th hall. "The First Soviet Five-Year Plans".

Exhibits in the 5th hall will tell about the life of Novosibirsk during the Second World War. Here you can see clothes and weapons of the military, factory machines and products made on them, as well as a machine for making felt.

In the last hall, visitors enter period 1950-1960. Here meets a recreated peasant hut and apartment, with a characteristic interior and objects.

Temporary exhibitions are held on the 2nd floor of the museum.

The State Museum of Local Lore has 5 must-see branches:

  1. Museum of Nature, located on the street Vokzalnaya highway, 11.
    The museum has 4 halls that will acquaint visitors with the peculiarities of climate, relief and soil; flora and fauna. Also presented are rare semi-precious, precious, and ornamental stones, rocks and minerals and ores. A feature of the paleontological museum is the fully assembled skeleton of a female mammoth.
  2. Communication Museum located on Sovetskaya street, 33.
    Visitors will see more than 5,000 exhibits, including a Morse apparatus, a switchboard for long-distance communications, a telephone exchange, computers, and a TV set.
  3. MTK "Suzun-Zavod. Mint", which is located in the working settlement of Suzun, along Lenina street, 22 V.
    This museum and tourist complex contains archaeological, ethnographic and numismatic collections.
  4. Museum of Olympic Glory along Sovetskaya street, 33.
    The museum has about 7,000 exhibits, including collections of flags, diplomas, medals, cups.
  5. Museum "Urban Estate Novo-Nikolaevskaya" on Lenin street, 23.
    The museum is located in a residential building and restores the interior of the apartment in which the bourgeois family lived.

For visitors with special needs, the Museum of Nature is equipped with a ramp and an administrator call button to open the door. In the Museum of Local Lore there is a button to call the administrator, after pressing which, the museum staff will come out and carry the visitor through the stairs.

  • convenient location;
  • availability of benefits;
  • care for visitors with special needs.
  • not detected.

Museum of Railway Engineering named after N.A. Akulinin

AddressRazezdnaya street, 54/1
Phone number☎7 383 248 08 22
Opening hoursfrom Tuesday to Sunday - from 11:00 to 17:00
Ticket prices (in rubles):
for preschoolersis free
for younger students and teenagers40
for adults100
for a group of up to 10 people350
Opening year2000

On an area of ​​3,000 m2, there are 182 pieces of preserved equipment. What distinguishes this museum from others is the presence of equipment not only of one direction, for example, locomotives, but also other technical means that were used on the railway.

On several railway platforms there are exhibits with an exposed sign that provides information about the name, main characteristics and purpose.

Among the exhibits on display are:

  • diesel locomotives (main diesel locomotive);
  • electric trains (the first high-speed electric train made in Russia);
  • steam locomotives (one of the first steam locomotives made in Russia, coal steam locomotives);
  • electric locomotives (electric locomotives of foreign and Russian production);
  • electric trains (composition of an electric train made in Russia);
  • diesel locomotives (main diesel locomotive);
  • wagons (a chic wagon with a bunker, oak furniture and a restaurant, for tsars; a kitchen wagon; a wagon for prisoners; a subway wagon);
  • special railway equipment (cars for the transportation of liquid iron and alcohol, snow removal equipment, motor platforms, filling and lubrication stations).

Also, visitors will be interested in the recently appeared, but rapidly growing, exposition of Soviet and foreign retro cars. Among them are: trucks, tractors, all-terrain vehicles, cars, as well as military equipment.

The exhibited wagons can be viewed both outside and inside. But, this service is provided for a fee and only accompanied by a guide.

In the cabin of the locomotive, which stands at the entrance to the museum, you can go in and look around for free. The rules of the museum prohibit climbing on the rest of the equipment.

  • budget tickets;
  • the exhibition impresses with its variety of exhibits;
  • the opportunity to visit inside the wagons.
  • missing.

Museum of the USSR

Where isMaxim Gorky street, 16
Phone number☎ 7 383 223-87-97
Schedulefrom Tuesday to Saturday - from 10:00 to 18:00
How much does it cost to visit:
for adults200 rubles
for pensioners, schoolchildren and students150 rubles
Page in "Vkontakte"
Opening year 2009

The museum is located in a one-story old building with a mezzanine. This is an amazing place that can plunge into the past, in the days of the USSR. A large number of old objects act as a link between the past and the present.

You can take pictures in the museum, and you can touch, press buttons and twist any of the exhibits. The guide will tell the story of each item and show you how to use it correctly.

The museum often conducts excursions for schoolchildren, and foreigners are regular guests here.
At the entrance, visitors will be greeted by the banners of the USSR.

In the pioneer hall you can get acquainted with the drum and bugle.As well as school supplies and school uniforms in the form of a tie, shirt, sneakers, trousers and jacket for boys; and dresses with a tie and a white apron for girls.

In the hall of the defenders of law and order, there is a Progress typewriter, a telephone and an interestingly shaped table lamp on the table. There is a large safe next to it, on which a poster is pasted, and on top there is a clock. On the wall you can see a map of the USSR.

In the military corner, you can try on officer's overcoats, soldier's coats, helmets and caps, consider a sapper's shovel and other military items.

The next room contains a huge variety of things. Among the still working equipment there is a washing machine, a vacuum cleaner, a TV, a hair dryer, a fan, a refrigerator, a music player, a gramophone, a camera. It is also worth highlighting a device for making sparkling water and a humidifier.

Among the kitchen utensils you can see a dumpling, a siphon, a milk watchman. The old sideboard contains plates, decanters, glasses and a sugar bowl.

Even in the room you can see children's toys, a manicure apparatus, perfumes, creams, a bicycle, books, cigarette cases, metal curlers and many other items.

The basement contains computer equipment, telephones, tape recorders, radio equipment, typewriters, vacuum cleaners, irons, electric razors, separators, filmoscopes, photo enlargers. There are also glass bottles in nets, chess, a globe, a cast-iron sledge, and even an electric meat grinder made from a washing machine motor.

You can also get acquainted with a part of the Soviet wardrobe: rubber bands with pazhiks to maintain men's socks, women's stockings and a belt with pazhiks to which they were attached.

On the mezzanine there is a room with art objects.These are painted chairs, a table, benches, dolls and whistles. As well as plates, cups and a towel with an ornament. The room has an iron bed with a handmade carpet that hangs on the wall.

The room has a small room where there are birch bark toys and nesting dolls.

Under the mezzanine there is a guest room where members of the Old Records club gather and arrange screenings of Soviet films. Thematic meetings with museum guests are also held here.

After inspection, visitors can purchase a souvenir in the form of a cup, key chain, calendar, notepad or magnet, with the logo of the USSR.

  • the museum is of equal interest for both children and adults;
  • cheap tickets;
  • a large collection of Soviet items;
  • permitted photography;
  • opportunity to touch each exhibit.
  • lack of space to accommodate such a large collection.

Historical Park "Russia - My History"

LocationVasily Staroshchuk street, 24
Telephone☎ 7 383 349 39 29
Schedulefrom Wednesday to Friday - from 10:00 to 18:00
Saturday Sunday - from 11:00 to 19:00
Official site
Cost of visitingfrom January 1, 2018 free of charge
Year of foundation2017

Historical parks is a network of museums located in 19 cities of Russia.

An unconventional approach to presenting the historical past was chosen by the creators of the park-museum "Russia - my history".

All information is submitted electronically, using tablets, projectors, collages, lightboxes, touch tables and screens, as well as cinemas.

And digital reconstructions, animations, video infographics and 3D modeling create visual effects for multimedia exhibitions.

In the first hall, a multimedia exhibition is dedicated to the era of the Rurik dynasty (862 - 1598). A "living" book in A3 format, with moving pictures and seemingly out of nowhere letters, as well as projections and holograms, will tell about ancient cities, the baptism of Rus', dependence on the Mongol Empire, and the fight against invaders. Little-known information about the period of the Mongol invasion is also given, secrets and stories of ancient battles and trade routes are revealed.

The created battle, using installation and video mapping, will provide an opportunity to see with your own eyes what happened during the battle.

The exhibition in the second hall is dedicated to the reign of the seven Romanovs (1613-1917). The widescreen screen provides information about the development of the Far East and Siberia, the victory over Napoleon, the abolition of serfdom, as well as the development of culture, science and technology.

On the floor, you can see a fire created using 2D and 3D installations, which is difficult to distinguish from the real one.

In the third hall there is an exhibition "From great upheavals in the Great Victory (1917 - 1945)"
The exhibition will cover the events of 2 world wars, 3 revolutions. He will tell about repressions and social experiments, as well as about the development of science, education and industry.

The information is presented using a multimedia installation with a length of 100 meters, a contactless control system, 3D and a multimedia book.

In the 4th hall there is an exhibition "Russia - my history (1945 - 2016)" Using dynamic and static video mapping, interactive tables and gesture control, information is provided about the times of the USSR and its collapse, as well as the development of the country in subsequent years.

  • modern and unusual way of presenting information;
  • free entry.
  • not detected.

Novosibirsk State Art Museum

permanent exhibitionred avenue, 5
exhibition hallsSverdlov street, 10
permanent exhibitionfrom Tuesday to Friday - from 10:00 to 18:00
Saturday, Sunday - from 12:00 to 20:00
exhibition hallsTuesday, Wednesday, Friday to Sunday - from 12:00 to 20:00
Thursday - from 12:00 to 21:00
Phone numbers☎ 7 383 223 53 31
☎ 7 383 222 22 67
Official site
Year of foundation1957
Ticket price (in rubles)
permanent exhibition:
students, pupils75
children under 7 years old30
exhibition projects:
students, pensioners25
children under 1810
students and pensioners150
children under 1875

In 1957, by order of the Council of Ministers, an art gallery was approved, which in 2004 was transformed into a museum.

The museum is located in a building that is an architectural monument - the former Sibrevkom.

The museum collection was created from the donated exhibits:

  • The Pavlovsk Palace Museum donated 22 works.
  • Perm art gallery - 16.
  • State Russian Museum - 13.
  • Some of the works donated by the State Hermitage, the Tretyakov Gallery and the Pushkin Museum named after A.S. Pushkin.
  • As well as works donated by individuals.

At the moment, the museum's fund has more than 11,000 expositions, among which are sculptures, works of Western and Russian painting, arts and crafts and graphics.

The main part of the museum's collection is made up of ancient Russian art - icons. There are more than 500 of them.Collections of icons were purchased from individuals or received from the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation.
Among the collection it is worth highlighting:

  • The icon "The Miracle of Demetrius of Thessalonica" and "The Last Judgment" are early monuments of icon painting that date back to the first half of the 16th century.
  • Icon of Our Lady on the Throne, second half of the 16th century.
  • Icon of Metropolitan Philip "This is the icon of Elder Philip Kolychev of the Solovetsky Monastery".
  • A whole list of Stroganov Letters icons.
  • Icons of the XVII-XVIII centuries, hagiographic and festive rank.
  • As well as a collection of icons of Siberia and the Urals.

The collection of foreign decorative and applied arts, engravings and paintings from around the world includes works by masters of the 16th-19th centuries from Italy, Holland, France and Germany.

It is worth highlighting such works as "Madonna", "Rialto Bridge near the Palazzo dei Camerlangi", "Dance around the Golden Calf", "Roman Temple and Bernini's Colonnade" and "Walking in the Street".

The highlight of the collection is a unique well-known exhibit of the XX century - "Self-Portrait", painted by graphic artist Horst Janssen.

Russian art of the 18th-19th centuries is represented by paintings by D.G. Levitsky, V.L. Borovikovsky, A.B. Kurakina, V.Ya. Rodcheva, V.A. Tropinin and other authors.

Among the expositions of Russian art of the beginning of the 20th century, one can single out:

  • "Versailles", "Gypsy" - A. Ya, Golovina.
  • “On the terrace in Kharkov” - Z.E. Serebryakova.
  • "World of Arts" - N.K. Roerich.

Among the works of Russian art of the late XX - early XXI centuries, and the art of the Soviet period, it is worth highlighting the following:

  • “Collective Farm Woman on Lake Ilmen”, “Portrait of a Wife”, “1943”, written by K.S. Petrov-Vodkin.
  • “Portrait of the artist A.O. Stepanova", "Still life with a golden bowl and a green glass", "Lilac and stretcher" - P.P. Konchalovsky.
  • "Portrait of Naryshkina", "Path in the Forest" - R.R. Falk.
  • "Flowers" - A.V. Lentulov.
  • "Bridge", "Zagorsk Kremlin" - A.A. Osmerkin.
  • "Winter. View from the window”, “Altai. In the mountains”, “Altai. A tributary of the Charysh River "- A.D. Drevin.

Post-war paintings:

  • "Portrait of Marshal of the Armored Forces P.S. Rybalko" - P.D. Korina.
  • "Girl with wild flowers" - S.A. Chuikov.
  • "Golden Maple", "In the Sortaval Forest" - N.M. Romandin.

In addition to permanent exhibitions, the museum hosts temporary exhibitions, competitions, lectures, conferences and seminars.

  • a large number of exhibits of different time periods;
  • temporary exhibitions, seminars, conferences, lectures.
  • no.

Museum of Funeral Culture

AddressVoentorgovskaya street, 4
Opening hoursfrom 11:00 to 19:00
Phones for information☎ 8 913 712 37 09
☎ 7 383 363 03 29
Ticket prices (in rubles)
tickets to hall 1:
for children under 14, pensioners and students250
tickets to hall 2:
for children under 14, pensioners and students300
adult ticket to halls 1 and 2, with/without excursion1000/800
concessionary ticket to halls 1 and 2, with/without excursion700/500
Official site
Foundation date 2012

The only museum of death, not only in the city, but also in the country, is included in the UNESCO list.

On the one hand, the shocking, but on the other hand, intriguing concept of the museum reveals the other side of death - the beauty and elegance of the funerary culture.

The museum contains more than 30,000 exhibits of the 19th - early 20th centuries.

The tour begins with a small room, the walls of which are hung with the faces of saints, and sculptures, tombstones, crosses, sleighs for transporting the deceased, slippers and other items are placed on the floor. The guide will tell you in detail about the funeral traditions and the use of all the items on display.
The large hall is divided into many thematic expositions.

The first exposition is the English funeral traditions of the 19th-20th centuries. The exposition presents a funeral ceremony with female mannequins dressed in mourning dress, who say goodbye to the deceased.

The second exposition tells about embalming. Here you can see the mannequin of a doctor sitting over the body of the deceased. There are also many tools, jars, a jar for ablution and 2 real skulls.

The third exposition presents a funeral home.

The fourth exposition is an atelier for tailoring mourning attire. Here are the machine, iron and other necessary details.

The next exposition is "Postmorter". Since the 19th century, this unusual genre of photography - photography with the dead, has become very popular. The deceased was placed among relatives, in a sitting or even standing position. After that, the artists worked on the photograph, giving the deceased the appearance of a living person.
The exposition presents a photo studio with examples of such photographs, and mannequins.

Next you can see:

  • expositions dedicated to the rite of cremation;
  • originals and reproductions of engravings;
  • a collection of both real vehicles for transporting the deceased, and miniature models;
  • a large collection of mourning dresses, hats, handbags and other items of women's wardrobe;
  • a collection of mourning decorations;
  • installation of a funeral procession;
  • objects of mourning tradition of different religions.
  • a large collection of exhibits;
  • constant replenishment of knowledge about the burial culture of different peoples;
  • highly qualified workers who will give a detailed description of each exhibit and its use;
  • the museum is included in the UNESCO list;
  • participation of the museum in the action "Night of Museums".
  • an unusual museum format that is not suitable for impressionable people.


There are many worthy museums of various subjects in Novosibirsk, which you should definitely visit.
The review presented the most visited museums, which made a special impression on the residents of the city and tourists.

votes 1
votes 0


