
  1. Basic moments

Overview of the best museums in Kazan in 2025

Overview of the best museums in Kazan in 2025

One of the oldest cities in the country is the capital of Tatarstan - Kazan. The city is located on the left bank of the Volga River. Here the Kazanka River flows into it. Kazan is one of the ten largest cities in Russia. It is a rapidly developing tourism center. More than 2 million tourists come here every year. This is quite natural, since Kazan knows how to surprise guests. There are many interesting museums in the city that are worth visiting.

Basic moments

Kazan is an interweaving of two ancient cultures. Representatives of two ancient religions - Christians and Muslims live together in the city.The symbol of such peaceful coexistence is the neighborhood of family mansions and merchant houses, museums and monuments, monasteries and madrasahs, mosques and Orthodox churches. All of them are Russian and Tatar traditions.

The city does not stand still and is constantly evolving, changing its appearance. Kazan is located on an active trade hub between East and West. It has a rich history, which is evidenced by many attractions.

The material provides information about the main Kazan museums that affect the history of Kazan and its region, art, activities that famous creative people were engaged in, as well as lived and worked in this wonderful city, associated with national cuisine and nostalgic for the Soviet past.

National Museum of the Republic of Tatarstan

The largest museum in the city, its importance is estimated as nationwide. The foundation of the museum took place in 1895, its age is 120 years. The main artifacts of the museum can be considered the collection of Andrei Likhachev, which belonged to him personally. It was supplemented by other artifacts.

Currently, the museum owns funds, numbering over 900 thousand exhibits. They belong to science, literature and music and are part of the city's history. The pride of the museum can rightfully be considered an ethnographic Tatar collection - the carriage of Catherine II. When the Empress visited Kazan, she sat in this carriage.

The museum has a hall that stores old books and manuscripts. Among all the variety, you can see the poems that Musa Jalil composed while sitting in the Moabit prison, called “Moabit notebooks”. The hall in which the jewelry is located also contains the only Bulgarian collection of gold jewelry in the world.The museum is rich in artifacts obtained from the Ananyino burial grounds, Egyptian figurines that appear before the eyes of visitors, drawings on the theme of religion, lamps, copper utensils, and other artifacts.

Opening hours: Tue-Wed. 10-00 - 18-00; Thu. 13-00 - 21-00; Fri. 10-00 - 17-00; Sat-Sun 10-00 - 18-00.

The day off is Monday, the sanitary day is every final Wednesday of the month. Price per visit - 150 rubles, admission is free on the first Wednesday of the month.

The museum is located at the address: Kremlevskaya street, 2
☎: 8(843)292-89-84

  • the museum is rich in extracted artifacts;
  • unique exhibits.
  • not detected.

Museum of the 1000th Anniversary of Kazan

The Millennium Museum of the city of Kazan will tell you about how this wonderful city arose, about how this wonderful city has developed from ancient times to the present. The location of the museum is the national cultural center "Kazan", which is located near the Svoboda Square and the bank of the Kazanka River.

The location of the branch of the museum is the Kazan City Hall, which keeps the symbols of the city's power and papers from the archive describing the history of the city's self-government.

The museum is rich in exhibits, of which there are almost 50,000.

The price of visiting is 75 rubles.

The museum is open all week, seven days a week, from 11:00 to 17:00.
Location - Pushkin street, 86
☎: 8-843-236-78-31

  • the museum is rich in exhibits;
  • inexpensive visit;
  • convenient location.
  • not detected.

Museum of Socialist Life

As if a time machine takes visitors to the 70-80s of the XX century, the museum of socialist life. Here you can see a communal apartment, which was in the houses of the mid-20th century with cast-iron batteries, brick walls and old wiring.The museum is characterized not only by its interior, but also by exhibitions in the same style.

The main museum theme of this institution is the emergence of positive emotions from objects of the 70-80s. 20th century. They can be touched, but there is no need to be afraid that the object will fall or break. To break an item made in the USSR, you need to make an effort. Collections are not collected by their value or number (and there are such here too). The historical events associated with these objects and the awakening of emotional memories from touching table hockey, a kaleidoscope, which many had in childhood, are important.

The price of admission for adults is 250 rubles, for children - 150 rubles.
Opening hours - all week from 11-00 to 19-00

Location: on Ostrovskogo street, 39, building 6
☎: 8-843-2925947; 8-965-601-81-88
Web resource:

  • original exhibitions;
  • low cost of visiting;
  • convenient location.
  • not detected.

Museum of Happy Childhood

Visitors to this establishment are offered a unique opportunity to be a child again, to briefly return to a time where we were all incredibly happy and carefree. You can once again try on the feeling of a schoolboy walking without worries or a mischievous girl in the yard. The exhibits are familiar to many visitors from their distant childhood. The created school class with an accompanying atmosphere, the dream of every boy - a moped and other exhibits, like a time machine, will plunge visitors into youth and youth, which are so lacking for busy adults.

The price of admission for adults is 250 rubles, for children - 150 rubles.

Opening hours - all week from 10-00 to 20-00.
Location - Universitetskaya street, 9.

  • interesting exhibits;
  • accompanying atmosphere.
  • not detected.

Museum of Natural History of Tatarstan

This museum institution, which tells the history of the Republic of Tatarstan, is a scientific and educational institution and an information center where you can learn about geological history, fauna, fossils, vegetation, mineral resources. The museum uses interactive technologies. The visitor can find out his weight in space on different planets (Moon, Venus, Mars, Sirius) using special scales. Here you can see various celestial bodies using an interactive telescope, a collection of minerals and information about their mining.

Modern technologies have made it possible to equip each hall not only with exhibits, but also with plasma panels, special kiosks with touch screens and monitors. All of them tell the visitor information about the theme of the exposition. This is the place where science becomes popular. In the museum you can see a unique slab with imprints of a parareptile (an ancient animal in the Perm region), whose age reaches 255 million years.

Price for adults 200 rubles, for children 80 rubles.
Opening hours from Tue to Thu 10-00 - 18-00, Fri 12-00 - 21-00.
Located in the Kremlin
☎: 8-843-567-80-35, 8-843-567-80-37

  • the museum is rich in events for schoolchildren and excursions;
  • modern technologies.
  • not detected.

Museum of Weapons "Warrior Spirit"

The location of the weapons museum "Spirit of the Warrior" is the Artillery (Cannon) complex in the courtyard of the Kremlin in the city of Kazan. The exposition museum collection tells visitors about the history of weapons of the Tatar warriors, their historical and cultural ancestors. Visitors can see materials from archaeological excavations that characterize weapons from the Late Bronze Age to the Golden Horde.Among the paraphernalia used by ancient warriors are items of military weapons, horse equipment with rich decoration. Each belt and decoration tells about how the Tatars, Scythians, Huns, Sarmatians lived in peacetime and wartime.

The exhibits show the history of weapons of all times, from the use of the first bronze daggers to steel sabers used by the Horde. Bronze chariots and arrowheads are replaced by iron horse ammunition and iron sheared Tatar-Mongolian arrows. Visitors will be surprised not only by the objects of archaeological excavations, but also by the graphic works made by Valery Blokhin, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Arts. Master Alexander Bochkarev reconstructed various warriors that can be seen here.

The sculptures and images in the paintings give visitors their own idea of ​​warriors from the past. Everyone can compare their own perception of the world with how it is embodied in the miniatures of museum exhibits.

The price for adults is 250 rubles, for children and students 150 rubles, for children under 7 years old there is no entrance fee.
There are various benefits for which admission is free.

Location - Kazan, Sheinkmana proezd, 16-1
Web resource:
☎: 8-927-249-80-08
Opening hours - every day from 10-00 to 18-00

  • the museum has many exhibits of that time;
  • modern technologies allow you to plunge into the history of weapons of all times.
  • not detected.

Art Museum

The Museum of Fine Arts is located in the historical part of the capital of Tatarstan in a mansion that once housed the residence of the famous general A. G. Sandetsky.This is a real golden fund of art not only of Tatarstan, but also of the Russian Federation. The museum is surrounded by a huge number of other equally interesting sights. So, on its territory there is a library, a scientific archive, a conference hall, a building for children's creativity, a depository and a magnificent park.

The museum has collected more than 25,000 exhibits. Here are works of painting, sculpture, graphics, as well as arts and crafts. All of them are included in certain collections, ranging from ancient Russian to Western European art. The museum also has separate collections dedicated to graphics and arts and crafts.

The price of an adult ticket is 200 rubles, a child ticket is 70.

☎: +7-843-236 69 31
Location: st. K. Marx, house 64
Working hours: from 10:00 to 18:00 - Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
from 10:00 to 20:00 - Thursday.

  • the museum is surrounded by a huge number of interesting sights;
  • modern technologies.
  • not detected.

Tatar Avyly ("Tatar village")

Avyly Tatars is an open-air museum. Visitors to the ethnic village can get acquainted with the traditions and legends of the medieval village Tatars, their history and culture. The atmosphere of the ancient life and traditions of this people is completely preserved here. The museum presents samples of wooden architecture and other crafts, as well as their unique national cuisine. All buildings recreate a complete picture of the ancient Tatar villages. There are houses of representatives of all segments of the population, ranging from a simple peasant to wealthy merchants.All of them are furnished with antique furniture, tools and household utensils of the 15th-19th centuries.

In the ethno-village, practical lessons of the history of Tatarstan are held, it is also a very comfortable and cozy platform for pleasant and informative leisure. For little explorers of the world, there is a petting zoo with peacocks, ostriches and many other exotic birds. Here you can also ride horses, donkeys and ponies, and of course enjoy national cuisine. Large-scale cultural events are held in the ethno-village every year.

The ticket price is 200 rubles, for children under 7 years old admission is free.
There is a separate fee for master classes - 100 rubles each.

Website: VKontakte group
☎: +7-950-311 93 27

Location: Zelenodolsky district of the Republic of Tatarstan, Isakovo village

  • interesting sights;
  • practical lessons of the history of Tatarstan are held;
  • leisure for children.
  • not detected.

Museum of Vasily Aksenov

In the center of Kazan, in an old mansion, there is a house-museum of one of the most famous writers. Here, the atmosphere of the Soviet era and the workplace of Vasily Aksenov are completely recreated.
Thematic evenings with writers and poets are held monthly in the house-museum. And in November of each year, a literary and musical festival called Aksenov-fest takes place here. This tradition has been going on since 2007. It was then that the very first festival was held, which was dedicated to the 75th anniversary of Vasily Aksenov. The writer took an active part in it. The works of Andrei Makarevich, Bella Akhmadullina and other famous musicians, writers and poets were also presented at this festival.

The mansion is a building with a mezzanine typical of the 19th century; in the 30s it turned into a communal apartment. When the writer's parents were arrested, he lived here with relatives. In the writer's work, stories about Tatarstan are often found, precisely because his childhood and youth are associated with this particular place.

Working hours: from Monday to Friday - 10:00-18:00
Saturday - 10:00-16:00.

Website: VKontakte group
☎: +7-843-238 62 32
Location: K. Marx street, 55/31.

  • the atmosphere of the Soviet era;
  • in November of each year, a literary and musical festival is held here.
  • not detected.

House-Museum of V.I. Lenin

The house-museum is located in the historical part of the capital of Tatarstan, namely in the wing of the house that once belonged to the Orlovs. The building was built in the 1870s. After the first exile in the village of Kokushkino, the Ulyanov family moved to this house. They rented an apartment here from 1888 to 1889.

The memorial museum has completely preserved the atmosphere of the Soviet era. The exposition consists of the unique things of the Ulyanovs, as well as documents and materials for the period of life that the family spent in Kazan.

The building itself, which houses the museum, is a historically valuable architectural monument. It is located in a magnificent garden and park area. The museum includes a theatrical pavilion, a cinema hall, a buffet and exposition areas.

Entrance to the museum costs 150 rubles.
Working hours: From Tuesday to Sunday - 09:00-18:00
The box office is open from 10:00 to 17:00.

☎: +7-843-236 90 12
Location: Ulyanov-Lenin street, 58.

  • located in a magnificent garden and park area;
  • The exposition consists of unique items.
  • not detected.

Chak-chak Museum

The museum is dedicated to the Tatar dish chak-chak. From the exposition, visitors can learn in an interactive way about the history of this delicacy, and the information here also affects the cultural heritage of the Tatars. The museum is located on the territory of the Old Tatar settlement in a historically valuable merchant's house.

The museum has a homely atmosphere. Here you can enjoy not only chak-chak, but also other national delicacies, such as baursak, kak-tosh, and drink it all with fragrant tea from a samovar. During pleasant gatherings, the guide will tell you about the nuances of making chak-chak and other desserts. Somehow tosh here is made from almonds according to a special recipe by Kayum Nasyri. Over a cup of tea, visitors are completely immersed in the ancient atmosphere of the Tatars, learning their traditions and way of life.

There is also a unique opportunity to take pictures in the national clothes of the Tatars.

The price of a children's ticket is 350 rubles, an adult - 400. On weekdays, the cost is reduced by 50 rubles.

☎: +7-843-239 22 31
Location: K. Nasyri street, house 11.
Working hours: daily from 10:00 to 20:00.

  • visitors are immersed in the ancient atmosphere of the Tatars;
  • convenient location.
  • not detected.

Museum of Kayum Nasyri

Kayum Nasyri is one of the greatest scientists. It was he who laid the foundations of the modern literary language of the Tatars. This great man is known as an ethnographer, historian, linguist, writer and educator. The museum building is located on the territory of the reserved Old Tatar settlement. The mansion was restored to its original location with all the layout of that time. The room that Kayum rented has also been completely recreated.

The memorial room contains ethnographic materials that he himself collected in his homeland. The museum is located on the territory of the garden, which was planted based on the famous book "Flowers and Herbs". It is dedicated to medicinal plants of our country.

The price for a child ticket is 30 rubles, and for an adult - 50.

Working hours: from Tuesday to Saturday - from 10:00 to 17:00
Friday - from 10:00 to 16:00

☎: +7-843-292 76 94
Location: Paris Commune street, 35.

  • unique ethnographic materials are presented;
  • The museum is located in the garden.
  • not detected.

Knowing where museums are located in Kazan, their direction and theme, you can have a great time in the city. An interesting pastime is provided not only for adults, but also for schoolchildren and young children.

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