
  1. How to behave in a museum
  2. The best museums in Yekaterinburg

The best museums in Yekaterinburg in 2025

The best museums in Yekaterinburg in 2025

In the age of computer technology and the universal availability of information on the World Wide Web, museums, as keepers of the past, have not lost their relevance to this day. It is in the museum that we can see with our own eyes, and sometimes touch, objects of the distant past. No monitor, even with the highest resolution, can convey the special atmosphere of the museum hall. A museum, whether it is local history, military or scientific, not only keeps the history of a particular time and place, but allows everyone to touch something more - the history of all mankind.

There are museums in almost every city. Yekaterinburg is no exception. In this city, there are about 60 museums of various kinds. The oldest of them has been welcoming visitors for 148 years.

How to behave in a museum

If you decide to visit the museum, do not forget that it takes a lot of time. On the day of this cultural event, do not plan any urgent matters so as not to rush during the tour and be able to fully immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the historical moment that the exposition tells about. Also, visiting the museum requires compliance with a number of rules, which are described below:

  • preliminary acquaintance;

It will not be superfluous to familiarize yourself in advance with the direction of the exhibition (epoch, scientific branch). You can, if possible, refer to guidebooks or catalogs.

  • wardrobe;

Each museum has a dressing room where you can leave not only outerwear, but also bulky items. Do not disturb yourself and others by carrying an umbrella or a large bag.

  • telephone;

The museum, like the theater, loves silence. Remember to turn off the sound on mobile devices so as not to be distracted yourself and not to distract other visitors.

  • speech;

You can talk and, if you wish, discuss what you see, but this should not be the property of all visitors. You need to speak quietly, without bright emotions and waving your arms.

  • guide;

Most museums offer tour guide services. He, as a specialist in his field, talks about the exhibits in the most accessible and detailed way. If you are not interested in the accompanying story, you should not notify everyone about it, and even more so the museum employee. View the exhibition yourself, without interfering with listening to others. If you have questions, it is better to ask them at the end or during a pause, without interrupting the guide.

  • exhibits;

Most of the time you can't touch them. Not a hand, not a single finger, nothing.

  • opinion;

Almost everyone wants to be heard. But you don't have to do it in a museum. If you did not like the exhibition, it disappointed you or remained incomprehensible, you should not express your opinion loudly and be indignant publicly. This is a museum exhibition, it should not please everyone, it has a completely different purpose. If you liked the tour, then the stormy delight will also be inappropriate.

Having familiarized yourself with the rules of conduct, you can safely proceed to the review of the most popular museums in Yekaterinburg.

The best museums in Yekaterinburg

The largest and oldest museum association of the Urals is the Sverdlovsk Regional Museum of Local Lore. O.E. Claire. He began his history in the distant 1871. SOCM them. O.E. Klera unites 9 exhibition sites in Yekaterinburg, as well as 10 branches in the region and has more than 732 thousand exhibits. Consider the most popular among tourists and residents of the city units of this museum association.

Museum of Nature of the Urals

Address: st. Gorky, 4

Phone: ☎ +7 343 371-21-13


Opening hours: Wed-Sun: 11:00-18:00; Mon-Tue: day off

This unit was founded before anyone else. The exposition of the Museum of Nature of the Urals has more than 60 thousand exhibits. The first department in the museum is paleontological. He talks about the nature of the Urals in prehistoric times. Of greatest interest are the fossil remains of extinct organisms, as well as the skeletons of the broad-horned deer, saber-toothed bear and mammoth. The exposition is supplemented with photographic materials from the excavation sites.

Next is the zoological collection, consisting of stuffed animals and birds living in the Urals. It is noteworthy that the composition is complemented by picturesque paintings reflecting the life of representatives of the local fauna. Of particular interest to visitors is the Cabinet of Rarities. It presents animals that are not characteristic of the area.

The museum periodically hosts temporary exhibitions. They are dedicated to outstanding scientists whose activities are somehow connected with nature. There are also exhibitions dedicated to various World Days, such as Bird Day, Water Day, etc. Not only exhibits are prepared for these events, but also educational lectures.

The cost of a full entrance ticket is 200 rubles, the cost of an excursion ticket is from 400 rubles.

  • weekly on Wednesday at 15:00-18:00 admission for children is free;
  • monthly every last Wednesday admission for schoolchildren and pensioners is free;
  • reduced ticket prices for schoolchildren, students and pensioners;
  • polite responsive staff;
  • photography and video filming of exhibits with non-professional equipment is allowed.
  • Not all exhibits are signed.

A. S. Popov Radio Museum

Address: st. Roza Luxembourg, 9/11

Phone: ☎ +7 343 371-50-60


Opening hours: Tue-Sat: 11:00-18:00; Sun-Mon: day off

The Radio Museum was opened in 1986. The initiator was the great-niece of A.S. Popov. This museum division is one of the most interesting in the technical direction. The exhibits detail the evolution of communications from the first receivers to modern gadgets. In the staged "laboratory" of A.S.Popov, you can not only look at the various devices presented, but also see them in action. A separate room is dedicated to military equipment. Walkie-talkies, radio transmitters and loudspeakers are presented here. Some of them are in working condition.

The museum offers several themes for excursions aimed at different age categories. Professional guides will tell you in detail about the purpose of each device. A large number of working exhibits allows you to immerse yourself in an era when radio communication was just in its infancy.

The cost of a full entrance ticket is 200 rubles, a sightseeing tour for a group - from 2000 rubles.

  • every Wednesday from 15:00 to 18:00 free admission for children;
  • every last Wednesday of the month for schoolchildren and pensioners admission is free;
  • very informative excursions;
  • unique exhibits, many of them are functioning, which is demonstrated during the tour;
  • From Thursday to Saturday, excursions are conducted by a senior researcher, who tells about all the exhibited devices in the most interesting and competent way.
  • not found.

Museum and Exhibition Center "House of Poklevsky-Kozell"

Address: st. Malysheva, 46

Phone: ☎ +7 343 346-47-93


Opening hours: daily: 11:00-20:00

The Museum and Exhibition Center is located in a house that belonged to the Poklevsky-Cosell dynasty. All exhibited exhibits vividly demonstrate the way of life of the wealthy nobles of Yekaterinburg in the 19th century. The interiors of the rooms have not changed much since the life of the owners of this house. They allow you to plunge into history and feel all the splendor of the atmosphere of past centuries.Here you can find antique furniture, tables for card games, tea-drinking accessories, etc.

Of particular interest are the items of men's and women's wardrobe, which reflect the fashion of the 19th century. The exposition is complemented by photographs depicting Yekaterinburg more than a century ago. In addition to everything else, a thematic ethnographic exposition is presented, which is dedicated to the life and work of peasants in the 19th century. Various temporary exhibitions are held.

The cost of a full entrance ticket is 120 rubles, the cost of an excursion ticket is from 400 rubles.

  • the exposition most accurately and vividly conveys the life of Yekaterinburg in past centuries;
  • during the tour you can learn a lot about the life of the Poklevsky-Kozell family of magnates, see their personal belongings, which have been preserved in excellent condition;
  • Literary, musical and dance evenings with live music are held in the museum.
  • Not all tour guides are good guides.

In addition to the subdivisions of the Sverdlovsk Regional Museum of Local Lore. O.E. Claire museums are especially popular, which we will discuss below.

Yekaterinburg Museum of Fine Arts

Address: st. Vojvodina, 5 (main building); st. Weiner, 11

Phone: ☎ +7 343 371-06-26


Opening hours: Tue-Thu: 11:00-20:00; Fri-Sun: 11:00-19:00; Mon: day off

The year of creation of the Sverdlovsk Picture Gallery is considered to be 1936, but the history of its collection dates back to the late 19th century. The museum is located in two buildings at the above addresses. The first one, at Vojvodina, 5, exhibits collections of Russian art of the 18th-beginning of the 20th centuries, Western European art of the 14th-19th centuries, as well as the famous Ural iron casting. The second periodically hosts exhibitions of contemporary art.The works of such avant-garde artists as K. Malevich, V. Kandinsky, M. Larionov and others are constantly exhibited. nineties.

The cost of a full entrance ticket is 250 rubles.

  • the versatility of the exhibits exhibited (paintings, castings, stone-cutting products, etc.);
  • musical events are held with the participation of students of the Conservatory;
  • often hosts a variety of temporary exhibitions and cultural events;
  • convenient work schedule.
  • slightly annoying caretakers.

House-Museum of P. P. Bazhov

Address: st. Chapaeva, 11

Phone: ☎ +7 343 257-06-92


Opening hours: Tue-Sat: 10:00-19:00; Sun: 10:00-18:00; Mon: day off

The museum is located in a house built by Pavel Petrovich Bazhov himself, a Ural writer and author of the famous Malachite Box. Despite the fact that the house is more than a hundred years old, the situation has not changed much. The study, in which the writer worked during his lifetime, the living room, and the room of the youngest daughter, have been preserved. The exposition is complemented by photographs from the writer's family archive. Meetings with museum guests and temporary exhibitions are held in the north room. Particular attention is drawn to the memorial garden, in which all the trees were planted by the writer's family.

The cost of a full entrance ticket is 200 rubles.

  • Thanks to the efforts of the workers, the atmosphere of life and work of P.P. Bazhov;
  • interesting and informative excursions, full of facts from the life of the writer.
  • not found.

Museum of the history of stone-cutting and jewelry art

Address: Lenin Ave., 37

Phone: ☎ +7 343 371-13-17


Opening hours: Wed-Sun: 11:00-18:00; Thu: 12:00-20:00; Mon-Tue: day off

The exhibits of the museum are combined into several thematic exhibitions, which are located on three floors of the building. On the first floor there is the Bazhov Hall, which presents Palekhansk panels reflecting the plots of Bazhov's fairy tales. On the second floor there is the Emerald Room and the Malachite Hall, which exhibit the most outstanding examples of stone-cutting art from the respective stones. The third floor is occupied by an exhibition of stone-cutting art of the 18th-20th centuries, which presents exhibits from the Yekaterinburg Imperial Lapidary Factory.

The exposition consists of unique objects created from malachite, jasper and marble. Of particular interest may be the collection dedicated to the development of Russian jewelry art. It contains silver and gold jewelry dating back to the 18th century. The museum also presents modern jewelry art. The most interesting and memorable author's products became exhibits.

The cost of a full entrance ticket is 250 rubles, the cost of excursion services is from 500 rubles.

  • a costume tour is offered with the participation of characters from fairy tales by P.P. Bazhov;
  • an exhibition and sale is constantly held in the hall of the museum, where you can buy souvenirs and decorations of modern stone-cutting art;
  • informative, full of interesting facts stories of guides;
  • free photography.
  • the visit is interesting only with the services of a guide or an audio guide, because exhibits are not provided with informative captions.

Ural Geological Museum

Address: st. Khokhoryakova, 85 / Kuibyshev, 39

Phone: ☎ +7 343 257-31-09


Opening hours: Wed-Sun: 11:00-17:30; Mon-Tue: day off

This museum, opened in 1937, is in the fullest sense a unique treasure trove of the Urals, which is widely known not only in Russia but also abroad. In the bowels of the Ural Mountains, one third of all minerals known on Earth are found. It is this diversity that has led to the creation of a unique collection of minerals and rocks. The expositions present stones not only in their natural form, but also various products made by man from them. The exhibition is interesting not only for geologists, but also for children, students, and ordinary people who are interested in the silent beauty of stones. Exhibitions-fairs are periodically held, at which the products of gem processing masters are widely presented.

The cost of a full entrance ticket is 200 rubles, the cost of excursion services is from 500 rubles. (for a group of up to 10 people) up to 2000 rubles. (for a group of up to 40 people).

  • the museum provides translation services;
  • a huge collection of minerals presented on 4 floors of the building;
  • in the museum building there are souvenir shops with stone-cutting decorations that can be purchased.
  • independent photo and video filming for a fee;
  • old equipment.

Regional Museum of the History of Medicine

Address: st. Karl Liebhnet, 8b

Phone: ☎ +7 343 371-60-63


Opening hours: Mon-Fri: 09:00-17:00; Sat-Sun: day off

Anyone who is interested in medicine, and even more so its development in historical terms, will be informative to visit this museum. The exhibits of the exhibitions tell about the development of medicine in the Urals since the 18th century.And since at that time only traditional medicine existed, the exposition reflects the history of local medicine, reinforcing everything with myths and old beliefs.

Interest is caused by a huge number of different medical supplies, surgical instruments, ophthalmic devices of past centuries. In total, there are more than 70 thousand of them in the museum. Of particular value are the personal belongings of prominent physicians of the Urals - Kushelevsky B.P., Lidsky A.T. A separate room is allocated for the history of surgery. Here you can see the operating table of the last century, the instruments used for operations, the belongings of doctors. In addition to exhibitions, the museum holds lectures for specialized students and schoolchildren.

  • free photography;
  • free entry;
  • The logically structured exposition and the interesting story of the guide make visiting the museum useful and exciting.
  • inconvenient work schedule: days off Saturday and Sunday, when most people have free time.

This concludes our review of Yekaterinburg museums, but this does not mean that other exhibition halls are not worth visiting. Our goal was to highlight the most popular and visited museums by residents and guests of the city, which show the history and identity of the Urals from different angles.

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