
  1. historical museums
  2. art museums

Overview of the best museums in Chelyabinsk 2025

Overview of the best museums in Chelyabinsk 2025

Each city has its own history and attractions that attract tourists. Chelyabinsk is the seventh city in terms of population and the fifteenth largest in all of vast Russia. The foundation was started from the Chelyabinsk fortress in 1736, and the status of the city was assigned more than 40 years later, in 1781.

For a complete inspection and visits to all possible city tours, a week will not be enough. Chelyabinsk has a large number of museums of various subjects and directions. All of them have interesting and informative expositions.

historical museums

Chelyabinsk Regional Museum of Local Lore

Russia, city of Chelyabinsk, street Truda, house number 100

Working hours: from Monday to Friday from 10.00 to 18.00, on Saturday and Sunday from 11.00 to 18.00 (the box office is open until 17.00)

Phones for communication: ☎ (351) 263-08-32; 265-23-88

The museum is located in the city center, there are quite a lot of other sights nearby, so an excursion to the most important museum will easily fit into a walking tour or a city tour. Every traveler should visit the cradle of Ural history. There are many exhibits of historical and modern. There are permanent expositions and exhibitions organized on the occasion of significant dates or events.

The main fund is more than 250,000 exhibits.

The permanent exhibition halls are dedicated to:

  • Nature and history of antiquity;
  • Folk life and history;
  • The development of history in the twentieth century.

The famous Chelyabinsk meteorite, which fell in 2013, is considered a significant and loudest exhibit. Documents, coins, bones of ancient animals and stuffed animals, numerous household items and items of clothing.

The museum inside the museum can be called the observation deck "Museum on the Roof", from where picturesque landscapes and views of the city open.

In 2016, the name was changed to the State Historical Museum of the Southern Urals. Such a name has a more global content, which is fully consistent with the whole deep history collected in the institution.

  • Good location in the very center of the city;
  • The modern architecture of the building, attracting the attention of tourists and travelers;
  • A large number of exhibits and expositions;
  • There is a separate hall for children, where a combined exhibition is assembled, which covers a little of everything that is in the museum, since it is impossible to see everything with children;
  • Here you can get acquainted with both the history and the present of the entire Urals;
  • The educational and upbringing role of the museum is beyond question.
  • Not identified.

Museum of vintage cars

Russia, city of Chelyabinsk, Troitsky tract, 22a/1, shopping center "Mayak +"

Working hours: from Wednesday to Sunday from 10.00 to 17.00. Day off - Monday, Tuesday.

An unusual exhibition of old cars will attract the attention of both motorists and just lovers of history and antiquity. The unusual exposition of the museum is located in a shopping center, in a convenient crowded place where it is difficult to pass by without stopping by. Plus, the absolutely symbolic cost of a full ticket is 10 rubles, only 10 kopecks for schoolchildren and pensioners.

The exposition includes 20 cars of different years of manufacture from the very beginning of the 20th century. Each exhibit is accompanied by informative information and photographs. Two cars are allowed to sit down, examine, touch, the rest can only be looked at, but this is usually enough. In the attached information card, you can find out everything about the internal structure, place of issue and manufacturer, additional photos illustrate the history of the "life" of the vehicle.

Visiting such places, you can plunge into other historical eras, touch the antiquity and feel how far the age of technological progress has stepped.

Of course, you should take your children with you, it will be especially interesting for them to sit in an old car and touch the history with their own hands and hear about something that was long before their birth.

  • Convenient location;
  • The opportunity to touch in the truest sense of the word some of the exhibits;
  • Good information base about all cars;
  • Free access with a symbolic cost;
  • An excellent discount in the price for schoolchildren and pensioners.
  • A small number of exhibits presented in the museum.

Museum of Labor and Military Glory of the Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant. V.I. Lenin

Russia, Chelyabinsk, Lenina Avenue, 19

Contact phone: ☎ (351) 775-44-67

Visiting hours: Monday to Friday from 10.00 to 13.00

The museum was opened back in 1967. Its exposition hides a long history of the plant and its activities: from 1929 to the present day. At the very beginning, there were only 2 thousand exhibits in the arsenal, but their number grew. In addition to the technology itself, many documents are stored here, each page of which breathes with its era and this breath is transmitted to each visitor.

You can read a lot of admiring, surprised and grateful comments about the museum of labor and military glory of the Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant and its workers. Each of them talks about how amazingly a whole era has been preserved, during the tour there is a feeling of moving in time.

The museum not only conducts excursions, but also numerous meetings with veterans, organizes joint events for schools (educational and promotional functions). Employees are making every effort to attract the attention of young people, to intensify the revival of the profession.

The team was awarded more than 25 awards of various levels.

Having visited all the proposed exhibitions, you can learn about:

  • Tractors of the era of industrialization (information is stored on more than 100,000 units);
  • Tank arsenal of the Great Patriotic War;
  • About the technique that was used in the development of virgin lands, as well as Antarctica;
  • About the first heavy duty industrial tractors and much more.

Museum of Labor and Military Glory of the Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant.V.I. Lenin is not just the history of one tractor plant, it is the history of every person born in the USSR, the history of a great country, the power and strength of which is still felt everywhere and is stored in the hearts of many people.

  • Located in the city center;
  • It has a large number of positive and very attractive reviews, thanks to which more and more visitors are eager to go on excursions;
  • Entrance to the museum is free;
  • The guide works even if you need to conduct a tour for one person;
  • Very responsible and attentive staff, you can feel the love for their work;
  • I would like to see more equipment, at least its layouts.

Museum of the History of the South Ural Railway

Russia, city of Chelyabinsk, Zwillinga street, 63

Contact phone: ☎ (351) 268-33-21

Working hours: Monday-Sunday 08.00-19.00

The museum was founded in 1973; visiting it is a kind of railway journey into the past, into the history of the development of this type of transport and mode of transportation. Today, the funds include more than 17 thousand exhibits, including signal bells, all possible additional means, documentary information and, of course, steam locomotives, electric locomotives, trains.

This is an interesting open-air museum. Behind the gates of the main entrance, you can see a real platform with real tracks on both sides, as it should be. It is on these paths that the steel exhibits stand, from which it breathes history and a mystery that you so want to unravel.

The placement of expositions is based on the chronological principle. The very first steam locomotive was built in 1834. It was used to transport ore to Nizhny Tagil for smelting. Slow, only at a speed of about 15 km per hour, but in addition to cargo, it could carry up to 40 people.Now, in the age of active technical and digital progress, such a rarity is even hard to imagine, but you can see it in the museum: an excellent model of a steam locomotive is among the exhibits of the museum.

The first railway line in Russia (opened in 1837) is illustrated by a reproduction of a watercolor painting by K. Beggrov. Each significant event in the development of the Russian railway industry, one way or another, found its reflection in this unusual place. Lanterns, bells, nameplates, locomotives and individual carriages combined with the interior of the platform create an unforgettable experience.

Museum employees are active in educational activities, cooperate with other museums, schools and educational institutions. Not only excursions are held here, but also various events in which a large number of people take part. On the website of the museum you can find lists of expositions and reviews of visitors.

The advantageous location next to the railway station makes it possible to see the old equipment under the sounds of the modern railway station coming from afar, which creates an additional realism of the tour.

  • Unusual organization in the open air;
  • Located not far from the railway station;
  • You can plunge into a real historical setting, touch and wander between locomotives and wagons;
  • The guide presents the material in an interesting way, which is easily perceived even by children;
  • Entrance to the museum is free, only the work of the guide is paid.
  • No.

Museum of the history of the city of Chelyabinsk

Russia, city of Chelyabinsk, Truda street, 98

Phone for contacts: ☎ (351) 263-08-32

Working hours: Monday-Sunday from 10.00 to 19.00

Year of foundation 2014.The location is an old building, a mansion that previously belonged to the merchants Shikhov-Pokrovsky. The fund consists of over 70 thousand exhibits related to the history and culture of the city.

The history of the small motherland is of great importance for the development of patriotism among children and youth, therefore educational goals are achieved through cooperation with educational institutions of the city, various organizations. There are permanent and temporary exhibitions dedicated to significant dates.

Chelyabinsk has a deep history and many historical monuments and buildings that can still be seen first hand. Numerous documents and photographs are also stored, in which already lost objects are recorded.

  • The museum has an important educational and historical significance;
  • A lot of significant information of great historical value is stored here;
  • The visit is free.
  • None.

art museums

Chelyabinsk State Museum of Fine Arts

Russia, city of Chelyabinsk, Truda street, 92

Contact phone: ☎ (351) 266-38-17

Opening hours: Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday - Sunday 10.00-18.00, Thursday 12.00-20.00, day off - Monday

The museum was founded in 1940 and is considered the only one of its kind in the Southern Urals associated with art. Fine art has always been appreciated and enjoyed popularity. Among the permanent exhibitions of the Museum "Picture Gallery", which has its own divisions (an exhibition dedicated to ancient Russian art, Russian art from the 18th to the beginning of the 20th century, as well as an exhibition of Western European porcelain of the 18th-20th centuries), the "Ural Pavilion", acquainting visitors with the development various Ural crafts.In addition to the permanent halls, there are many temporary exhibitions and galleries, master classes and events on various topics dedicated to certain events in the history and culture of the city and the entire region.

The museum has a program of lectures on various topics and subjects, the employees present and present the material in an interesting way, which attracts listeners.

The cost of visiting permanent exhibitions is 70-100 rubles, temporary - 150. Discounts are available for pensioners and students, which is important.

  • The museum is located in the city center;
  • The funds have a large number of exhibits;
  • The permanent exhibitions are regularly updated with new paintings;
  • Temporary exhibitions are always interesting and attractive to visitors.
  • Not detected.

Museum of Decorative and Applied Arts of the Urals

Russia, city of Chelyabinsk, Revolution Square, 1

Contact phone: ☎ (351) 266-27-06

Opening hours: Tuesday-Sunday 10.00 - 18.00. The day off is Monday. Every last Thursday of the month - free for under 18s.

The Urals has long been famous for the variety of folk crafts, decorative and applied arts. Craftsmen glorified the Urals with embroideries, decorative cast iron, engravings on steel, clay and porcelain products. Folk art has no limits and carries valuable historical information through the centuries. That is why the museum of decorative and applied arts was organized.

The expositions of the museum amaze with the difference in themes and the brightness of the products presented: here are folk crafts, and products of the Zlatoust arms factory, and hand-painted dishes.

Cast iron art casting is a special highlight.This type of art is presented at all stages of its development, new exhibits continue to replenish the funds.

On the basis of the museum personal exhibitions, conferences and meetings of artists and people of art are often organized.

The educational work of the employees is clearly visible in the organized lectures on various topics about the arts of the Ural region.

The exposition structure consists of four main components:

  • Hall named after E. V. Alexandrov for temporary exhibitions;
  • Small hall for temporary exhibitions;
  • Ural pavilion with works by Ural masters;
  • Art salon "Gubernatorsky".

In addition, the museum has a souvenir shop where you can buy a variety of themed souvenirs and handicrafts.

  • The museum building is located in the city center and fits into the tourist routes;
  • Rich expositions illustrate the talent and ingenuity of the people and the whole region;
  • The museum performs educational, collecting and preserving functions: it is the objects of folk art that well characterize historical eras;
  • Tickets are not overpriced, on the last Thursday of each month for children under 18 years old admission is free.
  • None.

Any museum, no matter what subject it is, is a separate world worth visiting. The question of why museums are needed can only arise in a child. Every adult clearly understands their importance in the development of culture, learning new things, preserving the memory of history. Chelyabinsk museums (there are more than 25 of them) adequately fulfill the mission entrusted to them.

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