
  1. What is a multicooker and what is its convenience?
  2. Anatomy, equipment and characteristics
  3. The main criteria for choosing a multicooker
  4. The best Philips multicookers for 2025
  5. How to check the multicooker when buying?

The best Philips multicookers in 2025 and their features

The best Philips multicookers in 2025 and their features

A balanced diet is the main path to a long and healthy life, so most people strive for proper nutrition and lifestyle. Over the past 10 years, steam cooking, prolonged simmering at low temperatures (to preserve all the necessary trace elements), and frying without vegetable oil have become fashionable.

Unfortunately, few people can stand at the stove for a long time, since healthy food processing takes a considerable amount of hours and effort. In our frantic pace of life, few people can afford it, because the only thing you want to do after work is to eat quickly and relax.

Therefore, a multicooker came to the aid of many housewives. A unique and multifunctional device that includes: a frying pan, an oven and a steamer. Such compressed characteristics are common in more budget models. As the price increases, its functionality and power increase.

The article will be devoted to a detailed description of Philips multicookers and their functions, and, according to consumer reviews, a rating of high-quality models will be compiled. At the end of the article, answers will be given to important questions: what you should pay attention to when buying a multicooker and how to avoid mistakes when choosing the right product.

What is a multicooker and what is its convenience?

It can be called a universal pan for its shape and versatility. After all, it itself replaces the functions of the oven, steamer and frying pan. There are even models that have additional options: with a deep fryer, with a grill, with a cheese making function, and even with 3d heating.

In addition to its versatility, it is worth noting its small size, because the stove, oven and collection of pots take up much more space in the kitchen than one small multicooker. Plus, it is safe for small children, as it can hold a high temperature inside, and it will be barely warm outside.

Saving time and effort can also be added to the treasury of the advantages of a multicooker. You do not need to stand nearby and monitor cooking, just cut and throw food inside, according to the recipes included in the kit and turn on the timer. She will cook on her own. The delayed start option is very useful, thanks to which the food will be ready when you return home.

Ideal for busy people, because you do not need to stand at the stove.Feel free to find a place in a large family, as there are also large models, up to 8 liters. It is very good for people leading a healthy lifestyle, as it allows you to set any temperature, and the products retain the maximum amount of essential trace elements, which are usually destroyed during heat treatment.

Anatomy, equipment and characteristics

In order to properly select a model that satisfies the selection criteria to the maximum, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the characteristics and functions of existing multicookers.

The first thing to know is that a slow cooker is not a pressure cooker, much less a slow cooker. The slow cooker provides a long cooking time, more than 10 hours, this type of cooking can include: jams, jams, syrups and caramel. And what is the difference between a slow cooker and a pressure cooker, the answer is obvious, the speed of cooking and the absence of some functions. The multicooker has its own timing and cooking temperature.

What is a multicooker made of? Its important components are described below:

  • Plastic or metal case with a special heating element inside, there are models with two heating elements;
  • Sealed lid, more advanced or induction models have two of them: removable top and inner lids;
  • Special bowl for cooking;
  • Cooking programs;
  • Menu buttons.

This is one of the simplest sets of elements, the more optional the model, the more elements included in it. And the price will be higher. It is also important to know that in addition to functions, multicookers can differ in size, power and container coating materials.

By volume:

  • From 2 to 3.5 liters - a small-sized option, for one, maximum two people;
  • From 4 to 6 liters - a medium-sized option for a small family of three to five people;
  • From 7 to 8 liters - large-sized, for a large or large family;
  • Over 8 liters is not an option for the home, rather such an industrial option.

The higher the power, the more functional the multicooker, the most common options are:

  • 400 - 500 W - low-power and inexpensive option, ideal for stewing and cooking simple dishes;
  • 600 - 900 W - medium power for more varied cooking;
  • 1100 - 1700 W - multifunctional option with bread machine function.

The durability and suitability of the device depends on the materials of the bowl:

  • A ceramic bowl is environmentally friendly and short-lived, with sudden changes in temperature it can quickly become unusable or crack, so you need to carefully monitor the temperature;
  • Teflon bowl - durable, but prone to mechanical damage;
  • A metal bowl is more durable than ceramics and is not prone to mechanical damage, but food is heated unevenly, the most budget option;
  • Bowl with non-stick coating - food is cooked easily, is not afraid of temperature changes, but is very susceptible to mechanical stress, so you need to use special spoons;
  • A bowl with a carbon coating is environmentally friendly and more durable than ceramics, but is afraid of detergents, especially abrasive ones. Like the polypropylene coating, it requires the use of special spatulas and spoons.

The main criteria for choosing a multicooker

The best multicookers are a frequently asked question to which there is no definite answer. The only thing that can be said is that the quality depends on the manufacturer's company and is determined by customer reviews. Volume, functionality, power and material depends specifically on preferences.However, do not forget that the more functions and power, the higher the cost.

The main criterion that you should pay attention to is the equipment. Functionality, heat maintenance and ergonomics depend on it. A moisture collector with condensate collection must be available. Additionally, it may contain special holders for spatulas, cups and spoons.

The volume of the bowl is the second most important parameter. The most optimal displacement for a family is 5 liters. But you should be aware that the intended volume of the bowl gives out less finished food. In the case of making soup, it will decrease by a liter and a half. And the amount of solid food will decrease by a quarter.

Power also plays an important role in the choice. Affects the speed of work and versatility. For an average family, the optimal power is from 600 to 1000 watts. Large families are recommended to choose multicookers - from 1200 watts.

The coating of work utensils is also important when choosing a multicooker. There is an organic, metallic and polymer coating. Metal is the poorest quality, as it quickly fails and heats food unevenly. A lot of controversy among commentators raises the question: which coating is better, Teflon or ceramic? It is difficult to answer, each has its pros and cons. Organic coating is expensive and does not tolerate large temperature fluctuations. Polymeric - requires the use of special spoons and spatulas, and is also afraid of abrasive detergents. Here, everyone decides for himself which multicooker with which coating is better to buy.

To save time, you can purchase a device with two bowls. Its principle of operation is as follows: meat, mushrooms or fish are stewed or fried in the lower dish, and a side dish is prepared in the upper one. Very convenient option, especially in a large family.

It is important to decide on the necessary functions, because the more additional options are attached, the higher the price. After all, it's a shame to overpay for unused menu buttons. Therefore, it is necessary to decide whether you need a multicooker with a smokehouse, a deep-fryer, or with a newfangled voice accompaniment, if the price can double for these options?

The last important factor of choice is how much the multicooker consumes. The amount of electricity consumed per hour or minute is usually indicated in the instructions or on a description sticker. Its consumption depends on the power and volume of the device. When choosing the right product, it is worth answering the question of whether it is worth buying a large and versatile multicooker when a lot of options are not useful, and it will be decent to waste energy.

The best Philips multicookers for 2025

Why did the choice fall on this well-known Dutch company? Despite a considerable number of worthy options from different companies, this company is the best manufacturer of not only electronics, but also household appliances. Every year it produces more and more high-quality models of multicookers, which are quickly gaining popularity among consumers.

Impressive is the huge selection of different devices for the price and functionality, allowing each buyer to choose a product to their liking and pocket. Among the new models you can find the following options: with electronic, with mechanical and with touch control.

Further, the review will be devoted to the 5 best multicookers, collected by the number of positive reviews.

Philips HD2178

Multicooker with a capacity of 6 liters, the average price is 14,000 rubles. It can be called a 2 in 1 device, with a considerable number of various options.The choice of cooking without or with pressure is remarkable. Heat sensors allow you to keep the dish at a predetermined temperature and, if necessary, heat it up.

A fairly multifunctional device with 15 special cooking programs. Further, a safety function and protection against overheating and voltage drop is built in. The removable cover is blocked when turned on, and the device automatically turns off in case of overheating and power surge, keeping the set program. Therefore, it can be safely left on when leaving home for a long time.

The case is made of metal and plastic, the design is quite modern. Stylish display with touch menu buttons. Everything goes well with the gray-black color.

Philips HD2178
  • Built-in heat sensors;
  • Stylish design;
  • Many modes;
  • Safety;
  • Function two in one.
  • There is no manual operation mode;
  • The plastic is brittle.

Philips HD4731

A decent and budgetary multicooker, costing 9,000 rubles. Made entirely of plastic, white. It looks stylish, especially the electronic menu in the center and the oval program buttons on the sides. Attention should be paid to an easy-to-use bowl with handles.

The processor has 19 programs, which include pressure cooker and slow cooker functions, heat and temperature sensors to keep food warm and fresh throughout the day. In addition, a sensor has been introduced to stabilize the voltage and keep it in a safe mode in case of a power outage. Plus, a very useful delay start function.

Many buyers were impressed by the manual control function and the choice of timer and temperature. It is extremely important when baking some products that require special attention.

Teflon coating allows you to heat food evenly, observing the 3D cooking mode. Let many argue whether a polymer bowl is harmful, but in terms of price and practical quality it is very good.

Philips HD4731
  • Number of programs;
  • Delay start sensor;
  • Beautiful appearance;
  • "Smart" security;
  • 3D heating.
  • Weak equipment;
  • Despite the Teflon coating, spoons and spatulas are not included;
  • Flimsy and hot case.

Philips HD3165

A modern and technologically advanced multicooker with an internal processor and artificial intelligence. Thanks to this, remote operation with control from a smartphone is possible.

Looks very cool and modern. Black and dark gray body, central display with bright numbers. And a device with a ceramic bowl. Fans of eco-products will love it.

Equipped with 18 simple programs, very simple instructions for use, which even a child can easily figure out.

Philips HD3165
  • Convenient bowl with handles;
  • Removable capacity for removal of condensate;
  • There is a special viewing window;
  • Rubberized stand.
  • Complex distribution of programs;
  • High price - 20,000 rubles;
  • It is difficult to open the lid.

Philips HD3167

This model belongs to the best-selling for 2018. And this is not surprising. Clear and modern appearance, black matte body - scratch-free. This makes it easy to wash in the car.

The small volume of the bowl - 5 liters, adds to its mobility. You can take it with you to the country, and it is small-sized for a car.

Stands firmly on rubberized legs. Teflon coating prevents food from sticking and promotes its uniform heating.Built-in 18 programs, thanks to special attachments, the device works great like a rice cooker. How much does such a universal miracle cost? Expensive, 18,000-19,000 rubles.

Philips HD3167
  • Compact, easy to take on the road;
  • Diverse menu;
  • Pretty rich equipment;
  • Upon purchase, you can get additional special spoons and spatulas;
  • A handy guide on how to use the device correctly.
  • It is difficult to remove the condensate container.

Philips HD4749

The Philips HD4749 closes the top five of the best and most popular multicooker models in 2025. Small and ergonomic capacity - 4 liters. Convenient to use and multifunctional. One of the few models equipped with a useful vacuum cooking function - Sous-Vide. Lovers of proper nutrition will appreciate it. After all, cooking in a vacuum provides cooking at low temperatures and the preservation of useful trace elements.

Despite the low price - 8,000 rubles, in terms of parameters it is not inferior to expensive devices of this line. Beautiful, durable and glossy black body with anti-scratch protective film. There are also special rubberized feet that protect against slipping.

Multicooker with a removable lid, it is convenient to disassemble and assemble for washing in the dishwasher. Twenty-four useful programs provide comfortable cooking of a variety of dishes, eight of them are designed specifically for steaming.

Equipped with an extremely useful function - delayed start, the maximum timer setting time is 20 hours.

Philips HD4749
  • Bright electronic panel and convenient operation;
  • Super-tech Teflon coating with 3D heating;
  • Numerous menu programs;
  • Possibility of independent programming;
  • Price and quality.
  • No off button.

How to check the multicooker when buying?

Many are puzzled by the question of how to inspect the device in detail, so that later they do not run for warranty repairs. Still, everyone wants the multicooker to work properly for a long time and please with delicious food.

When choosing a product, you need to carefully examine its case. It must be solid, without microcracks and scratches. All existing joints should be flush with each other, and when touching the seam, the line should be smoothed.

The container for cooking should be odorless, solid. Scratches, cracks and roughness are a sign of a defective product.

The wires must be neatly twisted, instructions and documents must be present. The included parts must be in order.

Be sure to ask the seller to turn on the multicooker; when heated, there should be no crackling and extra odors.

This review smoothly comes to an end. It remains to be added that the choice of a multicooker is a difficult thing. Because you want quality at an affordable price. It is not for nothing that Philips multicookers were offered in the article.

The company is known for its quality, a wide range of different models and presence in different price segments. Everyone can choose a high-quality and worthy option for their pocket. Nevertheless, which company this product is better for, everyone decides for himself.

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