
  1. The benefits of ice skating
  2. Skating rinks in Samara
  3. Where to ride this winter?
Review of the best ice rinks in Samara 2025 - free and paid

Review of the best ice rinks in Samara 2025 - free and paid

Figure skating is one of the most beautiful but difficult sports. The main component of figure skating are jumps, spins, step sequences, pair lifts. During skiing, all the muscles of the body are involved in the process, as well as internal organs, such as the heart, lungs. There are many benefits to regular figure skating. Posture improves, the body becomes less susceptible to seasonal diseases, and the body becomes more mobile and flexible.

In addition, you can go ice skating with the whole family, having fun. Agree, this is much better than spending hours on the Internet and in front of the TV. In large cities, as a rule, there are indoor skating rinks that operate all year round, and there are open areas where the ice cover is formed with the arrival of cold weather. Below we will talk about the best paid and free skating rinks in Samara.

The benefits of ice skating

So, the advantages of figure skating:

  • Self-discipline. Not everyone is able to withstand falls and bruises, perform the same elements several times;
  • Recovery. Skating people get sick less;
  • Strengthening the muscles of the back;
  • Improved coordination of movements.


  • High morbidity, and sometimes injuries are quite serious;
  • Lack of free time. Those who practice this sport do not have time for other entertainment. Therefore, before you enroll in the figure skating section, you should consider whether you are ready to sacrifice your time;
  • The high cost of clothes and shoes. Good professional skates are not cheap. There should be several sets of uniforms, because in addition to classes on ice, classes are held in the gym, where instead of skates you will need ballet shoes.

When to start exercising?

Experts say that the optimal age to start training is 3-4 years. Where to start? Gradually, in a calm mode, repeat the movements with the child, but do not overdo it.Classes should not be long in time, and you should not force the child to continue training if he is tired. This can permanently discourage him from engaging in the future.

Clothing for skating

The outfit must be warm, but thin and light. Skating on ice gives a significant physical load on the body, the body will warm up and it will not be cold, so it is important to avoid overheating. It is best to have thermal underwear. It retains heat well. Tracksuit, jacket, hat. Beginners need to acquire protection, in the first lessons everyone falls, and this cannot be avoided. At the time of the fall, the most vulnerable place is the joints, so the presence of knee pads is mandatory. A helmet is also required, it will protect against bruises and head injuries.


For beginners, the first stage is important - to learn the correct fall. It is better to exercise at home, on something soft. For confidence, you can wear protection to make everything look “real”. You should fall on your side. The shoulder will protect the skull from impact. Do not fall forward (there is a risk of injury to the wrists and a fracture) or backward (there is a risk of injury to the back and tailbone).

If you lose your balance, in no case should you swing your skates. The blades of the skates are very sharp and can injure bystanders. If the fall has occurred, and there is no one to help get up, you need to carefully move up to the side.

It must be remembered that experience does not come in one day and everything needs to be learned. The main thing is regular training and the desire to learn the basics of this beautiful sport.

In addition, skating improves your mood, because it's so nice to spend time with your loved ones, and even with health benefits!

Basic skating technique

Proper technique is a long and painstaking process.In no case should you rush and show excessive independence in the first lessons. You need to start at the side, with slow steps. Do not forget about the warm-up. Without a warm-up, cramps can occur due to the cold, so it is very important to warm up all muscle groups in order to avoid trouble.

After warming up, it is worth trying to go skating, as if in ordinary shoes. This will help you learn to keep your balance. Look only in front of you. Many are afraid to fall and look down, which is a gross mistake. It is important to look ahead so as not to crash into people. When there are already tangible results, you can complicate the task by turning your back forward.

After the beginner has learned to keep balance, you can proceed to the basic riding technique. They usually start with a “Christmas tree” - the leg in front must be placed diagonally, then push off with the back leg. Alternating the feet in this way, a kind of “eight” is obtained. This is the most reliable and stable technique, thanks to it you can learn to feel more confident on the ice. You can also slide backwards in this pose.

When the basic movements are learned “perfectly well”, you can begin to study the turns. It is very important to learn how to brake properly. For those who have mastered the "eight", this should not cause difficulties. To stop, you should spread your legs apart and then quickly bring them together, while the heels should rest on the ice. At first, it is better to practice braking at the side, so there is less risk of falling. When braking, the body should be tilted slightly forward, the legs bent at the knees.

Tips from pro skaters for beginners

  • Shoes must be true to size;
  • After each skating, the blades of the skates must be wiped dry;
  • Boots should not be laced too tight, but they should not hang out either;
  • The back is straight, the gaze is directed forward;
  • Before going out on the ice, do a warm-up (stretching, squats) so as not to pull the muscles.

Figure skating is one of the most difficult sports that requires long, painstaking training. Of course, not everyone is destined to become a professional skater, but everyone can learn a simple skating technique. Practice, work on oneself, and, of course, desire are important.

It is very difficult to evaluate your own results from the outside. Beginners can use the services of a professional coach who will point out mistakes and teach the correct skating technique.

Skating rinks in Samara

Winter is the time for miracles. Both children and adults look forward to snow, to smell the New Year, and also to go ice skating. Most Samara residents love winter sports, and especially ice skating.

With the onset of the first frosts, ice rinks begin to open. Almost always, skating rinks in parks and squares are free or for a nominal fee, but the quality of ice on such rinks leaves much to be desired. No one takes care of the coating and the ice is often covered with snow. Paid skating rinks are located in convenient places, they have good service, excellent quality of the ice cover. An entrance ticket to such a site will cost from one hundred rubles and more, excluding skate rental.

Skating rinks are available outdoors and indoors. A ride in a shopping center or a sports complex will cost more than in a park.

There are usually more people on paid skating rinks than on free ones. But free skating rinks are never empty. Pensioners, young people, schoolchildren - they all come to get a dose of good mood and improve their health.

On weekends, many families go to shopping centers to stock up on provisions for the week and relax after a working week. Here you can go ice skating. The area of ​​such an arena is small, but the service is at the highest level. Nearby there are cafes and restaurants.

Where to ride this winter?

In the city of Samara, arenas for skiing are annually flooded, both paid and free.

Skating rink on the banks of the Volga

One of the largest ice rinks is located on the embankment of the Volga River near Mayakovsky Street. Here you can rent skates, as well as refresh yourself and order hot drinks after a workout.

Advantages of this rink:
  • The dressing room is open;
  • You can rent skates;
  • Delicious food nearby.
  • No skate sharpening service.

Skating rink on Kuibyshev

Another free ice arena is located on Kuibyshev Square. It is striking in its size, it is simply gigantic. Renting skates here will cost about 150 rubles per hour per person. There is a cafe on the territory of the complex, there is a locker room.

  • Big square;
  • locker room;
  • Skates for rent.
  • The condition of the coating leaves much to be desired.

Skating rink "Druzhba", Victory Park and Gagarin Park

In several park areas of the city ("Friendship", Victory Park, Gagarin Park) there are also rollers. Entrance is free, you only need to pay for the rental of skates. Cost: approximately two hundred rubles per person. An ice track is laid along the alleys to the Ferris wheel. It is very beautiful here in the evening.

  • Located in a picturesque place;
  • Is free;
  • Warm changing room.
  • Small locker rooms, few benches;
  • Rough ice.

Recreation center "Chaika"

There is a good ice arena at the base Gull".Entrance with your own skates will be paid (about 50 rubles per person), time is not limited, you can skate until closing. Skate rental on a weekday - 100 rubles, and 150 rubles - on Saturday and Sunday. Those who use the skates of the sports complex do not need an entrance ticket. You can ride from 9:00 am to 7:00 pm.

  • Skate sharpening on a professional machine;
  • Skating is not limited in time.
  • Skate rental only until 5pm.

Sports complex "Crystal"

Arena Crystal". There is nowhere for an apple to fall on this ice rink. The working days of the ice arena are days off. Mostly school children ride. The session lasts about 2 hours and costs one hundred and fifty rubles. Renting skates will cost about the same amount.

  • Here is one of the best sports schools in Samara;
  • Large-scale sporting events and competitions are held here.
  • Public skating only on weekends.

Skating rink in the shopping center "Aurora Mall"

ICE CITY "Aurora Mall". pokatushki in the shopping center will cost 250 rubles on weekdays and 300 rubles on weekends. Entrance for children - 150 and 200 rubles, respectively. Skate rental costs Rs. Shoes are issued on bail, the vacationer must leave one of his documents and 1000 rubles. You can ride from one and a half to two hours.

  • Good coverage, the staff monitors the quality of the ice;
  • Comfortable room temperature;
  • Skate rental;
  • Expensive;
  • Many visitors;
  • The rink is not big enough.

Ice arena in Mega shopping center

Shopping and entertainment complex "Mega". AT Mega a lot of people, because here the ice is of good quality and affordable prices. Entrance costs 150 rubles, and those who celebrate a birthday get a discount.On Tuesdays the entrance costs 100 rubles. Skates can be borrowed for free, but you must leave a deposit of one thousand rubles. The ice rink is open from morning until the closing of the shopping center.

  • Free skate rental;
  • Frequent promotions and discounts;
  • Affordable prices.
  • Too many people, especially on weekends.

Sports Complex “Hippodrome Arena”

Here, mainly those who live in this microdistrict ride. Be sure to bring your own skates, as they are not issued in the sports complex. Entrance costs a little over a hundred rubles. One session lasts 90 minutes.

  • Classes with a personal trainer;
  • Convenient locker rooms;
  • Reasonable prices;
  • Good quality ice.
  • Unfriendly staff;
  • In winter, there is no place to park the car because of the unremoved snow.

Ice rink at the Salyut Stadium

It is located on the outskirts of Samara, but city residents still come here to ride with the breeze. The quality of the people here is excellent, and the price is affordable. Entrance for children will cost 100 rubles, an adult ticket - 150 rubles. There are safes at the stadium. Blades can also be sharpened.

  • Skate sharpening;
  • On weekends, two-time mass skating;
  • Luggage offices are open;
  • Good lighting;
  • Comfortable temperature;
  • Due to the regular training of hockey players, the ice is not as good quality as we would like.

Sports complex in the village of Mekhzavod in the region

At the box office you can pay both by card and in cash. There are benefits. Good parking. Standard ticket - 150 rubles for adults, 100 rubles - for minors. Many visitors note that this ice arena is one of the best in the Samara region, friendly staff, good service, and a high-quality surface work here.On the territory of the complex there are many cafes where you can have a home-style lunch. In addition to figure skaters, hockey players often come here. Opening hours: until 18:00

  • Payment by card;
  • Convenient parking;
  • High-quality coverage of the arena.
  • It is located outside the city, it is inconvenient to get there if you do not have your own car.

Sports complex "Orbita"

In addition to the skating rink, there is also a swimming pool, game sports halls (basketball, volleyball, football, and so on), martial arts sections. The complex has a large and convenient parking. Samarchans they love this sports arena for coziness and comfort, the employees keep it clean and tidy. Many children train here under the guidance of the best coaches. A cozy lounge for vacationers: soft sofas, delicious food. Orbit” is located on Novo-Vokzalnaya street. The sports center is open until 10 pm.

  • Not so long ago, the building was completely renovated;
  • Clean, comfortable;
  • Quality ice;
  • Spacious parking;
  • The locker rooms are slippery, there are no special rugs.

Skating rink in the Ice Palace

In Otradnoye, Samara region, in the arena Ice Palace ”you can work out with a coach, whose services will cost two thousand rubles for 60 minutes. Adult ticket 120 rubles, children entrance - 80 rubles. Skates for rent will cost 80 rubles for 60 minutes, sharpen blades - 200 rubles per pair. Territory physical culture and health The complex is landscaped, there are footpaths, sidewalks. Large parking lot. The spectator stand is designed for more than 200 people. The ice is poured using a combine.

  • Skate rental;
  • You can sharpen skates;
  • Democratic prices;
  • Far from Samara.

Skating rink "Lada Arena"

The complex is located in Tolyatti Lada Arena”, it is located on Botanicheskaya Street. Entrance here costs 150 rubles (60-minute skating session), children under 16 years old - 80 rubles. You can also use the services of trainers. Subscription price: entry level (4 lessons) - one thousand rubles, advanced level - one thousand two hundred rubles. A one-time session with a trainer will cost 250 rubles for 45 minutes. There is a first-aid post on the territory of the complex, in addition, you can seek advice from specialist doctor in sports medicine. The cost of the consultation is 500 rubles.

  • Cozy, warm;
  • Good ice rink with music;
  • Services of professional trainers.
  • Small parking lot;
  • Lots of cars on weekends.

Skating rink "Torpedo 4"

Arena "Torpedo 4" located on Michurina street . Entrance on Wednesdays and Fridays: minors - one hundred rubles, adult ticket - fifty rubles more expensive. The cost on holidays and weekends: for children - one hundred rubles, for adults - twice as much. For preschool children admission is free. Skates for rent (time is not limited): for a small foot (up to size 37) - one hundred rubles, from size 37 - twice as expensive. Sharpen blades - 200 rubles. The site is open: on Wednesdays and Fridays from 18 to 22, on weekends from 12 to 15 and from 6 to 10 pm.

  • You can ride all day;
  • Skates are sharpened;
  • Little visitors ride for free.
  • There are no dressing rooms;
  • Ice quality is not the best.

Skating rink "Dynamo"

Ice rink of the Dynamo stadium. Entrance with own skates (unlimited skating time): adult ticket- 150 rubles, children - 70 rubles. Skates for rent - 150 rubles, sharpening skates - one hundred and fifty rubles.The site is open from Monday to Friday - from three to ten in the evening, on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays - from eleven in the morning to eleven in the evening.

  • There are indoor and outdoor stadiums;
  • You can ride until the ice rink closes;
  • Skates for rent;
  • Sharpening.
  • Entrance for children is paid;
  • The ice is uneven.

Skating rink on the street. Academician Kuznetsova

Round-the-clock open ice arena on Academician Kuznetsov, near the village Managerial. Free entry, bring your own skates.

  • Even coverage;
  • You don't need to buy a ticket.
  • There is no possibility to rent skates.

Skating rink in Krutye Klyuchi

Ice in the Krutye Klyuchi area - near the Family restaurant. Skates for rent: from Monday to Thursday - for a session of 90 minutes - 100 rubles; from Friday to Sunday and on holidays - 60 minutes - 100 rubles; you will need to leave any document or money as collateral.

  • Smooth ice surface;
  • Convenient location;
  • You can rent skates.
  • Too short session.

New ice arenas will appear in several residential areas in the foreseeable future, including in the Volgar district and at the Voskhod stadium on Kirov Avenue. It should be noted that the Lokomotiv stadium abandoned the skating rink, from now on the arena is used only for football.

Also, one of the largest ice rinks will soon open, which will be located behind Kirov Square at the intersection of st. Victory and Kakhovskaya, previously there was a market.

In addition, this year it is planned to equip more than 50 skating rinks in the yards and 30 near schools in the city.

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