
  1. Types and criteria for choosing pet hotels
  2. Rating of the best hotels for animals in Rostov-on-Don

Review of the best hotels for animals in Rostov-on-Don in 2025

Review of the best hotels for animals in Rostov-on-Don in 2025

Pets have long been full members of families. They have their own corner, toys, daily routine and even food preferences. The idyll can collapse if the owner urgently needs to leave the house for a few days. It is not always possible to take a pet with you, so a dilemma arises: where to attach the animal? Ask a neighbor or best friend to feed/walk an animal?

A pet may not accept an unfamiliar person, especially if that person has little experience in communicating with animals. There is a chance that your pet will need medical attention. In order not to risk, it is best to place the animal in a special hotel. The main thing is to choose an institution wisely, and not resort to the services of the first animal hotel that comes across. In Rostov-on-Don, there are both budget and VIP hotels that satisfy the needs of the most fastidious owners.

Types and criteria for choosing pet hotels

A few years ago, pet hotels, as separate establishments, did not exist. Only there were overexposures at clubs where only dogs were accepted. Today you can find a zoo hotel in which there is a place for both four-legged and feathered pets, as well as guinea pigs and hamsters.

The zoo hotel is of the following types:

  • private, which is opened by people associated with animals at work, or breeders of certain breeds. A dog sitter can also be a random person who just loves to mess around with pets;
  • at veterinary clinics where animals are kept in postoperative rooms. Such overexposure is more suitable for an emergency, since the proper conditions are not created for a long stay of pets;
  • specialized with a playground, houses and other amenities. Pet owners enter into a formal contract that spells out the duties and rights of both parties.

When choosing a place of temporary residence for a pet, you should familiarize yourself with several options in advance. If it is a dog sitter, it is better to choose a professional who has a lot of experience. Because he knows what to expect and is ready for difficulties. Ideally, when a dog sitter is a breeder of a particular breed of dog or cat. He knows all the features and habits of the animal, he will be able to properly take care of him.

When choosing private overexposure, it is important to clarify exactly where the pets will be kept.Usually dog-sitters take pets to themselves, so several dogs and cats find themselves together in a small area. For an animal experiencing stress from separation from the owner, this is not the most suitable place.

Therefore, when giving the dog to a dog-sitter, it is recommended to choose a specialist who will take care of no more than 3 pets. Then for each of them there will be proper care and enough time for walks. Do not forget that due to a change of residence, the pet may begin to gnaw on furniture or ignore the tray. It is highly likely that in order to avoid trouble, the animal will be placed in a cage, which not every owner will like. Such nuances need to be discussed in advance.

What owners need to know

Some hotels only accept cats or dogs of a specific breed, and there are mixed hotels that cater to any animal. Having decided in what type of establishment the pet will feel comfortable, you should visit it.

When choosing an overexposure, you should contact the status of the hotel. It should work all the time, and not just in the summer or on New Year's holidays. People offering dog sitters during the holiday season often have no legal status and are not responsible for their actions. It is highly likely that an animal left in the care of a random person will return to the owner sick and / or emaciated. Therefore, it is recommended to check the availability of the Certificate of registration of a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur. This will reduce the risk of running into scammers or people who are counting on easy money.

When looking at a hotel for animals, it is important to pay attention to the premises. It must be heated, have running water, be dry and clean.If dogs are kept in enclosures, then the wooden elements must be varnished or painted, and the floors covered with removable flooring. At the same time, no one canceled walking for dogs, and enclosures for cats should be spacious.

If the zoo hotel values ​​its reputation, it will never accept an animal without a veterinary passport and annual preventive vaccination marks. Ideally, when the state has a veterinarian who is constantly with the animals.

Some hotels have their own transport, in which the animal will be brought to the hotel and delivered back home. Zootaxi is one of the services that increase the popularity of the establishment.

It is worth being alert if the employees of the organization in every possible way dissuade from inspecting the nursery and familiarizing themselves with the conditions of detention. Most likely, the management has something to hide, unsanitary conditions, for example. Too cheap zoohotels usually save on food or staff.

When inspecting the hotel, you should talk with the staff, watch the pets already living there. It would be nice to find and talk to the owners of animals who have already stayed at the hotel. If they are regular customers or have been to the hotel more than once, then this is a good sign.

The diet of the pet should be discussed in advance. Usually, in standard zoo hotels, animals are fed with ready-made (dry) food. If the list of services includes feeding with food from natural products, then the institution must have its own kitchen. In this case, you should familiarize yourself with the menu, agree on making changes if the animal needs special food or something is strictly prohibited for him. Some hotels accept animals with food to which he is accustomed.

When choosing a hotel by price, you should avoid too low a cost.For 100 rubles a day, no one will give an animal super-class food! To get an idea of ​​how much an overstay costs on average, you need to compare the prices of several hotels. The high price is justified if the animal is taken care of conscientiously and around the clock.

In some zoo-hotels, a “guest day” is practiced - when a pet can be brought for several hours or for a day. During this time, the animal will get to know the people who will take care of it, and with other guests, the environment. Thanks to the “guest day”, the pet will experience less stress due to separation from the owner, because he will know that he will be returned for him.

Living rodents in zoo hotels is somewhat different from keeping dogs and cats. Guinea pigs, hamsters, rats and rabbits should also be healthy and clean. They are usually delivered to the hotel in their cages or, at the request of the owners, the cage can be rented for an additional fee. Please bring the following items with your pets:

  • feed;
  • feeder and sawdust;
  • sawdust and their substitute;
  • toys, hammock.

Large birds are kept under the same conditions. Usually payment for accommodation includes the day of arrival and departure. The cost of overexposure of small animals, such as chinchillas and rats, bypasses from 100 rubles per day. Ferrets cost a little more - from 150 rubles. in a day.

Small birds are also accepted in hotels, but temporary overexposure for them will have to be looked for longer in Rostov-on-Don.

Thinking about how to choose temporary overexposure, you should ask around friends or look for information on specialized sites. They publish reviews and conditions for keeping animals, provide descriptions of services, photos of past guests. Popular pet hotels maintain pages on social networks.They take into account the likes and dislikes of pets, trying to create ideal conditions for pets, as similar as possible to those to which they are accustomed.

Conclusion of an agreement

An organization or dog sitter that takes its job seriously enters into a contract with a client. In an officially drawn up document, not only the details of both parties are indicated, but also the following information:

  • things that stay with the animal;
  • accommodations;
  • a list of actions in case of illness of a pet;
  • diet (even a favorite menu is indicated if the animal does not eat regular food).

When you move in, you should make sure that the room is cleaned and disinfected after the previous tenant. The bowl, toys and bedding provided by the zoo hotel must be disposable. It is better to check beforehand whether they are provided at all. If not, then you need to bring everything you need from home. If there are familiar objects with its smell nearby, it will be easier for the pet to endure separation while the owner is on vacation.

Rating of the best hotels for animals in Rostov-on-Don

Veterinary clinic "Vet-Service"

One of the specializations of the clinic is a pet hotel, where pets are provided with comfortable living conditions. Given the presence in the staff of various specialists with extensive experience, you do not have to worry about the health of your pet. Services include grooming and washing the animals. The zoo hotel is designed for a small number of animals, so you need to book a place in advance. Only accepts cats, small, medium and large dogs.

  • attentive attitude to the wards;
  • fast veterinary care;
  • provision of animal care services.
  • animals are kept in cages;
  • It does not work around the clock, but is open until 21:00.

Address: st. 18th Line, 76. Contacts: +7 (863) 310-81-31.

Average price: 900 rubles per day.

Hotel for cats "Cat's House"

For cats who do not get along with dogs, a specialized hotel is ideal. "Cat's House" is a private overexposure, where animals are kept in separate spacious enclosures. Questions and wishes on the content should be directed to the administrator. The hotel provides the necessary minimum - bowls for food, a scratching post, but if you wish, you can bring your own things.

After each guest, the enclosures are closed for disinfection. Nutrition is negotiated separately with the owner, since each cat has its own diet. At the request of the owner, any food is prepared for the pet, but the cost of the service is negotiated separately.

  • Attentive attitude;
  • comfortable conditions of detention;
  • cleaning of the "room" throughout the day as it gets dirty.
  • there is no veterinarian in the state;
  • Animals must be brought in by yourself.

Address: Zheleznodorozhny district. Contacts: 8 (928) 753-51-35.

Average price: 400 rubles per day.

Hotel for animals "Teremok"

While the owners are on vacation, the employees provide the proper comfort for their pets. Pets are surrounded by care and attention so much that they will not feel the absence of their owners.

The hotel offers discounts for long stays and regular customers. Places are recommended to be booked in advance. Photos of frequent guests can be seen on the hotel's official page on the VKontakte social network.

  • any wishes of the owners are taken into account, up to sending daily photos of pets;
  • separate cozy rooms;
  • individual meals.
  • Not found.

Address: Proletarsky district, Kayalskaya street, 108. Contacts: +7 (863) 256-01-42.

Average price: 500 per day.

Hotel for cats at the zoo "Mr. Cat and K"

The luxury zoo hotel is located in the center of Rostov-on-Don. Cats are kept in cozy and spacious 3-level rooms. Each enclosure is equipped with an individual heating system - a warm wall, as well as lighting and ventilation.

The "rooms" of the guests are isolated and comply with hygiene requirements. In the enclosures, a complete sanitary and hygienic treatment is carried out after each guest. The hotel provides the necessary items for food, entertainment and recreation. Owners can see the pet online thanks to webcams. An experienced veterinarian is always present at the hotel. Discounts are provided for regular customers and when settling 2 or more animals from one owner.

  • works without days off and breaks;
  • convenient location;
  • comfortable conditions of detention;
  • constant veterinary control.
  • not found.

Address: Stanislavsky street, 156. Contacts: 8 (951) 830-37-88 or 8 (863) 296-96-02.

Average price: 400 rubles per day for a regular room, 500 rubles per day with a webcam.

Cynological center of Aleksey Umzar

Dogs and cats of all breeds and ages can be left at the zoo hotel at the cynological center for a different period. The employees of the zoo hotel provide professional care and attention to pets. Even aggressive and problem pets will take root here.

Dog owners can choose where their pets will live - in outdoor enclosures or in a house with heated floors. They are walked, and the time of feeding and the type of food is discussed with the owner.Only vaccinated and healthy animals treated for fleas and ticks are accepted into the zoo.

  • transportation by transport of a zoo hotel;
  • feeding with dry food or food from natural products;
  • physical training and training classes are held.
  • not found.

Address: 2nd Ladnaya street, 42. Contacts: +7 (928) 279-89-19

Average price: by agreement.

The choice of a zoo hotel in Rostov-on-Don should be approached sensibly, carefully evaluating all the criteria described in the article.

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