
  1. Facade stone: natural and artificial
  2. The best facade stones
  3. Facade panels or siding
  4. The best facade panels
  5. Main selection criteria
  6. Results

Overview of the best facade stones and panels in 2025

Overview of the best facade stones and panels in 2025

Facade cladding is one of the most inspiring, expressive and complex aspects of building design. The main task of the shell of a building or structure is to protect private and country houses from environmental conditions. As an integral part of wall decoration and decoration, facade cladding must also protect walls from moisture, wind, frost, ultraviolet radiation, mechanical damage, and so on. In addition to providing protection, cladding structures are designed to design and decorate facades so that the walls of a house or cottage are beautiful and attractive, and please people passing by.

The material is divided into two parts. The first part tells about the facade stone, which is used for cladding the walls of buildings, a rating of the best stones for cladding is given. And the second part tells about the siding used for finishing the facades of houses, and contains an overview of the most popular models.

Facade stone: natural and artificial

For modern decoration and cladding of the facades of a private or country house, the industry offers building materials, the use of which is carried out using certain construction technologies. When facing the facade of a building using such structures, it is possible to correct the geometry of the wall, insulate and strengthen the wall, and also correct the defects existing on the house. Such finishing materials are natural and artificial stone.

Finishing natural stone in the design of the facades of buildings and structures is used depending on the material resources. Installation of the finishing structure takes place on a layer of cement mortar. This type of cladding is quite expensive and laborious, but has the advantage of a pleasing appearance to the human eye and a long service life. Not every person will be able to process the facade of the building with natural stone because of its expensive cost.

Artificial cladding is very externally and visually similar to natural.Therefore, the facade of the house with the use of such a design looks luxurious and rich. The advantage of an artificial structure is its small mass, resistance to burning, frost, decay and much more. Facing artificial stone is very popular and is used quite often.

The best facade stones

Further, the article presents a list and an overview of the best facing stones that are chosen, bought and operated by residents of private and country houses and cottages.

5 - CERRAD ARAGON BEIGE 8860 45x15

Finishing clinker stone from Poland CERRAD ARAGON BEIGE 8860 45x15 serves as an excellent protection against the effects of harsh weather conditions and is an excellent and modern decoration of the facade of any private house or country cottage.

A wonderful beige or brown matte color and a rectangular embossed shape will give a special chic and become a building. The delivery package includes 9 components, the dimensions of which are: height - 150 mm, width - 450 mm and thickness - 9 mm. Weight of one tile: 1.215 kg.

  • Frost-resistant clinker;
  • Lightweight and easy to wall mount.
  • A small number of segments in the package.

4 - CERRAD STONE LIMONITE 7467 30.0x14.8

Facing clinker CERRAD Stone Limonite 7467 30.0x14.8 is a building material intended for processing, protecting and decorating the outer surface of the facade walls of a private country house. When buying and purchasing this product, the package contains 12 tiles, the dimension of which is 300x148x9 mm. That is, to ensure wall coverage of 1 sq. m, it is necessary to spend on the construction of more than 20 elements of the external cladding.The surface is uniform and corrugated monotonous brown.

  • Water absorption - 2%;
  • Light weight of a single tile.
  • Not found.

3 - CERRAD ARAGON SAND 8846 45x15

Polish finishing stone CERRAD ARAGON SAND 8846 45x15 is designed for facing the facades of private country houses. Overall dimensions: length 450 - mm, width - 150 mm and thickness - 9 mm. These values ​​of the facing material provide a coverage area of ​​0.0675 square meters. m. The design has a matte sand color of a rectangular shape, the weight of one tile is 1.215 kg. The box at the time of purchase contains 9 pieces.

  • High surface strength;
  • Modern design and cladding construction.
  • Not found.

2 - CERRAD ZEBRINA 6941 WOOD 17.5X60

Finishing building material for finishing and decorating the facades of buildings and structures CERRAD ZEBRINA 6941 WOOD 17.5X60 is an excellent protection of walls from the effects of harsh climatic environmental conditions. The dimensions of the clinker tiles are 175 mm by 600 mm. The package of finishing stone, which is transported and supplied to the Russian market, contains 9 tiles of sandy matte color of a rectangular uniform shape. The weight of one tile is 1.89 kg.

  • Easily and naturally mounted and attached to the wall;
  • Resistant to all weather conditions.
  • High cost and price.


Facing stone CERRAD KALLIO 3768 CREAM 15X45 is perfect for facing and decorating the facade of any private house.Such a property as frost resistance helps the material withstand the conditions of a cold winter. The package contains 9 tiles measuring 450 mm by 150 mm. A beige stone that will look very beautiful and expensive in any season. This product is manufactured by the Polish manufacturer Cerrad, therefore, upon purchase, it provides a 5-year warranty.

  • Resistance to low temperatures;
  • Material - clinker.
  • Expensive price.

Facade panels or siding

Facing the facade of a building or structure using panels, which are also called siding, looks respectable and quite expensive. Moreover, the siding itself is much cheaper than the cladding made of natural or artificial stone. In addition to the inexpensive cost of building material, there are several other advantages of using these building materials:

  • External siding has an almost indistinguishable appearance from natural facing materials;
  • The lightness of siding allows you to finish and decorate such walls of the facade of the building, on which it is impossible to install a facing stone due to its severity;
  • The walls of the house have the opportunity to be sheathed with insulating materials for siding tiles;
  • The siding is mounted very easily and quickly;
  • The walls of the building are not prepared and leveled when facing the facade with siding.

Next, we will analyze what panels are.

Types of facade panels

Manufacturers produce various types of exterior siding such as:

  • Metal with polymer coating. Made from aluminum or galvanized steel. They have a polymer coating in the form of pural, polyester, plastisol, which protects the metal from environmental conditions, such as corrosion.
  • From wood fibers.This type of siding is made from the fibers of the tree, and not from the tree itself. The fibers are split, then pressed under very high pressure and at a sufficiently high temperature. Wood fiber siding has the ability to be coated with a special paint.
  • Fiber cement. Such finishing panels consist of a solution of cement, cellulose, additives with minerals. Some fiber cement boards are produced with a polyurethane or acrylic coating.
  • Glass. Exterior glass siding is rarely used in facade cladding of private or country houses. Mainly used to decorate the walls of shopping malls, hotels and similar buildings. Glass siding is also divided into: impact-resistant, burglary-resistant, bullet-resistant, foamed glass granulate, crystallized panels.
  • From stone. The structure of such siding includes granite, marble, ceramics and others. An important characteristic is strength, which, of course, has a lot of weight.
  • Sandwich panels. It consists of a combination of layers: metal, insulation material, vapor barrier, metal again.
  • Thermal panels. Polyurethane foam together with clinker tiles define this type of siding.
  • Polymer. Made from PVC, the tiles are reinforced and reinforced with additional ribs for rigidity, resulting in high strength.

The best facade panels

The following is a list of the most popular and famous facade panels with their characteristics, which will help you choose the right building cladding material.

5 - GL I-Facade "Crimean slate Yantar" 153.5x34.5

Facing plates of siding GL Ya-Facade "Crimean slate Yantar" 153.5x34.5 are intended to protect and decorate the walls of buildings and structures. Panel tiles with a length of 1535 mm, a width of 345 mm and a thickness of 20 mm will provide protection to the surface of the facade with an area of ​​0.46 square meters. m from the impact of various manifestations of weather conditions of the environment. The packaging of the supplied products includes tiles in the amount of 15 pieces, each weighing 0.96 kg.

GL I-Facade "Crimean slate Yantar" 153.5x34.5
  • rock imitation;
  • Quality PVC material.
  • Small plate thickness.

4 - Aelite "Shell rock" 95x61.5

Facade panels Aelit "Shell rock" 95x61.5 are facing tiles in the form of beautiful shell imprints on the surface of the building material, which perfectly protect the walls of the building, as well as decorate and decorate them. Facing tiles 950 mm by 615 mm allow you to immediately cover the surface of the wall of a building with an area of ​​0.58 square meters. m. The material that makes up the exterior finish is able to withstand the ambient temperature range from -60 to +80 degrees.

Aelit "Shell Rock" 95x61.5
  • Resistance to atmospheric and physical influences;
  • Duration of operation up to 50 years.
  • Small tile thickness.

3 - Dolomite "Rocky Reef" 2000x220

Siding from Russia Dolomite "Rocky Reef" 2000x220 is designed for lining the basement and facade of any private and country cottage. The delivery set of the facade panel contains 10 tiles measuring 200 cm by 22 cm, each weighing 1.2 kg. Such dimensions and dimensions of the tile make it possible to cover the wall of a structure with an area of ​​0.44 square meters. m.Facing panels of pearl color imitate stone, the tiles of which are interconnected by special locks.

Dolomite "Rocky Reef" 2000х220
  • Resistance to sudden changes in ambient temperature;
  • Ease and convenience of installation and installation of panels.
  • Small area tile panel.

2 - Canada Ridge 64.5x52.5

The Russian cladding panel for building facades Canada Ridge 64.5x52.5 is designed primarily to protect the walls of private or country houses from mechanical damage and the effects of weather conditions in our country. Facade tiles with dimensions of 645 mm by 525 mm provide a facade covering of 0.388 sq. m of the building wall. The material is made under pressure from polymer multicomponent raw materials, which ensures the strength and durability of the facade panel.

Canada Ridge 64.5х52.5
  • A light weight;
  • UV resistant.
  • Small coverage area.

1 - FineBer "Russian fortress" 1130x450

Facade panel tiles of the Russian manufacturer FineBer "Russian Fortress" are designed for cladding, decoration and protection of the facades of buildings of private and country houses. The beautiful design of the brown or white brick panel perfectly demonstrates the modern taste of the home owner, and the cladding material looks quite luxurious and rich. The facade panel tiles, measuring 1130 mm by 450 mm, are made of PVC and weigh 1,540 kg. Possesses high durability and has unique decorative properties.

FineBer "Russian fortress" 1130x450
  • Wear resistance;
  • Modern design and appearance.
  • Not found.

Main selection criteria

Facing facade stones and panels, which are used to decorate the facades of buildings, lose their original appearance and strength with the passage of a long time. There are times when the finishing facing material can generally fall off and harm both the structure itself and its appearance. The reason for this phenomenon may be the wrong selection of building facing material. In order to choose the right facing stone or panel tiles, you must be guided by the following criteria:

  1. Manufacturer. It is better to choose a manufacturer of facade stone and panels from a domestic one. Since products from Russia are more adapted to the climatic conditions of our country and are more durable in relation to foreign ones. Although facade stones and panels from foreign manufacturers have a more beautiful appearance and design.
  2. Price. This criterion applies to both the purchase of facade panels, artificial stone, and natural. The price of the facade stone and panel can show whether the facing material has additional additives such as dyes, plasticizers and other components. The addition of such components leads to a deterioration in the quality and reliability of the facade material.
  3. Date of manufacture. In order for the facade stones or panels to have all the declared characteristics, it is necessary to pass more than one month from the date of manufacture, so to speak, to obtain a fortress.
  4. The structure of the surface of a stone or panel. The surface of the facade stone or panel must completely exclude spots, cracks, chips of significant size. Stone and panel should be uniform.
  5. From one batch.Purchasing and acquiring facade material from different supply lots does not exclude the possibility of obtaining goods of different colors. Also, the production dates of different batches can vary significantly.


Facade stones and panels are widely used and are very popular among Russians. It was a big revelation that the most demanded products for facade panels are panels of domestic manufacturers. And the entire rating of the facade stone consists of building material produced by neighboring countries, from Poland. You can also see the breadth of the range of facing material that will meet all the requirements and desires of any person.

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