
  1. History of the development of music schools
  2. How to choose a music school
  3. Rating of the best music schools in Krasnoyarsk in 2025

Rating of the best music schools in Krasnoyarsk in 2025

Rating of the best music schools in Krasnoyarsk in 2025

It seems that only recently the baby began to take his first hesitant steps, the first crumpled, funny phrases flew from his lips - and now he is already a schoolboy. He had a range of diverse interests, including the art of music. At the family council, it was decided to try to enroll the child in a music school. But how to decide on the abundance of institutions, circles that the modern world of services offers today.

Musical art today is available to almost everyone: there are paid and free institutions of additional, professional education that will help develop your child's talents. It is not easy to decide on the choice of an institution, because a beloved child will spend his time, strength and patience, and I really want the result to be pleasing, and the time was not wasted. To this end, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the article, in which we will analyze the main criteria for choosing a school, what modern music schools are like, and also compile a rating of the best music schools in Krasnoyarsk in 2025.

History of the development of music schools

Despite the fact that primitive music appeared back in primitive times, when people, going to hunt, arranged special rites, accompanying them with rhythmic tunes, knocks, music schools in the vast Russian empire appeared only during the heyday of musical art, the “mighty handful” in the 19th century. These were private schools. Among them were paid and free schools, but music education was not available to everyone.

State music schools appeared only in the post-revolutionary period, in 1918. Not only children, but also adults could study there. Gradually, they began to combine the first stage of professional education. Schools began to open at conservatories and academies. However, by the end of the Soviet and in the post-Soviet period, the status of music schools declined sharply due to a number of transformations, personnel policy, although strong schools remained, with experienced teachers, where even foreign students aspired to get into.

The modern music school of the arts in the vastness of the CIS countries is an institution of additional education, where a child can receive the basics of musical knowledge, develop and improve his abilities. Education in such a school takes place outside the main classes in general education schools on a paid basis.The cost of education in public institutions is low, however, the cost of musical instruments is another matter. As a rule, study lasts 7-10 years. During this time, the student masters the skills of playing several instruments to choose from, musical notation, the basics of composing, arranging, and solfeggio.

It is important not to confuse schools and circles, clubs, music sections. The main difference between a music school and a music circle or section is:

  • order of entry. Children are admitted to the school on a competitive basis. They will be asked to take a short exam, after which the examiners will determine if the child has musical ability. If there is, he will be accepted for training. In the circle - the main desire of the child to visit him;
  • in the first case, education is focused on further professional development and growth in the field of music, admission to specialized secondary and higher educational institutions in this direction, and therefore the approach to learning is more strict and demanding. In the second case, this is more for general development, for a useful pastime;
  • in schools, upon graduation, the student receives a diploma.

Music schools are influenced by:

  • socio-cultural features of the area, although the processes of globalization somewhat erase the boundaries, nevertheless, the peculiarities of perception also generate demand;
  • public policy: funding from the state budget, grants, incentives, etc.;
  • pedagogical traditions: in Russia there are two main schools (or traditions) - St. Petersburg and Moscow;
  • national and historical features: each country has its own national instruments, with a colorful, unlike anything sound,

How to choose a music school

Music lessons should bring joy and pleasure to the child, because a music school, in fact, is his first acquaintance with music. An unsuccessful experience can permanently discourage a child from picking up notes and sitting down at an instrument. Therefore, the choice should be taken responsibly, without rushing to get acquainted with the recommendations, talk with the parents of the students, attend an open lesson or a reporting concert.

  1. The teaching staff. The first thing to do is to get acquainted with the teaching staff of the institution. After all, a teacher will not just be a teacher, he will be a mentor, an inspirer, support for your child, an example at an age when the child’s authority is no longer only parents. It is important to find exactly "your" teacher. Gender, the age of the mentor does not play a role here (you can have 30 years of experience behind you and not improve your skills, teach using out-of-date methods. Or be a young specialist, but neglect your obligations, teach without enthusiasm, passion and dedication. A teacher who teaches singing should not necessarily be singers himself: the talent to sing and the talent to teach singing are two different things.For the student, the second is more important.Now it has become fashionable to create your own teaching methods.Often, this is just a marketing ploy.A teacher must know and master various methods, so as there should be a different approach to different students, there is no universality in teaching.
  2. Location. Since classes at the music school are held in their free time, it will be convenient to locate it either near the house or near the school. If there is an alternative, do not waste valuable time on the road.In addition, do not forget that the child may have to carry his musical instrument with him, some of which are quite weighty.
  3. Training program. The more specialties and profiles in the school, the better: the child will be able to try himself in playing different instruments and choose what he likes.
  4. Performances. There must be a practice orientation: students must regularly participate and attend concerts, performances by other schools, and so on. Such performances are also additional stress for students, so if your child is terrified of public speaking, think twice about whether to put him under this stress.
  5. Achievements. If the school does not have an honors board with natives (the pride of the institution), then something is wrong with the educational process in this school.
  6. To visit the reporting concerts and see with your own eyes: if your heart lights up and the child says that he also wants to, then you are moving in the right direction. You can also look at the achievements of students during performances at city and district events. As a rule, each school has ensembles that invite them to the city's holidays.

Rating of the best music schools in Krasnoyarsk in 2025

Children's Music School No. 5

Address: Krasnoyarsk, st. Decembrists, 22

Phone: ☎ +7-391-200-28-39

Working hours: from 8.00 to 20.00 Monday-Friday

Official website:

The State Children's Music School is located in a historically significant church building of the 19th century, which houses the only organ in the city. The school has been in existence since 1981. Students receive a classical elementary musical education. Children are recruited from the age of six.Depending on the age, the training program is designed for 5 or 7 years of study. The school teaches 16 programs: violin, piano, brass and woodwinds, button accordion and accordion, domra, guitar, balalaika, drums, synthesizer, solo and choral singing. In addition, children are trained in the following subjects: specialty (musical instrument of choice), subject of choice, solfeggio, music making (collective in different areas), vocals, theoretical subjects.

  • Good technical equipment;
  • The proximity of the organ hall of the church allows you to hold concerts there, attend other performances;
  • Large selection of specialties and programs;
  • There are individual lessons in musical instruments;
  • Small groups (no more than 10 people);
  • On the basis of the school, developing classes are held with preschool children;
  • The school takes an active part in various competitions, events, where it wins places of honor.
  • Small number of places.

Children's Music School No. 2

Address: Krasnoyarsk, st. Kolomenskaya, 27

Phone: ☎ +7-391-264-09-30, +7-391-264-09-63

Opening hours: from 8.00 to 20.00 Monday-Saturday, Sunday - day off.

Official website: www.classmusic.rf

The oldest music school in the city of Krasnoyarsk. It has been operating since 1947. In the difficult, difficult post-war years, the school was located in an ordinary apartment, in one part of which there was an ordinary school for the children of workers. Despite the difficulties, the performances of the students were popular, and the number of students grew every year. More than ten years later, a special building was built for the school. Equipped the school, completed repairs by the joint efforts of teachers and parents.A huge contribution to the development of the school was made by the former director Nikulina G.I., who laid down the traditions of the teaching and student team. Which are respected and maintained to this day. The school organizes a fairly large-scale city competition, teachers have created their own chamber orchestra. Within the walls of this educational institution you feel like a big friendly family.

  • Reporting concerts of the school are held in the concert hall of the Philharmonic;
  • Creative, talented and strong teaching staff;
  • The school has many awards and achievements;
  • 15 specialties: accordion, violin, cello, piano, button accordion, domra, balalaika, percussion instruments, saxophone, guitar, folklore, choreography, choral singing, fine arts, flute;
  • There are budget and non-budget places;
  • An incentive system is being implemented: grants, financial support, trips, study abroad;
  • The school's facilities have recently been upgraded.
  • No.

Children's Music School No. 12

Address: Krasnoyarsk, st. Petra Slovtsova, 11

Phone: ☎ +7-391-247-39-60, +7-391-246-46-71

Opening hours: from 8.00 to 20.00 Monday-Saturday, Sunday - day off.

Official website: www.dmsh12.krn

The school has been operating since 1987. Recruitment to groups is made on a competitive basis from 6.5 years. Programs: button accordion, accordion, guitar, cymbals, domra, flute, violin, piano, cello, saxophone, clarinet. Classes are held both in group and in individual form. Terms of study: budget from 4 to 7 years, off-budget from 1 year to 7 seven years. There is a kindergarten class and an early development school for preschoolers.The teaching staff created the ensemble "Impromptu", there is also a choir "Sail" and an instrumental ensemble "Allegri", which are welcome at many events in the city.

  • A wide range of training programs;
  • On the basis of the school, classes are held for preschoolers;
  • Various extracurricular activities;
  • Regular reporting concerts;
  • Good technical and material equipment.
  • There are no types of financial support.

box type="note" style="rounded"]Children's music school №8[/box]

Address: Krasnoyarsk, st. Baturina, 10a

Phone: ☎ +7-391-255-15-54, +7-391-255-76-25

Opening hours: from 8.00 to 20.00 Monday-Saturday, Sunday - day off.

Official website: www.dmsh8.krn

The school is quite young, it has existed since 1995. Since 2009, the school has moved to a new building specially built for it. It has 10 departments: piano, orchestral, pop-jazz, choral, folk art, folklore, choreography, fine arts, early development, theory. On the base there are 19 different creative associations and ensembles of students and teachers in which you can show your abilities. Multi-level competitions, performances, reporting concerts are constantly held. Many graduates associate their future activities with musical professions, enter higher educational, secondary specialized institutions.

  • A large number of acting ensembles;
  • Wide choice of branches;
  • Experienced, creative teachers;
  • Individual and group lessons.
  • There are no prep classes.

Children's Music School No. 1

Address: Krasnoyarsk, st. Surikova, 19

Phone: ☎ +7-391-227-74-46

Opening hours: from 8.00 to 20.00 Monday-Saturday, Sunday - day off.

Official website:

Children's Music School No. 1 is the oldest art school in Krasnoyarsk, which has come a long way. It has a good, creative, diligent, responsible team that puts maximum knowledge, effort and soul into each student. The school has several departments. Children are accepted on a competitive basis from the age of 6. Lists of enrolled can be clarified by phone or on the website. All major departments and specialties function: piano, violin, drums, guitar, domra, balalaika, theory and others.

  • Orientation to each individual student, individual approach;
  • Modern technical equipment, spacious comfortable classrooms;
  • Regular reporting concerts, performances at events;
  • Highly professional teaching staff;
  • Author's teaching methods.
  • Inferior in the organization of events to other schools.

In Russia and in the CIS, music education is traditional, fundamental, breadth and depth of knowledge, however, there is some focus on the average student, as well as an attitude towards this area as a secondary education. Despite this, basic musical education is at a high level. Music helps a child to express his feelings and emotions, brings up aesthetic taste, instills respect for work, disciplines, helps to take a different look at the achievements of art and culture.

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