
  1. When you need an antipyretic
  2. Forms of antipyretics
  3. How to give an antipyretic to a child
  4. Antipyretics with paracetamol
  5. Ibuprofen products
  6. Alternative drugs

The best antipyretics for kids in 2025

The best antipyretics for kids in 2025

When a child has a fever during an illness, the body experiences tremendous stress. Pediatricians advise to bring down the temperature in any way if it rises to +38 degrees or more. For this, you need to use special preparations designed taking into account the child's body. The rating of the best antipyretics for children will help you choose the most suitable one. In this case, one should take into account not only the age of the baby, but also the main active component of the drug. This will help avoid an allergic reaction or complication.

When you need an antipyretic

Pediatricians say that high body temperature is a normal condition for a person with diseases of a viral or infectious nature. In this case, hypertheremia is a sign of the synthesis of antibodies designed to fight the disease. Therefore, it is not necessary to artificially lower the temperature if the patient's condition does not worsen.

It is customary to give an antipyretic in the following cases:

  • for babies up to 3 months, if the temperature rises above +38 degrees;
  • for babies from 3 months, if the temperature does not fall below +39 degrees;
  • in children under 7 years of age with an increase in temperature of more than +37.5 degrees;
  • if you have heart disease or problems with the respiratory system.

In other cases, there is no need to lower the temperature on your own if the child's condition does not worsen and there are no severe symptoms.

Forms of antipyretics

In pharmacies, you can find drugs that bring down a high fever in various forms. This makes it possible to use them even in infancy, when the child is not able to take a pill.

The most commonly used for children are the following types of drugs:

  • Suppositories are ideal for infants. The effect of the active ingredient becomes noticeable half an hour after the absorption of the drug in the large intestine. The advantage of this form of medicine is that it can be given to a child even in a serious condition, if vomiting or regurgitation is observed.
  • Suspensions are most often given to children from 1 year old, but sometimes pediatricians allow this type of antipyretic to be used at an earlier age.The advantage of this form is that the active substance begins to act very quickly and allows the temperature to be stabilized even at high growth rates. When purchasing a suspension, you should pay attention to the composition. In order to improve the taste, some manufacturers introduce various additives and flavors into it. This can cause an allergic reaction in a child.
  • Tablets are recommended to be given to a child only if he is able to swallow them on his own. For this reason, tablets are given only at an older age. In infants, with a high degree of probability, vomiting will open from pills. If the baby cannot swallow the tablet whole, it must be crushed and diluted with water.

For any form of medicine, it is imperative to take into account the dose of the active substance that brings down the temperature. Most often, suspensions are used for babies. But their effectiveness is rather low if the temperature increase is persistent.

How to give an antipyretic to a child

When taking any drugs that bring down a high temperature, a child should follow certain rules:

  • You can not make an independent prescription of the drug. The drug is prescribed only by a doctor after assessing the condition of the baby, taking into account all the necessary parameters.
  • You can not give drugs based on ibuprofen or paracetamol to relieve pain. They are intended solely for the removal of hyperthermia.
  • From the age of 9, a sick child should be given remedies for fever in the form of tablets.
  • Per day, it is allowed to give no more than 60 mg of paracetamol per kilogram of body weight of a child.
  • To cope with a rapidly increasing temperature, you should give the baby a syrup or suspension.
  • For more than three days in a row, you can not give the child an antipyretic.
  • If the temperature has risen due to abdominal pain, while he has diarrhea, vomiting, or just nausea, you should first call an ambulance.

Antipyretics with paracetamol

Paracetamol or acetaminophen is the most effective for relieving fever in children from 1 month old. It quickly brings down the temperature and eliminates soreness. Preparations with such an active substance are recommended to be taken by specialists for the treatment of various respiratory diseases, to relieve inflammation, or to alleviate the condition during teething.

Such a remedy should not be taken by children with diabetes mellitus of any type, with viral hepatitis, or with diseases of the liver or kidneys of a chronic type. If the dosage is violated, the child may experience an allergic reaction in the form of rashes on the skin, nausea and severe vomiting, refusal to eat.


This drug is a non-narcotic analgesic and antipyretic. It relieves fever and pain well, has a slight anti-inflammatory effect. One accepted dose of the drug allows you to lower body temperature by 1-1.5 degrees. The achieved value can be maintained for four hours.

This drug is recommended to be consumed for various viral and catarrhal ailments. It facilitates the condition of the child and when teething milk teeth. Until the child reaches the age of 3 months, Paracetamol should be used only on the recommendation of a pediatrician. In this case, it is recommended to give the medicine to the child in the form of a syrup or suspension. The dose prescribed by the doctor is given to the baby before meals. At the same time, the suspension is not diluted with other liquids, and the syrup can be added to water and given to the baby from a bottle.

  • the possibility of application at an early age;
  • does not give serious complications.
  • sometimes there is an allergic reaction in the form of vomiting, nausea, or a skin rash.

In most pharmacies, the price of the drug ranges from 50-120 rubles.


The drug for the treatment of children is available in the form of rectal suppositories or suspensions. It can be used for a child from the age of 3 months. In this case, the dosage must be selected for each patient individually, depending on his weight. No more than four recommended doses are allowed per day. Suppositories are used maximum three times a day. This drug is good because it does not cause swelling in the child due to water retention in the body.

  • applied from an early age;
  • is issued in different forms;
  • does not cause edema.
  • the dosage must be calculated individually to avoid allergic reactions.

In the pharmacy chain, the price of the drug is 80-130 rubles, depending on the form.


Another drug for the treatment of children, containing paracetamol as an active ingredient. Give the child this remedy after eating after 60-90 minutes. The medicine is in the form of a suspension, so it cannot be diluted with water. The drug should be swallowed and washed down with a large volume of water.

It is recommended to apply Calpol from the age of 3 months. It has practically no side effects and acts quickly, which is why it has gained popularity.

  • can be taken at an early age;
  • acts quickly;
  • side effects are very rare.
  • the only form of the drug is a suspension;
  • there may be an allergy due to the inclusion of flavors and flavor enhancers in the composition.

The price of the medicine is 85 rubles.


Another remedy with paracetamol as the active ingredient. For young children, the main form of release are rectal suppositories. This drug is used to relieve hypertheremia during viral and colds, as well as after vaccination. You can use it for treatment from 1 month. The tool not only relieves hypertheremia, but also has an analgesic effect, fights inflammation.

  • comfortable shape, suitable for the treatment of infants;
  • relieves heat well;
  • available drug.
  • in case of an overdose, an allergic reaction is possible.

The cost of the drug - from 50 rubles.


This drug has a different form of release, but for children it is used in the form of suppositories or a sling. In the package with a bottle of syrup, there is always a measuring spoon, with which you can accurately measure the required amount of the drug. Efferalgan is allowed to be given to a child from the age of 1 month, adding it to milk, water or juice. Candles are produced with different concentrations of the active substance. Therefore, when choosing this form of the drug, it is important to take into account the age of the child and his body weight. If the baby is already more than two years old, you can give the drug in the form of a drink, diluting the powder in water. It has a pleasant fruity taste.

  • different forms of release;
  • effectively lowers body temperature;
  • can be used at an early age.
  • an allergic reaction to the drug is possible;
  • the dosage must be selected individually.

The cost of the drug in the pharmacy network is 100-200 rubles.

Ibuprofen products

Pediatricians recommend giving these drugs to children if for some reason it is impossible to give a remedy with paracetamol or it does not bring a positive effect. A contraindication to taking drugs with ibuprofen is bronchial asthma, diseases of the intestines, liver or circulatory system. Children are allowed to use such drugs from three months. If the dosage is incorrectly calculated, an allergic reaction, diarrhea, vomiting or nausea may occur.


The use of this drug requires mandatory consultation with a pediatrician, but with his permission, Ibuprofen is given even to newborns. This non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agent is well tolerated by children. For children, the medicine is used in the form of a strawberry or orange flavored suspension. The drug is used during the treatment of colds, various infectious diseases. Also, as a prophylactic, Ibuprofen is given to children after vaccination.

  • well tolerated by the child;
  • gives a quick effect.
  • does not affect the course of the disease, eliminates only the symptoms;
  • can be used for a short time
  • cannot be combined with paracetamol.

The average price of a medicine is from 90 rubles.


This drug works in several ways. It not only reduces hypertheremia, but also relieves pain, has an anti-inflammatory effect. His children are given in the form of suppositories or a suspension that has a pleasant taste of strawberries. The drug has a quick action, helps to reduce the temperature and alleviates the symptoms of a variety of colds and viral diseases.In some cases, there may be irritation of the stomach lining after taking this drug, which causes pain, vomiting, and nausea. It is necessary to take into account the child's body weight and age in order to correctly calculate the desired dosage. You can take the drug from three months.

  • well tolerated;
  • quickly gives effect.
  • does not affect the course of the disease;
  • in case of overdose, abdominal pain, vomiting and nausea occur;
  • dosage must be selected individually.

The price of the drug is on average 110-120 rubles.


The drug works in different directions. Approved for use for children from the age of 12 months, while the weight of the child must exceed 7 kg. The drug is available only in the form of a suspension, which must be shaken before use and drunk undiluted. The dose for a single use is selected individually depending on the condition of the child. At the same time, it is allowed to give the drug 4 times a day as much as possible.

  • fast and effective action;
  • allowed from 1 year.
  • there may be allergic reactions;
  • the dosage is selected individually.

The price of the suspension is 90 rubles.


On sale this tool is found in the form of a suspension. It can be given to a child from the age of 2 years. It helps to reduce hypertheremia, also reduces headaches and discomfort in the muscles. In case of an overdose, a characteristic manifestation is urticaria, indigestion, dizziness.

  • complex action;
  • fast effect.
  • overdose may cause side effects.

The drug costs an average of 140 rubles.

Alternative drugs

Some parents prefer to use homeopathic remedies to relieve hypertheremia in children, although many pediatricians do not approve of this. Also, if it is impossible to use paracetamol or ibuprofen drugs, other drugs are used.


This is the main homeopathic remedy that is used to reduce fever in children. It is a rectal suppository with natural herbal ingredients. They are used twice a day if there is an improvement in the condition. When there are severe symptoms of the disease, it is allowed to use Viburkol up to 5 times a day.

  • completely herbal preparation;
  • can be given to a child several times a day.
  • the effectiveness of the drug is questionable;
  • high price.

The tool costs an average of 337 rubles.


This drug is recommended to lower the temperature in older children. Adolescents from 12 years of age are recommended to give 1 sachet twice a day. If the febrile state is mild, a single dose is sufficient. The powder must be dissolved in a glass of water and drunk after meals.

  • the drug acts gently;
  • rarely side effects;
  • long-term preservation of the result after a single dose of the drug;
  • rapid onset of effect.
  • can be given to children only from 12 years.

The medicine costs an average of 240 rubles.

No. p / pGroupName of the drugprice, rub.
1With paracetamolParacetamol50
6With ibuprofenIbuprofen90

In addition to the presented drugs, folk remedies can be used to get rid of hypertheremia in children.On the first day of temperature development, acetic or vodka rubbing can be used. In this case, vodka is diluted in half with water. To prepare an acetic solution, add 1 tbsp to 1 glass of water. l. In this case, the child is rubbed completely, starting with the arms and legs, without affecting the groin and heart area. When the liquid has evaporated from the surface of the body, the patient is covered with a blanket and a cold compress is placed on the forehead.

Another way to reduce heat is hot tea with raspberries or honey. Drinking plenty of hot water makes the sweat glands work harder. This causes profuse sweating and a decrease in body temperature.

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