Modern realities are such that they easily exhaust even the most stress-resistant people, to say nothing of the rest. The rating of the best vitamins for the nervous system for 2025 will be useful to anyone who feels that the nerves are running out and urgently need support.
When considering what selection criteria there are, you need to keep in mind that all vitamins are divided into two types: natural and synthetic. The second category is obtained chemically and is the cheapest, as it is poorly absorbed by the body. These include the familiar ascorbic acid.
There are also semi-synthetic complexes.They are absorbed better, but inferior to natural vitamins.
Natural vitamins include so-called raw vitamins or RAW. Such funds are best ordered on the well-known iherb resource.
In addition, when choosing vitamins, pay attention to their form, because sometimes it depends on it whether you can drink the remedy or not. For example, not everyone can swallow large capsules. There are several different forms: capsules, tablets, liquids and gummy (jelly, healthy things).
Vitamins of group B calm the nervous system well. If you are a woman and are depressed, then you need to look at complexes where magnesium and vitamins A, E, and group B combine well. Especially, tocopherol acetate has a good effect.
Men are less prone to hormonal fluctuations, but high-quality complexes have been created for them, which we will discuss below.
For babies from birth to one year old, in order to prevent a lack of vitamins A, C, D, the doctor may prescribe Multi-Tabs Baby. The product is available in the form of drops, so it is easy for the baby to dose the drug. Multi-Tabs Baby has a beneficial effect on the child's immunity, has a sedative effect and increases resistance to infections. If the baby is moody and does not eat well, then droplets can help improve the situation. Doctors often prescribe them instead of Aquadetrim or Vigantol, but it must be borne in mind that the dosage in this complex is much lower. Mothers of babies have every right to ask a pediatrician for a free prescription for a remedy. Please note that there is a contraindication - individual intolerance. It is necessary to store the drug in the refrigerator.
The cost in pharmacies is from 407 rubles and more.
Pantogam syrup is considered a good sedative. The main active ingredient is calcium hopantenate. It has a wide spectrum of action, and indications for use include mental retardation, neurosis-like conditions, hyperkinetic disorders, psycho-emotional overload, urinary disorders and other problems. The tool has nootropic and anticonvulsant functionality. In addition, it helps to reduce motor excitability and activate physical and mental performance. The syrup should be drunk 15 minutes after eating. The dosage for the child is selected by the doctor on an individual basis. The course is also set by a specialist and can sometimes take up to 6 months of admission.
You can buy in a pharmacy from 430 rubles.
Pikovit tablets, intended for children from 4 years old, have a remarkable calming property. They are produced in the form of cute multi-colored rounds with a pleasant taste, so the kids do not resist the reception.Pharmacological action is aimed at filling the deficiency of trace elements and nutrients. Enriched functionality helps the nervous system to function normally. The drug is most often prescribed for malnutrition, lack of vitamins, overwork in schoolchildren. There are cases when doctors prescribe Pikovit in complex therapy if antibiotics are present there. Just like that, you can’t take it on your own in order to avoid an overdose of the drug. Please note that there are contraindications, so the drug is not allowed for hypervitaminosis A and D, with glucose-galactose malabsorption syndrome and other problems. Watch the instructions carefully.
You can buy in pharmacies from 130 rubles.
On the US site iherb, Now Foods Sunflower Lecithin is very popular. It harmoniously supports the health of the central nervous system, promotes recovery and flawless work. About 30% of the human brain consists of lecithin, so it is necessary for the full functioning of the nervous system. If there is a deficiency of lecithin, then the person becomes aggressive and irritable, panic attacks begin and an emotional breakdown is possible. Replenishing the lack of lecithin has a positive effect on learning ability and concentration. According to many buyers, the tool suited them not only to calm the nervous system, but also increased the overall level of immunity.Also, lecithin is able to help in the treatment of the gallbladder and cleanses the walls of blood vessels from cholesterol plaques. Form of reception in the form of black large capsules.
You can order in the iHerb online store, the price is 850 rubles for 200 capsules. If you order in our pharmacies, the price is much higher.
The complex UNIPHARM Inc. has a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system. Vitrum Superstress. It is shown as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent and is an excellent assistant during periods of increased mental stress. The dosage for adults is 1 tablet per month, the course can be repeated only with the permission of the doctor in order to avoid an excess of vitamin substances. A harmonious combination of vitamins B, C and iron with folic acid allows you to quickly bring your psychological state back to normal. Buyers note that after using the complex, it became easier for them to cope with emotional stress and the degree of experience decreased to a minimum. The effect of the application occurs within a week after the start of the course. The tablets are quite large in size, this should be taken into account if you have problems with swallowing.
Sold from 750 rubles.
Good reviews were collected by the German complex Doppelgerz Active Antistress. It is created on the basis of medicinal plants and a combination of vitamins, which allows you to effectively resist stressful situations. In addition, the impeccable composition of the complex improves brain activity and helps to restore the body after difficult, exhausting situations. The effect is cumulative. Doppelherz Active Antistress gently affects the body, increases resistance to stressful situations, improves concentration, strengthens the immune system and becomes a real find for the nervous and cardiovascular systems. After using the complex, a person not only improves health, but also increases mental abilities, which has a positive effect on working capacity. Release form - tablets.
Sold from 400 rubles.
If you are looking for a budget tool to bring the nervous system in order, then pay attention to the Alphabet Antistress. He has a very good rating on various review sites.The drug is a vitamin-mineral complex and is aimed at improving the functioning of the nervous system. The composition of the product contains an extract of valerian roots, magnesium and 8 vitamins. A competent combination of components is aimed at maximizing stress resistance. The peculiarity of the Alphabet is that the tablets are of different colors, they must be taken not at the same time, but with an interval in time. That is, divided into three doses: morning, afternoon and evening. Be vigilant, as there are contraindications. These include pregnancy, lactation and individual intolerance to the components.
You can buy from 290 rubles and more.
Another budget complex is Complivit Antistress. The tool is available in the form of tablets and contains a decent amount of biologically active components. Experts recommend it as an additional fortified source. There are few contraindications: lactation, pregnancy and individual intolerance. Complivit Antistress has a positive effect on the psycho-emotional state, helps to increase the stability of the nervous system. Buyers note that Complivit is perfectly perceived by the body, helps to wake up quickly in the morning, sleep well at night and does not cause discomfort from the gastrointestinal tract.
Sold from 250 rubles and above.
According to buyers, the best complex for men is Duovit. It perfectly fills the necessary physical need for minerals and vitamins. The enriched composition has a wide functionality. Taking Duovit men strengthen the immune system, support the nervous system, improve overall well-being, increase the body's defenses. Contraindications include hypersensitivity to any component of Duovit. The dosage is 1 tablet with meals. It is undesirable to use simultaneously with other vitamin products.
You can buy from 500 rubles and more.
The French remedy Magne B6 is suitable for everyone who has a magnesium deficiency, increased fatigue, off-scale irritability and sleep disturbances. The functionality of the drug is aimed at the full functioning of nerve cells, so it helps people who experience a feeling of hopelessness and depression. Release form in the form of tablets, adults are recommended to take 6-8 tablets per day. Can be used for children over 6 years old, giving 4-6 tablets. The daily dose is divided into a couple of doses, you need to drink during meals. Pay attention to contraindications, there is a decent list of them.When using, precautions must be observed, which consist in the fact that the remedy must be prescribed by a doctor, based on your analyzes.
You can buy from 450 rubles.
Vitamins for the nervous system are like a magic wand, at the wave of which life is transformed into a colorful side. The only thing you need to understand is that excess can become tantamount to poison. That is, before you start using vitamins, it does not hurt to take tests to see what exactly is missing in the body and what is in excess. In general, according to the general condition, it is easy to determine that a person is exhausted, aggressive and ready to break loose, but all the same, self-medication does not lead to good and can easily aggravate this not a rosy picture. The doctor will help to avoid mistakes when choosing.
In addition, do not forget that in order for the prescribed remedy to be as effective as possible, you need to remove foods that are harmful to the nervous system from the diet. These include spirits, coffee, dyes, and monosodium glutamate. If you carefully and responsibly approach health issues, then you can forget about insomnia, headache attacks, unmotivated aggression and memory impairment. The nervous system requires proper vitamin charging and careful attention. If all this happens, then many diseases can be forgotten.