
  1. What do you need
  2. How to choose
  3. Types of drugs
  4. Rating of the best vitamins for nursing mothers for 2025
  5. Conclusion

The best vitamins for breastfeeding moms for 2025

The best vitamins for breastfeeding moms for 2025

After the birth of a child, any nursing mother is puzzled by the search for a magic jar of pills that will help her regain strength. Our article will show the ranking of the best vitamins for nursing mothers for 2025 and help you choose the most suitable remedy.

What do you need

In fact, vitamins do not have to be taken if you have a perfect balanced proper diet and you get everything you need from food. But this happens extremely rarely, therefore, during the lactation period, vitamin support is required in the form of special complexes. Moreover, taking medications is necessary if you feel fatigue, drowsiness, concentration is reduced, there are sharp mood swings, and the condition of nails, hair and skin leaves much to be desired.

How to choose

It would be great if the drug is selected for you based on a blood test, but practice shows that doctors give the names of medicines that pharmacy advertisers bring to them. Not without reason, they not only advise the product, but also give it a free color brochure or postcard.

The selection criteria must necessarily include the form of the drug, because having bought a beautiful package with huge capsules, it is far from a fact that you can swallow them. If there is a problem with swallowing, then you can choose chewable vitamins. We practically don’t have them in our country, but a good selection of jellies is available on the American site iherb.

If you have abundant hair loss, then there may be a lack of vitamins A, B, C, E or F. It is enough that just one vitamin is missing for the body to give out a negative reaction. In this case, it is good that the trichologist picks up a vitamin complex, taking into account the feeding period. But often trichologists work only in large cities, so you have to choose a remedy at random. So, read customer reviews carefully.

Types of drugs

The best manufacturers carefully consider the needs of customers, so vitamins are not limited to only one type (tablets), but are produced in a pleasant variety. Preparations can be purchased in liquid form. There is tea, and there is a delicious elixir (sold on iherb).

You can take it in a chewable version, and you will eat mouth-watering jelly gummies, getting the necessary benefits. You can find a small size of tablets, well, if you are not afraid of the size of the drug, then you can safely buy any one that has aroused your confidence. The only "but" these vitamins should be for lactating or pregnant women, but not for the average person.

Rating of the best vitamins for nursing mothers for 2025

Inexpensive segment

Tea (drink) Hipp for nursing mothers, fruity with vitamins

If the body does not require serious support, then according to customers, it is worth trying Hipp fruit tea for nursing mothers with vitamins. The drink is created without artificial colors, flavors and preservatives. The composition contains several types of concentrated juice and an abundance of useful substances. Its functionality is aimed at satisfying the daily need for minerals and other important substances. Appearance - granulated tea particles soluble in water.

You can buy from 350 rubles per jar.

Tea (drink) Hipp for nursing mothers, fruity with vitamins
  • Convenient form of reception;
  • Good composition;
  • Pleasant fruity aroma;
  • Adds strength;
  • Low price.
  • Taste for an amateur;
  • May cause allergies in mother and child.

Complivit mom

A good budget and balanced complex for nursing mothers is Complivit Mom.It is available in the form of oblong tablets, odorless. Most of the composition contains retinol acetate. The combined multivitamin preparation perfectly supports the health of a woman during feeding in all directions. It can be taken when just starting pregnancy planning, during pregnancy itself and during the lactation period. The package contains 30 tablets, the course of administration is designed for a month. One tablet is drunk per day, it is advisable to organize a reception for breakfast, in the process or after, not forgetting to drink a decent amount of liquid. Before buying, carefully read the instructions, as there are contraindications.

You can buy from 270 rubles.

Complivit mom
  • Budget;
  • High efficiency;
  • Saturates the body with useful substances;
  • Suitable for pregnant and lactating women;
  • Improve the condition of the skin and nails;
  • Increases the body's resistance to infections.
  • Can provoke an allergy;
  • Some ladies are nauseated.

Alphabet "Mom's health"

If you are looking for an inexpensive vitamin and mineral complex, then pay attention to the Russian-made drug - Alphabet "Mom's Health". Available in the form of tablets with three different colors. Pink tablets are responsible for iron (there also includes thiamine and folic acid), blue for antioxidants, cream-colored for Calcium-D3 +. The dietary supplement perfectly satisfies the need for macro- and microelements, as well as important amino acids. It is convenient when you have a blood test on hand, you can independently choose which pills from the complex are necessary and which are secondary. You can take all the pills at one time, divide into fractional doses, or choose the pill selectively.

Sold from 400 rubles.

Alphabet "Mom's health"
  • Affordable cost;
  • The best vitamin and mineral complex from the budget;
  • Convenient color separation;
  • Full and rich composition;
  • Safe dosages;
  • Improves well-being;
  • Effectively saturates the body with useful substances.
  • There may be hypersensitivity to the active substances of dietary supplements.

Middle price segment

Minisun Multivitamin Mama

Finnish vitamins Minisun Multivitamin Mama are liked by many nursing mothers. The vitamin-mineral complex is suitable for planning pregnancy, pregnancy and lactation. The peculiarity of the complex is that it is enriched with folic acid and does not contain retinol. But thiamine is present at a dosage of 5 mg. Release form - tablets, in a package of 90 or 120 pieces. It is recommended to take 1 tablet daily. According to buyers, well-being improves noticeably and pleasant external changes are visible when the hair stops falling out and the skin condition improves. Most often they are ordered online through an online store.

You can buy from 720 rubles and more.

Minisun Multivitamin Mama
  • High efficiency;
  • Finnish quality;
  • Improves well-being;
  • Supports healthy hair, skin and nails;
  • Favorably affects the nervous system;
  • Big jar and lasts a long time.
  • Not every pharmacy has it, you need to order.

Elevit Pronatal

Probably the most popular vitamins for nursing in our country are Elevit Pronatal. It is he who is most often prescribed by gynecologists to women who have given birth. Available in the form of film-coated tablets, there is a slight odor. Most Elevit Pronatal contains retinol palmitate (3600 IU).The content of vitamins and minerals is fully consistent with the dosages recommended for breastfeeding. Doctors prescribe the drug for lactation and for the prevention and treatment of hypovitaminosis. In addition, Elevit Pronatal can be drunk during pregnancy planning and during the childbearing period itself. Unfortunately, there are many contraindications, so you should study the instructions before buying.

The cost depends on the number of tablets in the package. For 30 pieces the price is about 600 rubles. For 60 pieces 1200 rubles.

Elevit Pronatal
  • Rich composition;
  • Help improve the condition of hair, nails and skin;
  • Have a positive effect on general well-being;
  • Help save teeth
  • Suitable for planning pregnancy and gestation;
  • Strengthens the immune system and increases resistance to viruses;
  • Helps prevent the development of rickets in infants;
  • Improve the composition of the blood.
  • Many contraindications and side effects;
  • The huge size of the tablets cause nausea.

Multi-tabs Perinatal

Another popular mineral-vitamin complex is Multi-tabs Perinatal. Experts advise it for the prevention of hypovitaminosis and to avoid a deficiency of minerals in the body. The complex is also aimed at improving the quality of milk and to support lactation. Reception standard: 1 tablet per day, during a meal. Women note that they feel better, their hair stops falling, their nails become strong, and their teeth are as if none of them are sucking out calcium. Before you start using the product, be sure to read the instructions, there are contraindications.

Sold from 600 rubles.

Multi-tabs Perinatal
  • Balanced and effective composition;
  • Supports lactation and improves milk quality;
  • Helps to tidy hair, nails and skin;
  • Good for teeth
  • After use, well-being increases;
  • Promotes proper blood circulation.
  • Large size, hard to swallow.

Nature Way Alive Prenatal

With iherb, Nature Way's delicious chewables, Alive Prenatal, are perfect for women who have trouble swallowing. Outwardly, they are cute marmalades made in the shape of an orange and berries. The taste is delicate with a barely perceptible sourness, you definitely won’t forget to take such a dietary supplement. They are made without gelatin and contain 14 vitamins and minerals, DHA, choline and boron. The package contains 75 healthy gummies, you need to take 3 pieces per day. We cannot find them in our country, so you need to order through the iherb online store.

The cost depends on the dollar exchange rate, usually the price is about 1000 rubles.

Nature Way Alive Prenatal
  • Delicious and do not cause nausea;
  • High-quality and balanced composition;
  • Great effect on well-being;
  • Cause a surge of strength;
  • Help improve the condition of hair and nails;
  • Promote good mood.
  • You have to wait until they come from the USA.

Premium segment

Astrum-Mammy Complex

If you want to pamper yourself with an expensive vitamin complex, then pay attention to Astrum-Mammy Complex. The drug is designed to replenish the body of a nursing woman with vitamins and minerals. The composition, in addition to vitamin and mineral components, contains alfalfa, raspberries, dandelions and red beets. The herbal formula enhances the effect of the complex, making it especially effective for restoring psychological and physical strength.Dietary supplements are recommended to take 1-2 capsules per day, it is desirable to combine the intake with food.

You can buy the tool in the online store for 2680 rubles. The package contains 120 capsules.

Astrum-Mammy Complex
  • Saturates the body with useful substances;
  • For balanced micronutrient support;
  • Included in the top of the best drugs in the premium segment;
  • Unique composition, inside are rare nutritional components;
  • Prevents postpartum neuroses;
  • Helps to cope with hair loss.
  • High price.

Rainbow Light Prenatal One

One of the best prenatal complexes with iherb is Rainbow Light, Prenatal One. They are allowed to be taken during pregnancy and while breastfeeding. Packages are sold in several variations: 30, 90, 150 and 180 tablets. The packaging is convenient, with a screw cap and child protection. Tablets are large, light green in color and with miniature patches. There is a specific aroma. The enriched composition pleases not only with an abundance of minerals and vitamin substances, but also with probiotics, enzymes, bioflavnoids and various beneficial herbs. You need to order online in the iherb online store, dietary supplements are resold in Russian stores with a large margin.

For 150 tablets on iherb, you will have to pay 3200 rubles.

Rainbow Light Prenatal One
  • Magnificent and original composition;
  • With fruits, vegetables and probiotics;
  • The complex contains all the necessary nutrients for mom and baby;
  • Positively affects the psychological state;
  • Does not cause increased appetite;
  • Perfectly regulates the digestive process;
  • For balanced micronutrient support.
  • High price;
  • Little iodine and magnesium.

Garden of Life, Vitamin Code, RAW prenatal

Another popular American-made complex for nursing mothers is Garden of Life, Vitamin Code, RAW prenatal. Their peculiarity lies in the fact that they are considered raw, that is, they are not synthetic, but obtained from vegetables and fruits. The drug does not contain dairy products, gluten and GMOs. The form of production is capsules. The composition contains probiotics and enzymes, due to which the digestion process improves. You need to drink one capsule per day, which contains so many useful substances that even proper nutrition cannot provide. Dr. Natalya Zubareva believes that these are the best vitamins on iherb for nursing mothers.

You can buy for 2390 (90 capsules) and 3540 (180 capsules).

Garden of Life, Vitamin Code, RAW prenatal
  • Saturates the body with useful substances;
  • For balanced micronutrient support;
  • Helps improve digestion;
  • Favorably affect the hair follicles;
  • Regulate the stability of the psychological state;
  • Favorably say on blood tests.
  • High price.


Without a doubt, the intake of vitamins is necessary for a full sense of life. After childbirth, almost all women are in a state of stress, and feeding removes a large number of important substances from the body, which sadly affects the internal and physical condition. Thanks to a properly selected complex, strength returns, there is a feeling that the mountains are ready to roll. For any baby, a calm and healthy mother is important, so do not neglect additional support for the body.

In order to avoid an overdose, it is desirable to know what your body lacks and focus on it.After all, if there is a lack of iron, then taking other important substances will not help replenish it. Also with calcium and thiamine. You can, of course, point your finger at the sky and drink any complex with a balanced composition, but the benefits will be significantly lower than when you know exactly what needs to be replenished.

Dietary supplements of Russian and foreign production are useful, each drug has its own adherents, ready to constantly buy it. The main thing is to decide what is missing, and what form of the drug will be comfortable to take.

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