
  1. How to know which school is right for you
  2. The best dance schools in St. Petersburg

The best dance schools in St. Petersburg in 2025

The best dance schools in St. Petersburg in 2025

The question of choosing a dance school inevitably arises before every beginner who decides to learn this art. After all, this is one of the simple and guaranteed ways to master beautiful, spectacular movements. Choosing a future place of study is very interesting and exciting. The school should not just teach, but brighten up leisure and provide active recreation. Before proceeding with the review of the ranking of the best dance schools in St. Petersburg, we suggest that you understand the intricacies of the choice.

How to know which school is right for you

In order to avoid severe disappointment in dancing at the very beginning of training, it is necessary to clearly understand what exactly a person expects from the upcoming training.If you just need to learn a few moves to look cool at a party or while visiting a nightclub, then an amateur level will be enough. Such movements may well be taught by inexpensive dance studios near your home or place of work.

If you need a more professional level of training with the opportunity to participate in various concerts and competitions, then you need to look for a professional dance school.

money question

One of the most important questions is how much a person is willing to pay for their education. Here it is necessary to carefully approach its study. It is necessary to collect information about the proposed prices of several studios and, after comparing all the conditions, choose the best option.

It is necessary to find out in detail the cost of one-time classes and a subscription, which is included in its price. Details about the financial side of the issue can be found out by talking with old students. Feel free to ask if the school practices additional fees, if they charge a day for costumes and dance shoes, how often tuition increases. Having learned all these details, it will be possible to have a clear idea of ​​the scale of expenses. This issue becomes especially important if a person's budget is unstable.

School concept

Although the answer to this question seems obvious at first glance, it still baffles many beginners. Of course, the main task of the dance school is to teach its students how to dance beautifully. But there are different ways to achieve this goal.

It can be only group lessons or there will be an opportunity to take individual lessons. The school may arrange a kind of "master classes" or provide an opportunity to conduct several classes with dancers who have more experience.For the same purpose, various dance events can be organized within the walls of the school. Such nuances can significantly affect the learning outcome.

work experience

Establishments that have been in this market for quite a long time and have managed to accumulate considerable experience should be preferred. Schools that have existed for more than a dozen years have already managed to earn the trust and respect of students. Therefore, the probability of running into poor-quality education in such schools is much lower than in newly opened institutions.

good coach

One of the biggest mistakes beginner dancers make is the wrong approach to choosing a teacher. Many beginners are tempted by the big names of the stars and strive to get into a group for training with such a person. After all, many stars are now engaged in teaching activities and lead their own dance classes.

In fact, a person who knows how to dance at a professional level will not necessarily be the same good coach and will be able to transfer his knowledge to the student. In addition, such “star teachers” are often loaded with their professional speaking schedule and they do not always have enough time to conduct full-fledged classes. Therefore, it makes sense to look closely at the coaches, whose dancers were able to achieve significant success.

Education system

It will add confidence that the goal will be achieved if the chosen school has its own training system. Premium schools offer such a program of their own. Teachers with such a system of teaching usually effectively teach their students, which is confirmed by many years of practice.

Various dance programs

The presence of many dance styles in which training is conducted will be a definite plus. It is highly likely that as the level of skill increases, the beginner will want to try something new. Then a lot of dance programs will allow you to continue your education without changing schools.

There are schools that specialize exclusively in modern or ballroom dancing, but there are also studios with a variety of directions. Therefore, preference should be given to the latter.

Children's education

If the school has children's programs, this will be an added advantage. This opportunity will allow parents and children to explore the fascinating world of dance together.

Opportunity to work with a partner

If a dance direction is chosen that includes pair performances, it is very important to be able to dance with a professional partner. This service is offered by high-level dance schools. Here it will be possible not to give up your dream of dancing with couples, even if you do not have your partner yet.

School equipment

Another not unimportant issue is the technical equipment of the studio. This place should be as comfortable as possible. After all, locker rooms are not just for changing from one outfit to another, this is a place where the student can concentrate and tune in to the upcoming classes. Therefore, it should be as comfortable and carefully thought out as possible.

See if there is a place in the room where you can relax after training and socialize with other students in the school. The dance floor should be spacious and well equipped.

It is worth paying attention to the atmosphere prevailing in the school. It is much more pleasant to study in a friendly environment where beginners are favorably treated.

To get an initial impression of the school, one visit and a short communication with the old-timers will be enough. If the impressions were mostly positive, then you should pay attention to this option.

Free trial lesson

If the school is focused on attracting a large number of students, it will definitely provide its potential clients with the opportunity to attend one lesson for free. This will give an opportunity to evaluate all the advantages and disadvantages of the educational institution from the inside.

The best dance schools in St. Petersburg

Tequila Dance

This dance school is one of the oldest in the city, it was founded in 1996. Initially, the school was focused on teaching Latin American dances, which is reflected in the name. Now the training program has been significantly expanded here. School students can choose any dance direction they like from more than 40. Bachata, belly dance, jazz modern, flamenco, strip dance, wedding waltz and others are taught here.

It is especially pleasing that the school's halls are located in 16 different districts of the city. Training is quite affordable, in addition, you can buy a subscription, which will cost less than a one-time lesson. The studio practices holding reporting concerts, open lessons, parties.

  • many areas for study;
  • comfortable rooms;
  • strong teaching staff;
  • various activities;
  • attractive price.
  • not detected.

The average price of a subscription is from 1000 rubles.

Studio 17

The peculiarity of this studio is that they like to combine dancing with sports activities.The school offers a variety of comprehensive dance and sports programs that not only develop a person’s dancing abilities, but also allow you to correct excess weight.

Here you can separately work out sports and learn modern dance styles. Studio teachers can also teach experimental dance styles. For beginners, a nice bonus is that on the first day of training, all classes can be attended completely free of charge.

  • modern dance directions;
  • the opportunity to attend school in different parts of the city;
  • there are sports loads;
  • the opportunity to perform at city venues;
  • strong teaching staff;
  • reasonable subscription price.
  • there are no classical dance directions.

The average cost of a subscription is from 1700 rubles.

School of modern dance "Headquarters"

This school teaches various modern dance styles, including jazz-funk, hip-hop, electro, go-go and many others. There are also children's groups here. In addition to dancing, the studio also offers various sports programs. You can practice in one of the five halls that are located in different parts of the city.

But the studio offers not only dance classes, they lead an active social life, including a dance camp during the summer holidays for children.

The cost of classes in this studio is not the lowest in the city, but it is possible to attend the first lesson for free or buy a subscription, which allows you to slightly reduce costs.

  • modern dance directions;
  • active social life;
  • the opportunity to perform at city venues;
  • free classes for beginners.
  • high cost of classes;
  • there are no classical dance directions.

The average cost of a subscription is from 1600 rubles.


The studio has proven itself, has a good reputation. The entire teaching staff are professional dancers who are winners of major international competitions. The studio teaches its students in all areas of dance, both modern and classical. It is possible to combine dancing with fitness training. Services for staging wedding dances are also practiced. There are groups for children.

The training is designed for both beginners and students who already have some experience in dancing. The studio offers its students both individual and group training. At the same time, there is no need to worry about a partner in group dance classes for pair dances - for the duration of the classes, the school teachers will play the role of a partner.

  • a large selection of dance directions;
  • strong teaching staff;
  • there is a possibility of education for children;
  • no need to think about a partner;
  • You can attend a free trial lesson.
  • education is expensive.

The average cost of a subscription for 1 month is from 4900 rubles.

Casa Latina

The studio offers to learn how to dance in a comfortable and friendly atmosphere. As the name of the studio suggests, this school focuses on teaching Latin American dances, but the program is not limited solely to them. Here you can learn to dance the most popular dances, including modern ones.

The school is located in the city center, not far from Gostiny Dvor and Sadovaya metro stations. It offers students an experienced teaching staff, cozy rooms and a comfortable friendly atmosphere. You can come to the first lesson for free, and when buying a subscription on the same day, a novice student receives a 20% discount.

In addition to the actual classes, dance parties are regularly held at the school, where you can demonstrate your skills and knowledge and just have a great time, make new friends.

  • convenient location in the city center;
  • nice atmosphere;
  • strong teaching staff;
  • many dance directions;
  • There is an opportunity to visit the first lesson for free.
  • no children's groups;
  • no fitness programs.

The average cost of a subscription is from 2600 rubles.

Of course, the presented list of dance schools is not limited to these studios. There are more than 600 dance studios in St. Petersburg that offer training in almost all dance styles, including unusual ones, such as historical dance, lezginka, American dance or Irish step.

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