
  1. Types of toothache pills
  2. List of good medicines for toothache

The best toothache pills in 2025

The best toothache pills in 2025

Due to the destruction of the tissues of the teeth, uncomfortable sensations necessarily appear. Over time, if left untreated, they turn into acute pain of a different nature. Sometimes the cause of discomfort is gum disease, trauma. It is not always possible to get an appointment with a dentist. Then there is a need to eliminate discomfort with the help of pills. Our rating of drugs for toothache will help you choose the most high-quality and effective ones.

Types of toothache pills

The pharmaceutical industry produces a huge range of drugs for toothache. Conventionally, they are divided into several groups:

  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are designed to relieve signs of inflammation, which is often accompanied by pain and other discomfort.It can be said that, to a certain extent, NSAIDs do not just reduce pain, but treat its cause.
  • Analgesics have no effect on the source of the pain. They relieve an unpleasant syndrome by blocking the nerve endings and centers of the brain responsible for the perception of pain.
  • Painkillers of local action. These include products containing novocaine or lidocaine. Usually they go on sale in the form of ampoules for injection, but they are also available in the form of an aerosol. Such funds completely relieve pain for a period of 30 minutes to 1 hour. Their disadvantage is the effect of numbness, loss of sensitivity and cotton tongue, since all nerve endings in the nearby soft tissues are blocked.

Usually patients opt for tablets. This is due to the ease of use. Also, with the right choice of the drug, it can be used for other purposes - as an antipyretic, to eliminate migraine or pain in the joints.

List of good medicines for toothache


The Indian-made drug has an excellent analgesic effect. It belongs to the group of NSAIDs. It should not be taken with other drugs from the same group. Also a contraindication is the combined use with Paracetamol. Tablets well eliminate toothache of strong intensity. They help if a nerve is exposed or an abscess is present. The effect occurs 40 minutes after taking the drug and lasts up to 7 hours.

Do not take Ketorol during pregnancy and young children. It is also dangerous to violate the dosage and take more pills than necessary. Exceeding the allowable dose causes problems with the kidneys, disrupts breathing and the functioning of the digestive tract.Tablets need to be washed down with a large volume of water so that the effect is as long as possible. You can re-take the next dose of Ketorol only after 4 hours. Some people from taking the drug may have side effects in the form of allergies, increased sweating, dizziness and drowsiness.

  • acts quickly and gives good results;
  • long-term anesthesia;
  • low cost.
  • causes side effects
  • There are admission restrictions.

In pharmacies, the average cost of a drug is from 40 rubles.


This drug is also produced in India. It is a powerful remedy from the group of NSAIDs. Effective pain relief is achieved by blocking prostaglandins. In addition to relieving pain, tablets reduce fever, inhibit inflammation. Ketanov dentists recommend taking with pulpitis, periodontitis, injuries of the teeth and jaw, as well as after surgery.

The drug has an extensive list of contraindications. The pain subsides an hour after taking the dose. The effect lasts for 6 hours. A day is allowed to take no more than two tablets.

  • great price;
  • good effect;
  • relieves fever and inflammation.
  • many side effects;
  • there are contraindications;
  • Do not take more than two tablets per day.

The average cost of the drug in pharmacies is from 60 rubles.


A common drug that is popular with buyers. It belongs to the combined NSAIDs. The active ingredients in this drug are diclofenac and paracetamol, related to analgesics. To relieve edema, serratiopeptidase is included in the composition.The drug works well in the treatment of purulent inflammation, as well as to relieve the alveolar abscess that occurs after tooth extraction. An additional action of Flamidez is the ability to relieve fever and have an antirheumatic effect.

Dentists and ordinary buyers speak positively about Flamidez. It is often prescribed for dental problems. Due to the excellent combination of components, after taking it, the pain subsides very quickly. The drug can be bought and taken without a doctor's prescription, strictly following the instructions.

  • has a combined effect;
  • relieves pain well;
  • treats comorbidities;
  • affordable price;
  • many good reviews.
  • there are side effects.

The drug costs an average of 90 rubles.


This drug is used by various specialists to eliminate pain. It can be taken before or after dental procedures. The tool is used in the process of treatment or removal of difficult teeth. Ibuklin relieves pain quickly and leaves a long effect. The composition of the drug includes paracetamol, which eliminates pain and reduces body temperature, and ibuprofen, which stops inflammation. Together, these components make the tool the most effective.

According to patients, Ibuklin is one of the best remedies for stopping toothache. It gives excellent results, acts quickly, has an affordable price. It can also be used to relieve various spasms.

  • works effectively;
  • combines several active means;
  • has a complex effect;
  • lasting effect.
  • not suitable as a universal remedy;
  • has many contraindications.

On average, a drug costs from 130 rubles.


Patients buy this drug most often to eliminate small, moderate intensity of pain. The product contains an analgesic. Therefore, it quickly copes with unpleasant sensations. Additionally, Tempalgin has an antipyretic effect and eliminates inflammation. Also, the drug calms the nervous system, due to the content of the tranquilizer tempidone among the ingredients.

Tempalgin has minimal adverse health effects. It does not irritate the mucous organs of the gastrointestinal tract, does not change the water-salt balance in the body. It is allowed to be taken by people suffering from diseases of the digestive system. Specialists especially recommend taking Tempalgin to elderly patients. The drug has many positive reviews from patients.

  • low price;
  • fast action;
  • not harmful to health;
  • recommended in old age;
  • helps to sleep after pain relief.
  • can't handle severe pain.

The average cost of a drug is 120 rubles.

Deksalgin 25

The main advantage of this drug is the rapid onset of a positive effect. The composition of the drug as an active ingredient includes ketoprofen, which has a good anti-inflammatory effect. The effect of taking Dexalgin 25 does not last long. The tool is prescribed by many doctors for the complex treatment of diseases.

The drug is liked by many patients. The effect of its reception occurs within half an hour and retains its effect for 6 hours. But it is not recommended to take it for more than 5 days in a row. The disadvantage of the tool are numerous adverse reactions.Dexalgin 25 has many contraindications, including pregnancy, breastfeeding, peptic ulcer. The drug can be bought without a prescription, but experts do not advise treating toothache with them on their own.

Deksalgin 25
  • rapid relief of pain;
  • suitable for complex treatment;
  • anti-inflammatory action.
  • there are side effects and contraindications;
  • high price.

The average cost of a medication: from 310 rubles.


The composition of this pain reliever includes the two active drugs paracetamol and diclofenac. The drug belongs to the group of combined analgesics. The drug has a good analgesic effect. An additional effect of the drug is the removal of puffiness that occurs due to toothache. The drug has a destructive effect on collagen and fibrin fibers during inflammatory processes. Dentists often prescribe it to relieve soreness during teething of wisdom teeth, when there is a sore throat and enlarged lymph nodes.

The drug shows a good result, perfectly soothes the pain, but at the same time gives a lot of side effects. The drug has an irritating effect on the stomach and other organs of the gastrointestinal tract. The drug received good customer reviews and is known as an excellent pain reliever. It helps against different types of pain. The drug can be taken without a doctor's prescription, if you strictly follow the instructions.

  • excellent analgesic effect;
  • relieves puffiness;
  • popular with buyers
  • many good reviews.
  • many side effects;
  • irritates the mucous membranes of the digestive tract.

The average price of a drug: from 250 rubles.


The drug is an analgesic, but its effectiveness is insufficient to relieve severe pain. The drug is able to cope only with aching pain of low intensity. Paracetamol acts quickly enough, but the effect does not last long. The advantages of this drug are safety for health and low cost. The drug depresses the work of nerve endings, but does not affect the centers of the brain. The drug does not affect the activity of the heart muscle and organs of the respiratory system. The drug has no side effects. The only obstacle to its reception is individual intolerance.

The drug well helps to relieve pain that occurs during carious destruction of enamel. The drug works well for relieving pain that occurs during teething, as well as for relieving residual effects after tooth extraction. An additional effect of the drug is the removal of spasms and the removal of high temperature. The drug is not recommended to take more than three days. It does not have a therapeutic effect, but only helps relieve pain. Paracetamol has been known and used for a long time. It is easy to get in every pharmacy. Due to its availability and low price, it is popular with buyers.

  • low price;
  • accessible;
  • does not affect the work of internal organs;
  • can be given to children;
  • has no side effect.
  • unable to cope with severe pain;
  • the effect is short-term;
  • does not treat the cause of the pain.

The price of the drug: an average of 70 rubles.


The main effect of the drug is the removal of the inflammatory process and the symptoms that accompany it. Nimesulide is often prescribed to take to eliminate toothache.Efficiency in this case is largely determined by the causes that provoked painful sensations. The remedy eliminates a toothache of moderate strength, but it will not be able to relieve an intense pathology. The drug acts directly on pain receptors.

The drug is very popular among the inhabitants of Russia. It has a low cost. Therefore, it is especially often purchased by elderly patients. Nimesulide has many contraindications. The most dangerous diagnoses are peptic ulcer, high blood pressure, kidney disease. It is especially important to accurately observe the dosage of the drug. Exceeding the allowable dose causes signs of intoxication, pain in the abdomen.

  • low cost;
  • effective for relieving pain of moderate strength;
  • blocks pain receptors.
  • many contraindications;
  • can't handle severe pain.

The average price is from 30 rubles.


This drug has a universal purpose. It is used to eliminate painful sensations of various origins. The drug quickly eliminates small and medium dentalgia. An additional effect of the drug is the relief of the inflammatory process and a decrease in body temperature. The composition of the drug includes 3 active ingredients. In combination, they perfectly eliminate discomfort and relieve pain.

It is allowed to take up to 6 tablets of Brala per day. The use of this drug concomitantly with other drugs is contraindicated. Among the side effects of Brala are allergic manifestations, lowering blood pressure, frequent heartbeat.It is especially not recommended to take took along with alcoholic beverages in any form. To achieve a stable analgesic effect, you need to take the drug strictly according to the instructions, carefully studying the contraindications.

I took pills
  • effective against different types of pain;
  • low price;
  • copes well with mild to moderate pain;
  • additionally relieves fever and stops the inflammatory syndrome.
  • there are contraindications;
  • causes side effects.

The average cost is from 100 rubles.


The drug is able to relieve pain, but acts more as an anti-inflammatory agent. Therefore, its effectiveness as an anesthetic drug is slightly lower than that of other medicines. An additional action of Ketoprofen is the removal of puffiness and swelling. In addition to toothache, this drug is often prescribed to relieve soreness after surgery, rheumatic ailments, arthritis, muscle pain. The drug is recommended to be taken three times a day. If necessary, the number of receptions can be increased to 6.

  • high quality;
  • acceptable cost;
  • anti-inflammatory effect;
  • different form of release.
  • side effects;
  • contraindications.

The average price of the drug is 110 rubles.

No. p / pName of the drugManufacturer countryDrug groupPreservation of the effect of pain relief
1KetorolIndiaNSAIDsup to 7 hours
2KetanovIndiaNSAIDsup to 6 hours
3FlamidezIndiaNSAIDsup to 6 hours
4IbuklinIndiaNSAIDsup to 8 hours
5TempalginBulgariaNSAIDsup to 6 hours
6Deksalgin 25SpainNSAIDsup to 6 hours
7FaniganIndiacombined analgesicup to 8 hours
8ParacetamolRussiaNSAIDsup to 4 hours
9NimesulideMacedoniaNSAIDsup to 6 hours
10tookIndiacombined analgesicup to 6 hours
11KetoprofenSlovakiaNSAIDsup to 8 hours

The presented painkillers are most often recommended for patients to take to relieve toothache. But besides them, there are many other effective drugs in the assortment of pharmacies.

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