
  1. Factors that provoke headache
  2. Choice of headache pills
  3. How to use drugs correctly
  4. List of the best headache medications

The Best Headache Remedies in 2025

The Best Headache Remedies in 2025

The causes of headaches are different. At the same time, uncomfortable sensations develop so strong that a person cannot fall asleep or do daily activities, loses his appetite. Then he is forced to take painkillers. But not all of them are suitable for effective relief from headaches. Consider the rating of quality drugs.

Factors that provoke headache

Causes for headaches can be either physiological or psychological.The main factors that provoke discomfort are:

  • Mental and emotional stress, being in a stressful situation, prolonged depression. The inability to fully rest and sleep is also a causal pain in the head.
  • In women, sometimes the cause of the painful condition is the menstrual cycle.
  • Vascular disease is usually the provoking factor.
  • Often the cause of discomfort is trauma and damage to the neck or head. Sometimes pain develops due to strong tension in the cervical spine.
  • Infectious or inflammatory disease.
  • Colds in half of the cases provoke a headache.
  • Injuries in the face.
  • Abuse of drugs that cause intoxication of the body. These include antidepressants, antibiotics, or anticonvulsants.
  • Exposure to weather conditions, solar flares, change of season.
  • Smoking or excessive alcohol consumption.

Choice of headache pills

Now on sale in pharmacies there are many proven drugs to relieve headaches. It is very difficult to independently understand their purpose and features. When choosing a drug, several parameters are taken into account:

  • Where exactly is the pain located in the head? Discomfort can occur in the forehead, temples or neck. Sometimes the pain syndrome covers the entire circumference of the head.
  • What is the nature of the discomfort? Soreness can press, prick, burst, be dull or acute. Additionally, a person is able to feel other signs - nausea, extraneous noise in the ears, vomiting, loss of vision.
  • cause of the headache.Sometimes this can be done on their own, without the participation of doctors. When unpleasant sensations are constantly repeated, the patient himself knows in response to which external stimulus the discomfort develops.

Based on the information obtained, a drug is selected. If you do not take into account all the subtleties, the use of the medication may aggravate the pain or not lead to the desired result.

How to use drugs correctly

When a headache occurs, it is not allowed to use all medicines indiscriminately. If discomfort occurs for the first time, then treatment begins with the simplest medicines, you can take a Paracetamol or Nurofen tablet. If these drugs are powerless against a headache, more effective drugs are used. You can take them for no more than five days.

Pain medications will not cure a person of a migraine or high or low blood pressure. Such conditions are treated with drugs of a different nature.
It is important not to drink alcohol while taking medications for headaches. Although the effect of the joint use is not reduced, the simultaneous use of drugs and alcohol leads to the development of kidney or liver disease.

List of the best headache medications

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

Preparations of this category, in addition to fighting headaches, are able to eliminate inflammatory processes. Their additional action is the removal of heat. Such medicines are recommended to be taken to relieve headaches that occur with influenza, any inflammation or feverish condition. The effect of taking it starts very quickly and lasts for several hours.Means of this group have their own contraindications and are not suitable for continuous use. They irritate the digestive tract.

You can buy these drugs at any pharmacy. Their price is low, and a prescription is not needed to buy. But they are allowed to be taken only after meals to prevent stomach irritation.


This is the most affordable drug from the NSAID group. Despite the low price, the tool is very reliable and safe. It does not treat inflammation well, but it is very effective in lowering body temperature. Paracetamol is the main component for most drugs from this group.

  • low price;
  • gentle attitude to the body;
  • effective for the treatment of many diseases;
  • issued in various forms.
  • negatively affects the kidneys and liver;
  • allowed to take no more than four times a day.

The average cost is 20 rubles.


In Russia, this drug is very widely distributed. It has been produced for many years, and all these years it justifies its use with high efficiency. The drug is available in the traditional form of tablets. In recent years, tablets for dissolving in water have become more popular. They are more convenient to take, in the form of a solution, the medicine is absorbed faster and begins to act. Aspirin eliminates headache during migraine attacks, after alcohol intoxication, with sinusitis. The composition includes acetylsalicylic acid, which helps to thin the blood. It relieves inflammation and blocks the receptors responsible for the spread of pain.

Aspirin is especially recommended for people suffering from vascular disease or high blood pressure because of its ability to prevent the formation of blood clots. Although the drug is very effective, it is better to consult your doctor before taking it, as it has many contraindications and limitations.

  • universal remedy for pain of any nature;
  • low price and the possibility of purchase without a prescription;
  • thins the blood;
  • able to relieve heat.
  • can not be taken with insufficient blood clotting;
  • irritating effect on the gastrointestinal mucosa.

The average price of the drug is from 280 rubles.


This drug quickly relieves pain, thanks to a combination of such active ingredients as caffeine, codeine, analgin. They block the nerve nodes and prevent the synthesis of pain hormones. The drug effectively lowers body temperature, eliminates inflammatory processes. The pain disappears within a few minutes after taking the drug.

Despite the existing contraindications, both specialists and patients speak of its high effectiveness. The drug is recommended to be taken for colds to eliminate signs of a feverish state.

  • relieves fever, relieves pain, eliminates inflammation;
  • effectively acts against pain of any nature;
  • after use, the effect is felt after a few minutes;
  • dilates blood vessels and increases efficiency.
  • there are contraindications;
  • some patients experience side effects;
  • can not be taken for a long time, as dependence occurs;
  • cannot be combined with coffee.

The average price of the drug is 155 rubles.


Well-known and popular Indian drug. It is used to eliminate pain of a symptomatic nature. It is also effective in the treatment of headaches. Nise reduces body temperature and prevents the development of inflammatory processes. The drug contains nimesulide as an active substance. The drug is well absorbed and almost completely eliminated from the body.

According to patients, Nise is one of the best drugs for relieving headaches. He is able to cope with pain when other drugs have been powerless. The drug has a persistent effect and is effective against pain of a different nature. You can buy the drug at any pharmacy freely.

  • effectively eliminates pain of a different nature;
  • reduces fever and stops the development of inflammation;
  • affordable price;
  • sold without a prescription;
  • long action.
  • there are contraindications;
  • side effects are sometimes noted.

The average price of the drug is 190 rubles.


The drug with high efficiency, is very popular with patients. The drug has a long-term effect and rapid pain relief. In addition to the analgesic effect, it reduces body temperature, stops the development of inflammation, eliminates nausea and calms the nervous system. Within half an hour, the remedy completely relieves the headache that an additional dose is not needed.

  • has a quick effect;
  • relieves pain, reduces fever, stops the inflammatory process;
  • has a long-term effect;
  • is issued in different forms;
  • low price.
  • there are side effects;
  • there are contraindications.

The average price of the drug is from 95 rubles.


This drug has been produced for a very long time, but so far it has been on the list of the best drugs, due to its low price and excellent results. The drug is very inexpensive, so it is available to the entire population of the country. It contains aspirin to relieve pain and relieve inflammation. It also contains paracetamol to reduce body temperature, and caffeine stimulates the work of blood vessels. The drug is prescribed against different types of pain, among which there is a headache.

The tool belongs to the non-narcotic group. It perfectly heals, but has several contraindications, has a side effect. The remedy should not be taken for more than three days in a row or combined with alcohol. Often it is used to relieve a small headache during colds.

  • quickly cope with pain;
  • operates in a complex manner;
  • low price;
  • sold in any pharmacy.
  • incompatible with alcohol;
  • many side effects;
  • many contraindications;
  • increases BP.

The average price of the drug is 15 rubles.


The drugs of this group effectively cope with the pain syndrome that develops due to vasospasm in the brain. The advantage of the funds of this group is that some of them are allowed to be used by pregnant women and in childhood. Antispasmodics are prescribed as independent agents or in combination with NSAIDs or analgesics. Without fear of negative consequences, you can take antispasmodics for 48 hours.


This drug has long been known, it is produced in Hungary. The active substance is drotaverine. after use, the drug is absorbed very quickly.Its effectiveness is noticeable 10 minutes after consumption. The drug relaxes the muscles and eliminates spasms. The remedy does not help to relieve migraine attacks.

The drug is popular with patients and has received many useful reviews. It is versatile, fast acting, safe and inexpensive. It is allowed to be used by pregnant and lactating women. No-shpu is recommended to be taken if you need to relieve a headache caused by stress, muscle tension.

  • low price;
  • effective relief of spasms;
  • universal remedy for pain of a different nature;
  • allowed during pregnancy and lactation.
  • should not be taken on an empty stomach;
  • should not be used by people with lactose allergy;
  • does not help with migraine or pain caused by dilated vessels.

The average price of a drug is 200 rubles.


An effective and frequently prescribed drug is produced in Bulgaria. The drug acts in several directions, eliminating soreness, relaxing muscles and reducing inflammation. It is recommended to take it for cramping pain. Spasmolgon can be used to treat various diseases. It is inexpensive and shows effectiveness in a short time.

The drug quickly eliminates a headache of a different nature, but has a large list of contraindications. It can not be consumed for a long time and combined with alcohol.

  • the effect comes very quickly;
  • acts against various pains;
  • low cost.
  • many restrictions and contraindications;
  • not recommended for long-term treatment;
  • incompatible with alcohol.

The average price of the drug is 300 rubles.


The doctor prescribes drugs from the group of analgesics to eliminate headaches that occur due to spasm of blood vessels. Then, due to the expansion or narrowing of their lumen, one-sided discomfort arises. It is eliminated by bringing blood pressure back to normal.


The best analgesic for headache relief is Mig. He appeared in pharmacies recently and promises a quick relief from discomfort. The drug is well tolerated by patients and quickly relieves pain. The result of a single use is stored for a day. After use, there are no allergic reactions. The active ingredient is ibuprofen.

The drug has a strong effect, therefore it has side effects. It disrupts the heart muscle, causes breathing problems, provokes miscarriages and contributes to the formation of blood clots. The tool is very popular for relieving headaches for its speed of action and strong effect, but before using it, it is better to consult a doctor.

Mig tablets
  • does not lead to heaviness in the stomach;
  • no addiction;
  • convenient release form.
  • has contraindications;
  • many side effects.

The average cost is 80 rubles.


This is a potent drug, ibuprofen acts as the active substance in it. The drug is recommended to be used to eliminate migraine attacks, as well as against pain that occurs during severe overexertion. The tool has a prolonged effect. Unlike other drugs from this group, Ibuprofen effectively eliminates pain of a different nature.Therefore, it can be used not only against headaches, but also to relieve discomfort during sciatica or arthritis. The effect of the drug becomes noticeable within 10 minutes after use.

The drug is generally well tolerated by patients. Some individuals experience side effects from the digestive tract in the form of vomiting or nausea. The drug, in addition to relieving pain, has an anti-inflammatory effect and relieves fever.

  • universal anesthetic with a wide range of applications;
  • in addition to anesthesia, relieves fever and stops the inflammatory process;
  • the first result of taking is noticeable 10 minutes after taking the medicine;
  • the effect lasts for several hours.
  • deposited in the articular tissue;
  • sometimes causes gastrointestinal side effects;
  • you need to take the medicine before meals;
  • has limitations and contraindications for use.

The average price of the drug is 30 rubles.


It is a very cheap drug, yet very effective, which is why it is very popular among patients and pharmacy customers. The remedy eliminates severe and mild headaches. The drug does not cause dependence and belongs to the category of non-narcotic drugs.

In addition to a positive effect on the body, Analgin also has a negative effect. It has many contraindications and restrictions, has side effects. The result from taking the pill comes in 20 minutes, but lasts no more than two hours. It is recommended to take it as the most affordable and simple remedy in case of emergency.

  • acts simultaneously against pain, inflammation and fever;
  • does not cause dependence on medicines;
  • suitable for the elimination of pain of a different nature;
  • cheap tool.
  • has a lot of contraindications;
  • the effect is felt after 20 minutes;
  • does not eliminate all types of pain;
  • anesthesia lasts only 2 hours;
  • the drug gives side effects.

The average price of a drug is 25 rubles.


The drug well and quickly eliminates the pain of moderate and weak strength. It is recommended to be taken during colds, otitis media, stomatitis and other diseases that are accompanied by migraine attacks. Tempalgin also relieves headaches caused by changes in the weather or chronic fatigue.

In addition to relieving the painful syndrome, this drug has a sedative effect, lowers body temperature and eliminates the inflammatory process. This effect is possible due to the content of sodium metmizole in the composition. Cellulose and castor oil are present as additional ingredients in the composition. The dosage of this drug for all patients can not be correctly determined the first time. In many ways, it depends on the intensity of the pain syndrome and the patient's individual susceptibility to the medication.

  • allowed to receive from 15 years;
  • maximum per day with benefit, you can take 3 tablets;
  • the drug is rapidly absorbed;
  • has a long-term effect;
  • relieves pain quickly.
  • if kidney function is impaired, the dosage should be reduced;
  • the maximum allowed to take within 5 days;
  • when taken simultaneously with alcohol, the effect is enhanced.

The average price of the drug is from 110 rubles.

No. p / pFund groupNameAdvantagesFlaws
1Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugsParacetamollow price;
gentle attitude to the body;
effective for the treatment of many diseases;
produced in various forms
negatively affects the kidneys and liver;
allowed to take no more than four times a day
2Aspirinuniversal remedy for pain of any nature;
low price and the possibility of purchase without a prescription;
thins the blood;
able to relieve fever
can not be taken with insufficient blood clotting;
irritating effect on the gastrointestinal mucosa
3Pentalginrelieves fever, relieves pain, eliminates inflammation;
effectively acts against pain of any nature;
after use, the effect is felt after a few minutes;
dilates blood vessels and increases efficiency
there are contraindications;
some patients experience side effects;
can not be taken for a long time, as dependence occurs;
cannot be combined with coffee
4niseeffectively eliminates pain of a different nature;
reduces fever and stops the development of inflammation;
affordable price;
sold without a prescription;
long-term action
there are contraindications;
sometimes there are side effects
5Nurofenhas a quick effect;
relieves pain, reduces fever, stops the inflammatory process;
has a long-term effect;
is issued in different forms;
low price
there are side effects;
there are contraindications
6Citramonquickly cope with pain;
operates in a complex manner;
low price;
sold in any pharmacy
incompatible with alcohol;
many side effects;
many contraindications;
increases blood pressure
7AntispasmodicsNo-shpalow price;
effective relief of spasms;
universal remedy for pain of a different nature;
allowed during pregnancy and lactation
should not be taken on an empty stomach;
should not be used by people with lactose allergy;
does not help with migraine or pain caused by dilated vessels
8Spazmalgonthe effect comes very quickly;
acts against various pains;
low cost
many restrictions and contraindications;
not recommended for long-term treatment;
incompatible with alcohol
9AnalgesicsMomentdoes not lead to heaviness in the stomach;
no addiction;
convenient release form
has contraindications;
many side effects
10Ibuprofenuniversal anesthetic with a wide range of applications;
in addition to anesthesia, relieves fever and stops the inflammatory process;
the first result of taking is noticeable 10 minutes after taking the medicine;
the effect lasts for several hours
deposited in the articular tissue;
sometimes causes gastrointestinal side effects;
you need to take the medicine before meals;
has limitations and contraindications for use
11Analginacts simultaneously against pain, inflammation and fever;
does not cause dependence on medicines;
suitable for the elimination of pain of a different nature;
cheap remedy
has a lot of contraindications;
the effect is felt after 20 minutes;
does not eliminate all types of pain;
anesthesia lasts only 2 hours;
the drug gives side effects
12Tempalginallowed to receive from 15 years;
maximum per day with benefit, you can take 3 tablets;
the drug is rapidly absorbed;
has a long-term effect;
relieves pain quickly
if kidney function is impaired, the dosage should be reduced;
the maximum allowed to take within 5 days;
when taken with alcohol, the effect is enhanced

You should not choose medicines for headaches on your own. In many ways, the appointment is determined by the nature of the disease and depends on the intensity of discomfort. If necessary, quickly relieve pain, it is recommended to take the safest, but effective drugs.

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